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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era of Magneto

Mantrax Era of Magneto
22:53:45 Aug 17th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I do not! That is a lie! I'm not a douchebag.. Just a smart ass. T_T

01:42:28 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Nope, we rejected NAP offers from them, soon after they started to attack us, after that, some from us jumped to armageddon fighting them. More would have made the jump, if not SIN would have appeared in the south suddenly attacking us..... blablablablablabablabalbalbalbalbalbalbalbal :)

And what do you mean with min. relations ??

05:47:29 Aug 18th 09 - Lady Amaira Dathlamir:

We didnt join the fight right away, after we sent you the NAP offer and you said nothing in return, and sent scouts our way, Godlike told us you planned on invading. Soonafter we saw  you attacking Godlike cities, so we decided to step in so you couldnt attack us too, which lets face it, you would have if you gained enough ground on Godlike.

06:11:45 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Thats typical Godlike, starting a war and then scream for help so other do the fight for them.
But you might be right, if there would be no RVL, no SIN and not Hanky, we surely would be able to attack you ^^.

Btw since RVL is so quiete, what is your buisness with them ?
They are much more dangerouse then Phi currently, will you attack them also ????

06:31:56 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Amaira, we had no plans to attack GODLIKE. We probably wouldn't have ended up doing so, and there's no way GODLIKE could have accurately predicted an invasion on our part. There were no armies headed towards them, and we were worried about Rev and FATE.

"Soonafter we saw you attacking Godlike cities" you mean, after they took our cities in our northeastern core, and we fought them back? Cause yeah, we launched a counter attack after they had already attacked us and were repelled.

07:18:29 Aug 18th 09 - Lady Amaira Dathlamir:

I believe that, but at the time we didnt know godlike attacked you, they just said "hey we have this war, and Phi wants to invade" (in a nutshell, and take note I am 2nd hand recipient of the messages, so I may have misinformation) and we had really good relations with them, and things on Amra were REALLY boring, so you really cant blame us for lending a helping hand :P

I suppose we are lucky though, since PKS almost started helping you, and if they had we wouldnt have the ground in Mantrax we do now. I wonder what they plan on doing with us now that RVL is mopping them up? I know they wanted to war us before then... Even took 2 of our cities, which we kindly overlooked :P

08:38:14 Aug 18th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Aww Vuggy is my friend!  Don't call him names >:O

12:04:48 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I like this sentence:
since PKS almost started helping you,

It just makes me smile :)

13:43:02 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Einskaldir:

no freeze isnt cumualtive. its either the last one cast or highest. so if u cast fot 7 days and someone cast for 1 its 7 i think. unless its simply the 'last cast' then it'd be 1

14:00:20 Aug 18th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Freeze is cumulative on cities

17:00:10 Aug 18th 09 - Lady Jade:

Freeze is cumulative on cities only. Zeta confirmed that in a thread awhile back

17:26:23 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

I wonder what they plan on doing with us now that RVL is mopping them up? I know they wanted to war us before then... Even took 2 of our cities, which we kindly overlooked

I laughed at this. They fought 3 or 4 members so far who havent had large armies except heroix's though I must say wasnt excepting to see Heroix get bounced.

since PKS almost started helping you,

made me smile too :)

18:46:07 Aug 18th 09 - Sir Serene:

*wonders what Angel of Death will laugh at later in time*

19:25:46 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

My stupidity? :)

19:51:27 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I will join you in laughing at that angel! :D

03:54:00 Aug 19th 09 - Lady Amaira Dathlamir:

Well, you cant deny that they swept over the north of mantrax and took it all away from you. And 4 members is still 4 members less that you have, and a good amount of cities (thus additional income, meaning more troops) they have. You cant deny they ae doing a good job fighting you.

04:59:20 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

We didn't try to fight them in the North. We retreated, cause we knew we would have a better chance if we went south to regroup, which also gives us time to fight you guys, FATE, and SIN. You're right though, they are doing an excellent job fighting us, especially considering that they were like 40% of us when we kicked them out of Mantrax, now they are over 200%.

06:50:49 Aug 19th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Hanky Panky, a little off topic. You chose your name from:

1) Hanky Panky is a 1982 comedy film that stars Gene Wilder and Gilda Radner. The film is directed by Sidney Poitier. Wilder first met Radner during filming of this movie and later the two married.[1]


2) The Hanky-Panky is a variation on the sweet martini.



Anyways, Phi and PKS have been fighting pretty well and each gain is much more difficult to earn from city to city, from one army to another.

14:08:29 Aug 19th 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

i reckon hankers chose his name either from south park or from the lingerie range....

16:27:38 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Madonna is soooo bad... :'(

20:29:01 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

I second that

22:30:33 Aug 19th 09 - Sir Serene:

I can taste the revenge, and its good...very good

22:55:58 Aug 19th 09 - Sir Marius:

hmm i like taking my towns back wonder how long until we are done eating...

22:58:35 Aug 19th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Guys, hold your tongue

23:03:05 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

You will be done eating very soon :P

23:08:45 Aug 19th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

I get to start eating soon...but it's just Applebee's, so I'm not uber excited :/  Good chicken fingers tho!

03:16:14 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Ew.. What kind of loser goes to applebee's just to get some chicken fingers?! xD Get something more rare than that! LOL xD

03:23:21 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Some Dude:

wtf is going on in mant man who is winning?

go SIN ;D


03:38:00 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

How the hell do we know whats going on on Mant!? Were just here and most of us have a couple screws loose in our heads so uhhhhh what were we talking bout again?

04:35:23 Aug 20th 09 - Sir Serene:

Some Dude,

RVL is still fighting PHI and PKS. RVL has moved to the blockers of PHI and PKS and some big armies have been pulled out by both sides

Its still anyones war, hard to say who could win or loose, but it is a good fight and there is respect for all sides. This war is and will be a long one for sure

04:47:33 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Some Dude:

thank you sir serene :)

see that is all it took!!!
not some smirmy remark!

04:49:22 Aug 20th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:


There is war in VU that is actually...a close fight that could go either way!? :O

05:17:28 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Wait, Where!?

Thats just not possible!!

17:50:54 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'll give a better update:

PKS found a way around SIN's blocker, came in took a few bases, we recaptured most, then SIN & PKS CF'ed for rest of era. Now SIN is amassing like the crazy nuts of chuck norris in one of their blockers with numbers that I didn't even know we had! :D Better?

17:59:47 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Some Dude:

yup pretty good :P
good look Vuggy ;)

21:40:47 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

And Phi is still at war with GODLIKE, Shadows, Sin, FATE, and RVL. Sin and GODLIKE haven't been doing to much lately. FATE are attacking from the south, RVL is going for our Eastern core, after taking most of our Western. Shadows is sending armies to our northeast core. PHI is facing at least over 1-2 million RVL soldiers, but hopefully wont get through our central blockers :)

02:01:24 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'm a noob. I am hiding in blocker with larger and larger forces until the trolls take over Phi's first bases, then I go in and get the undefended bases. >:D

22:17:55 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Hey, good job SIN, FATE, RVL, Shadows, and GODLIKE. Twas a nice war, almost over.

23:57:58 Aug 23rd 09 - Lady Amaira Dathlamir:

I agree :D The war wasawesome, you guys did a great job massacaring my Lolths Chosen army with your magic *cries*

Hopefully we can have something similar next era :D

00:51:50 Aug 24th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

That took forever to break your blocker... xD

01:33:51 Aug 24th 09 - Mr. Insaneboy:

Have fun trying to get them back XD

07:13:11 Aug 24th 09 - Mr. Mavich:

Its still not over yet Dent. =)

22:51:40 Aug 24th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

No no, not yet, I still have an army with some damage capabilities ;)

02:11:02 Aug 25th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'm coming to mop y'all up! Like a broom does!

02:34:59 Aug 25th 09 - Sir Jondrus Dah Clamps:

Say that again Vuggy......:s

02:39:40 Aug 25th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

Didn't know brooms were used for mopping...glad Vuggy cleared any doubts I had.

03:50:12 Aug 25th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'm coming to mop y'all up! Like a broom does!

That dude is a jerk! Sheesh! I mean.. His sarcasm is so freaking mean!

03:50:30 Aug 25th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'm coming to mop y'all up! Like a broom does!

Oops? :D

04:29:21 Aug 25th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

How many personalities you got in your head?

05:47:53 Aug 25th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

My guess... more than the amount of scouts made by the combined efforts of PHI's Sazunas and FATE's Sausage Mcmuffin, who will win the battle?

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