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Forums / In game politics / Era 34: Zetamania Wars

Era 34: Zetamania Wars
18:09:20 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:

Pendragon mind you own war LoL

18:16:36 Jul 24th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

How many attacks did you have?
Ok, we could not defend out member to the south, he was new, joined the KD later on. Just about when you got those two members on the south, that we knew from before. But he got up in the core and he is ok.
So when you attacked from south, all your armies were killed.
When Lupu attacked west we went there, got back out blockers in one piece and killed all his armies.
When you attacked north, we defended and killed all your armies.
You can not say it was not like that.

As a new KD in Zeta we did quite good till now.

18:17:00 Jul 24th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

Ms. Jasmina


7/25/2008 1:06:32 AMYou tried that already some time ago and you were defeated.
From the beginning of the era veteran KD like MAD is having trouble with a new KD like our ODC...
We have beaten all your attacks by now... We have defeated your first merged attack, we have defeated Lupu Lupu attacking on west. We got back and we would have defeated your merge here but some of our members are on vacation. By the way if my blocker did not have a gap (that I did not know off) and if you had to prepare on the blocker, we would probably kill the merge again, because we already had lots of backup coming.
Our army is mostly defensive yes... So you could never overtake the city... Offensive troops were on the way, but the gap changed our plans.

Haha! NONSENSE! You didn't got it all do you? I feel PITY for you!

Haven't you see the HoH Armies? That's what called reinforcement!

And you said I was beaten at the west? How much joy it brings to you beating up a small army?



19:05:22 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



: D

19:53:27 Jul 24th 08 - Mr. Zump:

"Haha! NONSENSE! You didn't got it all do you? I feel PITY for you!
Haven't you see the HoH Armies? That's what called reinforcement"

The highscores are basically based out of numbers. So the most powerful army in the highscore isn't necessarily the one with the highest offence and defence points.

20:13:05 Jul 24th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Exactly, Thank you Zump.

Noone seems to realize this...

03:06:29 Jul 25th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

As far as I can see there no need for this arguing. I'm not here just to boast out what I've done but to play this game in a clean, fair way.

I'm sorry if I had posted here some insulting messages. I would say it my bad. I apologize for the manners I had before. So let's just play this game in a more real man way. No more insulting messages please!

06:15:01 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. Justin:

aight im to lazy to read cuz its 9 pm here and im tired ass hell. Lap who beat whoes merge?

06:20:10 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

both merges are still intact.

06:28:51 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Ok thanks OMA

07:17:26 Jul 25th 08 - Lady Mia:

Yeah same here. Sorry for anything i did too. It is just that i am frustrated of what happened.. Hmm. But this problem will not going to happen again.. :D


MAD, we will be back and will be better. So be prepare for it.. :P

08:10:36 Jul 25th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

The highscores are basically based out of numbers. So the most powerful army in the highscore isn't necessarily the one with the highest offence and defence points.

How do they compute for this? I don't really get this high scores..

08:34:30 Jul 25th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Don't get so pumped up by those merges.. Merges are just nothing.. Those are just bunch of stupid troops.. Hahaha..

Now.. To ODC,we admitted that you defeated our 1st merge.. But don't act like that you can always defeat us.. And to clarify something,you didn't killed all our armies.. You just killed some of our troops in the 1st merge.. One more thing, even if we couldn't get North Blocker, we may take over Zumps Block and start our assault into your core from it..

@Lady Mia,why will we attack North Blocker if we can take another route to your core? What do you mean by playing a proper fight? Who are you referring that to?

@Zump,if your saying that we can't beat you in your blocker,then we will do something to pull your merge out of your blocker and defeat it.. Tactics,you may say..

@Lord UP,don't say that no one realize that statement.. I know about it but I don't know the basis of that list..

And to all,till we meet (again).. ^_^

09:53:00 Jul 25th 08 - Lord Random:

@ Jasmina

lol im hurt that you'd call what happened from the south an attack....

i sent 4k hammers to see if you were silly enough to let me set up an amoury.....

obviously not =P

09:56:42 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

Ms. Macarodge


7/25/2008 7:10:36 AM

The highscores are basically based out of numbers. So the most powerful army in the highscore isn't necessarily the one with the highest offence and defence points.

How do they compute for this? I don't really get this high scores..

@macarodge basically the army with the most troops in it gets to the top of the HoH for armies.

14:28:40 Jul 25th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



you sure about that?

I thought they did it for point value?

15:03:02 Jul 25th 08 - Lord Random:

well there is a point value, but the higher level troops are undervalued for some races, eg orcs and human, so the larger dwarf and halfer armies which will have more troops will take up the Hoh spots as they have more troops.

eg. 20k hammer dwarf army.... 500k OP - 300,000 points
       5k naz army..... 750kOP - 25,000 points

not sure about the numbers but someone posted these figures somewhere...

lvl1: 1pt
lvl2: 2pt
lvl3: 3pt
lvl4: 0pt

the numbers don't matter... point is even on a point system the larger armies will be higher on the Hoh even though they have lower OP or DP.

16:27:51 Jul 25th 08 - Lady Mia:

Hmm.. It is not fun at all you just have to use the gap right? Nevermind. What goes around comes around. :)

17:07:58 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

Level 4 troops do have points as last era I had a HoH army and wanted to test it out. So I just put my mages back in the city and it dropped me off the HoH.

18:08:42 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. Arkantos:

so Who's Warring Who?

20:04:32 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

im warring everyone.

20:07:31 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Well i dont think its changed any bit:


PF vs AoA


OMA vs Everyone

21:34:12 Jul 25th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

OMA vs Everyone


21:52:13 Jul 25th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

Lord Random


7/25/2008 2:03:02 PMwell there is a point value, but the higher level troops are undervalued for some races, eg orcs and human, so the larger dwarf and halfer armies which will have more troops will take up the Hoh spots as they have more troops.

eg. 20k hammer dwarf army.... 500k OP - 300,000 points
       5k naz army..... 750kOP - 25,000 points

not sure about the numbers but someone posted these figures somewhere...

lvl1: 1pt
lvl2: 2pt
lvl3: 3pt
lvl4: 0pt

the numbers don't matter... point is even on a point system the larger armies will be higher on the Hoh even though they have lower OP or DP.

Why do people always say this.its not true.It was done like this ERA'S AGO(LIKE 12 IF IM NOT MISTAKEN).It is now done solely on numbers thereforth it is not an indication of any kind of strength at all.

06:33:02 Jul 26th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



just the overall size of the army?

Dang that sucks...

11:18:02 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

yeah thats what i meant.I have a large 30K archmages army and some puny slinger army's are ahead on the HoH.But with orcs if you see a nazgul army on the HoH you know to just get the hell out of there.

15:07:21 Jul 26th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Yeah! I see an hoh orc army but it is only a 5k army.. :)

19:22:36 Jul 26th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

I'm starting to panic against OMA. Is it really Nazzies?

19:45:28 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

..........Yes.he has whole nazgul armies.Whoever he is fighting had a close escape from his 2K nazguls army which was gna kill your 12K elf army.(88% But he lost somehow)

19:56:44 Jul 26th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

Wow! How can my 50k adventurers defend my cities against that army? T_T

But still I'm happy. Back in HoH! But sadly in 9th position only. And making again those under new rule protected against me. T_T

And bankrupting my income because of my high army upkeep. T_T

20:05:09 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

.................You know altogether he has about 60K nazzies.Its just 2K that got killed so about 48K nazzies.A nazzies offence is about 150 and 150 defence.If i was you i would still be panacing.a 2K nazgul army has about 300K offencive and defencive if im not you think you can hanbdle that??

20:07:53 Jul 26th 08 - Sir Arming:

60k Nazzies? Now where did you get that info from?

20:10:32 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

dno.I heard someone say it on chat.and that is meant to say 30K lol.

20:11:41 Jul 26th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

60k nazzies? Maybe I can agree if it was 60k catas for it's more possible.

20:15:19 Jul 26th 08 - Sir Arming:

60k Nazzies*8.5k= 510 Million gold

No way, Ford would of done that, but not Oma.

Battles won: 54
Battles lost: 22

Players: 1
Mr. One Man Army

54 Victories, now lets say that all of those victories where VS cities (doubtful). To get enough gold to make 60k nazzies you would need to plunder 9,444,444 from each city. No one in Zeta even makes 10M gold to my knowledge (maybe DoD does).

Even 30k Nazzies is pushing it a little far.

20:18:51 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

..................Ive had 60K nazzies before.Its not all that hard if you didnt have any oop's and have saved up.(dnt know if OMA did). and sir lapulapu unless you are a orc wether it is 60K or not you should still panic from a nazzy army that big,

20:51:52 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Zump:

510 mil gold isn't that hard to get late era. I think it would be difficult to get at this time of the era.

20:59:18 Jul 26th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

This is from the guides people write:

"Orc: Nazgul 150/150 Good unit. Very strong however it is costly. Dont expect to have even 10k at the end of era. But even 1k of these are super in an army. "

So you are saying that he has 60k Nazguls at this point?
Come on, that cant not be true.

21:01:52 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

he doesn't have 60k nazzies. simple

21:19:49 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

i know.I was just saying its not ompossible to get 60K nazguls.I got 50K nazguls mid era and i wasnt even focusing on Nazgul armies.

21:38:59 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

sorry, but i dont belive you have 50K nazzies atm.

21:51:06 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

i dont have 60k naz. dont know where all that came from. but you can still fear me =P


21:53:02 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

First off Kath isnt even talking about this era. Second off he aint even orc he is elf this era

22:23:23 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Zump:

"You know altogether he has about 60K nazzies" 

That's present tense.

22:26:12 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Ive had 60K nazzies before

Past tense

23:37:33 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

The first comment that zump qouted was about OMa.hence you know HE not you know I.

So if you want to use tenses think of basic english first.

I said ive HAD 60K nazzies as justin pointed out.

23:39:20 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Zump:

Yeah, I was talking about what you said about oma, I know what you said after was past tense...

23:57:00 Jul 26th 08 - Sir Arming:

He only has 10k. 12k Maz Naz.

01:20:22 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

Arming you do not know what i have :p

so keep quiet.

04:43:20 Jul 27th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


*LUP looks and judges OMA in size*

(hahahaha sounds bad)

I bet i could take a good estimated guess but i will not do so for that would be stupid to post that type of info on the Forum.

If i know even close to how many Nazzies he has only me and my kd mates will know that way we will know what we are facing and no one else will.

OMA first off is a Bad Ass.

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