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The Recruitment Centre
13:14:58 Sep 14th 23 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):


We had a Hamish appearance last era on Fant and I am now running Black Flag.

I was in Saiyin with Denko as the leader before joining ROC with Kevdwayne

16:31:24 Sep 17th 23 - Mr. Overhill:

@ Horus

 I do not remember Denki. Must of been right before Cave brought me in. I was Drakos back then. Stopped playing for a few years. Decided to play again a few months ago.  
 Gonna work my way up the ladder again rather than come back as Duke Drakos. 

18:14:18 Sep 17th 23 - Penguin (Clown Winnie The Pooh):

Drakos? Nope never heard of him. 

18:26:51 Sep 17th 23 - Mr. Overhill:

Lol. Could of sworn I saw you in the Tavern. You must of been a walking drunk... or I was..🤔

23:37:27 Sep 17th 23 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

I was in bow with drakos and karac 

23:43:20 Sep 17th 23 - Mr. Overhill:

@ horus 

I remember you from back then.  And I remember Penguin as well. Good to see some names I recognise. And I just saw Karac today actually, trying to talk him into coming back. 

00:01:59 Sep 18th 23 - Konspyre (Mr. Misterious):

Penguin saying he has never heard of Drakos has to be either a lie or his memory is bad!
He fought him on Mantrax when he played ~2yrs ago and Riven played, with karac+drakos!
Don't fall for the lies

00:10:05 Sep 18th 23 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

I specifically remember. Wars with dominion and lightening dust

00:55:12 Sep 20th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Oh shit, is Penguin coming back?! 

08:07:29 Sep 22nd 23 - Penguin (Clown Winnie The Pooh):


04:40:09 Sep 24th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Penguin, you're making me big sad.

Good times were had. lol

10:47:20 Sep 24th 23 - Penguin (Clown Winnie The Pooh):

If buttseks was involved, we might have had fun, but if I don’t remember you Pendergast, most likely we didn’t

23:10:41 Sep 26th 23 - Mr. Cryrone:

I think there is a real problem with KD balance in this game. If you want to play in a very coordinated KD that requires Discord, you basically have no options outside BC on Fant and FW on Mant, then the group that play with Discord on Valhalla (not sure what to call them). At some point someone should try to put together an opposing side on Valhalla and Mant that is also coordinated in this way. There are almost no options for players who want to play in a very coordinated environment. 

23:22:38 Sep 26th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Mr. Cryrone:

I think there is a real problem with KD balance in this game. If you want to play in a very coordinated KD that requires Discord, you basically have no options outside BC on Fant and FW on Mant, then the group that play with Discord on Valhalla (not sure what to call them). At some point someone should try to put together an opposing side on Valhalla and Mant that is also coordinated in this way. There are almost no options for players who want to play in a very coordinated environment. 

I'll let you in on a secret, we do the bare minimum here in BC. Always have. Sure we try to plan out drop and relative core area, we do discuss roles, but people in BC can do what they want. 

Oh you want to join and play a no magic science elf? Go crazy, have fun experimenting!
We're laissez faire AF. 

23:23:34 Sep 26th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Alith Anar):

Communication is truly a skill, and having it be as effortless as possible is indeed something everyone should pursue!

Discord is great for anyone who has a job with any level of downtime, and playing feels smoother with it!

If anyone is currently not using it because they don't understand it, or thinks it would be too much to learn, please let me know and I'd be happy to talk you through it. (It wouldn't take more than a few minutes :D)

Thank you for the compliments and advice Cyrus, it's very accurate!

23:33:09 Sep 26th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):


Communication is truly a skill, and having it be as effortless as possible is indeed something everyone should pursue!

Discord is great for anyone who has a job with any level of downtime, and playing feels smoother with it!

If anyone is currently not using it because they don't understand it, or thinks it would be too much to learn, please let me know and I'd be happy to talk you through it. (It wouldn't take more than a few minutes :D)

Thank you for the compliments and advice Cyrus, it's very accurate!

Discord saves me so much time. Back when I originally started playing and everything was done in in the kd forums and messages, it took so much time to communicate everything. It's also an app you can get if the phone, so it's easier to manage, you're less likely to log onto messages hours after the fact to learn that you've been core dropped and are losing everything. 

If you aren't using it, i'd suggest giving it a try. I would also offer anyone assistance with setting a server up for your kingdom. 

23:50:05 Sep 26th 23 - Endless (Ms. Dysnomia):

no thanks, too many hackers using Discord 

07:12:08 Sep 27th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):


That's like not using the internet because too many hackers use it. 

Discord is perfectly safe as long as you don't share important info over it. 

07:51:40 Sep 27th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Alith Anar):

Maybe she ista hacker so she doesn't want that mucg competition!

12:54:24 Sep 27th 23 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

Black Flag is down to one player, looking to recruit a veteran that is still active.

17:52:22 Sep 27th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Child Elf):

> I'll let you in on a secret, we do the bare minimum here in BC. Always have. Sure we try to plan out drop and relative core area, we do discuss roles, but people in BC can do what they want. 

> Oh you want to join and play a no magic science elf? Go crazy, have fun experimenting!
> We're laissez faire AF. 

OH HEY! Us too... literally dgaf attitude from anyone who decides to play that era.

12:56:53 Sep 29th 23 - Lady Jasmina:

I wanted to get on Discord now

I get this lol

Sorry, you have been blocked

You are unable to access

13:26:04 Sep 29th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Alith Anar):

Weird, I had that too on the app, switched to in the browser and it works fine.

04:59:35 Oct 1st 23 - Prince Mirelurker:

Also it would be cool if you guys as community make plans to try to end eras at different times so that someone who wants to play can spawn and not be two weeks late. If I wanted to play now I could not cause anywhere I spawn I die at oop. 

Mr. Cryrone:

I think there is a real problem with KD balance in this game. If you want to play in a very coordinated KD that requires Discord, you basically have no options outside BC on Fant and FW on Mant, then the group that play with Discord on Valhalla (not sure what to call them). At some point someone should try to put together an opposing side on Valhalla and Mant that is also coordinated in this way. There are almost no options for players who want to play in a very coordinated environment. 

22:52:04 Oct 6th 23 - Mr. Cryrone:

I really think there is no point in even trying to "win" if you're not using Discord.  Play for fun, sure, but winning? Good luck if you're not using Discord and are playing against a KD that is! You have absolutely no chance against a KD with Discord (and if you do win, it's probably says more about them than you). While you are waiting multiple hours for a freeze, the KDs that use Discord get it within an hour (usually less), and if they don't, they'll have a much easier time knowing when to expect it. While your KD is planning what to do on the forums and the discussion is taking days to close out, KDs on Discord have it in real time and finish in 20 minutes. It's like trying to win a war when you are using carrier pigeons and the enemy has 4G wireless cellphones. This isn't 2009 anymore guys. The best chance for these others KDs to create a competitive environment on Mantrax and Valhalla (where the game is dominated by the same group of players) is to get with the times and start using Discord. Just try it for ONE era, with the VU Discord bot that is free to use, and you will very quickly realize what an impossible disadvantage you are playing at if you aren't using these recourses. 

23:04:29 Oct 6th 23 - Mr. Cryrone:

I forgot to mention the Discord bot. You might have a spreadsheet that shows what your prep will look like after X turns. You might have a good grasp on what your prep might look like after X turns based on your years of experience. Well, people in Discord just copy paste their attack screen into Discord and the bot tells them exactly what their % will be (assuming the enemies defense remains the same) for every following turn. They can simulate army with X power vs army with Y power with just a few commands. They can know what their prep will look like with another level of science with a command. You can get all this info in less than 5 minutes, consult in real time with your KD members about what the best course of action is, and make moves accordingly. I think it's time to step out of the stone age if there is going to be any hope of creating a more competitive environment on Valhalla and Mantrax! Anyone who thinks this isn't a problem, well, you're wrong!

23:06:23 Oct 6th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jasling):

Strongly agree with everything Cyrus said! It honestly just makes everyone's life easier, and most importantly to me, i can invest less of my time into VU, while getting better results. And we all know "Activity" truly decides the game.

16:20:25 Oct 7th 23 - Percy (Sir Impercynator):

If anyone is on the fence with the Discord bot, needs help getting it setup, or anything in the realm, dont hesitate to reach out to Moff or I :)

We made that bot specifically to make everyone's life easier, with a secondary goal to help migrate the playerbase away from slow in-game comms to real-time comms in Discord. Safe to say you're seeing the results on the field, as the dominant kingdoms now all use Discord.

Like Jasper said, Discord (even without the bot) allows each player to be less active with the same performance, as anyone in the KD can live-ping an ally to get info. If you can text, you can Discord. Its seriously that easy.

00:01:44 Oct 8th 23 - Friendly Peasant Cyrone:

So are Valhalla and Mantrax just hopeless waste of time worlds then? You can't tell me anyone is actually having fun on those worlds aside from the kingdoms that dominate it continually. Someone should step up and try to create a competitive environment or you can enjoy this game bleeding out more and more with each passing era. 

00:59:44 Oct 8th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Alith Anar):

Truly spoken like someone who hasn't played those worlds at all Cyrus!

FW finally wins without Venomz after eras of being a punching bag, but Cyrus decided FW dominates!

Elves won Val, and has won most of the past few eras, but that doesn't mean it came free, and that doesn't mean it was decided beforehand. This was the easiest era yet, I do admit that, yet people like Spartan, Gemonio and Arc still made us fight a lot harder for it than it might seem

That being said, "someone should step up", in an ideal world, everyone should step up on every world!
There are fitting kingdoms for returning / new players on all worlds, and the average level of play guarantees everyone can properly play the game.

Sidenote, anyone not using Discord, please change your mind, thank you!

01:23:38 Oct 8th 23 - HorusPanic (Mr. Addicted):

i enjoy valhalla, last era was weird, usualyy pest has a big presesnse

12:28:45 Oct 8th 23 - Penguin (Clown Winnie The Pooh):

Oh i heard that bastard penguin got back and is playing with FW again. May the odds be in other kd favour. 

20:36:19 Oct 19th 23 - Mr. Pointbreak XI:

Who is Recruiting?

I am back for a couple of Eras.

12:50:25 Oct 20th 23 - Lady Jasmina:

Mantrax is the world that started latest. You would be 7 days late, but you're already in QM and you're more than welcome to stay with us and play Mantrax :)

14:00:18 Oct 26th 23 - HorusPanic (Darth Trepidation):

Looking for one or two strong and active players

Black Flag

Kingdom Banner

Name: Black Flag
Members: 2
Created: 12/24/2009 9:03:04 PM
Leader: Darth Trepidation

Compare kingdom


The oldest continuous kingdom ID in the game.

War, that mad game the world so loves to play. ~Jonathan Swift

07:21:26 Oct 27th 23 - Edi (Mr. Edd The Great):

We are again looking for a Mage

When least active person plays magic
Its sad :-(

Someone join us and cast sh1t

Lady Jasmina:

Question Mark (Mantrax) is looking for someone who enjoys playing Mage and would like to play Mage in future eras for us. Previous Mage experience preferred but not mandatory. IM me if you are interested.

Kingdom Banner

Name: Question Mark
Members: 10
Created: 9/29/2021 5:07:23 AM
Leader: Lady Jasmina

13:45:39 Oct 28th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Moff Moff):

@edi are y’all on discord? If so, maybe I’ll join an era or two!

00:36:06 Oct 29th 23 - Lady Jasmina:

I did create QM Discord as soon as the kingdom was created but we do not use Discord so nope... :(

18:12:59 Nov 4th 23 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Question Mark on Mantrax needs a mage for next era. 

01:22:18 Nov 5th 23 - Lady Jasmina:

Question Mark is no longer recruiting

17:14:47 Nov 16th 23 - Mr. Professorrickpickle:

I have landed in Mantrax. Currently, I am kingdomless but looking to change that. I am a predominate Discord user (I do not like depending on the forum). Will wake up at 4 am to catch an army prepping on a city.....not really but I get up decently early to check the game as well as before bed and many times inbetween.

22:59:08 Dec 3rd 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

Lady Jasmina:

I did create QM Discord as soon as the kingdom was created but we do not use Discord so nope... :(

Heck yeah, I love to see you embracing the use of discord. 
It really does make communication so much more efficient. 

13:09:37 Jan 7th 24 - Lady Elisa Day:

Looking for a kingdom next era in Valh

Fairly active and know what I am doing
Best known for leaving Kd and eating inactives
Apparently its a big no-no.

13:22:59 Jan 7th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Lady Elisa Day:

Looking for a kingdom next era in Valh

Fairly active and know what I am doing
Best known for leaving Kd and eating inactives
Apparently its a big no-no.

PDC would probably take you, that guy loves suspicious feeding strats

16:00:47 Jan 8th 24 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

@ elisa 

I'm going to bring Sunfire back to Valhalla... hope to attract one ignix back too... would defintely have you... trying to keep the members under 5 though

16:54:03 Jan 8th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Horus you should probably reconsider bringing Elisa or their pal Gimli into your KD. This era on Valhalla after figuring out that Syndicate planned to take a break, rather than negotiating a CF or just letting their inactive members demo their cities, Elisa and Gimli left Syndicate, formed Curse and attacked all their old KD members, getting fed, and then ultimately dying to me anyways. (Lol =D)

So not only did they use shady tactics, they didn't even do it that well. 

18:59:26 Jan 8th 24 - HorusPanic (Duke University):

interesting, noone accepted anything so we'll see... maybe i'll just putz around

08:47:47 Jan 9th 24 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

To be fair they did not have Orcs to burn, and me as only active member in end was left alone, they attacked only people that went 4-5 days inactive in mid war. Sure, they should have wrecked everything, but I highly doubt they would have left if people did not go inactive. To be fair people did announce they will not be here for Christmas and New Year, so you could argue they should have wrecked their stuff first.

09:14:09 Jan 9th 24 - Sir Gimli Planin:

You guys should get the f off your high horse. Ya’ll acting like Hamish or plenty of others did not kick out and eat inactives in Black Flag kingdom? 

10:08:59 Jan 9th 24 - Professor Lucius Vorenus:


Horus you should probably reconsider bringing Elisa or their pal Gimli into your KD. This era on Valhalla after figuring out that Syndicate planned to take a break, rather than negotiating a CF or just letting their inactive members demo their cities, Elisa and Gimli left Syndicate, formed Curse and attacked all their old KD members, getting fed, and then ultimately dying to me anyways. (Lol =D)

So not only did they use shady tactics, they didn't even do it that well. 

I remember someone saying they wanted to test and see if the 50% rule still applied as they left the kingdom. Still a bunch of sus though.

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