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Forums / In game politics / Starta wars era of messiah

Starta wars era of messiah
19:40:26 Mar 14th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

Yeah..finally someone gets it right :)

03:16:55 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

when did dmc turn to the good side???

03:38:12 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Jondrus Baz Jesek:

Were we ever really on a side?

03:58:07 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

well technically they are fighting both sides i guess

04:02:09 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

well in fant you attacked the united starta kd (USK) from behind, ret from front, but before we left, you guys werent attacking each other, so this is really confusing if you say you are attacking them but we didnt see you attack them or they attack you... so enlighten me???

04:32:02 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Jondrus Baz Jesek:

well in fant you attacked the united starta kd (USK) from behind,

What?  We attacked those who tried to backdoor us on Mant while we were fighting MAD and DE.  

11:23:45 Mar 15th 09 - Lord Whoop:

I can't remember Preds are attacking RET... :p

13:32:05 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

everythings confusing now...

19:31:12 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Nemesis:

DMC broke the CF with Ret that should clear it up more wars oh boy XD
plus Preds broke NAP with Ret so yea thats technically war with us.

19:41:34 Mar 15th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

All I can say is, "The world will know that free men stood against tyrants, that few stood against many, and before these battles are over, even kings can bleed."

20:25:53 Mar 15th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Why don't you all stop whining and make some kings bleed?

And Death Proof, you just gotta love 300 and the Spartans! :D

20:54:54 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

DMC is kind of in the middle, fighting Luna and Angels as well as RET. :)

21:05:18 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

this is the great part about moving from worlds.  World War VU!!!!!!

21:17:28 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

Come home with your shield...or on it!

21:57:58 Mar 15th 09 - Sir Penguin:

Mr. Falcon Fan


3/15/2009 10:17:28 PMCome home with your shield...or on it!

THIS IS SPARTAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03:19:22 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:


Juiced & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander:Sir Death ProofKingdom Banner
Size:Horde (Millions)
Merged armies

Owned by Death Proof

Owned by Mr. Kilroy Kissinger

Try Read Good Books Whoop
Owned by Sir Haribs

Dark Riders Empire
Owned by Sir Justanius Fontainius

Coming V
Owned by Mr. Bogdan

Rhinestone Cowboy
Owned by Mr. Kilroy Kissinger

Phantoms Reach
Owned by Sir Justanius Fontainius

Owned by Mr. Kilroy Kissinger

Owned by Sir Gilth

Nighten Gale
Owned by Mr. Nemesis

Owned by Agent Smith

Knish The Terrible
Owned by Mr. Theseus of Athens

Einar Tambarskjelve
Owned by Mr. Theseus of Athens

Poison Apple
Owned by Princess Luvana

Owned by Mr. Nemesis

Too Much
Owned by Mr. Hemelduiker

Coming IX
Owned by Mr. Bogdan

Owned by Mr. Hemelduiker

Coming IV
Owned by Mr. Bogdan

07:41:26 Mar 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

plenty of troops came home on their shields already :

killcount Retribution :

Ms. Coxy Reborn has won 81 battles, captured 59 cities and killed a total of 1137273 men and women.
Mr. Gladiatorul
has won 205 battles, captured 139 cities and killed a total of 805836 men and women.
Mr. Makedon
has won 127 battles, captured 58 cities and killed a total of 673136 men and women.
Mr. Dargoth
has won 142 battles, captured 86 cities and killed a total of 567222 men and women.
Mr. Sea
has won 232 battles, captured 181 cities and killed a total of 543856 men and women.
Mr. Bogdan has won 58 battles, captured 29 cities and killed a total of 462454 men and women.

= total killcount : 4.2M troops

Killcount FATE :

Sir Adakis
has won 117 battles, captured 35 cities and killed a total of 1605446 men and women.
Mr. Graybeard
has won 207 battles, captured 115 cities and killed a total of 1184915 men and women.
Mr. Andersen has won 84 battles, captured 56 cities and killed a total of 528761 men and women.

total killcount : 3.3M troops

total killcount of the fantasia alliance : 7.5M troops...

rawr =D

19:54:49 Mar 16th 09 - Lord Ivan The Archangel:

By the way... that merge got bumped :) Good fight Ret.

20:01:18 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

I'm up to #4 on Fearsome list[on Valhalla]!! :)

Mr. Falcon Fan has won 62 battles, captured 32 cities and killed a total of 327451 men and women.

20:19:26 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Nemesis:

By the way... that merge got bumped :) Good fight Ret.

Only cause of that dam army bug in merge. Freaking showed one of our players armies in city but didnt show our merge on field like it should have thus he belived it their and unmerged his armies to merge them into one. So the only reason we got bumped was cause of a stupid bug :/

20:36:12 Mar 16th 09 - Endless Delight:

I hate that bug!

21:23:37 Mar 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Lord Ivan The Archangel


3/16/2009 7:54:49 PMBy the way... that merge got bumped :) Good fight Ret.

one of our armies unmerged by accident, and the WHOLE BoW merge , didn't manage to 100% kill it...

So I suggest you reconsider "good fight Ret".

21:26:55 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Hemelduiker:


21:29:20 Mar 16th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

and also, not taking into account the injuries, you seemingly lost more troops than we did.

22:32:08 Mar 16th 09 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI:

Stop being so big headed, yes you got bumped, didums it was a bug. We actually didn't lose just under 400k troops so don't flatter yourself, that number then rose to over 500k...

WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI has won 21 battles, captured 16 cities and killed a total of 545173 men and women.


Your merge lost men too, more than us. We didn't 100% kill the merge didn't claim we had. He said "good fight ret" in a meaningful way, because this is a good fight, don't try to tarni*beep* by taking a nothing comment as an insult.

03:28:08 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

quite silly words I would say (who is this guy who whats to look so important?) - is that important you killed 10 or 20% more in that attack; I doubt that but lets assume you did; so what - it is obvious you will melt soon;

I would rather foccus on how to stop the cruelty within your own borders - which is just about to begin - keep the big words for later

07:47:50 Mar 17th 09 - Sir Haribs:

Funny story about my armies name

Try Read Good Books Whoop

Book exam on school, nobody read his own book (war of the worlds fail) eitherway Whoop did read his book,  but when we got the exam the teacher dismissed him, his book was for children and not for 17-19 year old...

Just to tease you whoop :-p

08:25:19 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

If I could dedicate a few words to Heaven players.

I appreciate the fair-play you have proven so f*beep*riously, you guys made me feel like a wanted guest. What surprised me is that I expected to see again a KD of farmers (as you used to be like 2 eras ago when I played for AoA). This time, 5-6 orcs, a lot of armies in the field, not to many buildings - good game guys - I have enjoyed fighting you.

08:26:48 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

so far - and seriously (dont know whay was shown as 'beep')

08:52:20 Mar 17th 09 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI:

Haha, gladiatorul, you ask who i am, BoW vice, yes not important, but let's be honest either are  you. and actually yes if you kill 380k troops out of a 1.6mil merge it does mean you have killed more than 10%, good maths mate!

This is fun this war, so be weeshed with your sarcasm, no-one wants it, or you in the world far that matter.

09:11:51 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

I said '10% - 20% more' and I meant - 'more than you lost'; with regards to math - if you need any lesson, don't hesitate to give me a buzz (seriously). Comming back to our matter - that was an accident which sometimes happen, and not your skill. You may not know - but our merge had 99% siege attack earlier, before one of your orc armies joined your blocker. If you are a vice, you may know that the 'siege attack %' is very similar with the 'attack on the battelfield %'. So, no reason to feel brave.

11:19:42 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Its actually been a fun era besides all the forum bull. Way to many NAPs but so far all the wars have been very challenging. And Heaven is still alive and kicking.

We took out BioHazard, LDK, and Xuagy Tu. Fought Preds, Dendarii, Fate, Revelation, and Ret and have dealt much more damage than we have taken. I'm really proud to have played for Heaven this era :)

11:28:02 Mar 17th 09 - Lord Ivan The Archangel:


No need to get sore, Lew, considering after whatever you had unmerged you still were a good 500k troops up on us, I think we did quite well. I think we all know who takes the era, and that's going to be Ret, but we're going to give you a good challenge :P

Speaking of which, hope other eras don't end like this... makes the game depressing when one KD dominates every world it goes to.

13:48:45 Mar 17th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

BoW just had us at CHECK, not CHECKMATE :)

13:56:08 Mar 17th 09 - Sir Haribs:

`Speaking of which, hope other eras don't end like this... makes the game depressing when one KD dominates every world it goes to. `

not if your in that kingdom :-p

17:17:16 Mar 17th 09 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI:

Gladitorial, with respects to maths, don't get me started ( Doing higher level maths at school) So shhh. "Not your skill"? Well obviously none of it was our skill i mean taking the blocker from heaven and sending enough troops at the last minute to hold the blocker for as long as possible, yes not skill...


 Of course i know, you successfully put us under siege, well ret did, you played no part anyway. But then due too 1 mistake, you lost 1 army after already adding so many more to them.

10% more or less? So? It was a win nonetheless. Ret will win the era, but just think it wasn't all without it's losses.

So, in conclusion, lets shut that arrogant mouth of yours up, ok? Thanks.

To the rest of Ret, and Fate it has been a good fight and it will continue to be until we one side loses ( Most likely ours)

17:59:09 Mar 17th 09 - Necromancer Knighed:

cant we all just get along?

18:43:24 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Magnesium:

 can't we all just hit a bong?

19:20:18 Mar 17th 09 - Duke Drakos:

I want to hit(tap) both of those....not sure in which order tho. :D

20:30:46 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Nemesis:

why not both at same time?

21:37:13 Mar 17th 09 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI:

*beep* the bong, i'll tap her twice to make up for it.

21:37:13 Mar 17th 09 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI:

*beep* the bong, i'll tap her twice to make up for it.

21:47:47 Mar 17th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

He will *beep* her twice, he double posted. He means it!


21:56:38 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI - when I have seen your name - I said this must be an iiddiioott - now you've just confirmed. How can a vice hope he will defeat us, when he couldn't keep his'nose' in Fanta for longer than few ticks.

He he he - Karac - this happens if all your players are vices.

22:09:43 Mar 17th 09 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI:

Well gladatorial, it's funny how you say i couldn't keep my nose in fantasia for more than a few ticks, because from what i see i've been playing for many era's more than you. This is my first era outside fantasia, and you have less experience by more than half than me. Before you say anything, get yours fact right. Haha karac makes anyone a vice? Well no not really considering im one of the longest serving BoW members.


My name is a bit of banter, "Durza" comes from books and "Quagmire" is from the family guy theme (Roleplaying, means i was actually trying to help the game), and Von, that was just a wee linkup.

Where did i say i hoped to defeat you'se i know we have lost, i shall not give up.


When i see your arrogance because you have had one decent era i think to myself, "haha he actually thinks he's good", well you've got a long way to go, and a lot of respect to gather.


If you come from the army of anubis for near 4 era's well, your sadly overstating you importance and your skills. To finally finish off, your also a twat.


Good day, sir.

23:14:09 Mar 17th 09 - Duke Random:

  • 00:00:35: Our adventurers discovered an ancient fighting art that will be taught to all our soldiers; increasing our military science.
  • retreat has its benefits >:D

    06:28:22 Mar 18th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

    @WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI

    It seems you are always get it wrong - I meant your KD's nose (including yours) haven't seen much of Fanta this era, so it is purposeless to claim you could defeat us.

    Regarding your personal skills - I wouldn't say I played so many eras, if I were you. I only played 4, but even after the 1st one, I 'have played on my fingers' veterans such yourself.

    I don't generally attack hopeless people unless they are very annoying, but shortly after, I feel sorry for them. And this is what I feel now. I'll leave you dream for better days.

    09:13:56 Mar 18th 09 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire VI:

    Well, so we havn't been on fantasia this era then, that makes no difference. No matter what world you are on when you begin now, their is no difference. We had every right to think we had a chance to beat you. You seem to grossly overestimate your power.

    Haha, play us on your fingers? Ye i can see that, because apparently this is your first time on fantasia, especially if this is only your fourth era, and the best kingdom you've managed up until now is AoA, so erm shhh.

    Well it's good you don't attack the hopeless because, you wouldn't be attacking us. We do however attack the arrogant so your high on the list.

    11:00:53 Mar 18th 09 - Duke Random:

    can't we kill each other nicely? :)

    11:36:17 Mar 18th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

    you must be jocking Rand - I killed 3 times his army, so far this era; he needs serious support from you KD to kill my used army

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