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Forums / In game politics / Latha era 40

Latha era 40
04:42:54 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

Also, ROC Elders either had those 2 guys die or are recruiting them for next era. Its legal.

FWSTTWDe Vliegende Steentjes3Mr. Sandoran100

If all 3 of these people were 6 year old girls, would it be legal if I screwed them all at the same time? 6+6+6 = 18 thus legal, correct?

05:40:51 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Spawn:


You sure talk big while hiding behind the 50% rule :)

05:42:01 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Oh nvm my bad :p
I don't pay much attention to your cities, didn't notice you weren't even oop yet :p

07:04:53 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

@ leafblighter, ok, i admit it, Spud's KD is way too cool to war, but about Rebirth, i'm not THAT stupid to war them :O

07:08:07 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

muahaha SD got betrayed xD

07:11:58 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

  • Destroyed 295 Walls for 5605 gold.
  • Destroyed 2300 Homes for 43700 gold.
  • Destroyed 50 Farms for 950 gold.
  • Destroyed 2500 Mines for 47500 gold.
  • Destroyed 1 Guard Towers for 19 gold.
  • Destroyed 50 Lumber Mills for 950 gold.
  • Destroyed 2000 Armories for 38000 gold.

And so it begins! Noob is building rainbows.

07:15:15 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

that's why you shouldn't have started this in the SD core lol xD

07:20:14 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

Lol, well I razed my one city, and that one you were fighting for.

07:23:42 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

lol, looks like i can have a part of the SD core too :D

08:55:49 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

Well, I just want to have some fun this era. I wont win Latha, not with such a late start; but I can do some damage to it.

09:26:59 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Argon:

Barny, if I had a purple dinosaur suite we could make love all night (and day).

09:56:10 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

We wont need one. Also, I love seeing 50k armies on me right OOP lol.

Oh well, Im still running as fierce as a purple T-rex

10:02:13 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

We have plundered Earthan Fist of all their resources. They had 19029 gold, 1828374 stone, 0 tree, 58596 food and 0 slaves in the city. We also took 6 of their peasants for slaves!

We killed or injured total of 0 troops.

Hurray! Thank you Spawn, free money!

10:05:18 Jul 2nd 09 - Lady Jasmina:

I love this Barney guy... first he's all about I will kill everyone, I am so experienced, nobody stands a chance, you will all know when I am OOP

I will make VU a small game, nobody will play when I go OOP.

Mr. Barny


23:55:10 Jun 28th 09
Great, I hit restart and now I have the joy of spending what I think is my 26th era on Latha. Enjoy

Mr. Barny


00:01:50 Jun 29th 09
Yep, should be a hell of a lot less then fun to siege 60 different rulers indefinitely due to the 1/2 land rule not allowing me to capture their assets, thus preventing them from making actions or restarting; thus causing them to quit the game.

I eagerly look forwards to making the VU community a smaller place!


And then he declared war on everyone cause he's just too strong for everyone else...

I was actually curious what he will do in Latha, as I noticed people were talking about him alot, and telling how skilled he is. But all you did so far in VU is die over and over. And now I see you will die against as you said it new players...

Why dont you stop talking big Barny and try to stay alive for an era at least... damn...


10:07:08 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Yay I hope the 50% rule doesnt apply now that you've plundered me :D Your welcome for the 20k gold :)

10:08:43 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

haha it doesn't, he's dead now, isn't he? xD

10:21:47 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

"I was actually curious what he will do in Latha, as I noticed people were talking about him alot, and telling how skilled he is. But all you did so far in VU is die over and over. And now I see you will die against as you said it new players..."

I did stay alive for an era, for many many eras I tried to stay alive. Staying alive is so boring. I refuse to sit behind blockers and farm. I won't DIE this era, but I probably wont kill everyone in 300 ticks, especially with a late start. I will, however, raze many cities.

Also Spawn, the 50% rule no longer applies. Sandoran send a scout for me to knock off, will you? I don't need to hide behind false protection. I left protection 3-4 ticks ago, and I dont intend to stay in it. I am fighting a battle I may not win, but certainly cannot loose. Tell me which one of these precius gems you intend to take:

One Way 100% 100% 0% 100% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 Nothing
Nagrana 65% 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 0 Nothing
Friends 100% 5200% 0% 96% +0 +0 -13 +0 +0 0 One man
Sleeper 100% 385500% 0% 98% +0 +0 -964 +0 +0 0 One man
Colony 74% 8000% 0% 86% +0 +0 -20 +0 +0 0 49 men

Total: +0 -997 +0 +0 1

Army Upkeep: -2,807

Building Upkeep: -0

Total Income: -2,807

Also, the plunder worked out to be 476,122 gold and 58596 food. The fact of the matter is that no matter what happens, you will always be forced to be the defender.

10:24:40 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

you can't loose because of all the scouts, but without cities or proper armies, your pretty much dead, and with only 1 army and 5 razed cities?

10:26:01 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Sweet :)
Yeah hes screwed.

10:28:09 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Barny, you have a very interesting style of playing. It seems great for solo playing.

10:29:29 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

he doesn't want to have anything himself, he just wants to ruin the other ones... that's not nice! Ö

10:49:22 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

Mr. Spawn


01:28:09 Jul 2nd 09
Barny, you have a very interesting style of playing. It seems great for solo playing.

Thank you Spawn. No matter what happens I respect you and Sandoran as players. Also, I wont die or run out of funds because what I invest in armies never outweighs what I plunder. Also, the only reason I'm here is because I was on the real worlds earlier with 3 million gold and thought to myself, "Hmmm, if I restarted I could have a long protection period and put armories in enemy cores!". Boy, did that work out nicely...

11:10:08 Jul 2nd 09 - Lady Jasmina:

Barny I agree with you concerning its boring to farm. I have been attacking whole era, and I stopped doing buildings weeks ago, only troops and attacks :)

Lady Jasmina has won 36 battles, captured 22 cities and killed a total of 263795 men and women.

Army Upkeep: -952,774

11:19:48 Jul 2nd 09 - Sir Water:

Lady Jasmina


22:22:47 Jul 1st 09 Why dont you come to Valhalla and tell that to my face

you live in valhalla ? omg you are probably some crazy scandinavian chick ;)

11:20:28 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Magneto:

She's a true blue Valkyrie :)

11:32:33 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Overcome:

lol, Jasmina gat a point:P
all though i enjoy arrogant people as they fall^^

12:44:20 Jul 2nd 09 - Duke Pikachu:

  1. Duke Pikachu has won 60 battles, captured 48 cities and killed a total of 443730 men and women.


Army Upkeep: -1,062,592

i wins jasmina :D:D:D

and go barney, you raze those nubs!!

12:48:11 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

no he doesn't...Ö

13:18:38 Jul 2nd 09 - General Gokken:

where do you see these nubs you are talking about? :P

13:43:35 Jul 2nd 09 - Duke Pikachu:

Mr. Sandoran


21:48:11 Jul 2nd 09
no he doesn't...Ö

must i say more?

13:55:11 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

Yer Nubs pfft piss off there is me ftw

14:12:59 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Barny:

Mr. Sandoran


03:48:11 Jul 2nd 09 no he doesn't...Ö

Ha, I see that you are such a god among men that 38k buildings is "nothing" in your book!

17:49:00 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Argon:

Blasphemy, pornography, Barny, sexy, happy....

It works for me :D

18:22:07 Jul 2nd 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

Barnies armies are weak. just build walls in your cities and a little GT's if you think its needed.

04:16:26 Jul 3rd 09 - Mr. Barny:

You butchered my name. Yes, my armies are pathetic. They need to be, I left protection with them while my neighbors had 50k armies. Also, it sure beat your pursuing army.

04:28:04 Jul 3rd 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

yes that was interesting since i killed 300 of your troops and injured 300 more... and only lost 10 of mine... i had 95%. on you wierd

04:38:06 Jul 3rd 09 - Mr. Barny:

Like I said, sure beat your pursuing army.

06:47:33 Jul 3rd 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

yes... as i was acknowledging..

06:53:08 Jul 3rd 09 - Mr. Spud:

I would like to acknowledge...


...That my KD is SOOOO badass! HAHAHA!

16:59:34 Jul 3rd 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

Connect Latha and fentesia everyone post in the forum I made

09:08:15 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

I would like to acknowledge...

...That Pure will dominate Latha haha

09:11:27 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

pure, your daydreaming....

10:42:39 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

...Of kicking your ass

10:50:40 Jul 4th 09 - General Gokken:

nah, Pure only have dreams of me coming after him with a axe

10:50:50 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

daydreaming is daydreaming....

11:24:02 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

I thought I could trust you Gokken with me little secreat

11:50:12 Jul 4th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

omg, now i want to restart and join the fun in Latha...looks like there is alot of fun in there :D LMFAO

11:50:52 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

oh please do so, you'll end up in fensteria...

13:21:23 Jul 4th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

well i cannot - i am way too powerful to restart :P

13:25:21 Jul 4th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

make a multi, you're still powerful AND your with new guys

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