Forums / In game politics / Good vs Evil
Good vs Evil | |||||||||
I back Anon on this one, its one hell of an ugly flag. | |||||||||
I think it looks great. Lol | |||||||||
I probably suggest when this round is over, that a "imaginary" divider line to be placed either vertically or horizontally throughout the map until the protection of the initial 45 to 60 hours has ended which in of protection. Allows a more anticipated form of action from one side vs another. Definitely a suggestion amongst all to discuss. | |||||||||
I have to agree. Zeta, We need to set the drop zones to either side of the map. This will allow a better strategy in both defense and attack. It would also add a new aspect to the game. Please say you'll do it for us next era. | |||||||||
Greatwalls and merges would be cool too with the number of people in each kingdom on this map. | |||||||||
This has probably been said before, but if/when a player leaves their kingdom, whether it be kicked or leave voluntarily, I think they should also be kicked from the world until it is reset by Arma. That'll take away the tagless and KD flippers. | |||||||||
Dakarta has a point. And I agree with Chaotic. | |||||||||
Of course GW's would be nice, but imo it should be with more people and/or a different map. | |||||||||
Rotating Map like the upper worlds | |||||||||
Yes that would also be great, considering its just 2 kingdoms, would be fun as hell, and hopefully bring new blood. | |||||||||
This is good discussion. | |||||||||
I don't agree with fixed drop points, oop is where the most strategy is used. When you're able to farm there is very little strategy involved at all, all you do is farm up an awesome number of troops attack around day 30-35 cw a blocker and storm a core with 5 armies. Some people actually enjoy oop wars so you can't just take that away, the imaginary border promotes farming even more. If there were fixed drop points then you have to include fixed drops close together for an oop war every few eras Map rotation is a good idea, especially since this map doesn't work on mobile ahah. | |||||||||
i agree that oop wars are a part of the game and a big part of the strategy in managing a kd is allowing for the potential for oop war. | |||||||||
To be direct and to the point I'm not a huge fan of fixed drop points either, but it's pretty important that you dont get completely lopsided spawn points on what is effectively a 1v1 world that only has 2 kingdoms. Everyone would agree that some positions in VU are more defensible than others. | |||||||||
Sorry for the double post, but this needs to be said: | |||||||||
I only suggested fixed positions because this was essentially to bring hype into something different, but additions to new(er) players to attempt this game. I know that the sense of having experienced players to enjoy the oop strategies, but this was also made to allow new players to have a great sense into continuing to enjoy the game we have here at the moment. Which fixed positions is ideally needed to keep a lot of new gamers interested in this. Without this, i see that dying oop may not be as well enjoyable or provide an experience one can lead up to having forward. I know that at era start, people end up moving at the start and then landing from there and people spawn and spread out. But having a fixed position or creating a divider straight through either horizontally/vertically at start, one can at least explore and give a tactical area to begin and a base for economy, a separate base for attacking, magic towns and/or whatever. If you attempt to look at a new gamer view on coming here, would you rather have a chance to live a little bit, then die later, or just die a couple days into the era. I know it is part of the game, but this is how we also have to attract and keep players. I think randomizing players from the Fantasia (because majority of the experience and active players are there), have them in separate group. Then have everyone not there be the additions randomly added into the groups. I know it is a lot of work, but in sense you have a decent ratio of really dedicated players on both sides plus with everyone else. It's definitely not beneficial just having everyone tossing their sticks in one huge pile and hoping for the best, than in which having the most experience have their sticks in one pile and then the rest in another, due to this, i think it is a better placement of players. For this then you have a much"realistically fair" fight when either being in the groups: Good and Evil. I agree if one decides to leave an alliance for another that they either sit out for the era(s). It's meant to be randomized, not to be in favorites. But this is my two cents - Moonshine | |||||||||
I think great walls yes Merges no Oop should stay as it is, it's the most exciting time of an era, it's also important as kd leaders to ensure that everyone is appropriately prepared for oop war with towers and walls. I'm liking the rotating map idea as well and might also suggest a new map be made for the gve arena, something with only a few chokepoints where fighting would get really intense or like a satellite image of a castle would be cool too... | |||||||||
I disagree that oop doesn't need to be changed, it has to be changed, any attempt to capture people and remain is likelier if they are safe and protected for the time being, than dying from an experience player feeding on newbies. People only have certain amount of time in the day to play this hourly-based game. It is better that you make it last, than have go away within a couple of weeks. This was suggested this realm to be given opportunity for newcomers to give an opportunity to play among the experience, mid and the new. Having it changed at the start is paramount for a potential growth instead of an ongoing decline. Keeping it the same only gives the same standard everywhere else in all the worlds. Providing a safe haven for a limited time, allowing the growth from newbie to potential full time player is huge, even if it is just one or two people, it allows the ball to roll. This will definitely give hate among the experience players, but if you want more competition, you have to dumb it down for the others. Which in meaning a divider line to be placed. You can still have cities bordering that line and invade when it is lifted. But this gives equal chance for both sides of newcomers to build and grow. | |||||||||
I think that Moonshine is exactly on point here: GvE is a cool concept, but at the end of the day it's also as noob friendly as VU could possibly get and VU is NOT a noob friendly game. I've seen 5 new players at least on GvE in Evil alone, that's a lot when you consider how VU's population has been for a while. | |||||||||
So what do you guys think? If we did this we could even contact some of the older players who quit when things like racial building penalties drove them away from the hundreds of players merged worlds of the past that people loved. | |||||||||
So you are suggesting one big world? like we used to have before the realms merged together? XXX XOX XXX each X being a separate cross-able map? and O being the middle with bonus resources. If the player count on GvE increased then hell yeah now that would be very fun and challenging to play. | |||||||||
I don't even think that the player count needs to be above 60 total players for this to work, the concept functions with around 50 players and we have 90 people playing GvE. If anything merged worlds for GvE specifically works BETTER with fewer players, and merged worlds in general only work well with more players (100+) and we honestly dont have enough players to apply merged worlds in the same way we did in the past.... yet. | |||||||||
I did not understand what you want the 'guides' to do. Perhaps you could better explain what is you want them to accomplish spawning on each corner with new players. Indeed making GvE a bunch of maps stitched together would be awesome and fun as hell.
There are not really 95 players playing, there are around 60 maybe less actual active players playing. I stand neutral on the placing positions issue, but I would like to see a shuffle every couple of round to keep the world entertaining. Balanced and no tagless players, also disabling the leave kingdom button here would also be nice. Maybe even a 'Vote for Leader/Vices' pull on a revamped kingdom page. | |||||||||
I think that just having an experienced player on the same map as the newer players in the corner who actually wants to be there to help the new players instead of feeding off of them would be a useful resource for them to have. You could make the guides clearly with a special rank in the KDs so that the new players could easily just look at the map, see the guide, and then ask them a question. Realistically most peope don't want to be a guide and if you throw 15 noobs in the corner they might just fail completely. | |||||||||
please don't kick all kingdomless from the map. I have not yet decided if i should join Good or Evil yet. | |||||||||
you should join the kingdom you prefer or the closes to you ie Evil. They have dedicated people whom will be glad to help you with the ropes. | |||||||||
Absolutely listen to what Yisrahel is saying here guys, we might not want to allow for a third faction of KDless players but doing something stupid like kicking all of the kingdomless players from the map is the exact kind of good-meaning decision that just ruin everything that we are doing. We may not always be able to agree on what we want as a community, but if there's one thing we can all agree on it's that what we don't want is to drive new players away. | |||||||||
You should join Evil Yisrahel because we have players who will help you to learn the game and this round is looking a bit imbalanced in Evil's favor. That said this is why we need to work as a community to improve our game and community, bring in new life, and tell Zeta EXACTLY what it is we want and CLEARLY so he can actually do the shit we NEED him to do, do you guys understand? One of the reasons the round is so imbalanced, aside from a random shuffle producing slightly stacked teams and Evil doing things like using Skype, is that Evil is just going to have more players than Good because of how every new player joined Evil and it's easy to see why that is: 1. Right now the rules shuffle at the start but do nothing to ensure 'even' teams past that point. 2. At the start of GvE there was one person (Lampercut) who spawned a bit late and didn't have a kingdom. He applied to Evil, perhaps because it sounded cooler than Good or had a slicker banner, or because he had friends in the KD, either way he is a new player who shouldn't have even had the ability to spawn onto the map without a kingdom. This produced a domino effect where because we controlled more of the map people joined us because we controlled more of the map new players who were on the outskirts of the map joined us because we controlled more of the map. 3. The moment it was clear that Evil looked to be ahead people just joined Evil because they could. Then you have all of these other issues as well. Players like 'Fromps' 'Ogre' 'Yisrahel' 'Wonderful' and 'Lampercut' get utterly fucked because they are all caught on the outskirts away from the kingdom BECAUSE they are new players and the system is a bit fucked right now. Players like Legendary and Marquess Hartmut run some of them down, they die, and some quit the game. Can you blame Legendary or Marquess Hartmut? No. They are owning. Good for them, they're strong players doing work for their kingdom. So what do we need to do? Do we need to tell people 'hey stop having fun'? No, fuck that. These guys are playing well and going exactly what they should be, but right now that means killing players that are weaker and on their own who just so happen to all be new because of the system in place. So what SHOULD we do? Do we sit here and complain? No, fuck that. We need to help these new players and then fix everything we can ourselves then tell Zeta EXACTLY what we need to him do when we run into issues that we can't fix ourselves. | |||||||||
For the record I haven't attacked single tagless player nor plan to do so, Fromps was free game because he was part of a kingdom, you would expect him having some kind of back up and us not letting him just sit there farming. I DID recommend him to join Evil. | |||||||||
I think the solution would simply be to make all players landing on this world automatically spawn into either good or evil. Good or evil then set the land point to somewere that would be good for a new player to land and keep on moving it as they need to as the borders change and cores fall. Think it would be good because Zeta could put it so its automatically done , every other player goes to either good or evil. We could also set a automated welcome message , that the leader of good and evil write, its auto sent to the new player who joins the respective kingdom , introducing him to the leadership , and the idea of the kingdom forums , maybe even , in the case of new members , giving them a bit of info about skype groups that would be good to join. Thats just my thoughts , it would be good aswell because once the system is in place it could be monitored by the players instead of zeta having to keep step in. | |||||||||
I don't think anyone has done anything wrong, people are just playing the game and there are things about the game right now that make it so stuff happens that isn't good for the game itself. | |||||||||
The only reason i suggested the automated replies is because , I've noticed on a lot of games you get people who make an account , play for half an hour and then just leave. By getting an automated message sent to them , that is pre written by the kingdom leader , telling them who to talk to for help etc , it means they are immediately engaged , whether the kingdom leader is online , AFK or in the middle of another task. Just to help catch them initially thats all. So maybe one setting out whos who and suggesting some kingdom forums to post on to introduce yourself , something of that type. | |||||||||
3. The moment it was clear that Evil looked to be ahead people just joined Evil because they could. Unfortunately, a handful of players used be in Good like Fromps, but decided to leave and join Evil instead. Why we suggest either booting or disable the leave kingdom because it enables switching sides like what Fromps and the other(s) have done as well. This glitch needs to be resolved. So believing that they were "essentially" tagless from the start, they did have kingdoms, just didn't prefer to be they wanted to be in the first place. Merged maps sounds cool, is it possible to have mixed maps cut and paste onto others, like desert on one, then a forest in the next or something since it was suggested and potential to do. Then at least there isn't a need for switching up maps, it is all there already. | |||||||||
They would need to be heavily edited so when crossing you don't get stuck on a forest or a lake. | |||||||||
Yeah when it was suggested I wouldnt know how the maps would cross over unless you made a neutral free roaming zone where you can just move along the edge of the map which I dont like the idea of. | |||||||||
I have to disagree on the fact that you're seeing that fixed points are good, but a divider line is not. No matter where you place a person on the map, fixed or not, they are going to travel with force march and settle a city inside the core. It is used and abused, if you're trying to make it work for something you are attempting to create for anyone new, you have to denounce the ability to do so. You either take the orc faction out of it and it be used in every world except this one or you place a divider line and removes their ability to do so. | |||||||||
Should I join good :p | |||||||||
then good side would be op Fordius | |||||||||
Interesting, I was not aware of this. Things need to simply be 'Good' and 'Evil' with no other allignments, tagless, or kd hopping. As for merged maps you can just pick and chose maps and cut them down smaller, it's not hard for the community to take an image like Manxmap or Desert and just cut it down how they want it in MSPaint and present it to the admin. The maps would need to be edited a bit, and crossing from world to world could work how it used to or use a new system. | |||||||||
my opinion | |||||||||
I like that clear and concise way of sharing your opinions so I'm going to copy it. Everyone has a different opinion and this lets us know how people feel about stuff without the need to argue or debate | |||||||||
My opinion -No merge -No wall -Unsure on linked -spawned in a kd in the city they have assigned | |||||||||
My Opinion: - No to merge - No to wall - Linked be cool, can live with or not - Spawn assigned or not but requires a divided line to prevent orc landings due to they can move directly onto the other side faster than any other race. Or eliminate orcs altogether for this realm only. - Yes to disable/prevent the "leave kingdom" button so that kingdomless members from switching/alternating preference or to go solo. Map was made to give random choice of being "Good" or "Evil", made to be randomly chosen, not choose because of matter of opinion. | |||||||||
- yes to 'forced fixed' teams | |||||||||
-No to divider line during protection -Yes to some form of balancing the teams -Yes to linked maps once we come to a good conclusion Good discussion is being made to help VU. If you have ideas for anything, post them. People in Evil have already talked about how their playing characters on other worlds specifically to help the new players in their kds. Stuff like that really helps the game. | |||||||||
No to divider line Yes to disable leave kd button No to linked maps No to merges Yes to great walls: FYI when I first started playing it was one of the most attractive things about this game to me... I'm sad it's only available on zeta. Yes to orc dropping it's just part of the game, if the kingdom is organized enough then it will be exciting and challenging Acton for new players. Here's how I believe teams should work though: For the kd leader and the vices there should be some sort of assignment or process for the experienced and active players to be placed into leadership roles. A,b,c method after that. More ideas I'll share later gotta go be Santa for now... | |||||||||
But how is it going to work if you place an active orc in a newbie area. It's all reason for a disastrous outcome. You know it is going to be abused because easy targets are easy targets. If you cannot disallow or change that you know that it's going to be, then why make changes to benefit new players. Any other world it is fairly acceptable, but it cannot change because it is here. I think it is a sad excuse you cannot make an exception for one world, easily shutting it down because it is a terrible idea. But maybe it is a good idea because it does prevent early exits and allows people to get their bearings. You all know that this would resolve many problematic solutions to new player(s) early exits if they do attempt to finish an era, or even finish half an era or whatever. Even plotting Kingdoms "A through C" and expect different results. Someone will always have an orc, explore into that area, land with a huge advantage at start among players incapable to grasp in a fashion that they cannot control a breakout of 20k to 30k gaia from the start. They die and we start all over again why did so many end up quitting. What is the worst you can say when having a divider line? 1) No attempts to freely enter a core and set up a city that can train gaia past the amount of peasants. Get 20k to 30k inside a core. 2) You are stuck with exploring half the map 3) It lasts until the set timer of the divider is lifted (suggesting roughly 100 ticks total, including the 2 RL day period + 60 ticks in protection when it restarts already placed into that 100 tick time period). Benefits: 1) Time to plan out strategies, position people and give an idea of the people you are working with, experience and new. 2) Allows not nearly the amount of early exits due to orc invasions. 3) Allows the bearings of the entire alliance and new players on playing the game (since this is what it was really meant for, earning players to play and move the chain of people talking and getting others to attempt to play as well). 4) You can still essentially have a OOP war, but it's a mark across the line that can have huge skirmishes when the line is lifted, to be honest, it be cool to see how that plays out. 5)***New players can learn and understand the game, build an economy, build an armory at the front lines, train the units and learn sciences and go into combat. People learning to grow from the experience of winning and losing for their own giving people an equally opportunity to fight alongside their members and fight against foes that gives an experience that provides if this is worthy to venture forward.*** 6) You can remove the 50% rule. Essentially you are already in massive alliance war, so their is no need for this rule to apply. The benefits greatly outweighs the negatives, all in good reason that it would provide the essence of capturing players. By not doing this, you are setting in motion of the same outcome, early death, people quit because they died in two RL days. Pointless game after spending 2 RL days building up to this moment. Waste of time and energy spent, dwindling numbers continue to decline because of stagnant amount of people playing the game. | |||||||||
I decided to just make a basic template so that people dont just start adding random points into the "simple my opinion" scheme. Just to make it easier to say make a tally later, if you have comments on a point can you just put it at the bottom of your comment, want to keep the bulletpoints simple. | |||||||||
Mmm I like your idea about XOX rather than a completely square map this would work way better with GvE, but there won't be a place to run or hide thats for sure. | |||||||||
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