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Valhalla 55
08:37:54 Sep 20th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

speaking seriously without any flames, this I think, will be the first draw in a while ... i mean apart from HnS and DA who lost OOP (but managed to rebuilt) neither of the 4 kingdoms have lost cities in their "cores" :) no one is losing :)

also, the first era in a while to have more than 65% of its kills done in an open fields battles, not city attacks...

I have a suggestion about next era though - should we probably play on until the win of a certain kingdom is secured (meaning that particular kingdom or alliance have defeated their enemies, even without total domination)? ...and THEN cast arma?

13:37:54 Sep 20th 18 - Teirdel (Saint Talveron):

Hey Chade. Come down for a party yeah? I can roast another 10k nazzie for ya :p

14:04:30 Sep 20th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

i can afford to lose some :) if arma wasn't cast, I would've come, honestly ... i cannot refuse such hospitality ....

as soon as I spank Panic and Hanky, Im coming (time permitting)

17:00:59 Sep 20th 18 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

lol, spank me bby

18:31:19 Sep 20th 18 - Teirdel (Saint Talveron):

Rather hang out with them then me :(

14:10:45 Sep 22nd 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

This era will be one of the largest stalemates in years.

22:21:14 Sep 22nd 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Rain of Fire is too pricy. Burned through like 6k illusionists and only killed like 1k orcs.

00:58:49 Sep 23rd 18 - Ms. Jasmina:

It is certainly not, if you burn 1000 Naz and lose 6000 Mages, thats more than worth it. If you actually casted on Gaia, than thats on you.

01:41:28 Sep 23rd 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

It was Nazgul. Was going for a tongue in cheek humble brag.

They thought our core would be undefended.

01:45:39 Sep 23rd 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Towards the end of the casts Id get 13 or 15 for 64 mus. Bang for buck!

12:17:16 Sep 26th 18 - All Might:

I started the era really late and assumed I'd get killed off.

So I rushed lv 8 military and built up a 200k city, thinking I'd be a mini boss for the era.

Didn't think everyone would ignore me...

13:44:51 Sep 26th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Most in Valhalla fight wars of defense. 

14:18:26 Sep 26th 18 - All Might:

I mean... I don't blame them...

The upkeep for me if I wanted to move out is approx 13.9m

And being so far away from everyone else? I ain't about that debt life.

14:37:53 Sep 26th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

these long eras are killing my activity.

i was pretty active for almost 40 days, but that 2nd month is a real killer

great job to everyone this era... well fought all around

 all might, nice farm, but its honestly super boring the way you played

I'll be back, Off White will be back. Probably with a slightly different lineup too (Matthia inactive??)

I'll take my most fearsome title with pride :)


these long eras are killing my activity.

i was pretty active for almost 40 days, but that 2nd month is a real killer

great job to everyone this era... well fought all around

 all might, nice farm, but its honestly super boring the way you played

I'll be back, Off White will be back. Probably with a slightly different lineup too (Matthia inactive??)

I'll take my most fearsome title with pride :)

Same, I'll be there to Re-claim my Pride on HoH 😉😎.

Yes, Mattathia has some RL issues n exams on going. Dont know when he'll be back.

16:34:18 Sep 26th 18 - HorusPanic (Sir Panic):

should i boot?


should i boot?

Its your decission mate. All he told me is he'll start 30hr/week work schedule n he'll be studying, so he'll be busy.

I think he has a good chance to come back.

18:19:23 Sep 26th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

I got some work to do 0_o

Your character Mr. Johnny Rotten is the 6145th most powerful ruler in Valhalla

Lol just checked mine 😎

Your character Mr. Ivanho The Skog Troll Imperor is the 3rd most powerful ruler in Valhalla

18:55:13 Sep 26th 18 - Mr. Ignis Garrmelo:

Wow really 6145 place.  I thought there were almost 50-100 players and I am being generous here.

19:00:26 Sep 26th 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

Blimey, has anyone else checked out the kingdom list? Valhalla's exploded!

Mr. Old Sam:

Blimey, has anyone else checked out the kingdom list? Valhalla's exploded!

i did XD When will all those KDs will play again? Dang!

19:04:10 Sep 26th 18 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

I'm improving

Your character Mr. Johnny Rotten is the 6144th most powerful ruler in Valhalla

20:03:04 Sep 26th 18 - All Might:

"all might, nice farm, but its honestly super boring the way you played"

I was legit in a corner surrounded by people under protection by the 50% rule xD

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