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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 28

Zetamania 28
18:16:14 Jan 14th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Currently 23 people want the age to end, 19 do not, and 7 people have not voted.

Well thanks for casting Arma guys but it looks like we'll still have to wait 10 days for the era to restart because stupid VU doesn't let you vote again after Arma has been casted once and called off, even if the situation has changed and people want to vote differently. :P

19:27:23 Jan 14th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

i casted it first time at 18% :p

22:58:31 Jan 14th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

Can we impose sanctions against Falconer and Karta being able to build walls next era? That would make it more enjoyable for sure.

23:21:59 Jan 14th 14 - Mr. Try:

Its more enjoyable to have an era finish when there is only one way of finish, and not to prolong it just because someone wants to win an era. 235? ticks till era ends compared to 60? as it would have been. Have fun watching the paint dry (Y)

23:34:33 Jan 14th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

Actually, it's more enjoyable to have an era finish with less DD cities on the map. Sorry your original plan of Armageddon failed. With that being said, no one is out to 'win the era' in Forsaken that I know of. If anything, the consensus is that you are the only one trying so hard. But don't worry, Try, you will still win the era as you planned to. None of us farmed or fed off inactives as heavily as you did, so you will always have that leverage on us :) 

Indeed, we will enjoy 'watching the paint dry', which is Forsaken's victory mural painted over yours.

23:39:24 Jan 14th 14 - Mr. Cry Lock:

Poor guys thinks he knows something :) But i've heard better stories from other forsakenplayers :)

23:48:50 Jan 14th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

10 RL days is plenty of time for two kds to take down one guy. if locks still #1 by era end then he will have deserved it

23:53:34 Jan 14th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

"Poor guys thinks he knows something :) But i've heard better stories from other forsakenplayers :)"

/yawn... 6 minutes to respond and that's the best you come up with? Just as useless as those "real troops" you have on the map, huh?

00:08:33 Jan 15th 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Presi Dent):

Why are you all taking the game so seriously?

00:12:06 Jan 15th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

I'm just having some fun, nothing serious. I'm too old to really care about MMO drama anymore. I was under the impression these era forums are where you can talk some friendly smack :) Is it not? Ah well, actions on the battlefield speak louder than words.

08:47:54 Jan 15th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Hey, I only started building walls because you did. So you can't talk. :P I'll be happy is nobody builds cross-walls next era, as long as nobody wall-jumps either.

09:03:53 Jan 15th 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

Next era, anyone builds walls like this again... I say all KDs should NAP and kill them :P 

09:17:53 Jan 15th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

Karta - I was just poking fun, a lot of us deserve wall sanctions after this era :P

I agree with Karta and Jelly - next era if all KDs can agree on no cross-walls or wall-jumping, the battle field will be kept fair.

i can agree to that and can we also make an amendment to this list about maps where we can block bridges

10:21:39 Jan 15th 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

Good idea, someone should make an image of allowed wall postitions.

11:58:50 Jan 15th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

I think, as long as there is a way through the wall(s) that doesn't need wall-jumping, then it's fine.

13:19:55 Jan 15th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

shaolin dont agree to your mutual agreement for not making lots of GWs. you simple VUers are trying to restrict shaolins from out-tactically-maneuvering you!
next youll be putting a ban on casting aotd into ppls cores!

13:55:22 Jan 15th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Build as many was you want, just don't build them so close thay you can't get past. :P

15:09:08 Jan 15th 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

Yea, because the thing is, AOTD is a game mechanic... Walls that you can't pass is a bug. They were not designed for that to be possible.

18:28:36 Jan 15th 14 - Khan (Mr. Khankhan):

A ban to cross walling and wall jumping is definitely a good idea!

And let's add that Shaolin can't aotd in DD core. Everything else is allowed :)

20:58:01 Jan 15th 14 - SFD (Duke Zonds Fan Girl):

the odds are very uneven :P

ForsakenThe Death Dealers

Battles won: 313
Battles lost: 155

Players: 30
Wolflord Karac
Duke Drakos
General of Sfd Nub And
Mr. Niveko
Mr. Tlan Imass
Mr. Devious
Mr. Irule Here Tooo
Duke Zonds Fan Girl
Dragonlord Crown Royal
Mr. Newhalflingplayer
Mr. Biohazard
Mr. Guess
Mr. Evul
Mr. Jellybean
Mr. Guardian
Kushlord Kevin The Wise
Mr. Sorra The Bold
Mr. Usmc V
Ms. Jovars
Mr. Dewm Feet
Mr. Auron
Mr. Presi Dent
Saint Talveron
Mr. Blumkin
Mr. Rodcet Nife
Mr. Bloodspill
Mr. Grunswick
Mr. Merith
Mr. Makeatutara
Ms. Lyrelai

Battles won: 184
Battles lost: 198

Players: 16
Lady Blubbery Schoolgirl Mush
Mr. Demonicvirus
Lord Agamemnon
Mr. Maximusreturns
Mr. Try
Lord Silvarus
Mr. Anonymous Reaper
Mr. Stbidnic
Mr. Falconer
Mr. Gwap Getter
Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva
Mr. Khankhan
Mr. Blabl
Mr. Tatterton
Mr. Wazzdakka
Mr. Delph The El

21:12:52 Jan 15th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

out of interest, how many of your members are actually active?

30 vs 16 is ridiculous!

21:15:37 Jan 15th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

there are like 5 i think off the top of my head that are inactive.
agreed we need to switch some people next age.

21:18:30 Jan 15th 14 - SFD (Duke Zonds Fan Girl):


23:27:07 Jan 15th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

It's not 30 vs 16, you're forgetting to include yourselves in there Bran. :P

08:39:58 Jan 16th 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):

In fairness, it was AG on DD's side too 

10:02:51 Jan 16th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Well not really, I mean, we weren't attacking each other, but we weren't really helping each other either. We just let AG and Forsaken fight it out. So you can't really say anything about that, because they were already mostly dead by the time we started fighting Forsaken. :P

10:24:47 Jan 16th 14 - Teirdel (Mr. Feardellas):

You know just a question but cant we all really just be like, GJ forsaken. This era played in your favor and congrats on kd era win? I mean how many eras DD won, cant let us taste the fine wine while we are able to?

11:28:02 Jan 16th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

21:57:14 Jan 16th 14 - SFD (Lord Steal For Drugs):

rofl, they wont T as they know how fine the wine tastes :P

you know after all the eras my kd didnt burn there core down on you guys i kinda figured the one time we win in the last 4 eras you'd be as kind to return the favor but i guess i was wrong

23:11:31 Jan 17th 14 - Bran (Duke Legacys Tape Worm):

actually i was in forsaken last era and im pretty sure i wrecked everything

cept for bran

00:49:35 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

I don't think one person destroying one city is enough for you to start complaining about it. Or are you just pissy because it was a 200K city? :P Don't worry about it, you guys have already won. Who cares? :P Unless you just want to get higher on the Hoh. :P Besides, if you can't defend something then why not destroy it? Can't defend everything. :P

05:31:09 Jan 18th 14 - Teirdel (Saint Feyrdellas):

K. Noted. Burn cities to be puissant in future.

07:35:35 Jan 18th 14 - Khan (Mr. Khankhan):

BTW, do we agree on the no crossswalling - no walljumping rule?

09:01:48 Jan 18th 14 - Bran (Duke Legacys Tape Worm):

I agree that my kd wont cross over its walls but I cant promise we wont merge over them

my kd wont cross wall but wont make any guarantees on merging over them

09:53:35 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Both or none. I see any wall-jumping and I will build cross walls. If cross walls are a "glitch" or whatever, then so is wall-jumping. So again, either they are both wrong and shouldn't be done, or anyone can do what they want. We can't pick and choose what is ok and what isn't.

09:57:57 Jan 18th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

crosswalls are actually illegal, hence why zeta goes out of his way to delete them

10:02:16 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

yes we can, if we want to jump walls when we have the chance to we could if you want to crosswalls you could.. 
but my problem with what your saying is..... last time i checked every race in the game had hands sooo they can climb (hence wall jumping) and this is seen in the film "prince of persia" but in no film have i seen a wall.....infront of a wall :P thats juist crazy :P

10:02:59 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

So was wall-jumping. But it's not like he can do anything about that. :P So it's up to us.

Yes, and people could also block off bridges or destroy them. Does that mean we can do it in this game? :P

My point is, if people are just going to jump over walls then why not build cross-walls to prevent that? Or at least make it harder.

10:05:35 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

i say wall jumping is fine we can all do it so not like anyone has a disadvantage against one another, but with crossing walls, everyone would just do it b/c someone else did like we seen this age.

and tbh i dont feel no way about being human and locking 2 200k's inside a mini cross wall box >:)

10:09:34 Jan 18th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

we used to be able to merge over rivers, but zeta stopped that. If he wanted to, he could stop merging over walls too, but he doesnt

10:10:23 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

If people want to go back to how the game is supposed to be played then we have to play by the rules. Which means no cross walling AND wall jumping. Break through blockers the old fashioned way, with overpowering force. :P

10:13:42 Jan 18th 14 - Bran (Mr. Bran Bran Monk):

its not like you can just wall jump whenever you please, you have to have a scout behind enemy lines. It can be defended against. Thats why I see it as a strategy that adds depth to the game. If there were only one way to break a blocker then the game would have no strategy as you could predict how the enemy will come at you every time and would get boring

10:15:11 Jan 18th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Rodcet Nife):

Karta is right. Many of us exploited the dubious walls and wall-hopping bugs this era - but what's done is done. Let's play with some integrity next era and go to war the way the game was intended to be played.

Edit: I somewhat agree with your point, Bran. If ZeTa pops on here and says that yes, walls were meant to be hop-able, the issue is put to rest. Until then, I have my doubts that wall-hopping was an intended feature.

10:20:25 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Zonds Fan Girl):

karta all is fair in love and war :P
and i would be willing (if i was alone ofc) to say yes to not doing any of that if you guys and everyone else didnt destroy the cities that should be taken ;)

10:21:21 Jan 18th 14 - Mr. Karta Killa IV Eva:

Bran, that is every other world without walls, who just have blockers, and they get by ok. :P Either we play the game how it's meant to be played or it's no rules. :P We can't say, "doing this is ok, but doing this isn't." If you want, ask ZeTa if wall-jumping is a "feature" of the game and not an exploit.

Ok, next eta, no destroying cities when you're core is getting taken? There. Easy.

10:23:06 Jan 18th 14 - SFD (Duke Sfd):

this can go on for ages why dont we just agree no crossed walls and we can wall jump if we see fit :P

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