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Zetamania 29
05:06:23 Feb 4th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sorin):

i cant help that taking cities increases my lands size and yes iv been building aswel.. but i have armies on the field...i can see 6-8 members from DD with armies... but please tell me again what DD has been doing again? lol

13:15:58 Feb 4th 14 - Lady Eephg:


14:39:56 Feb 4th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sorin):

Problem? we got two players  who just landed, not 7 players who were landed and abled you to control the map :)

16:10:49 Feb 4th 14 - Lady Eephg:

no I mean that is all we are doing is recruiting.

11:09:14 Feb 7th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

Monks and DD are currently playing tower defense, atleast judging from the maze of walls being built. -.-

12:44:52 Feb 7th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

And Forsaken are playing hide and seek... with an emphasis on the "hide". Putting your effort into running and rebuilding and not putting all your effort into defending what you have. :P

Also, in what way is it a "maze"? It's nothing compaired to last era. :P And our walls are just normal walls. They have been there for ages and are no different than the walls Forsaken build to protect their new core. Why Monks built that other big wall I have no idea. :P Good way to burn through 100K slaves I guess. lol.

13:18:57 Feb 7th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Sorin):

actually it was 250k slaves, but its ok they were former F and DD scum so im fine with sending them to their deaths :P also we have reasons behind everything we do

13:21:08 Feb 7th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

how can you not see the benefit of having that wall?

14:50:29 Feb 7th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Oh trust me, I see the benefit..

20:17:16 Feb 7th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

12:44:52 Feb 7th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

And Forsaken are playing hide and seek... with an emphasis on the "hide". Putting your effort into running and rebuilding and not putting all your effort into defending what you have. :P

Are you daft? Trying to defend a core with that many entrances is stupid, especially if you are getting boxed in. Trying to hold an undefendable position..lmao.

20:19:50 Feb 7th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

p.s. that giant wall is awesome, well placed Monks! Still looks like a maze to funnel mobs in tower defense games though.

20:20:59 Feb 7th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

As for hiding, yeah maybe we are. Still beats hiding behind a wall of so called random new players.

21:11:08 Feb 7th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

"Are you daft? Trying to defend a core with that many entrances is stupid, especially if you are getting boxed in. Trying to hold an undefendable position..lmao."
>>that many entrances

What, 3? or 4? Wow, yeah, that's a lot. :P For most of the era Monks have only been attacking from the top of your core anyway.

"As for hiding, yeah maybe we are. Still beats hiding behind a wall of so called random new players."

Um... what? That.. that doesn't even begin to make any sense. :P

18:47:22 Feb 12th 14 - twentyonepilots (Mr. Wharf The Dwarf):

I love lamp

20:36:40 Feb 12th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

Brick killed a man!

05:39:18 Feb 14th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Wilberforce):

01:00:04 Jan 29th 14 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Jackdaniels Old Number Seven):
na i'm about to start to enjoy the nice scenic view of your cluster fucked core and then i'll go enjoy the scenery of dd's core once i'm done with you losers

What happen to this plan JD? :P

05:42:53 Feb 14th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

Check the map, I'm closer to the DD core than you are! :P

oh decided it was boring over there so i took a vaction south

03:56:21 Feb 15th 14 - Mr. Forever Sin:

You guys forget who has 2+ of the most powerful armies, and I'm not even halfway done with my army. ;) Closer to our core, maybe, but you won't be for very long.

04:20:35 Feb 15th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

Happy farming ^^

06:51:59 Feb 15th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

 Closer to our core, maybe, but you won't be for very long.

You mean the 1k archers where no serious threat? Gee thanks for pointing that out! :P

12:22:03 Feb 15th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Wilberforce):

13:56:21 Feb 15th 14 - Mr. Forever Sin:

You guys forget who has 2+ of the most powerful armies, and I'm not even halfway done with my army. ;) Closer to our core, maybe, but you won't be for very long.


13:41:42 Feb 15th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:


13:10:36 Feb 16th 14 - The Real Josh (Archangel Sorin):



The city of Cities is now under our command!

They had 75 gold, 3237158 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 0 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 28386 of their peasants as slaves!

We killed all of the 58898 troops.

Im pretty sure thats was the Remanence of that glorious HoH army you were talking about forever sin

19:05:46 Feb 16th 14 - Mr. Forever Sin:

You're right, we HAD 2 of the most powerful. Now we HAVE 4 of the most powerful.

And yeah, that was it. Good job. You can kill an army after it was RoF'd to bits. 

19:21:12 Feb 16th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

You sir, are making a fool out of yourself trying to epeen with HOH scores on a merge map. A orc player with 10k nazz 50k mus x10 armies (impossible atm) wouldnt show on hoh, still beats anyone.

19:22:21 Feb 16th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

Dont think you did yourself any favours with that statement Forever -.-

20:12:30 Feb 16th 14 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

"The correct way to gather lots and lots of hate" -By Forever Sin.


(8/10) "It's a bestseller!"
(9/10) "Best literary work of the year."
(5/5) Winner of the Golden Hate award of **** Magazine 2014!
(2/10) "Lol, haha, ahahahaha."
(7/10) "A good work on how you should not defend in an argument."

22:14:39 Feb 16th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Wilberforce):

05:05:46 Feb 17th 14 - Mr. Forever Sin:

You're right, we HAD 2 of the most powerful. Now we HAVE 4 of the most powerful.

And yeah, that was it. Good job. You can kill an army after it was RoF'd to bits.

Your right it was RoF'ed but you cant even beat hammer spam with some nazzies after farming for over a week as a halfer ;) good job you are now fail halfer!

00:47:51 Feb 20th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

I hope you guys decide to come back next era. bring more people this time :p

08:15:52 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Don't get cocky now Bran. You're only winning now because you got lucky. :P

08:32:25 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

Got lucky where? 

08:41:39 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Our merge that broke into your core, sitting out in the open and easily killed because it's leader fell asleep. Taking Bridge of Death one tick before we were able to reinforce it and keep you out. If either of those things were different then things would be different now. So, lucky.

09:51:02 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Lock:

That merge only broke into core due to the fact that we made you take the blocker so we could merge and bounce you with a high % :) Tactics beated you

10:17:11 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Actually you left so all the troops in your blocker wouldn't get killed when we took it. We knew your plan and could have killed both the 2 merges had the person in charge of our merge not fallen asleep. So, you got lucky. :P You guys can deny it all you want but I don't see why. You should be happy that you got lucky and are now winning.

10:30:05 Feb 20th 14 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

"Once people start making excuses and "if's", you know who really won." -Pooh Bear

11:04:25 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Lock:

"Fallen asleep"

I do not have 1m advents coz i "lost exp" before

11:48:12 Feb 20th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

yea we left the block so we wouldnt get killed. obviously. but youre wrong if you think you couldve stopped us merging up, we got by using FM and also had a BT spare which we couldve used.
even if you retreated, we wouldve caught you up so i dont see why you have to act like a sore loser while i was trying to be playful in my last comment.

12:31:08 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

No, I'm really not. You may of had BTs but you didn't use them. I was online at the time and although you were quick, I saw your 2 merges merge together right on top of ours. If I had of been in control of our merge I could have easily bounced them both and stopped you from merging. So say what you want, but you got lucky. :P Besides I don't know why you think that is such a bad thing. :P

12:33:00 Feb 20th 14 - The Real Josh (Princess Fords Blowup Doll):

lmfao... when your winning its because your good.. when we are winning its because your KD members suck?

Necro your as bad as Sin, be quite and prove you are better instead of trolling and laying false accusations

12:47:00 Feb 20th 14 - Prince Night Return:

fallen asleep is the lamest excuse ive heard... 

12:50:21 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

I didn't say anything like that. I just said you got lucky and that things would be different if you hadden't. I don't see why people have to be so offended by it and not just say "yeah, we did" and laught it off. Last time I checked getting lucky wasn't a bad thing. :P

Well it was like 3AM for him. And he had been drinking. So really not that lame of an excuse. Disappointing yes, but understandable.

13:09:31 Feb 20th 14 - Prince Night Return:

well then how is it luck?? its ur problem that ur team member was drinking.. so are u trying to say we're lucky that he drank and its 3am there so he couldnt keep up? well then u guys shouldve plan to change merge leader... and so why dint u guys do that?? oh shaolin kd is lucky cuz DD forgot to change merge leader? so if we lose... we can say u guys are lucky cuz our members forgot to bring out troops from their arms? is that it? pls... dont say luck when losing.... it makes u guys looks more like a sore loser.

13:21:18 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

How "isn't" that lucky for you? If he had of stayed awake for one more tick your whole plan would have failed. I would call that lucky. Like I said, Idk why you're getting so offened by it. :P I'd be happy to catch a lucky break like that and be winning like you are.

14:53:17 Feb 20th 14 - Lady Eephg:

unlucky necro!  we were unlucky.  LOL

14:54:39 Feb 20th 14 - Dreadlord Elan Morin Tedronai:

Please do carry on, high entertainment value:p

17:07:16 Feb 20th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

Lucky, not lucky, you breaking into our core and killing all our armies is just a minor setbakc on our road to win the era :P

18:15:20 Feb 20th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Cazic Thule):

I can't wait for DD to cast arma so I can click "No" :)

19:19:24 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Well then I hope you have fun farming for a little longer and then dying. :P

19:29:11 Feb 20th 14 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Isobieber):

So much negativity from everyone. Can we all just get along?

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