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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith

Mantrax - Era of Agent Smith
15:09:10 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:


15:10:59 May 15th 09 - Mr. Turnip:

upkeep is killing all of us aswell. 4 million each tick just to keep them going is a joke. good job ive got 500million in the bank.

anyone for plunder? haha

15:12:13 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

im coming my darling 

15:14:42 May 15th 09 - Mr. Turnip:

p.s. i just this second spent all my gold. please nobody bother to plunder me

15:15:59 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:


15:18:48 May 15th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Penguin!!! You are coming over Scotty? How dare you... :(

Dalak and I feel so left out....

15:19:46 May 15th 09 - Mr. Turnip:

where am i in the pic? i feel so left out of the orange goodness


15:32:56 May 15th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

we can see only your green hair, no face

15:55:43 May 15th 09 - Mr. Bob The Entomoligist Smurf:

He got me lastnight... :(

01:44:28 May 20th 09 - Sir Struddle:

Dynasty is going to war with Veggies due to Veggies attacking us.

12:58:55 May 20th 09 - Sir Struddle:

I now know why Veggies attacked us. *sighs* We got *beep*ed over by MAD sadly enough.  Baaaaaaaaaaaasically MAD and Veggies are fighting and a member from MAD rebuilt in our core (due to me being sick and a few other things I didnt really ever notice it.)  But I would like to say this so everyone will know it.  I never gave permission to anyone to rebuild/build in our core except for Gokken one time.  Beyond that I wasnt part of it.  To let everyone know that would be the reason why my kingdom is gonna get killed. *sighs* oh well always next era. :)

though I would like to say that if Veggies really was interested in killing those guys from MAD they would have just asked us about it rather then assuming.  As far as I knew we were just another target for them and I figured things between had been fairly peaceful.  And as another point MAD......... WTF WERE YOU THINKING?  Ok not only did you violate our trust but you didnt even bother to ask us you just figured sure build there not gonna be a problem and now that they are coming to hunt you down your gonna leave us to try and fend them off.  not cool man not cool..........

13:39:18 May 20th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

Sir Struddle
wtf are you talking about man ??
if you meen  member from MAD rebuilt in our core
we were there before you guys  most of those citys belong to us .. before you guys even came there . .so stop talking bulschit .... and die honorable

14:02:27 May 20th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

well to be fair it seems you were defeated there or something and it became there core so you should of stopped building there......

14:49:40 May 20th 09 - Mr. Nate River:

It is me who build an armory inside their core.. Is that really the reason why veggie attacked them.. i guess its not a good reason why they are now being attacked.. besides you can just take my city if you guys think i violated.. but hey,, do we have NAP relation?

14:57:44 May 20th 09 - Sir Struddle:

Lost city wasnt there its situated very precariously next to one of my oldest Armories and it's very nice that your member had a 2-4k army running out of it as soon as Veggies started coming for him.  I'm glad your members find it necessary to sacrifice my kingdom so they can try to attack.  If you dont believe me here's the army thats running

Aloysius lifeguards

Army Info
Commander:Mr. AloysiusKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Mad Against Drugs
Size:Regiment (2000-4000)
Status:Moving North West

And here's the city:

Lost City

City Info
Owner: Mr. Nate RiverKingdom Banner
Size: 4501 building(s).
Kingdom: Mad Against Drugs
Gates: open

Thanks a bunch

So Nate and Aloy thank you for sacrificing my kingdom so you could try and attack.  Oh and Darklord we'll die fighting but never again will I die fighting on your side.  And we'll die honorably but to use my kingdom as a buffer so you could have a member attack is complete crap and I must say thanks to you and your kingdom for pulling this.

18:21:51 May 20th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

well i dont care about  what you say struddle  becouse you are  a nuuubbyyyy
so *beep* you and  all  your great kingdom i still have   mi 1 billion gold and nobody will take it until era end hahaha

19:05:05 May 20th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

1 billion gold isnt that much......

19:57:51 May 20th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

have you ever had 1 billion gold kath?

20:01:03 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Gold: 973,533,342

Did somebody ask about 1 billion gold?

20:04:12 May 20th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

not talking to you....

20:06:18 May 20th 09 - Prince Mielo:

kath could be anybody!


21:16:46 May 20th 09 - Sir Struddle:

Well i'm just glad you'd be willing to sacrifice your kingdom for mine.  As far as I care any relations between us are over and done with.

21:27:48 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Prince Mielo


20:06:18 May 20th 09 kath could be anybody!


Omg, look mielo is Kaths multi!

22:01:22 May 20th 09 - Mr. Darklord:


well i might be wrong i dont know what vomes after  million :P might be wrong
whit billion :P
but this is what i have :)  is it billion or  how  do you say it ?

22:02:56 May 20th 09 - Sir Struddle:

ya that's a billion but it's not like some of us havent had it before i mean it's not really a monumental achievement if your a farmer.

22:43:26 May 20th 09 - Mr. Darklord:

wel i have - income had all era long so im not  a farmer .. and never was ..

23:11:19 May 20th 09 - Sir Struddle:

no but your kingdom sure doesnt mind sacrificing others so they dont die themselves.

04:26:32 May 21st 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Struddle - I'm very surprised reading this stuff from you; I didn't even know you guys had a 'core' - last time when I looked your direction there were a couple of cities (yours) surrounded by JUICY's and MAD's cities.

I believe that's your thank you to MAD for letting you survive for so long.  Sad.

04:30:59 May 21st 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

The reason your KD is being attacked is just because the winning KDs need more wealth to win the game - and not because we (MAD) try to hide in 'your core'. We have lost the fight already - and we are not a threat any more for this era's 'big powers'.

08:56:53 May 21st 09 - Sir Struddle:

But still man you could at least have asked permission before you put an armory in our "core" so to speak..... But if that's the way your kingdom would like to play using others as buffers I understand.  I also knew that F&V were gonna attack us because they arent gonna win.  Hell Juicy deserves the win.  But still to set up an armory inside our kingdoms land was completely and utterly uncalled for.

09:53:38 May 21st 09 - Mr. Nate River:

struddle.. do we have NAP relation between our KD? i think we do not have any except for CF. why the hell am i gonna asked for permission to build an armory inside your core when we were not even allies.. dont put lame excuses on your defeat it only makes you more of a nuisance..

if there is no war bet veggie and MAD. your KD should have been long gone here in mantrax..  either veggie kills you or MAD.  so dont blame us, your KD is everyKDs options..

09:58:10 May 21st 09 - Mr. Nate River:

  • 08:01:13: Hamster VI lead by Sir Struddle attacked and took over East Blue. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Talipapa.
  • 08:01:13: Hamster VI lead by Sir Struddle attacked and took over East Blue. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Talipapa. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Talipapa. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 4141 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle.
@ Struddle.. so what do you call this? are you gonna blame us again? what a retard...

13:49:01 May 21st 09 - Sir Struddle:


13:51:00 May 21st 09 - Sir Struddle:

and even with a NAP relation it states that no cities can be built in the others territory without permission therefore nullifying any agreement I have with you personally.  I have nothing against the rest of MAD but if you want to continue this I can take the rest of your cities.  As I will not be holding this against your entire kingdom seeing as they did not build an armory in my core but you did.  So you can be silent and let me have my one compensation city for the 6 I lost or I can take all of your cities and war MAD if you would like but as previously stated dont have a problem with MAD just you.

13:51:10 May 21st 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Lol. What a joke :)

13:58:45 May 21st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

a havbe over a billion as we speak lol.

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