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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Era of Mzzery

Zetamania Era of Mzzery
10:36:52 Jan 8th 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

I have to ask why it is I see a city owned by Mr.Malimor with the flag of "The Federation" on it. He was a member of Brethren, but has left to join The Federation because his kingdom are being taken out at the moment.

Do The Federation delight in taking in players who are happy to desert their old kingdoms? It is just asking for mass departure from your own kingdom in future when you have a hard era, since you clearly do not care about whether players have betrayed their old kingdom or not.

10:46:30 Jan 8th 10 - Duke Mithras Harrison Ford:

I was too late to edit it, but not only has Malimor turned traitor and left them, Mr. Stu has aswell. He also was accepted into the ranks of The Federation.

Can you really justify such actions?

12:26:29 Jan 8th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

You cant help just nosing in everywhere can you Mithras ? Breathen are falling appart and acting like every other kd falling appart. For some reason they kicked out Stu. Federation took him in when he asked. You have absolutely no clue what goes on in the fighting area as your entire kd is hiding bellow waiting for thier turn to be killed.

Stu was loyal to breathen even after getting kicked out. He refused to open gates to let us in and he was training in hes blocker to not just give hes old kd away after getting kicked out.

We talked to both him and Uther last night. Both Federation and Stu handled the entire situation realy professional. And you as an unknowing outsider is just trying to cast mud becuase you know you are going to die next and like to talk crap.

Malimar is still not handled. But im sure something similar happened. We had dealings with Malimar last era when he was in mad. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation why he changed tag as well.

12:29:44 Jan 8th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Oh and P.S why didnt you restart when you had the chance so you could go help your new kd setup in Nirvana. Seems utterly dumb to make new cities for us to take bellow Breathen. 

12:31:25 Jan 8th 10 - Lady Boobson:

Lord Adelbert


06:28:29 Jan 8th 10 The remark of ez is actually perfection of his genre, and as one of few he actually is rather humorous =)
I'm sorry, but pendragon -> penisdragon, i can't help it ;D

I still prefer Uther's alternative for the omg wtf lol noob version by principle.

Unfortunately Adele, that's not Ez. Who knows who it is. Bane? Swifty?

Ez is some gay Shagall Gheys, or Shayol Ghul or some crappy name.

15:43:40 Jan 8th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Lord Deno Pan


06:26:29 Jan 8th 10 You cant help just nosing in everywhere can you Mithras ? Breathen are falling appart and acting like every other kd falling appart. For some reason they kicked out Stu. Federation took him in when he asked. You have absolutely no clue what goes on in the fighting area as your entire kd is hiding bellow waiting for thier turn to be killed.

Stu was loyal to breathen even after getting kicked out. He refused to open gates to let us in and he was training in hes blocker to not just give hes old kd away after getting kicked out.

We talked to both him and Uther last night. Both Federation and Stu handled the entire situation realy professional. And you as an unknowing outsider is just trying to cast mud becuase you know you are going to die next and like to talk crap.

Malimar is still not handled. But im sure something similar happened. We had dealings with Malimar last era when he was in mad. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation why he changed tag as well.

I wanna cast a spell... I CAST MUD!?

And yes, as far as Malimor goes, He is an RL friend of Stu and defended him when BF started flaming him and etc. so naturally Malimor got pulled into the flame war. Also, directed at Mithras, Haven't you ever played Civilization? It is culturally acceptable to accept members from other civilizations because you are so much better than them. ^_^ "The vast culture of your nation has convinced Malimor and Stu to join you" =)))

17:30:46 Jan 8th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


I am proud of you little cousin!


it brings a tear to my eye.

And yes Malimor and Stu are like peas and carrots...?

anyways point being is that their loyalties are with eachother and when one is cheated then the other isn't happy either. Brethren should treat their members better, especially the good ones!


Like Sable said though its actually Cultural Stimulation to bring in others from a different society and its a good idea. Especially if you are influential enough to win their loyalty.

Unlike certain people

23:17:02 Jan 8th 10 - Queen Ays of Reason:

Trai·tor ˈtrā-tər noun
1 : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty
2 : one who commits treason

Hear ye! hear ye!

The kingdom of Brethren Forever, being in the midst of honorable war with HIV and attacked by Federation, charge two former players with treason against the Crown.  Let the worlds and kingdoms of VU know these two players by their actions.  Let the truth be known.  And, vengeance be Brethren.

  • Players, Malimor and Stu, join the kingdom at the start of the era.  Malimor joins as Vice and Kingdom Diplomat.  Stu, who joined as Malimor’s RL friend, agrees to hand over all his cities if ‘things don’t work out’.
  • Stu threatens to leave if we lose the core and creates a scout “HIVwelcomehere” next to a failed blocker.
  • Malimor admits he is in private talks with FED about joining.
  • HIV breaks into our outer core; Malimor’s armies are not attacking.
  • Stu asks to leave in the kingdom.  He says FED agreed to not attack him, but HIV was not willing to talk to traitors.  He talks of going Native and asks to keep a Brethren blocker city although he will not attack FED.
  • We agree to allow him 15 tics to train while we prep on his city.  He keeps his troops and abandons the blocker. 
  • Queen Ays kicks him from the kd before the tic for the prep time to begin.
  •  Stu immediately joins FED.
  • King Dragon labels him a traitor.
  • Malimor comes to leadership upset that his friend was kicked and is a traitor.
  • Within hours, Malimor joins FED.
  • Malimor attacks Brethren WH cities for max gains.

Leaving the kingdom in the midst of war is never good.  Requesting to leave a kingdom in war, maybe unavoidable.  Being unhappy about a “kick” you basically requested??   That is plain silly.  Conspiring and and then joining the enemy while at war is by definition treason.   We are all judged by our actions on the field of battle. Their actions speak for themselves.

By the very definition of treason, Malimor and Stu are traitors.

On behalf of all Brethen Forever,
Queen Ays of Reason

23:21:53 Jan 8th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

like how you wrote this, so easy to read, unlike others that post a huge paragraph,

i feel your pain, and not mention you are alredy fighting a mighty kgdm

23:31:01 Jan 8th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

I know they left Brethren Forever, but if you expected them to stay in your kingdom after such poor conduct from your own leaders, you deserve a slap on the face. I didn't see this happen, and to be honest.. I believe them more than you or your so called leader of Brethren. Therefore, I must declare the following;

coward [ˈkaʊəd]n
1. a person who shrinks from or avoids danger, pain, or difficulty

I give such a title to 'Khain' A.K.A. 'King Dragon' for not only what happened before, but what I keep seeing from him. He speaks of 'honour' when all he does is act in ways that will only benefit him, no matter how many of his 'allies' get screwed over for the consequences. If you can't agree with this, it's either because you haven't seen this side of him, or just won't benefit from doing so.

Also, Stu could have easily let HIV pass by his blocker and bring your end a lot closer.. did he do so? Answer this yourself. Not only did he do this, but was the only one who put up a fight while the rest of you ran away and tried to stop us at your 'blockers'.

So next time you try to accuse people of treason or dishonor, take a look at your leader and ask yourself, are you accusing the right people?

On behalf of myself,

23:36:36 Jan 8th 10 - Master Windu:


Nicely done Kaze!!!

00:22:25 Jan 9th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

And for all you ppl with short term memory. Breathen turned on Kaze last era and started taking hes city when it was looking realy tastefull. I know, becuase i was right next to the insident, and saw it with my own eyes.

That is also why i will never believe a single word any of the Breathen ppl speak.

01:28:02 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

Thank you for that statement Deno, that was needed because until this day, Khain still denies it and tries to mix it up in order to favor his so called 'honor'. I'm not quite sure if he's aware, but the definition of that word is a lot different than what he makes it be.

As to the rest of Brethren, you know damn right I'm speaking the truth, which is why you cower and prove to be unresponsive to this topic even to this day.

05:38:38 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Doomhammer:

"And yes, as far as Malimor goes, He is an RL friend of Stu and defended him when BF started flaming him and etc. so naturally Malimor got pulled into the flame war. Also, directed at Mithras, Haven't you ever played Civilization? It is culturally acceptable to accept members from other civilizations because you are so much better than them. ^_^ "The vast culture of your nation has convinced Malimor and Stu to join you" =)))"

Sick post, Sable.... lol

06:38:08 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Why thank you Mr. Doomhammer. And Kaze, definitely digging what you did with the whole definition of coward thing. Spot on. And Deno, thank you for backing us on our claims to Brethren's doings against Kaze, because as he stated, until now no one believed us. =)

And to the tyrants... Oh I'm sorry, did I say that? I meant King and Queen, ..of Brethren Forever, perhaps you should work on your ability to control your people and make them loyal to you, rather than flaming your own KD members. "A house divided CAN NOT stand." Many of you consider our 'traitor accepting' as dishonorable. However, what they've done is not treachery as much as it is standing up for themselves. Mistreatment from the leaders in a kingdom is unacceptable. A leader should respect their subjects just as much, if not more, as they want their subjects to respect them. Haven't you heard of the golden rule? Come on now. Wise up.

06:47:20 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

23:07:03 Scoute lost a battle against Skittyscat II from Queen Ays of Reason. The army retreated to Somewhere. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.


Such hostility lol

07:00:58 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Mr. Kaze


00:47:20 Jan 9th 10 23:07:03 Scoute lost a battle against Skittyscat II from Queen Ays of Reason. The army retreated to Somewhere. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.


Such hostility lol

The blue part made me lol. The green part made me lol twice.

07:23:33 Jan 9th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


That scout thing is funny

Also i would have said something similar to everything that was said but they all pretty much did it for me. Its odd how they all know what im thinking, rofl.

Sable is correct that if kingdoms would show more respect and gratitude towards their member then their kingdoms would last longer and their members would be more loyal through just about anything. Acting like a high and mighty king who demands things from everyone is not a good way to run things. The Federation has everyone make policy suggestions in the Manifesto and the ones that the most of us take liking to is put in and adjusted to fit the kd as a whole.

I doubt that any of my kd members are unhappy (well i am)

i need a burrito! (sorry my fatty ADD kicked in)
If you treat everyone as an equal and rule through management as an overseer then you're practically living Hakuna Matata.

Step 1:

  • Establish a kingdom and Ground Rules
  • Ground rules would be expected behavior from kingdom members
Step 2:
  • As a leader of a kingdom do not promise things that you cannot achieve.
  • I promise equality because that is what i give, and the only thing i do not promise to any of my members is false claim to anything. I promise them a good time and that is what they get.
Step 3:
  • Treat you ranks like a family.
  • Without proximity between you and your "Brethren" you will surely perish. 
Step 4:
  • Come together for a common cause.
Step 5:
  • Execute the cause swiftly, then repeat the cycle starting back at new ground rules (if any are needed or found).

This is very crude and junk but it is my philosophy on how to run things. (for the most part)

08:37:58 Jan 9th 10 - Pope John Wayne:

Enough Talk , what done is done.

I have blessed everyone in Zeta. 

Let just pray and kill each other.

Pope out.

08:54:42 Jan 9th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


the pope is overrated 

10:48:01 Jan 9th 10 - Lady Boobson:

Thats numberwang!

11:01:30 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Fordius:

Actually I find it strange that people try to talk this good ?

Nomather what I wonder what you guys would have done if this happend to your kingdom ? HIV tell me what would you guys do if suddenly 2 a 3 members of yours joined us during the war ? I doubt you guys would say ah nice cool. Counts for Federation too.

I kinda find it low that you change ships during halfway the era or lets say during a war. This guys has no loyalty towards there kd nomather what.
Look you can be against your current leaders or you wont have a good time during the era. Might be true but you've joined them and together you've gone into this war. If you suddenly jump ships your just selfish and think about your own survival.

I bet STU and Maltimor or whateva will get to live after breshen gets killed. STU and Maltimor should either staid untagged or joined a neutral kingdom instead of doing this.

I think this is planned for a while ( cause I doubt federation just takes in every app thats being sended especially from the enemy kd ( I wouldnt and I bet most other big kd's wouldn't ) cause it happend pretty quick after he was out the kd.

well stu and maltimor prolly would have ruined there names cause of this.
Look im not picking sides. Im just judging the fact that people think what they did is good. Not sure why maybe cause brethen is a small kd.
But like I said before what would you say if the same happens to your kd?


11:32:22 Jan 9th 10 - Lady Boobson:

Ford, I agree with you however you're saying we're just saying "Ah nice cool."

Trust me, we do not promote traitors and backstabbery, especially on our enemies. It takes away alot of the sweet taste of victory.

11:36:32 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Smac Ballsack:

and spoils

12:01:31 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

we dont congratulate players that do that. but we dont condemn them either. its just somthing that happens. same goes for if someone jumped ship on us i couldnt get mad because its just somthing that happens. you can call it whatever you want, and you can complain until the cows come home. but it aint gonna stop.

12:05:30 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Fordius:

Ofcourse you can stay the same as little children being raped :)

you can just say its never gonna change so we better comdemn with it.
stop going after them as it doesnt work.

Ofcourse your giving nice logics :)
I know this isnt the same and you can't compare it as that both are different :P

but you still trying to cover this by trying to talk it right :)
says enough about what you think about loyalty and honor doesnt it :)

13:46:57 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

12:17:35 Goingtotrammel lead by Mr. Stu assualted Tervos without remorse or retreat in mind! We lost 0 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages and 0 Berserkers and 0 peasants in the battle.

What's this, exactly?

16:02:43 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

There's a difference between stu and malimor leaving their kingdom and if someone from HIV left. Brethren was mistreating them as outcasts. If I was treated like that in a kingdom i would want to get back at them too. And you can't do that alone. And it would be hard to convince another random kingdom to do it. I happen to know that HIV runs a very good and honorable kingdom and so if someone jumped ship there then there is a problem with the person rather than the figureheads. When Caeser was in power and ruling poorly, did people just sit by and say "Oh you know, we'llw ait until next era."? No they did something about. They got off their asses and killed him dead. Just saying.

16:09:35 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Norse Warrior:

its retarded to give caeser as a example. ceasar was ruining peoples lives , starving thousands , if you and your family starved and your life was ruined by being in brethren forever then it would be a good example.

So tell me is this the case for stu and malimor?

if not then STFU and except the facts.

They jumped ship , for whatever reason when the ship started sinking.

and just saying those who killed caeser themselves admitted that they had betrayed his trust and were dishonrable , thats why they had a honorable man lead the killers , so that his honesty balanced out his betrayal so he didnt go to hell , so even in your example it was seen as dishonorable.

16:16:52 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Well, Stu and Malimor had their honor balanced by originally not fighting Brethren. They were content to sit there and help us with the war in the south with Pokemon. However members from brethren attacked them and so they retaliated. And Brethren was ruining Stu's and Malimor's VU life and so yeah in a way they were. ^_^

No game is fun when your leadership fails you. And that's what games are about right? Fun? Because that's why I though games were invented. For entertainment, right? If you're not having fun in a game something's wrong. Imho

16:37:43 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Norse Warrior:

yes , and are brethren having fun now stu and malimor have cheated?

as regardless of how you term it this is what happened.

Stu and malimor turned on there kingdom , seeing as your fond of real life examples let me give you one.

When the english went to war with the scots.

Bruce Carlise and several other Scottish lords joined the english side , 6 of them were immediately attacked. One was not.

Later on the one who was not attacked destroyed a army of 10 000 scots , and raped the nuns of 4 cities.

Moral : dont let someone else who you are at war with sit peacefully within your lands , they will kill you .

If they had not attacked stu and malimor , when you guys killed pokemon in south stu and malimor would of turned on them.

if stu or malimor hold blockers of theres that settles the whole problem. They cant be allowed to stay there. Would you let your enemy stay in your core?

16:44:10 Jan 9th 10 - Lord Adelbert:

It's a trend to support your allies on the boards these days, and it's corruption in its clearest form.To clarify: No, HIV do not condone jumping ship while fighting still occur. But it's not in our place to interfere further into the federations internal politic.

For the record. Uther runs a trustworthy kingdom in my opinion, regardless of these incidents. But we leave the justification of his actions to himself and his kingdom.

I can only say on a personal note that this is unfortunate. Especially seeing as brethren had their odds against them when this occured. And that the outcome would remain the same regardless. The direct effect of the kingdom jumpers is the loss of spoils and the fun of warfare for us. But it is not in our place to further interfere in Federation business.

17:05:37 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Graxin:

Alright, I don't normally post in forums such as this, but I feel that people are judging things that they don't know or that they do not have the whole story to. People keep saying that Brethren was mistreating or was not listening to STU and Malimor. This simply is not the case.

Brethren took me in last age which was their first age in VU. Together we learned the ropes of the game through trial and error and through some advice from larger KDs. Never once has this KDs leadership been harsh or unkind to me. Even when vital mistakes were made (such as a misplaced blocker) nothing was said against me other than "hey we're still learning". Brethren has treated me as family since day one. (and not the sort of family that bickers and yells at each other)

When Malimor and STU joined the Brethren they were given the benefit of a doubt and were appointed important positions in the KD such as ambassador and as a key blocker. That is not "treating them as outcasts" as some have claimed. They were treated equal to anyone else in the KD until the point when they (mainly STU) failed to follow orders and instead began belittling other members and trying to give orders of their own. Now I was not a part of the discussions that happened between Brethren leadership and these two after their actions aggravated almost the entire KD, but I know they talked for hours and in outside conversations I heard that they were being bullheaded and unreasonable. That is the reason that the plan was made (with STU and Malimor's knowledge) to have them leave the KD. They were the ones that jumped ship and left us hanging mid war contrary to the established agreement of how and when they would go.

I apologize that this got a bit long winded, but this story is not a short and simple one. I would fight to the end for Brethren because they would do the same for me and it truly bothers me to see it's leadership badmouthed.

17:27:26 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:


18:46:12 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

Mr. Norse Warrior


09:37:43 Jan 9th 10 yes , and are brethren having fun now stu and malimor have cheated?

It's their own matter wether they know how to take a loss, or have fun in the game. If you treat other's like garbage, it's only reasonable they get the same treatment, especially when it deals with their own members.

Stu and malimor turned on there kingdom

How can you be sure they turned on their kingdom, or if their kingdom turned on them. First of all, can you back up what you're saying, or are you just talking out of your ass from something you 'heard'?

Moral : dont let someone else who you are at war with sit peacefully within your lands , they will kill you .

Does 'Moral' come into play when they betray a so called 'Ally' on whom they promise so much, and trick into believing they are friends?

If they had not attacked stu and malimor , when you guys killed pokemon in south stu and malimor would of turned on them.

When Stu joined our KD after being kicked out, he reinforced his blockers and kept his gates closed for HIV, so again.. Please educate yourself more on this subject. I already stated this before.


19:12:58 Jan 9th 10 - Master Windu:

So much anger and hate. Dude really? Pope John Wayne said its okay. I totally believe the pope so lets just move on. Keep fighting. We know BF is trying to survive so lets see how long that lasts.

19:21:40 Jan 9th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

On a side note, the Pope also insisted the world was flat for centuries, dun always believe him, Scientology is where it's at!

19:33:54 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

The world's not flat!? Blasphemy. Next you're going to tell me that we live in a heliocentric universe.

19:40:10 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

And Uther. I better not hear a word about your physics. (Sorry was too late to edit.)

21:36:17 Jan 9th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

The Federation

Name: The Federation
Members: 16
Created: 12/25/2009 5:05:18 AM
Leader: Lord Uther Nonsense


A tight order of War Chiefs and a fierce following is what makes our federation and to all lengths the Royal Guard will vow to protect those who form together within our ranks. With hope we carry on and through hope we find our strength and salvation. It is this salvation that binds us and it is these binds that eradicate our foes. The question to ask oneself is not of what you gain but to what end you wish to follow; for if you are not in our ranks there are only three moves. Run, hide, or die.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”

Take my warnings to heart and join us. Send messenger with this information to join The Federation.

1) Past names and eras of experience
2) Past kingdoms and rulers of reference
3) Are you best on offense or defense?
4) Any other information that you may find useful to us.
5) Also in the past have you ever betrayed a kingdom of yours to join the enemy, if so then have you justified your actions in your own reality?

This is the Federation, TRAITORS WELCOME ^_^

Lord Uther Nonsense
Sir Burningliason
Mr. Wolfgore Backstabber
Mr. Sable The Back Blade


21:36:36 Jan 9th 10 - Master Windu:

It dun not matter. He is the pope of VU so really I believe him plus we are buddies. :)

@sable- dude thats hilarious man.

21:52:37 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:


00:43:16 Jan 10th 10 - Pope John Wayne:

Another day has dawned 

ahhhhhh as I wake from my chamber, where did I put my skullcap.

Men / Women please spare sometime during your battles today , I will be conducting a VU Mass. 

Confession will start early so have your sins ready.

01:00:24 Jan 10th 10 - Sir Moonshine:

My sin was watching the censored part of North American Pokemon and not the real version of Pokemon, for that's my only sin.

04:20:08 Jan 10th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

My only sin was allowing people the right to redeem themselves and forgiving them in mine own eyes in the hopes that the Lord would look past their trespasses.


04:48:04 Jan 10th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

What i notice here is that the entire exersize going on is that everyone are trying to turn everyones view in their favour against their enemies. It is in particulraily interesting watching Fordiucus take a sudden interest in the matter going on. Hes statements obviously only serves himself.

The funny thing is that while Fordius only serves hes own interests, and even goes as far as napping all of hes home world so he can go attack Hiv, and then further more tries to enter our world thread and come here as the big man who knows it all. Hiv is still finnishing off our oop wars, no naps for us, while off tanking fordius and hes kd on the side.

11:34:18 Jan 10th 10 - Mr. Fordius:

Like I claimed before I'm neutral.
Our is this in your interest itself making them leave the kd so you guys have a better chance now.

We have no relations with Brethen or what so ever.
The only thing I'm judging here is what they both did and nothing else.

Than I find your false accusattions so funny. It's obvious let's ask the VU community. How am I know ? Ive pretty much fought the most wars in vu and they know I never nap allot. So Deno Pan before you make false accusations maybe gather information about the history of vu.

Than lets come to the talk about GOTF. In the start of the war GOTF came to us and we talked about nap. I've rejected ( you could see Struddles saying this somewhere, than we had agreed that the winner would leave the loser build up somewhere else in peace. We clearly had won from GOTF you can ask them so we kept out end of the deal.
Not sure how you would have handled this maybe you wouldnt stick to your words.

Than you claim to war but do you actually had a 1 vs 1 war with Brethen or with Hollywood ? as far as I know and heard it was pretty much a 2vs1 and a 3vs1 war so please stick your comments in a place where the sun doesnt shine.

Again maybe ask your own kd m8's about my history and find out that I'm a warmongor :)

13:54:29 Jan 10th 10 - Lady Boobson:

Fordius? Whos he? Isn't he that noob who tried to solo carnage and got his butt kicked? :P

13:57:53 Jan 10th 10 - Mr. Fordius:

Haha I solo played carnage but I defenitly didnt get my butt kicked :)
if you ask carnage they would still remember the numbers in Nazguls :P

But I couldnt proceed either as there merger was as strong as my nazguls :(
ask darkmoor :P

14:41:11 Jan 10th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Has no one noticed this?? (P.S. I MADE IT BETTER) ^_^

The Federation

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Federation
Members: 16
Created: 12/25/2009 5:05:18 AM
Leader: Lord Uther Nonsense


A tight order of War Chiefs and a fierce following is what makes our federation and to all lengths the Royal Guard will vow to protect those who form together within our ranks. With hope we carry on and through hope we find our strength and salvation. It is this salvation that binds us and it is these binds that eradicate our foes. The question to ask oneself is not of what you gain but to what end you wish to follow; for if you are not in our ranks there are only three moves. Run, hide, or betray.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”

Take my warnings to heart and join us, traitors. Send messenger with this information to join The Federation.

1) Past names you have used when betraying.
2) Past kingdoms you have betrayed
3) Are you best betray with or without cause?
4) Do you betray offensively or defensively?
5) Have you justified your betrayal in your own reality? If so we'll believe you. And no one else.

This is the Federation, TRAITORS WELCOME ^_^


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