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Midgard Era 40 lol
05:51:28 Jun 25th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Is Dorian Empire REALLY coming after me?!?!?!

I see an army nearby. It scares me.

06:21:21 Jun 25th 09 - Mr. Barny:

They had 243626 gold, 1531362 stone, 1183622 tree, 453952 food and 119207 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 119198 of their peasants as slaves!

Looks like I'm back in business!

Are you sure you want to destroy...
 all Homes?
all Farms?
all Mines?
all Guardtowers?
all Lumbermills?

It will cost 1043936 gold

06:52:57 Jun 25th 09 - Sir Pesterd:

Wow that was quite a nice capture over there.

Almost 120k Slaves :)

He has to sing the Barney song now!

08:09:36 Jun 25th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Yep. Well, it sure payed back my expenses, and then some. I figured that since I had 500k gold after coming back from my inactivity that I would be a non-factor, but luckily some people leave cities without defenses. I love you. You love me. We're a happy family, right?

09:08:19 Jun 25th 09 - Mr. Barny:

production & resources

constantinople 36% 100% 0% 94% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 0 nothing
land iii 92% 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 0 3 armies
post mortem 100% 42100% 0% 100% +0 +0 -105 +0 +0 0 one man
right hand 100% 379800% 0% 100% +0 +0 -949 +0 +0 0 one man
blocked you lol 100% 900% 0% 89% +0 +0 -2 +0 +0 0 nothing
brutii 100% 100% 0% 100% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 one army
fun 100% 100% 0% 100% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 0 one army

total: +0 -1,056 +0 +0 1

army upkeep: -9,140

building upkeep: -0

total income: -9,140

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i am doing well! 1 total land, and that's with 7 cities!

23:31:40 Jun 25th 09 - Sir Pesterd:

haha im liking the population in your city called

right hand

02:47:06 Jun 26th 09 - Mr. Spud:

I have retired from Midgard...

Potato man! Join me in a quest to save the world from the potato haters and devourers!

04:02:49 Jun 26th 09 - Mr. Spud:

OK! I will I will!

12:02:48 Jun 26th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I have yet to encounter a TEW blocker that actually blocks.

17:17:51 Jun 26th 09 - Mr. Argon:

@Barny, it works like this: All TEW blockers consist of the same matter (sh..) that reside in the head of their leader (and sh.. vices). I think you will recognize the smell. When something is gross we usually say 'Ewwww, that is disgusting', well guess what...'TEWwwww, that is disgusting'...

19:25:05 Jun 26th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Ahh Barny that because I've just taken the all.

23:14:39 Jun 26th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Wow, damn DE. Here I am wanting to plunder and raze all the TEW cities; and you come along and take them all!

02:38:04 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Argon:

I think DE is trying to challenge you. Looks like you'll have to kill them first and then slaughter TEW. My best wishes go out to you Barny. As always, the best there is in VU. You rock!!!

Now for the cheerleader dance....

02:52:53 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

Llenad, thats Karma for you, now all your members are betraying you...

BUT, I am not that f-ed up as to wish such thing to anyone. And for that I also hate all the people who are betraying TEW, and I cannot understand why Other Kingdoms are taking in such traitors. Its not worth it to take in people who abandon other kingdoms because they will abandon yours too. Its actually sad to see when other Kingdoms take in Traitors. This actually makes one think that there are no really honorable Kingdoms left, <-- Dont take this as an offence, and if you do, then keep it to yourself. I know of a couple of Kingdoms who retain their honor, but they are not the strongest.

02:56:39 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

Ohhh, I know one STRONG kingdom that retains its honor.. so thats good. There are some Kingdoms I know nothing about, so I wasnt speaking about those ex. Choc, and Kingdoms nowere near midgard or valhalla.

10:40:47 Jun 27th 09 - Ms. Erin:

okay. fair enough.

but the fact of the matter is simple, kratos.

was it...three? four of us? maybe five of us. defending our kd. after weeks of trying to get our leader to lead, and trying to get our members to participate, we quit. screw it. if they choose not to help, we leave.

there is no point in staying in a kd that doesn't function as a kd. most people joined so they would not be seen as a potential target in the future. in reality, 2/3 of the kingdom floundered in inactivity (which made for great plunders). 1/6 worked at defending and building a core ( can see how that turned out. ha.), and the remaining sixth did their own thing.

we were wonderfully fractionally organized.

so we left, going to different kds.

i liked how well DE fought, and Santa and Seloc showed me how deadly organized they were. i *love* organization.

i did not leave in fear of DE. ask santa or seloc, or anyone who took a city. i never had hard feelings, and had only respect for the players who got me. i knew deep down that stuff wasn't well defended. i really did a half-assed job rettaliating. i was so sick of asking for defenders, or armories, or blockers, or whatever...i quit.

i'm glad DE took me. i hope i don't let them down!

11:05:43 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Mr. Fuzz, Mr. Erin, Mr. Pointbreak, and many others left TEW for DE, that is blatant betrayal. Dress it how you want; but just because your kingdom is a piece of shit doesn't justify joining the kingdom that is crushing you.

Also, the same thing happened with Chicken joining Bloodlust. Either way, I can't respect that move from the refugees or the kingdoms that harbored them. If you want to leave your kingdom; resign and do it or wait untill the era is over.

11:26:49 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Kratos Wolf:

Yep, thats how it is, anyone who leaves to join another Kingdom to save themselves are not worth it. As for those who joined us, you are right as well, but at the time I didnt go against it for military reasons, now I dont really give a crap about those two... in fact, it might just happen that we do something about it... let me elaborate on that for a lil bit and you will see results.

14:24:55 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Farimer:

that seems bad news for mr. Unknown....

no comment on everything else....

22:01:07 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

*sigh* -.-
Disregard Kratos comment, lets just say he hates traitors, but because uknown and bruce are part of us now, he LOVES THEM, right right? better...

22:32:46 Jun 27th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior King:

Mr. Barny


05:05:43 Jun 27th 09
Mr. Fuzz, Mr. Erin, Mr. Pointbreak, and many others left TEW for DE, that is blatant betrayal. Dress it how you want; but just because your kingdom is a piece of shit doesn't justify joining the kingdom that is crushing you.

Also, the same thing happened with Chicken joining Bloodlust. Either way, I can't respect that move from the refugees or the kingdoms that harbored them. If you want to leave your kingdom; resign and do it or wait untill the era is over.


I joined TEW because I had no choice. When I dropped down in Midgard, I was in the middle of TEW's core. The minute I joined them, the first thing I looked at was their organization. It sucked soo bad that I actually hated it. I joined DE because of their organizations and their strategy. Not only that but they were my friends back in the day which would have made it hard for me to attack them. So youcan say whatever you want but thats why I left. Go ahead and call what you want, but they are my friends and you always hangout with friends and you fight with friends.

01:45:50 Jun 28th 09 - Ms. Erin:

I joined TEW because I had no choice.

you joined TEW? when? i don't remember that...ha.

02:12:39 Jun 28th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior King:

Hey yeah i was in the middle of the core AND divinevampwasbannedsotherewasnoreasontocontinuethere. 

02:45:38 Jun 28th 09 - Mr. Farimer:

omg SUN, is that what u keep telling urself? wow....

03:08:46 Jun 28th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior King:

It is true. Mr. Jason and me had left because there is no reason to be in a kingdom where the only people in charge are the vices. You apprently haven't learned that yet.

04:39:56 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

That seems to be the 'standard explanation' that you and all other 'deserters' are giving to everyone, that, 'We loved their organisation.'

Santa is pretty hard to not love...or so I have heard.

05:06:49 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior King:

He is an awesome leader. The best by far I have ever served under. I am glad that I left Belmont and his kingdom. Belmont's skill is unmatchable to Sir Santa's skill.

I met Santa in my first era...but he didn't give any presents >:(

05:14:36 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

i am ready to have some fun in midguard!

07:00:11 Jun 29th 09 - Ms. Erin:


i would like for everyone to quit acting like the TEW thing actually meant anything.

we weren't so much a kd as we were a continued LoS. ha.

18:06:11 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior King:

You can say that again Ms. Erin!!

05:22:28 Jun 30th 09 - Mr. Loony Goatsin Nursing:

Midgard is a party.  a non stop party.

* Loony Goatsin Nursing 186 Vice Halfling Midg. Today

13:51:38 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

Mr. Barny


20:05:43 Jun 27th 09 Mr. Fuzz, Mr. Erin, Mr. Pointbreak, and many others left TEW for DE, that is blatant betrayal. Dress it how you want; but just because your kingdom is a piece of shit doesn't justify joining the kingdom that is crushing you.

Also, the same thing happened with Chicken joining Bloodlust. Either way, I can't respect that move from the refugees or the kingdoms that harbored them. If you want to leave your kingdom; resign and do it or wait untill the era is over.

 btw barney 2 people left chicken 4 bloodlust the rest joined CRAZY and i no 1 joined MAD. that was ages ago now im not sure where every1 is now...


13:52:26 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

wtf fucked up post was meant 2 say btw barney 2 peeps from chicken went 2 bloodlust. the others went 2 CRAZY and 1 went 2 MAD.

00:58:17 Jul 10th 09 - Ms. Erin:


you called me Mr. Erin!

it is obviously miss!


07:47:35 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Penor The Impressive:

Why is everyone in midgard getting owned by unknown? just curious.

07:51:43 Jul 10th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

he is just farming!

07:56:06 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Penor The Impressive:

apparently farming a ton of troops... with which he will hopefully destroy with :) i want to see that.

08:59:20 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

and unknown has way 2 much time on his hands.. school holidays means he is on 24/7

09:08:38 Jul 10th 09 - Ms. Erin:

it's because everyone left him alone so he farmed and now he's making a ton of troops.

he's always been across the map from me. i left him alone. ha.

09:33:06 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Trau:

Purgatory 101% 62%% 48%% 100% +24,8326 +0 -987,726 +0 +0 25,489 4,373,869 men & 846 wall

i'm about to unleash the armies in this city upon midgard!!!!!!!

09:39:11 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

what race r u???? how many of those r lvl 1 troops nd mu's???

09:50:20 Jul 10th 09 - Ms. Erin:

boo! boo! grr!





10:58:19 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Unkown:

i havnt farmed at all only add start :P only have 1 city that i made myself :)

and the last time i build eaven 1 building is like ages ago (3 reall weeks)

onlt train 100% troops ,and just take cities and plundering them


12:19:24 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

lol that is the smart thing 2 do instead of farming espicially with the production screwup this era

19:22:52 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Trau:

i'm human, and i dont train lvl 1 troops, i only have a handful of lvl 1 troops from creating armies

19:29:08 Jul 10th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

Total Income: -411,673

damn lvl1's costing me a fkn fortune!

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