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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Wars I

Zetamania Wars I
07:08:47 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

KNOFF, dont worry about the premature attack. its irrelevant, and not worth discussing! just bring some armies so we can have our fun!

rhianna, we arent complaining, we LOVE war! its sad we are a dying breed, with all the big pussy alliances going on! all well, can DR work with KNOFF to take us out? maybe, only time can tell.

im just saying, its fun down here! its been my worst era by far, havent been a mage in awhile and im still not very good :) but its definitely one of the best eras! war with every kingdom? sounds like a plan!

07:59:51 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Allan:

AHA!! Way to have a warriors spirit Soccer! That a way! we need more men like you playing this game.

08:39:58 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

lol, meet more people that can say they are Jesters. its how we play the game.

09:06:55 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

Pussy alliances?

Oh you mean, us allying with each other to fight the bigger picture, instead of fighting with everyone trying to look big? Riiiight....

I don't see how it's pussyish when we have been fighting armies from 3 different KD's?

And no, we aren't hiding between two larger KD's telling people we want war with people we can't even get to ;)

16:01:02 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

no, that wasnt directed at u squiddy, white wolves is fine. they were forced to ally by the giant pussy: FA, ritz, and LDK!

thats right, i said it! epyon, instead of just losing to DR, u should try fighting FA and LDK while ur at it :)

(just some more 'complaining' from a lowly Jester member :))

16:09:24 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

sry, this one had to be taken care of.

Mr. Squiddy


9/24/2007 1:06:55 AM
Pussy alliances?

Oh you mean, us allying with each other to fight the bigger picture, instead of fighting with everyone trying to look big? Riiiight....

I don't see how it's pussyish when we have been fighting armies from 3 different KD's?

And no, we aren't hiding between two larger KD's telling people we want war with people we can't even get to ;)


do u have ANY idea what ur talking about? seriously, this is so far from the truth, its not even funny. well, a little bit funny.

17:11:12 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Considering the fact that we are fighting both the kd's that we are "hiding between"...

19:20:33 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

Who are you...? Haven't seen anything of you on the map.

and okay soccermage, apologies, I thought you were directing that at us.

I don't see how the second part is that far from the truth. Every time you speak of your situation in the war you make it sound like you were some super kingdom taking on everyone around you...

"can DR work with KNOFF to take us out? maybe, only time can tell." - Soccermage.

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Zetamania
FAFreelance Alliance19Mr. Evans338
RitzRitz19Lord Epyon320
NKOFFNoble Knights of the Orde of the Frozen Flame42Sir Timmiev239
DRDark Riders Empire17Mr. Justanius Fontainius213
LDKLietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste7Duke Vytautas Didysis112
wolfKnights of the White Wolf23General Wolfenstien100
NEWLOLthe younger jester11Mr. Soccermage47
PredWPredators Wing8Mr. Burre33

So you are saying you don't know if two KD's much, much stronger than you are going to win? A bit optimistic if you ask me...

It would be like me saying, "Hah, those puny FA armies didn't hurt at all, we can take you all!", "Oh but remember we are having fun so it doesn't matter what we do ;)"

20:08:26 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Dos:

oh stop trying to pick a fight. There's nothing wrong with being optimistic.

Everyone in Zeta knows Jester are the super kingdom. We in FA (and I'm sure our buddies Ritz feel the same way) are just thankful we started at the other side of the map. 

20:44:14 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

lol, dos, humorous! squiddy, what kind of leader would say "those two much larger kingdoms are going to kill us! we have no hope!"

im not that leader. thanks, have a nice day.

oh, and we are taking on everyone around us. if anyone on the map can say they have an NAP with Jester, please speak up now. silence? thank you, now have fun whoreing with ur big alliances. (goes for both sides)

21:59:19 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Ok, I just wanted to add in something that's been bothering me for a while...We, Jester, are not automatically in an uber-alliance with NKOFF, Wolf, and DR against Ritz, FA, and LDK just because we are in a southernly position....I realize now that some of the problems people had with us might be due to the fact that they did not the above stated fact.

22:03:23 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

"oh, and we are taking on everyone around us"

Funny, what I could see of your KD has been mostly taken over by NKOFF, so yeah, I guess you really are taking them all ;)

There is a difference between recklessness and honourable fighting.

whoring? I haven't built more than 5k buildings in the last week and I know for a fact that I am the only one to have put anything into building.... so... how exactly are we whoring?

"if anyone on the map can say they have an NAP with Jester, please speak up now. silence?" Uhm, you are proud that you are so incapable of diplomacy you haven't managed to secure one NaP? Oh well, bravo mate, well done indeed!

"no, that wasnt directed at u squiddy, white wolves is fine. they were forced to ally by the giant pussy: FA, ritz, and LDK!" - Soccermage.

"thank you, now have fun whoreing with ur big alliances. (goes for both sides)" - Soccermage

That is what I like to call a contradictory term. Care to get your story straight?

22:04:54 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

wat the *beep* dr is the only one fighting ritz head on and us working with nkoff wer actually nap'd not pussy allined with fa like ritz and by the way we wer planning on fighting nkoff and ritz but jesters came back from the dead

22:17:28 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Actually, I don't remember anyone of our cities falling to NKOFF, but I could be mistaken...

23:23:42 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Erunion, some have....but most have not. I lost my two cities in the far east, away from the rest of the kingdom...and my armory (which I realize was dumb but I wasn't expecting attacks there) and a few cities were taken in our core. But I believe we've hurt NKOFF a lot more....Wolf, I personally think you are great. Definitely among the top in the map, and imo you guys are not whoring. I believe what Soccer was saying, was that the same doesn't go for your entire alliance/team/wtvr.

01:36:52 Sep 25th 07 - Lord Epyon:

The Kingdom listings dont necessarily mean everything....

Kingdoms in Zetamania
FAFreelance Alliance19Mr. Evans104
RitzRitz19Lord Epyon100
NKOFFNoble Knights of the Orde of the Frozen Flame42Sir Timmiev76
DRDark Riders Empire17Mr. Justanius Fontainius65
LDKLietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste7Duke Vytautas Didysis35
wolfKnights of the White Wolf23General Wolfenstien32
NEWLOLthe younger jester11Mr. Soccermage12
PredWPredators Wing8Mr. Burre9
AoAArmy of Anubis13Mr. Anonymous6
LegionThe Legion12Lord Domses Drathor0
SPASpartans8Mr. Leonidas0
TempTemp1Mr. Temporary0
DarkThe Slaanesh2Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven0

DR is only 65 compared to us, but the chart doesnt show military power, which believe me from first hand experience, DR is showing some kickass military.

The rankings are still fun and still show how good kingdoms are, but it doesnt mean that someone low on the totem pole isnt as good :)

01:43:33 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

We thank you for your vote of confidence Epyon, for we are very far down the figurative totem pole...

01:57:41 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Wow thats alot of info O_o And FA is not dumb!

01:59:13 Sep 25th 07 - Lord Epyon:

I never said FA was dumb =S

hows that a lot of info? lol all it is is a kd list ;D everybody has one :D

03:29:32 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

so, epyon, ur saying jester will conquer every kingdom in zeta and rule as tyrants over the above said world? cool.

04:04:39 Sep 25th 07 - Lord Epyon:

errr okay Soccer, if you want to put words in my mouth.... =P

05:07:05 Sep 25th 07 - Sir Wessick:

Activity and organization are important... I can tell you from first hand experiance... being first does not mean the most well organized or most well prepared.

I do admit that I like the way the world is divided between north and south.  I think we will still be fighting this war well into armagedon.


05:08:39 Sep 25th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Wise words, Sir Wessick :) This war could very well drag out for a while :\ I'm just waiting for LDK to do something.... ;D COUGH COUGH :P

You're right, activity and organization can make all the difference :)

05:16:56 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Prechips:

The Dark Riders are doing just fine taking on mulitiple kingdoms so lets not get all angry at dark riders because were just fine taking on a lot of kingdoms.  And Thanks Lord Epyon for the compliment about are millitary power.   Yours was good too.  Sorry im slaughtering them on OUR front wall.  :)

05:20:41 Sep 25th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Woah Prechips! You jerk! lol that was OUR wall :D

I dun have a problem admitting that other kingdoms are good because lets face it, they are :) I think they deserve credit for doing well, even if I'm the one they're fighting ^_^

But yeah, DR is doing really well =S While we were focusing on NKOFF they were just building up nicely and now, I guess we gotta pay for it :D

Prechips.... your merge is so damn big! lol

05:22:07 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Niveko:

Lol Epyon, I wasent talking to you, to teh otehr guys, that insult FA =P and info in genral when I log on I got liek 20 posts to read lol.

05:25:02 Sep 25th 07 - Lord Epyon:

hehe why would I have anything bad to say against FA :P or any kingdom for that matter? :P

08:03:00 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

cuz FA smells like rotten cheese! prefect to go on ur stale ritz crackers! :)

08:24:05 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Prechips:

lol Lord Epyon well thanks for the compliment.  Let me give you a hint about taking the wall back.  Yeah now Ritz doesnt have there pretty little wall to defend from Prechips and My armies

15:07:27 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Alexander The Great:

jesters @$$ was kicked , lol

16:14:12 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:


16:15:24 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

are you seriously talking alex? LOL! do not even discuss politics perios, your kingdom had no idea.

"hey, they are about to kill us, why dont we all apply and join their side?"

ur a disgrace to VU, leave now.

16:30:52 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Rimtas:

am epyon we are sending our armies to kill white wolf in the east and hunt them down all ;) one by one :)p and then we will take down nkoff ;)


we are playing just 6 .. one realy inactive one week offline... other 2 isnt doing anything... and just me, vytautas,spraitas,bomfnk have couple of armies ;)

18:30:47 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

Who is rimtas with? Never heard of him :S

and if you go about taking NKOFF out the same way you are taking us out, then I expect this to drag on for a very LONG time ;)

18:34:45 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

He's my multi.

18:34:49 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

nkoff is quantity not quality end of story

19:40:06 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Gurath:

Yeah for no buildings and negative income.  Stupid mages, taking my money just to die.  At least an army I can take cities with, so there's some benefit to the cost.  I throw 100k mages at a city and they get killed by peasants. :D
I only wish I built up instead of military, because then I wouldn't be so weak now.  Won't see me winning any battles with MUs though.

19:58:56 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

what does that even mean? any relevance to thread? kingdom mages arent supposed to be militarily excellent.

21:30:01 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Oh that your excuse ;) Just kidding, you're doing good as mage. I almost considered being mage next era! Then I realized, I like orc too much for that!

And this war could be long, but it is too early to judge. It could end with the quick collapse of some kingdom causing their whole side to lose quickly. It could also be a drawn out battle with no decisive winner. We'll have to wait and see.

21:57:06 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

I predict we will fall first, FA will take all our colonies, then go straight for NKOFF who will have just finished killing off jester and not had much time to organise a defence.

NKOFF will lose a lot of first battles, but will start winning after a day or so, nothing much will happen for maybe a week. DR will push through into Ritz who will receive barely any help from FA and DR receiving barely any help from NKOFF as they will both be sending their all at each other. LDK will probably be attacking with FA against NKOFF and probably give the FA/LDK armies the extra firepower needed to eventually break through.

Whether this will all happen before armageddon is done, I don't know...

22:33:14 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Ject:

DR won't get that far, and if they do then Rits will receive help. as it is we have sent a few 50k armies at DR to help ritz and we have taken NKOFF off of ritz's backs which was originaly ritz's war, not ours.

22:45:13 Sep 25th 07 - Lord Epyon:

hmmmm does this mean our war with DR will soon become FA's war with DR? ^_^

22:50:45 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

NKOFF is sending a lot of troops at us, they better hope it doesnt leave them exposed for FA!

22:59:48 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

I'm pretty sure it will ^.^

23:17:45 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Then why'd the bother. I'm sure we wouldn't have minded sending some troops over to meet need to come all the way over here lol ;)

23:39:32 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

or they could have kept the NAP lol! poor decision!

03:20:31 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Prechips:

Hey this is unfair now.  Maybe if a couple of the Dark Riders quit then it would be fair or maybe if i sent a few thousand knights to join your team..  nkoff is Not the Dark riders. Fa its going to take a lot more than a couple 50k armies to defeat us. 

03:24:58 Sep 26th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Ject, I gotta agree with Prechips on this from first hand experience on the battlefield =S DR's merges shouldnt be taken lightly :)

04:05:10 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Soccermage:

ya, we just now FINALLY cleared them out of our core for the most part. they had some strong armies in here for awhile! now we can focus on NKOFF

04:25:35 Sep 26th 07 - Lord Epyon:

yep, looks like NKOFF is givin ya troubles to the east :\

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