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Zetamania 5
15:50:00 Feb 28th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

the guys up north just have some juicy towns, is all. lol :P

15:59:30 Feb 28th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

Typical. I'm just too unsexy to be touched :(

16:31:52 Feb 28th 11 - Ms. Aevalish:

02:29:55 Mar 1st 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

I think i will be the last one alive! anyone dare to correct this? :)

Please ! Instead of trying to help your teammates in the east you tracked your army (which was a decent one .. i guess) as fast as it could to your home area.Spammed i'm guessing alot of swords  okay benefit of the doubt archers in your cities . You did nothing this era except spout your childish mouth of and send vulgar messages ( honestly you have some serious mental issues) . Yes you may well survive not because of what you did but because your teammates took the hits while you ran. 

16:50:37 Feb 28th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

oh sht i just remembered what i sent you. Well not really. I was a bit drunk at the time and tried to make you think wtf!?! lol.

Anyway, i didnt completely run. I followed orders until that army got through. First thing i tried to do was chase after it and stop it from destroying our core. When i realised this was a hopeless effort, and our core had fallen, i then sent it directly to my own cities. I figured if i had not done this, i would have lost any chance of paying upkeep for that army because of you, and i would have lost much of it before it saw any combat. I did what most people would do.

17:20:04 Feb 28th 11 - Mr. Samual:

14:29:55 Feb 28th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

I think i will be the last one alive! anyone dare to correct this? :)

I think this is one instance where the saying "Save the best till last" is probably the furthest line away from what I actually should be saying ;)

17:32:32 Feb 28th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

wtf i know i am very FAR from the best. i said i was going to be the last 1 left, because of my position and only have to contend with 1 army which is unexpectedly not making a move.

20:48:20 Feb 28th 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

a going away present!!!


Sir Horus XIII.

We have returned full command over Eblock to Sir Horus XIII.

We killed all of the 445850 troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

21:15:22 Feb 28th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Poor elves and halfers. :P

03:17:57 Mar 1st 11 - Mr. Inception:

They will rest in peace, even buried at the site of their death. lol That army must be getting weaker by now Horus ;)

03:44:04 Mar 1st 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

take over metropolis and that army will get weak very fast....

now about that arma cast!

edit: glad to see CE being opportunistic!!! i mean it!!!

04:01:20 Mar 1st 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Honestly, after DEATH pulled that move on them, and considering the one attacking you actually survived your sieging, he deserves what he can take. lol

10:08:55 Mar 1st 11 - Mr. Tyrin:

Anyone want to buy some tree? ><

14:48:29 Mar 1st 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

08:00:08 - We do not have enough gold to maintain buildings in our cites
08:00:08 - We do not have enough gold to pay wages for our soldiers!

thank you very much

15:26:06 Mar 1st 11 - Mr. Caocao:

Lol opportunistic? We took 4 cities, two of which were ours to begin with and one of the others had troops in it.

Less opportunistic, and more just finished catching up after you guys so rudely kicked us out =P

19:19:37 Mar 1st 11 - Mr. Stupid Genius:

Yup, the blocker had troops in it.... some ditched it while he was marching, but eh, the one attacking knew there would likely be resistance. 

He could've waited until I was able to earthquake and CW it to hell for him, but naw. :P

00:56:48 Mar 2nd 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

lol i had mostly abandoned that blocker. There was 70k knights there that left and headed north.

08:14:48 Mar 2nd 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

ok, i think you can end it now!

Edit: congrats hillbillied

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hillbilly Mafia12Mr. Major Pain305
Medieval Warriors6Sir Horus XIII100
Destroying Existance And Totally Hostile3Mr. Harbenger Death90
Cease to Exist8Mr. Caocao88
Peacekeepers10Mr. Grim Darkhammer5

08:27:43 Mar 2nd 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Not quite yet...... DEATH kinda broke our nap..... They die first. lol :P

09:49:36 Mar 2nd 11 - Mr. Tyrin:

Is that your cover instead of saying that you failed your first arma attempt Puppy?  XD

09:53:00 Mar 2nd 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Nooooo, not at all......

I hate you. :P

12:53:03 Mar 2nd 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

wait a sec, death broke your nap?? i wonder if that has anything to do with me telling them that mafia was planning to attack them, and that they should make a surprise attack because it is their best chance of survival. Ahhh gotta love the power of words :)

17:41:39 Mar 2nd 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

Total Income: -529,642

mmm i think i'm going broke :(

04:43:07 Mar 3rd 11 - Mr. Inception:

Playstation, that is a lie, and you know it. We would never turn on our allies like that, much less plan attacks on them. We are more honorable than that. We had suspicions that they might attack us, but we relied on DEATH to be an honorable kingdom, like we thought the players were. They obviously had prepared on attacking us, whereas we did not. Kinda makes me wonder why theyd trust you so easily, considering that in your positition you would try to say anything to keep the pressure off you guys.

04:57:37 Mar 3rd 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Basically, they took one of our towns, because it was inconveniently placed for them..... so now we kill them. :P

05:01:37 Mar 3rd 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

lol inception I sent them that ages ago and they did not reply. I was fairly certain they would not believe me, and i said it for the heck of it really. It would have been over what bunny guard said.

22:59:29 Mar 3rd 11 - Mr. Percy II:

Oh lol shouldve said that. That clears things up a little bit ;)

Inception by the way

01:49:13 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. James Bond:

lol Inception, I didnt know you were Percy. I was ignotus on Nirvana a long time ago. You made the kingdom Riders of Rohan. Green banner and all. It was when the era ended.

02:35:14 Mar 4th 11 - Mr. Percy II:

Hey didnt know if you were still around. The kingdom is recreated, but due to lots of problems, it will probably be disbanded again. Maybe you can join when it gets steady again :)

02:44:39 Mar 4th 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

hey you wankers... get arma started!

03:22:26 Mar 4th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

The dice are not being kind to me..... lol

Burned through my mages. :P

(time to build up again. lol)

22:04:35 Mar 4th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

If anyone alive wants arma, sell me stone at .9 and gimme some cheap slaves. lol :P

the gold to train the damn mu ain't the main problem, it's the lack of pezz!

00:59:00 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Inception:

Alright, what price do you want? Ive got 1 million I can sell, just need a price

00:59:18 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Inception:

Alright, what price do you want? Ive got 1 million I can sell, just need a price

03:52:02 Mar 5th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

ah 75 is reasonable. :D

04:14:06 Mar 5th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

errm, 50, if possible. lol

I'll buy them in time, as I get the gold. 

04:32:24 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

Can't. I get this message ;/

  • Your price can not be over 4 gold / stone (max 3600000 gold for 1000000 stone)!

04:40:46 Mar 5th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

har har har, was talking about slaves. :P

12:16:42 Mar 5th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Going to fill up my mc this time, and then try a bunch of times in a row. lol

13:06:40 Mar 5th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

i'll keep selling stone for 0.9

18:52:56 Mar 5th 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

next era's kingdom banner???

20:03:16 Mar 5th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

lol - Tyrin is a goof. :P

09:15:16 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. Tyrin:

lol Thought it was appropiate with all the major fighting over >:) And that was the rough draft, I fixed it since then ;) I think it looks best at 20% zoom :)


And 80% (I think, thats what I normally play on)

Is still off a bit, but thats just to mess with my favorite ocd Puppy >:)

A new army will cost us 563500 gold.

10:41:55 Mar 6th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Casting Armageddon from Puppy Power upon Puppy Did This with 29% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. We lost 30162 Illusionists and 37 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

Screw this damn spell!

11:00:41 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. Mmaakedon:

Puppy Bunny, thanks!

12:50:41 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

Nice work you little playboy bunny! now lets see... that gives me 10 days to 100% conquer the hillbillies! :)

14:17:22 Mar 6th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:


Okies, time to wait for next eraaaaa. ;P

andd if anyone kills me, piss off. yur job to cast arma/ :P

14:55:27 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. Samual:

Why did you leave Hillbilly Mafia?

16:22:32 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

That is the most unexpected thing i have ever seen this era. I know I won't like it much if he was kicked out for casting arma.

17:56:57 Mar 6th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

nooooooooooooooo, no kickie. I left. :P

Plans for next era!

18:46:42 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. James Bond:

lol like playstation would take over us.

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