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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Era of Mzzery

Zetamania Era of Mzzery
18:23:13 Jan 10th 10 - Mr. Pikachu:

The Pope plays VU? This game has everything! Zeta should advertise that on the homepage. He should have a quote from Pope John Wayne exclaiming the magnificence of VU.

20:16:29 Jan 10th 10 - King Dragon of Wrath:

The only response to the charges of treason is silence from Stu and Malimor and statements that RL friends should be VU traitors together. More importantly, Federation admits to not only having conspired and encouraged treason, but actively seeks out and recruits traitors as perfect players. 
Federation is a dishonorable kingdom.  From their own words, Federation openly recruits and conspires with traitors.  Federation attacked the Brethren from behind as we were in honorable war with HIV.  They actively conspired with obviously weak-hearted Malimor and Stu to have them disobey attack orders and betray their kd.   They herald them as loyal friends who “balance honor” which must be their warped reality.
The very definition of traitor has been proven to hold true:

Trai•tor ˈtrā-tər noun
1 : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty
2 : one who commits treason

In addition the following would apply to both players and kingdom:

coward [ˈkaʊəd]n
1. a person who shrinks from or avoids danger, pain, or difficulty

Brethren Forever rest and ask that the world of VU note the kingdom Federation as dishonorable and the players Stu and Malimor as traitors.

the one and only

20:33:03 Jan 10th 10 - Master Windu:


Wow how low can you go? Really? Uther is a Real Life friend of mine and he would never conspire with anyone. They were flamed by you and others and decided to join a more noble kingdom so I see fit that you just suck it up and fight with whatever you have left. Rulers back then who were fighting with swords did just that. Took their anger onto the battlefield. Fought to the death. That is what must be done.

20:36:26 Jan 10th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

Uther's the man, enough said

20:57:14 Jan 10th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

You really think we're openly seeking traitors? I'm sorry but you are stupid. This is a flame on ourselves because we know how to laugh at ridiculous accusations. Yes. Stu and Malimor left your kingdom. And you know, we may never know the truth, but we KNOW from your actions last era against Kaze and Shadow that we can not trust you. You also lead us to believe that Fate intended to war us and dragged us in on that. However Uther has multiple contacts in Fate, including the diplomat, and they had no such intentions. So do not speak to me of honor as if you are the Noble of nobles. You, to me, are as worthless as a horse with a kickstand. You just need to stop talking now. Sable out.

23:31:35 Jan 10th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

Nuff said, very well put Sable.

01:48:47 Jan 11th 10 - Duke Slade:

King Dragon = Abs... Nuff said :P( i highly doubt anyone but him will get that)

01:59:02 Jan 11th 10 - Mr. Path:

I admit that I do not know the details of the whole issue.  However, I dont believe anyone does.  I have been told contradictory stories about how things have happened.  However, there is only a few facts that both sides agree on.

1) Stu wanted to leave Brethren.  He announced it, but did not leave the kingdom.  This often happens when kingdoms are wiped out, players go to other teams.  There is disagreement about exactly when he was leaving.

2) Stu is booted from Brethren for saying he wants to leave.

3) Stu refuses to open his blocker to me (Brethren's enemy) so that I can go destroy their core because in his words he doesnt want to betray Brethren and he would hold that blocker as if he was still a member of Brethren.

4) Stu is Brethren.

5) Malimor his friend leaves Brethren and attacks his old kingdom (bad form).  However, both sides agree he did this in the service of helping his friend, that certainly complicates matters.  You cant expect to boot a member, attack him, and then not have his buddy get upset over it. 

In regards to the "Malimor wasn't attacking with his army" mentioned above...I just thought I would add that basically no one from Brethren was doing any attacking at the point we started breaching their core.  Earlier in the age the only people I saw on attack ironically were Stu and Malimor.  When we breached the core the only guy i saw attacking was named something like "Graxin" (sorry if im mistaken on the spelling).  Everyone else was in full retreat.  It was basically the running of the bulls and armies that were slow in retreat were getting 100% as they walked by.  Stu was attacking Federation for a while there, but that was the only exception.

I've got nothing against Brethren even though we've been fighting them for 2 ages now.  In fact,  I think they will be really great once they get some more players in there to support them.  Their activity is phenomenal even during very bad times, which is when most players tend to lose activity.  That said, from the outside looking in, it looks as though this thing with Stu has been mishandled.  For all I know Stu is in fact the terrible guy that they say he is.  However, their actions in the wake of Stu stating the he wants to leave lead me to seriously doubt the story coming from both sides. 

The only past experience I have with them regarding this type of thing is how they took Kaze's(their ally) mining city in their core last age.  Once again I fully admit I do not know the full story on that event.  Considering both sides have a different tale, maybe I should have used the word "stories".  But, I do know that Kaze had a very large mining city one day, and then the next day he had it taken away from him.  Determining the winner and loser in that confrontation was easy.  Considering the disadvantageous position that Kaze was in.... I doubt he intentionally took actions that would cause Brethren to attack his large mining city where he had no support in the middle of their core.

So once again...For all I know, they've been in the right all along.  However, I for one am not willing to trust them at this moment.  I'll leave that for someone else to test out.  This immature crap happens every era.  Im sure that in time we will know what really happened here.

04:31:55 Jan 11th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

'Nuff said.

06:03:31 Jan 11th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Props to Path...

he always knows the way! (see what i did there?)


06:09:57 Jan 11th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

O yeah and King Dragon...

i believe i made that kingdom description in mockery of your accusations like Sable said... Or maybe im crazy! (The crazy comment is for Darkwing Duck is he is paying attention to this!)

This entire argument is Uther Nonsense...

cant we just move on the better things?

o wait.... this is it:

The Federation17Lord Uther Pendragon100
Bear Machines 7Mr. Bear Banger16
Brethren Forever9King Dragon of Wrath12
Randum Teh Pokemon17Duke Random66


um i think its a little odd that i am ashamed of this... (the fact that we have nothing better to do then screw these guys over)

No offense to Random. Random i love you to death but... you had to take those PH weirdos in didn't you?


06:31:26 Jan 11th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Hey!!   Now all Hollywood ppl are crazy! 

*realizes  her and her hubby believe the Scientology cr@p*

mkay, maybe I'm not a good example, but I still look hot :P

08:43:45 Jan 11th 10 - Mr. Vapor The Bloodthirsty:

...except you got that wierd bunny nose.

09:11:07 Jan 11th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Waves at Uther.  I saw.  

20:00:41 Jan 11th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


the only way to true sanity is acting crazy from time to time. I learned that one from my gramps, crazy old fart.

00:37:04 Jan 12th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

insanity is under rated.  :P

00:42:59 Jan 12th 10 - Mr. Ram Bangin:

The Federation17Lord Uther Pendragon100
Bear Machines 7Mr. Bear Banger16
Brethren Forever9King Dragon of Wrath12
Randum Teh Pokemon17Duke Random66

Your forgot to include that HIV is on your side as well. Not to say we had any chance if they weren't there. But, I'm just saying, they are indeed there as well.

07:51:29 Jan 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Yeah you do have a point but we wouldn't be warring you guys if you wouldn't have let Pokemon and BF into your territory.

03:25:51 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Unbearable Silence:

really? thats your reasoning?

03:43:43 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

It's a war game. Shut up and get over it.

03:48:33 Jan 13th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

If you havent realized they are our enemies and those who help our enemies are enemies themselves


04:05:41 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Unbearable Silence:

Sable, i love you too. ;) and i dont care that you're attacking us. It's made the game interesting so thank you. It just seems odd that you assumed we were helping your enemies when we remained quite neutral.

05:14:43 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Teddybear:

Its just the way they play.. first decide to attack and then make up a reason..

Btw> Mr Path, your post is full of mistakes. We were ordered not to attack Stu even after he switched sides to the enemy(and that would give us the right to attack him). Lots of other mistakes in your post but I guess you have been talking to Stu and he lives in his own reality. Kind of like Federation so they make a good match! :P


05:35:00 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

Shhh Teddybear, it's quiet time now. Just do like the rest of your kd, run and hide now. Play time's over ;)

05:47:04 Jan 13th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Teddy you and your kingdom just seem to be having a hard time loosing. I congratulate you guys on sticking together through all of the (for the most part) and staying somewhat organized.

Judgment of character is best taken when people are under stress and as a kd whole you guys have held well. Though your attitudes are not the best. Maybe you and your kingdom should have thought twice before using us last era to clean house and re-obtain cities for you.

We are used by no one, and right now we are using your cities and will be using the new ones that you are all building here soon as well.

10:30:26 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Dargoth:

Not all of Brethren have run and hide. A lot of them are fighting till the end ;)

13:21:18 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Ha. I know Unbearable. I'm just quite tired of all of this 'You're warring us for no reason' bullcrap that goes on in this game every era. To me the only reason someone needs to war someone else is "I didn't like that look you gave me"

16:44:43 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

Dargoth, are we talking about the same people here???!

22:28:40 Jan 13th 10 - Mr. Unbearable Silence:

I hear ya sable. I commented because the reason Uther threw out kinda surprised me. I assumed the reason was that we were a small and easy target or we accidentally offended somones something. :p Anyways its been fun. Keep sending them armies to me!

00:23:32 Jan 14th 10 - Mr. Graxin:

Just a few notes I must add here...

Run and hide? seriously? There is really no way to "run and hide" in this game. Yes, we moved and started building elsewhere... Um... The other option is what, loose our cities and build new ones right next to the enemy that took the first ones?

BM is was not ever trying to help us. The fact that we have a few cities in the same area is simply because we both started settling at the same time, not because they "let us in their territory" or whatever.

Here is my final input on the whole STU/Malimor issue... It would seem that some odd things went on. Even from the inside I don't have 100% of the story, but here is a direct conversation I had with STU

Message From Mr. Stu
Mr. Stu (1/2/2010 1:26:18 PM)
the point of this building is for what ?

I then explained to him that I was trying to fix a failed blocker. The next thing I know he's positioning an army named "Hivwelcomehere" directly by Greystonekeep while we are at war with HIV. So yes, at that point I disliked STU. At this same time I was hearing about orders not being followed and the like. He was just not working with the KD. As far as the whole leaving/kicking issue, either there were some misunderstandings on one side or the other or some lies were told on one side or the other. I really don't know which, and I really don't care. I am simply glad that he is out of the KD and I am left with people I know I can trust.

00:37:33 Jan 14th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

To be honest Graxin, you're one of the few of your KD in whom I give credit too, for not only defending your kingdom, but also trying to explain the situation even when the odds are against you. Although, it is rather sad that you have to deal with this yourself and instead should be Dragon or Ays in your place. Good luck to you, but it seems like the kingdom you're in has the wrong leader (in my opinion of course) as you fit to be more qualified in how you act and treat others.


03:49:29 Jan 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Yeah sorry Bear Machines it did look a lot like you guys were letting them through your territory to settle new cities but whatever. Unbearable i am glad you are having fun though. I wish more players were like you and not sore losers. You seem to know how to hold your own very well too!

Props to Unbearable

and Graxin i see you (Avatar reference)


11:49:45 Jan 14th 10 - King Dragon of Wrath:

Not a single Brethren ran. The only ones who ran(switched sides) were the traitors Stu and Malimor which infiltrated our kingdom only to sell us out to the honorless Federation. All true Brethren fought and continue to fight until death. HIV is the ones who defeated us while Federation only came along hoping to get some free gains. So let it be clear to everyone that the only armies which broke a blocker have been HIV and Brethren have fought until death despite being outnumbered and surrounded as well as betrayed. We thank HIV for the fight once more and hope that next time they will chose their allies more wisely.

The fact that Federation have 50% of the posts in this thread but not a single one adressing the charges and most just a poor attempt at hiding their guilt or even direct or indirect admittance of guilt speaks volumes. Spamming and flaming does not make you right, it simply expose your own ignorance to the world. So thank you all for exposing yourself so easily with your flames and ignorant reasoning.

12:55:28 Jan 14th 10 - Mr. Doomhammer:

I don't think it mattered what Stu or Malimor did or didn't do, as the end result would've been the same..... lol

13:10:24 Jan 14th 10 - Master Windu:


That is totally true. I would have been the same.

15:06:17 Jan 14th 10 - Mr. Teddybear:

so its okay to betray a kingdom if the kingdom is loosing?

good logic.. if your retarded.

nuff said

16:29:18 Jan 14th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

And you are extremely a jerk. You realize that its not nice to insult people by calling them retarded right? Some of us have mentally ill family.

Idk what you are talking about dragon because when the fighting in the North Western part of your core was going on you had nothing there and the only people fighting us were Stu, Malimor, and Graxin.

I saw troops pulling away, you guys were pretty much leaving one front abandoned and broke your ranks because HIV was getting close to your cities. If my enemy was getting close to my cities i would break my armies away from defending another persons city to move 18 ticks away to attempt saving my own butt. Even then it would still be inevitable that i would be in it deep and not only that bu i would be pulling my troops away from somewhere else giving other a better chance at repelling the invaders fromt hat direction then being able to double back and reclaim my city.

My point being is that you only had your troops in one part of your core. I personally have an armory in every cardinal direction of the core so i can pump troops where i am needed and even sometimes between cardinal directions. Though it seems you guys were just pumping in your core and taking care of your own stuff rather then working as one entity. Over time you will learn how to work together better then that.

Do not go and call us dishonorable when it was you that started this to begin with. Maybe if you didnt use your own peaceful allies for your own gain then you wouldn't have had to die this era. Fight your own battles from now on "King".

17:17:14 Jan 14th 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Everyone likes to feel they are participating in a 'just war'.

Who cares?

00:23:30 Jan 15th 10 - Master Windu:

Mr. Teddybear


09:06:17 Jan 14th 10

so its okay to betray a kingdom if the kingdom is loosing?

good logic.. if your retarded.

nuff said


The results would have been the same, Teddybear. You guys were going to die anyways so stop complaining.

00:26:38 Jan 15th 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Teddybear, Queen Ays, you gave it your best shot, and for that I salute you.

03:29:35 Jan 15th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

"good logic.. if your retarded."

Just grammar checking you. Idiot. =)

10:28:52 Jan 15th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

blahblahblah, traitors, blahblahblah etc etc. I am pleased to announce that Fate entered the discussion and put the final nail in the coffin by picking one of the pokemoners up. Cheers to Sylvester Stalone and cheers to Stu and Malimor. I hope all of you are having a great era and alot of fun. Because, in particularily for Stu and Malimor they deserve it after having been dragged through the mud for this long. 

/cheers Deno


City Info
Owner:Mr. Sylvester StalloneKingdom Banner
Size:5925 building(s).
Gates:no gates

14:00:27 Jan 15th 10 - Master Windu:

Wow thats crazy!!!

14:33:34 Jan 15th 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

No it's not, it's Fate.

05:39:40 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Uther Nonsense?

07:43:23 Jan 16th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


(Stallone's swap-over has been approved by me!)

No one calls nonsense but me!
>: |

08:31:49 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Hanky Panky Johnny Depp:


Whats happening then ?
Am i going to have to come back and kick all your asses? not likely going to happen but ya know...

08:33:00 Jan 16th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

Hannnnnnnnnnnky <3

08:52:25 Jan 16th 10 - Pope John Wayne:

Mr. Sylvester Stallone you have been great help on zeta , unfortunately the enemy was to strong. Good luck in your new KD.

08:58:03 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

hai <3

oookies just seen brucey has landed on midgard i wasnt going to play but he only landed yesterday ima play casually suppose

please say midgard is connected to the rest and i can feed of nubs make a uber army & come kick your asses?

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