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Zetamania 5
18:31:53 Feb 21st 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

We give them credit for sure and they aren't out of it yet... 

but come on... you have double the members... though, i doubt all are active

it hopefully will remain really fun, again the map is a good time for me

20:01:24 Feb 21st 11 - Mr. Soda Popinski:

lol puppy bunny guard.  We were fighting Cease to Exist while PKS was fighting Hillbilly.  PKS gave us enough time to prepare against hillbilly.  Fortunately, we were able to farm while fighting CEA because of the quality of troops they fight with. 

Through the eye we can see this information about The Nova from Mr. Mmaakedon:
Nova from Mr. Mmaakedon

lol.  and by the way Horus, CEA is fighting Death.  :)

20:43:33 Feb 21st 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

It wasn't a bash, you guys. lol

Sometimes random conditions make things go one way or another. Whether one takes advantage of those opportunities is another thing..... like CTE's flawed core planning. lol

To be honest, our guys passed up a few opportunities to deliver the Death knell to PKS a lot quicker, so that's our bad and yeah, we had a lot of late starters and a few are inactive. 

At least you guys didn't pull a DEATH. lol.....

and I know, PKS are still around, namely that stubborn bastard Grim. :P

22:22:07 Feb 21st 11 - Mr. Soda Popinski:

And why are you not buying my stones anymore?  I think I still have 90M on the market. 

22:28:08 Feb 21st 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

eh, not at the price I want them. 

Some people are starting to put up some retarded prices, so I kinda stopped buying at higher than .96 :P

22:29:08 Feb 21st 11 - Mr. James Bond:

Your stone is not high quality. If you want "real" stone, you should buy from Hillbilly Mafia. Our stones are hand polished to make every building shine lol

23:35:34 Feb 21st 11 - Mr. Mmaakedon:

lol puppy bunny guard.  We were fighting Cease to Exist while PKS was fighting Hillbilly.  PKS gave us enough time to prepare against hillbilly.  Fortunately, we were able to farm while fighting CEA because of the quality of troops they fight with.  

Through the eye we can see this information about The Nova from Mr. Mmaakedon:
Nova from Mr. Mmaakedon

Well I had to defend as a late starter and had no peasants to train and as you see I am still alive and kicking a bit as you know....
So since info is going in public forums then here is some info on Crystal Palace.
There are about 100k troops in it mostly orges so I would say that 1.6 M OP takes that city out....oh and little or no MU's in it.

00:30:37 Feb 22nd 11 - Mr. Tyrin:

Come now every one. It has been a really fun, active,and awesome fight so far and still plenty to go. Even with the cards played how they have been thus far, it is still anyones game. No need to sling mud.

Let us have our armies do the the talking >:)

01:41:13 Feb 22nd 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Mr. Soda Popinski


13:01:24 Feb 21st 11
lol puppy bunny guard.  We were fighting Cease to Exist while PKS was fighting Hillbilly.  PKS gave us enough time to prepare against hillbilly.  Fortunately, we were able to farm while fighting CEA because of the quality of troops they fight with.  

Through the eye we can see this information about The Nova from Mr. Mmaakedon:
Nova from Mr. Mmaakedon

lol.  and by the way Horus, CEA is fighting Death.  :)

Sometimes, when you're in a tight spot, spamming tier 1's and 2's makes sense, since for most races, they materialize into more OP and DP a lot quicker and a lot more cheaply. 

Gaia spam are the easiest and cheapest tier ones to spam, so an Orc utilizing them in his position isn't stupid at all....... and he apparently is still alive afterall.

02:14:02 Feb 22nd 11 - Mr. Samual:

Medieval Warriors, for the most part we fight with the highest level of troops, if you have EIT's of any of my armies from when I was up there you will see we don't train level 1's unless there is no choice 

02:45:44 Feb 22nd 11 - Mr. Caocao:

Soda, you make fun of MMaakedon, even though he is the only member of CE who was able to survive the first attack. If you wanna mock anyone, make fun of me for sucking at math and stolling my army right over for Horus to sway =P

But I'll admit, not one of our best starts to an era. I promise we'll be making it up to you soon enough my bubbly friend ;)

06:05:00 Feb 22nd 11 - Mr. Soda Popinski:

ok. roll call on medieval warriors.  Who attacked mmkaedon?  yeah.  that's right.  He's not part of our plan.  Since he train low level troops and absolutely no mus.  cmon now.  200k gaias????

And of course you will win this war you noobs.  There are only 6 of us.

06:25:28 Feb 22nd 11 - Mr. Soda Popinski:

13:19:12 Feb 22nd 11 - Mr. Soda Popinski:
Feb 15

Through the eye we can see this information about The Nova III from Mr. Mmaakedon:
Nova III from Mr. Mmaakedon

Feb 20
Through the eye we can see this information about The Nova from Mr. Mmaakedon:
Nova from Mr. Mmaakedon

And for the record, we didnt plan to attack anyone because there are only 3 of us and we dont have a concrete relation with PKS yet.  After a few days or possibly a week OOP a couple of guys joined us.  Playstation dude. Calahan, Buyaaa and Reitvondracu.  Reit is gone now.  That is the only time we thought about fighting.  And it's not like we were neighbors.  You were around 30-40 ticks away.  cmon on.  Your problem was your blockers were underdefended, your expansion plan is weak, you were training low level troops, your armies dont have magic protection, you dont have a good mage.  This is not an insult.  I want you to learn from this.

06:35:24 Feb 22nd 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Solid relations or not doesn't matter. They were in no position to war you with CTE between you and them, and use right in their faces. So they were as good as allies. I'm not calling YOU guys a noob though. :P

Farm time can make up for lack of numbers in a situation like this, so it will be interesting.

[a few eras of napping them creates a bond that you can't deny] 

14:07:09 Feb 22nd 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

as I posted in our forum... we are the offspring of PKS so of course there is a bond there... whether we decide to work together or not is our business

When the 5th era started a kingdom called Honest John was formed by some members of ROC on Zetamania. We'll call it Zeta 1. Honest John wound up ruling Zeta 1 but only 15 or so players actually finished the map. 

Zeta 2 started and I joined Honest John, which was quickly overtaken by Red Cross (Aisha did all the heavy lifting for Red Cross at the time) and Honest John dissolved. Instead of restarting, I asked PKS to accept me. They did, I rebuilt and PKS won the map.

Zeta 3, started and PKS had to trim down to 10 members, so I volunteered to lead a spin-off kingdom, which I named Japan. We MAP'd PKS and together dominated the map.

Zeta 4, the most recent era to end, saw Japan change names to MW. We NAP'd PKS and dominated the map... again.

And the only common theme among all those kingdoms is me. I'm the only original castaway of PKS left

14:39:40 Feb 22nd 11 - Mr. Caocao:

Soda, no offense taken.

But when I started the era I was solo, Dwfan joined me because he was close to me. The rest of the players sent in apps after they had already landed on Zet. Creating an organized kd was not my original intention. So yes, our core wasn't much of a core, considering there were only two of us there while evreyone else was scattered around.  I was fighting PKS when Horus attacked, and we had 3 blockers to defend. Unfortunetaly Horus (who is a very good player) got the best of us.

We tried to put together an organized plan, which anyone in my kd knows. We just got put in a tough spot, coupled with 3 guys going inactive just when things started heating up and things just didn't work out.

17:25:17 Feb 22nd 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

lol...... My buddy Tyrin and I originally wanted to try a duo era. But we were realistic when we were in the middle of a bunch of hillbilly's... so far it's worked well. lol

14:22:33 Feb 23rd 11 - Mr. Percy:

And it will end well too. We started with 3 people, but we soon got those around us to join, and now look at us :P

14:48:15 Feb 23rd 11 - Mr. Caocao:

I like the confidence Percy ;)

16:32:00 Feb 23rd 11 - Mr. Soda Popinski:

who is this percy?

16:39:57 Feb 23rd 11 - Mr. Caocao:

Its a secret ;)

17:47:51 Feb 23rd 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

No kiss and tell, Cao?


22:04:18 Feb 23rd 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Half tempted to just end this era..... lol :P

22:31:51 Feb 23rd 11 - Mr. Percy:

Theres no real good way to describe me. Ive played as Percy since about era 40 or so, and since then Ive been running Percy II and Inception, the one thats actually on this world, but for some reason forgot to change the character.

23:19:56 Feb 23rd 11 - Mr. Caocao:

Awww, Way to ruin the surprise

23:55:45 Feb 23rd 11 - Mr. Inception:

Lol sorry Caocao, I felt like saying it. :P

05:11:48 Feb 25th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

Nice armies mafia... but dont think you've won yet. I think we still got a shot at holding back your armies, despite our strategists errors of judgement that has been made recently.

15:27:50 Feb 25th 11 - Mr. Sgt Rock:

MW armies arent  bad either. It will be interesting , however since your blockers dont block , it gives us a bit of an advantage. No matter how it goes, you guys and PKS have been good competition and this era has been a good one. You guys may not think so but from my perspective it has. : )

17:22:21 Feb 25th 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

i think we could have won, but I blew it by overextending myself and underestimating your magic

its not over, but from our position its going to be tough to move out... we are backed into a corner and will have to repel your attacks and come out swinging!!

19:19:35 Feb 25th 11 - Mr. Gregorio Del Pilar:

From my silence I will speak up. I'd underestimated the army of Tyrin, I didn't expect that it would be like that in size. He might be the one who had the best spoil against PKS. Although, I admit I have the most faults on our situation. Being able to be online just once or twice most of the day, my judgment were affected so much plus being the mage also. So I will honor Hillbilly for a job well done, although we can't congratulate you yet. We will still try to find way to repel your attacks since the five of us still has armies in the HoH. So let's enjoy the rest of the era and have a good time.

21:52:40 Feb 25th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

That building count has to affect your tower costs and build times horribly. lol

22:52:38 Feb 25th 11 - Mr. Inception:

I agree, this has been a good era, one of the better ones that Ive played. MW and PKS both fought and are fighting very well, and we will repsect you both, whether we win or not.

00:08:16 Feb 26th 11 - Sun Warrior King Zhao Yun of Shu:

I salute Grim. The man never gave up in the end. You have my respect for such actions.

14:05:45 Feb 26th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

mmm this era had an expected result. PKS had to deal with 2 fronts against 2 kingdoms, and medieval warriors had 2 players who had not played since 2007 (calahan and playstation). Plus 2 pretty inactive players. Maybe 3. (horus amazingly, and buyaaaa and somewhat soda)

14:06:43 Feb 26th 11 - Mr. Wittyusername:

oops wrong character wtf??? this is playstation btw.

19:37:10 Feb 26th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

PKS didn't have to deal with two fronts that much, really. lol.... Their guy Crowley, chose to start hitting Death hard, while we were warring the rest of them. CTE was warring you guys with their core out and exposes (no relevant blockers, really)

Inactivity.... everyone had to deal with it on all sides. It's the norm.

As for two players coming back from two years not playing, I'll raise you two+ guys in our kingdom who've only been playing 3 full eras, at best. :P

to be honest, if Crowley had turned his attention to us, from the start, this may've gone a bit differently. 

20:07:20 Feb 26th 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

yeah, crowley you hear that.... this is all your fault!

EDIT: can i request a armageddon cast soon? you guys should be able to finish us off in the 10 days it takes to cast

21:13:16 Feb 26th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

It's not really crowley's fault, because it was a tough battle with some chances taken. 

As for the arma cast, I can do it, if I was allowed. lol Convince our leadership and maybeh. :P

00:10:37 Feb 27th 11 - Mr. Inception:

No! No casting!! No casting!!

04:07:40 Feb 27th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

why not??? you guys have won. It wont take 10 days to kill us off completely i dont think.

04:38:09 Feb 27th 11 - Mr. Tyrin:

I dont hear a fat lady singing. You guys want it ended so bad, tell Greg to stop running away and fight instead of delaying the inevitable >:)

16:29:08 Feb 27th 11 - Mr. Ford Prefect:

greg isnt running as far as i can tell?

16:40:46 Feb 27th 11 - Mr. Tyrin The Brilliant Dumbass:

lol everytime I come at him he has ran away without facing me. I only fought him at "The Meat" because I caught him with a merge, but when I did so, the was traveling in the other direction ;) Three cities with his hoh army in it now with the same results, I dont know what else you could call it :P

16:50:40 Feb 27th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Yeah, his army is. :P

16:51:05 Feb 27th 11 - Mr. James Bond:

^^lol tyrin wrong character

17:04:53 Feb 27th 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

sorry, guess i missed it... i'm sure he had his reasons!

its been another fun era for me.... still think you should cast it though... i have one strong army running around but soon you will be able to beat me cause i cannot afford the upkeep.... 

02:54:57 Feb 28th 11 - Mr. Crowley:

well horus..its got to be someones fault.  With Death refusing a CF  agreement I opted to start a third front.  It was going well till i hit a stalemate at got crazy for both me and grim (was off for 2 days) and we were unable to coordinate a push forward together..during that time hillbilly seriously crushing our southern front and i was unable to move my reenforcments back to my blocker..death siezed an opportunity to bypass my army and recaptured their the time i got back my income was shot and the army prepping on my last city was equal to mine and growing.  sucks when rl gets in the way but i gambled and loss. had i won it would be a different conversation.  So yes it was all crowleys fault and he died for it...RIP  ^_^

03:04:37 Feb 28th 11 - Mr. Inception:

The game is full of gambles and you just gotta hope you get lucky once in a while. :P 

05:07:37 Feb 28th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Mr. Crowley


19:54:57 Feb 27th 11
well horus..its got to be someones fault.  With Death refusing a CF  agreement I opted to start a third front.  It was going well till i hit a stalemate at got crazy for both me and grim (was off for 2 days) and we were unable to coordinate a push forward together..during that time hillbilly seriously crushing our southern front and i was unable to move my reenforcments back to my blocker..death siezed an opportunity to bypass my army and recaptured their the time i got back my income was shot and the army prepping on my last city was equal to mine and growing.  sucks when rl gets in the way but i gambled and loss. had i won it would be a different conversation.  So yes it was all crowleys fault and he died for it...RIP  ^_^

Not your fault, that's not what I meant, Crowley. You got hit by your southern front falling a bit easier than your could foresee, at the time. My statement was along the lines of "If Crowley had turned his attention to us, we'd still be warring PKS" lol

If it makes you feel any better, all Death has really even done is farm and take a few undefended towns.... avoiding any real fight and only taking their towns back, when they knew you were on your last leg already. 

15:29:55 Feb 28th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

I think i will be the last one alive! anyone dare to correct this? :)

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