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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 29

Zetamania 29
21:43:56 Feb 20th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Cazic Thule):

13:19:24 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Well then I hope you have fun farming for a little longer and then dying. :P


What's your point?

22:18:37 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

My point is if we did cast Arma why would you pick "No" and try to draw the era out longer when you know you're not going to win, or probly even survive? If you already know the outcome wouldn't you want to speed it up and have a freah start? Insted of waiting the 2 or more weeks it'll take for Monks to finish us all. :P Or maybe you just saying that because they're not at your door yet with a million man merge. You'd be wanting someone to cast Arma then.

23:00:06 Feb 20th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Cazic Thule):

Anyone who has ever played with me knows that I am not a fan of Armageddon unless the era is a complete stalemate. Coming from a Star Craft background, I fully advocate the "kill or be killed" outcome of an era. Just like last era when DD tried to end the era rather than getting conquered, my intentions remain the same: play the era out until death or victory. Are Monks going to win? Probably. Does that mean I should be a baby and try to escape watching my cities fall to them? Nope. Who cares if it takes 2 weeks - there's other things to do in life. Why do people even play a war game if they can't handle defeat? 

23:26:23 Feb 20th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Yeah, I get what you're saying. I can handle defeat, but personally I'd just rather it not take so long is all. :P Anyway, I'm not even sure if we can cast Arma anyway, even if we wanted to. :P Not that it would matter if all of Forsaken and Monks would vote "No".

17:05:50 Feb 23rd 14 - Prince Wilberforce:

Well after all smack talk you have been doing we wanna rub in the fact that even tho you guys have done some major farming and with the help of forsaken nearly destroy us.. We kida wanna rub in the fact that The monks are dealing you death... Slowly and gratifyingly :) so if you cast arms we won't say yes until your core is no longer blue.. It will be all yellow :)

Ooh and where is your smack talk now Nerco.. How did we at monks get lucky this time, did one of your KD members accidentally fall asleep before he could upgrade mil sci to bounce or merge or before he could rof us? 

17:15:05 Feb 23rd 14 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean):


17:19:12 Feb 23rd 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

right in the kisser

17:21:19 Feb 23rd 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Smack talk? Ok then..
Your strongest merge wasn't even able to take my city. :P
I was expecting you to have done more damage by now. :P
What's the matter Monks? Losing momentum ? :P
If situations were reversed you would be dead by now. :P

There you go. Take your pick.

17:22:27 Feb 23rd 14 - Zond (The Zonds):

u monks couldnt even kill my slingers until the 4th time prepping.

first time u ran. next 2 i hit u off! and u had 2 hoh halfer armies against me! nubs!

(i got yo back dd) 

22:28:26 Feb 23rd 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Wilberforce):

Lol Nerco out strongest merge isn't actually the one in your core if you HAVNT noticed... A few army's have broken off

22:46:51 Feb 23rd 14 - Prince Night Return:

LOL!!! damn cute comments... :P... some ppl(necro) commented without even thinking... :P

05:26:48 Feb 24th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

The strongest current merge out of the merges in our core, then.

If you couldn't tell, I wasn't being serious. You wanted smack talk so I gave you some. :)

08:53:04 Feb 24th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

Well, I should be proud anyway, as I turn out to be one of the biggest sponsor of Shaolin win, by forgetting to destroy my warehouse city, and not logging on for the weekend.

Please, could you at least put a little "Khan" sponsor logo on your yellow shirts?

10:41:17 Feb 24th 14 - The Real Josh (Archangel Sorin):

Lol no we had already broken before DLD scored that little bonus..

We don't see it as a sponsorship, we see it as a reward for slaughtering farmers and showin them what happens when you farm :)

11:04:07 Feb 24th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

Now c'mon. Telling an orc he is a farmer, when i have been slaughtering Monks since OOP is prolly the greatest insult ever! I challange you to a scout duel for this :)

11:06:37 Feb 24th 14 - Mr. Theoneandonlylock:

Khan, your KD as full. You sent out 2 orcs doing fighting early on and then 1 halfer i belive. What was rest of the KD doing? Gotta see the full view. Tactical move when you got a safe core away from everyone, but dont neglect it.

13:10:15 Feb 24th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

C'mon, i am just trying to have some final fun, dont spoil it by dragging me into the "you farm, no you farm, etc..." thingy :) He called me a farmer, that in my orc terms calls for a revenge :))

14:13:10 Feb 24th 14 - The Real Josh (Archangel Sorin):

Challenge accepted!!!

The army MUST BE a scout it way contain anything!
We shall meet at the cross walls that was once yours!!

16:26:29 Feb 24th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

:) That's the spirit!

Scout size is max 7, right? And whoever loses, must have farmer in his name next era!

But, of course that is just theoretic as i know you wont even turn up. Your naz will shit their black pants and run back to Shao core, muhahaha...


16:37:17 Feb 24th 14 - The Real Josh (Prince Wilberforce):

Lolololol ooh I'll be there!! Try not to farm on your way there, I can't be bother waiting another 2 weeks to fight a DD army again 

06:50:29 Feb 25th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

Hahh, I dont even see you there. I will be there in 7-8 ticks. I brought your naz some salad as i know your orcs are all veggies! Your wives are hobbits and you all feed on carrots!

15:11:36 Feb 25th 14 - Khan (Mr. Fornicator Immensis):

Ahhh, I knew this was a trap. You do not dare to come to my challange yourself, but send your friends to deal with my lonely scouts...

08:02:52 - Rushmore lead by Sir Rabbit of Caerbannog attacked and took over Sorinsgrave. Due to their overwhelming power our Sorinisfarmer retreated to Popcorn.

08:02:52 - Rushmore lead by Sir Rabbit of Caerbannog attacked and took over Sorinsgrave. Due to their overwhelming power our Sorinisveggie retreated to Popcorn.

I think I will challange some hobbitses from your empire next to a duel, even they will show more bravery!


14:39:55 Mar 4th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

anyone willing to create a 4th kingdom on this map for next era? would be nice to avoid another 2v1 situation

15:10:10 Mar 4th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

What do you mean "another"? :P

17:54:23 Mar 4th 14 - Mr. Jon Irenicus:

Its been 2v1 all era in different configurations :p

18:05:46 Mar 4th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Well, not really. It's always been 1 vs 1 vs 1. Just because Monks started in the middle doesn't make it 2 vs 1. :P

However, I would like another KD so that it can be 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1, or 2 vs 2.

19:54:18 Mar 4th 14 - Bran (Duke Bran Loner):

its been 2v1 for most the era, with perhaps a portion where some fighting went on between dd and F in south. Has been a similar story for previous eras. I just think we need more ppl to step up and be leaders so we can have a more interesting era

20:12:12 Mar 4th 14 - Mr. Daveak The Shadowdancer:

whatever Bran , every empire has had a situation during this era where they have fought 2 vs 1 it happens you dont want that happening stay on starta .

You can't say having more empires on zeta (which would be great) would stop this , you may get a situation of 3vs 1 all depends on drop

20:18:19 Mar 4th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

How is that at all similar? Last era there were 4 (5) KDs, and before that there were 2 KDs. :P It's never been 2 vs 1. Last era DD activly tried NOT to make it 2 vs 1 in reguards to AG.

21:14:17 Mar 4th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

" every empire has had a situation during this era where they have fought 2 vs 1"

in an attempt to disprove my point, you have just strongly argued FOR what i was saying by admitting that everyone has been subjected to a 2v1 fight during a single era

necro youre just arguing out of boredom and i cba with it

22:01:52 Mar 4th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

If "everyone has been subjected to a 2v1 fight during a single era" then how is that in any way different than a 1 vs 1 vs 1? It's only ever a 2 vs 1 if there's a NAP or CF involved. Just because Monk's strted in the middle you can't clame it was 2 vs 1. Don't dismiss my argument because you know I'm right and have nothing to refute it. :P

22:19:15 Mar 4th 14 - Dreadlord Tel Janin Aellinsar:

Monks ended up ina  2v1 pretty much right oop. You where not attacking us at the time. later it shifted:P

22:27:26 Mar 4th 14 - Lord Tumatauenga:

08:14:17 Mar 5th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

" every empire has had a situation during this era where they have fought 2 vs 1"

in an attempt to disprove my point, you have just strongly argued FOR what i was saying by admitting that everyone has been subjected to a 2v1 fight during a single era

necro youre just arguing out of boredom and i cba with it

my mistake Bran thought you where saying only one empire was ever in that situation.. will go back under my rock till new era starts.. :-)

03:19:22 Mar 5th 14 - The Sorcerer (Mr. Oxydon VI):

I'm going to leave Death Dealers and create a new KD with someone but I prefer I not be the leader, because I'm not always active enough. Anyone up for it?

I'm saying it in public to let DD know there's no hard feelings, but 3 KDs always ends up in 2v1 

03:44:31 Mar 5th 14 - Cheonje (Mr. Cazic Thule):

I think the era would have been a lot more exciting if it had been FS, DD, AG and Monks fighting. Oh well... good era everyone.

08:24:01 Mar 5th 14 - Mr. Eternitys Angel:

so who hasnt voted for arma yet?

15:38:28 Mar 5th 14 - Lady Eephg:

hey hey Soceror I will start a new kingdom with you.  any name ideas?

17:13:25 Mar 5th 14 - Stormy (Ms. Stormcrow):

we need another major kingdom....may start one up myself or join sorcerors, but damn do i hate being a leader, had my fill of it years ago:P

17:29:23 Mar 5th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Yeah, I hear that. :P I'm giving up the leadership of DD and taking next era off. Can't keep losing sleep over VU. :P

20:05:30 Mar 5th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

*cant keep losing VU

ftfy :)

21:03:23 Mar 5th 14 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

I never lose VU.. I have it bookmarked. :P

21:12:10 Mar 5th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

thats the worst joke i ever heard!

04:52:14 Mar 6th 14 - The Sorcerer (Mr. Toxic Sludge):

Eephg and Stormcrow, if this is gonna happen, we need a name or something and preferably we need to find more people to join us, lol. 

11:14:18 Mar 6th 14 - Bran (Mr. Shaolin Bran):

is this just going to be a situation where DD disbands and your kd replaces it? cos that wouldnt help much. whos going to lead DD next era?

11:41:35 Mar 6th 14 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

Ok so just to see if there is an interest as its something ive wanted to do for fun for a long time is to create a new KD :-

(just an example banner as this is a spur of the moment post)

The only rule for the KD is that I have always wanted to try an all Troll KD with none of those other smelly races allowed and I think Zetamania would be a good place to give it a go.

Ive played Troll a fair bit ;) so if anyone hasnt played but fancies giving it a try then i'd be happy to help, if enough are interested I think it would be fun so let me know :)

01:27:05 Mar 7th 14 - Lady Eephg:

I don't care if I help.  break up the 3 big kingdoms into 6 or 8 or 9.  Or don't.  this era is BORING BORING BORING..

05:41:49 Mar 7th 14 - The Real Josh (Archangel Sorin):

Why doesn't everyone just break up into three man KDs?

05:53:31 Mar 7th 14 - The Sorcerer (Mr. Toxic Sludge):

That'd be a little under 20 KDs, never be able to keep track of anything!

i'm down with 5 man kds or maybe even 10

06:19:58 Mar 7th 14 - The Sorcerer (Mr. Toxic Sludge):

I'd like 10 or 15, because then that's 4 or 6 KDs.

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