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Forums / In game politics / all world awards - messiah

all world awards - messiah
17:15:17 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Prised:

Btw thanks PDL, although im sure Dealus will simply ignore facts and rant some more, its how he and Overcome deal with being busted being asshats.

18:09:05 Mar 27th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

You do the same thing so I wouldn't start talking.  I think you need to ask your doctor to check for brain damage.  Your posts relating to Smith show what kind of game you would play...cheating and low tactics ofc.  Go quit already and rid this game of your strench.  Oh, and go bring up me saying I was going to quit because you NEVER bring up old history.

18:44:11 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

scientist, just let him be. his like a little kid pumped up on testosteron. no matter what u say, he will just lie and insult you. i just hope he is not like this in real life. and i sincerly mean that in a hopefull and good way.

19:47:12 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Jillian:

oh ben poor ben

00:48:06 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Prised:

LOL yeah I lied, except for you know the whole you guys just got busted lying part. I am ok overcome im not the one who cost my alliance an era by being a douchebag.

Lew nice farming, im impressed.

01:26:49 Mar 28th 09 - Saint Lucises Lavour Leon:

man I wish Phil was playing this game...

02:06:17 Mar 28th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Prised lol haven't you left yet or are you trying to be a fail troll? You act like this game means a lot to real life does more so keep acting like your actions in this game will hurt our feelings.  Jeez forgive me.  I spent time with my family today...what did you do?

02:57:29 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Prised:

LOL well "scientist" you are on here whining all the time so I would beg to differ, whats funny is that you beak off about honour while being in FF with a guy who admitted to prepping an invasion on an ally "because other people backstabbed him before" LOL, im not sure who is the bigger *beep* you or dealus but at least deallus will admit hes wrong on msn.

I am done here, I have had fun making a lot of you so called veterans look like *beep*s, hell even while babysitting *beep*s we still managed to come second on zeta this era.

as for what i did today, first I went to work, then i went to the gym, now im moking some nerd who mouths about honour while having none.

03:02:04 Mar 28th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Do you have to bring this up again? You didn't prove sh*t you stupid little whiner.  All you do is brag about how you are so honorable.  If that is the case, why does 90% of VU hate you? Are they dishonorable too? You contradict yourself so damn much.  You kept bragging about how the past is the past and how bringing it up is stupid.  Well look in a mirror stupid! Guess what? I AM DEALLUS AND I DIDN'T ADMIT TO ANYTHING NUB.  Did the name change not float through your brain? You still have not figured it out? I practically told you myself on MSN! Go get laid fool!

03:07:26 Mar 28th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

And no, cybering does NOT count.

15:59:38 Mar 28th 09 - Sir Prised:

Hahahahaha, so you are scientist and you are william berkely?  btw I was just waiting for you to admit that you are a cheating multiing piece of *beep*. others told me you cheated but I thought Id see of you would admit it. I know you shared supposed private messages with others from other kingdoms and abused your MOD status, I also know that you flat out lied in this thread and got busted by Peter when he showed you the REAL dates and timelines and yet you ignored that.

What you dont seem to get is that im not overly concerned is 90% of VU hates me, frankly I was a *beep* who blew up their vision of superiority by showing up and doing well. the people who knew me respected me and thats enough for me. we are talking about THIS era and you kept saying Dark was dishonourable when FF was one of the most dishonourable kingdoms in the history of the game.

You admitted on msn that you prepped an invasion because other allainces had stabbed you in the back in the past, why you cant admit that and move on says a lot about you.

as for getting Laid, why dont you ask some of your former dark friends about the women I date, Justin has actually met my Gf.

16:12:10 Mar 28th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

must.. resist.. flame bait... must quit.. vu..

ever heard of swapping names Prised?!

there... I said it..

16:17:27 Mar 28th 09 - Ms. Jade:

Ryan they are 2 different people. When FF disbanded they intermingled their names to throw people off.

21:12:54 Mar 28th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Oh wow, I don't even have to say anything.  Wait wait, what about that life you claim you have? You are still here aren't you? lol.  I was off with my life until now.  You keep claiming you are quitting but you haven't, which means your bashing me for not quitting is another contradiction you have.  Real smooth work.  You keep saying the same thing but you never prove any of it.  Lawyers would tear the sh*t out of any argument you could come up with in RL.  I would love to see you commit some crime and try to lie your way out of it.

PS - Talking on Skype doesn't count as "meeting" :P

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