Fantasia era of Mzzery |
@Ancient, stop proving what's true and what's not. After all the battles, News, fillers, News, fillers come!
@DenoPan and Path, make a separate thread and put all your accusations against MAD members in one shot. Make it complete and attach all your evidences. Then, wait for my two-word reply. ;) Make it interesting, ok?
Lord Deno Pan Report
08:00:27 Feb 11th 10 The
war with Domi had to be done. We actually thought you guys were good
players that were plundering and feeding hardcore on domi to build your
armies. The only way to stop that was by doing it ourself. I must
admit. I am realy strongly disapointed that it turns out you are just
gold feeders and land feeders like that. I honestly thought we were up
against a rolling kd playing realy well.
this statement of yours is too closed. That you can conclude what you see and read without even confirming it to me, the leader of the kingdom you are accusing. Im sure if you ask me, I will be glad to tell you our story. :)
So, I think from you, can I say that HIV is too tactless in making their statements? NO! Because I will rather contact HIV leaders firsthand and hear their side. HIV and MAD are too kingdoms with different ideology, I dont care how you guys are playing.
If you are having problems with how this game can be played, come to VUAdmin. If you are having problems with how we play, its your problems not us, mate.
Mr. Aloysius
20:01:42 Feb 10th 10 Lord Deno Pan
08:00:27 Feb 11th 10 The
war with Domi had to be done. We actually thought you guys were good
players that were plundering and feeding hardcore on domi to build your
armies. The only way to stop that was by doing it ourself. I must
admit. I am realy strongly disapointed that it turns out you are just
gold feeders and land feeders like that. I honestly thought we were up
against a rolling kd playing realy well.
statement of yours is too closed. That you can conclude what you see
and read without even confirming it to me, the leader of the kingdom
you are accusing. Im sure if you ask me, I will be glad to tell you our
story. :)
So, I think from you, can I say that HIV is too
tactless in making their statements? NO! Because I will rather contact
HIV leaders firsthand and hear their side. HIV and MAD are too kingdoms
with different ideology, I dont care how you guys are playing.
If you are having problems with how this game can be played, come to VUAdmin.
If you are having problems with how we play, its your problems not us, mate.
I myself could not have said it any better.
War is not fair, not at all. The sooner you accept this fact and adapt
to it, the better off you will be. This is not a shot at anyone just
reminding everyone of this often looked over fact.
Well, I could have said it better...
I would have used "two" instead of "too" when referring to the number of kingdoms.
True, but no ones perfect =P
Furthermore, I am not critical of MAD doing market feeding strategy this round or not. I am simply saying this fool needs to stop trying to pass it off as some unplanned and fortunate event. He just happens to buy out the market and put some slaves on priced at almost exactly a billion gold. His kingdommate just happens to have a billion gold laying around....
If hes too ashamed to admit it, why do it in the first place? No point in lying about it.
If you are having problems with how this game can be played, come to VUAdmin.
If you are having problems with how we play, its your problems not us, mate.
I myself could not have said it any better.
You do realize that's an excuse for anyone to multi as much as they want right? :P War isn't fair, get ready to catch my 500 accts! :P
Is it bad to clean up the market and sell your stuff so that one of your kdmates can buy it?
If they feel like getting banned then no ones stopping them =P
LOL! Someone still reminiscing the past.
Seriously, MAD has pulled things like this a lot before.
I remember in the PHI+MAD VS DB+LGC stalemate era. They multi'd their ass off to feed one human for him to get a 500K cat army.
and back than, they also denied doing it... until they got banned that
This era is nothing new to them... Which is why I would never join MAD.
Nothing against people in MAD, I like a few people in there, but things like this make the public-image of your kingdom go doooooooooooooooown.
@ Ancient Basio "btw NIQ did that as she wont be online much in the coming days so she didnt want gold to be plundered by Path"
i guess you better start stuck piling those slaves again, so that when your b1tch is online you can buy up the market all over again and sell those slaves :D:D
@ninques if your going offline for a while try something along these lines, these days we call it training... its an extremely efficient way of getting rid of your gold and you'll have a new army ready by the time you get back.. amazing right? :D!!!!!
So Mad are 'Insider Traders'?
Mr. Aloysius
03:01:42 Feb 11th 10 | Lord Deno Pan Report
If you are having problems with how this game can be played, come to VUAdmin. If you are having problems with how we play, its your problems not us, mate. |
Apperantly this part of your post is so important that others of your members are highlighting it. First off, why on earth would i go to the vu admin when i can post it here and have the entire game comunity see what you are doing. That argument is a complete failure as i did exactly what i wanted to do and got exactly the reaction from you that i wanted. I even got the additional bonus of full confession from Basio and Mad leader (you), telling Basio in public not to tell the truth.
I also got in game and skype pms from ppl adding to the evidence against you, even some of wich i didnt publish yet.
It seem to me that the only reason you possibly could have for me to go to the vu admin is to avoid getting yourself in the spotlight and getting it known what you are doing.
And then to the about how you play part. Do you realy think the feeding style can be justified. Its frigging easy to set up. At era start all big kds when they are doing role calls reserve a roll for a kingdom feeder / exploiter.
This completely kills the chance for any smaller kds to ever stand a chance. They are having it hard enough allready as it is, but come on.
Apperantly the Admin is doing quite an effort trying to ban multis and clean out the game of the trash to give everyone an even chance of participating. In my opinion your feeding system is the real trash that should be looked at. there is nothing worse than systematic exploiting within the absolute edges of what is acceptable.
But please continue your feeding and your arguments why your style is everyone elses problem and not your own.
Fantasia era of Mzzery |
Forums / In game politics / Fantasia era of Mzzery |
Author |
Message |
Mr. Aloysius
02:41:53 Feb 11th 10 |
@Ancient, stop proving what's true and what's not. After all the battles, News, fillers, News, fillers come!
@DenoPan and Path, make a separate thread and put all your accusations against MAD members in one shot. Make it complete and attach all your evidences. Then, wait for my two-word reply. ;) Make it interesting, ok?
Mr. Aloysius
03:01:42 Feb 11th 10 |
Mr. Anonymous |
Mr. Path
05:13:49 Feb 11th 10 |
Mr. Anonymous
05:18:52 Feb 11th 10 |
True, but no ones perfect =P
Mr. Path
05:19:09 Feb 11th 10 |
Furthermore, I am not critical of MAD doing market feeding strategy this round or not. I am simply saying this fool needs to stop trying to pass it off as some unplanned and fortunate event. He just happens to buy out the market and put some slaves on priced at almost exactly a billion gold. His kingdommate just happens to have a billion gold laying around....
If hes too ashamed to admit it, why do it in the first place? No point in lying about it.
Lady Katie Holmes
05:23:18 Feb 11th 10 |
If you are having problems with how this game can be played, come to VUAdmin. If you are having problems with how we play, its your problems not us, mate.
I myself could not have said it any better.
You do realize that's an excuse for anyone to multi as much as they want right? :P War isn't fair, get ready to catch my 500 accts! :P
Ms. Console
05:47:01 Feb 11th 10 |
Is it bad to clean up the market and sell your stuff so that one of your kdmates can buy it?
Mr. Anonymous
05:47:06 Feb 11th 10 |
If they feel like getting banned then no ones stopping them =P
Sir Ryan The Archtroll
06:17:33 Feb 11th 10 |
LOL! Someone still reminiscing the past.
Pirate Candybeard
07:45:03 Feb 11th 10 |
Seriously, MAD has pulled things like this a lot before.
I remember in the PHI+MAD VS DB+LGC stalemate era. They multi'd their ass off to feed one human for him to get a 500K cat army. and back than, they also denied doing it... until they got banned that is...
This era is nothing new to them... Which is why I would never join MAD.
Nothing against people in MAD, I like a few people in there, but things like this make the public-image of your kingdom go doooooooooooooooown.
Mr. Qassim
08:56:05 Feb 11th 10 |
@ Ancient Basio "btw NIQ did that as she wont be online much in the coming days so she didnt want gold to be plundered by Path"
i guess you better start stuck piling those slaves again, so that when your b1tch is online you can buy up the market all over again and sell those slaves :D:D
@ninques if your going offline for a while try something along these lines, these days we call it training... its an extremely efficient way of getting rid of your gold and you'll have a new army ready by the time you get back.. amazing right? :D!!!!!
Mr. Gauntlet
10:15:18 Feb 11th 10 |
So Mad are 'Insider Traders'?
Lord Deno Pan
12:50:12 Feb 11th 10 |
And then to the about how you play part. Do you realy think the feeding style can be justified. Its frigging easy to set up. At era start all big kds when they are doing role calls reserve a roll for a kingdom feeder / exploiter. |
Don't know if this is true and general tactic, but IF it is so, then we have another big reason to set a cap to limit to the size of kingdoms. Then they can fill up the ranks with (good) players only as there hopefully wouldn't be "free seats" to make that kind of manipulation.
Guess it's time to "bump" the topic on the suggestionforum - even though I do not support the 10-member cap but want something considerable higher. 25 members fx.
EDIT: Copied much too much. Trying to delete.
Well, didn't manage to delete the whole thing. I just wanted part of Deno Pan's last post to be included.
lol you can feed reguardless... its actually easier if you have two allied KDs to feed with... but meh, you'll never stop it.
Duke Random
13:40:39 Feb 11th 10 |
lol you can feed reguardless... its actually easier if you have two allied KDs to feed with... but meh, you'll never stop it.
Probably true. But that shouldn't prevent any (admin support is need I guess) to make a try.
Pirate Candybeard Report
14:45:03 Feb 11th 10 Seriously, MAD has pulled things like this a lot before.
I remember in the PHI+MAD VS DB+LGC stalemate era. They multi'd their ass off to feed one human for him to get a 500K cat army.
and back than, they also denied doing it... until they got banned that
This era is nothing new to them... Which is why I would never join MAD.
against people in MAD, I like a few people in there, but things like
this make the public-image of your kingdom go doooooooooooooooown.
---------- Pirate, we dont feed that 500k cata. :P *Feel the nostalgia* We just pull it off better and faster than the kingdom that controls how the game can be played.
Anyway, all the players I had before dont play anymore. *move on, mate* Its a new set of players this era, I never ordered them to do anything tricky especially to the eyes of our enemies that know they are good. And if we ever make it to the top this era, its because we are better than last era. :) *move on, mate*
I remember back then, you guys were shouting... Admin, multi-sweep please! multi-sweep!
Hehe. Why not try it again? I will be happy to tell my past players irl that Lewatha cant still move on. :)
------- Deno Path, you got to love that two liner there. :D
we never accused anyone of multying, we just think its cheap to use your dwarfs to feed your elfs... and city swapping with music good job there :D
if you win the era its thanks to your dirt cheap tactics nothing else...
I'm not overly arsed about it all.
If thats how some members need to play to succeed then so be it. I prefer skillful players, but each to their own i guess. Anyone can do what you guys did, alot won't because its frowned on by the community.
But Aloy your openness about how you don't care how your members play may just create an open season where some KDs will stoop to that level now to try and match those armies.
But ive got to say, for all the feeding, and low war count, your players havent done as much as they could have with the armies they were given. I'd say if HIV had done the same then we would have mowed down all opposition. But i guess its good we give you a chance by playing within moral boundaries ;)
Scores on the doors say:
Hot Inactive Veterans Battles won: 993 Battles lost: 390
Mad Against Drugs Battles won: 747 Battles lost: 410
Looks like we will make the 1,000, sweet :)
Mind if I say some things here?
Greetings Lords, Ladies and all the rulers of VU!
Please hear me. I stand on things that have my eyes seen. I might boastful and brag things but I'm not a Liar. Again please hear this beautiful and sexy Priestess voice. (I'm not good in english grammar so please bear with me)
Lord Deno Pan
06:24:46 Feb 11th 10 | [23:15:19] Deno says: Ancient Basio [Mad Against Drugs] are only selling 3855000 slaves
[23:21:31] Deno says: Ancient Basio [Mad Against Drugs] are only selling 1175000 slaves
257.2 gold. Nice feeding there basio. Who is feeding you the gold from selling slaves at more than 4 times the market value ?
no wonder you can field that amount of ams. | Lord Deno Pan
06:28:14 Feb 11th 10 | i
realy think its bloddy bad taste you guys brag about niques bank
account of 1 bilion gold and then pull a stunt like that. Keep your
secrets a little more close to yourself if you wanna go greyzone. |
First of all, the first batches of Basio's armeis was not my doing as feeding him. For I know, he was assigned at our affairs in Armageddon which he had got a bountiful loot from plundering those Winged Dusk players before we have CF them. Lord Deno Pan
06:58:28 Feb 11th 10 | So you are making the exuse that niques are buying your slaves becuase she dont want to get plundered by Path ?
you completely forget is that Niques is clean sweaped out of the era. I
am sure you are to dumb to actually look before you come up with an
exuse. niques had 1 city. Path plundered and took it. She has nothing
left, so that exuse is just plain retarded.
It's not an excuse my dear Deno. I just bought those slaves when Path plundered me. I had panic due to that he may plunder me all over again since I advertise at the forums that I got billion of gold in trasury. I bought those slaves before he returned taht city to Argyle. Can't show you eveidence because me and Basio are of different timeline. When I know it, I'll post it here. Mr. Path
12:19:09 Feb 11th 10 | Furthermore,
I am not critical of MAD doing market feeding strategy this round or
not. I am simply saying this fool needs to stop trying to pass it off
as some unplanned and fortunate event. He just happens to buy out the
market and put some slaves on priced at almost exactly a billion gold.
His kingdommate just happens to have a billion gold laying around....
If hes too ashamed to admit it, why do it in the first place? No point in lying about it.
You're definitely right there my friend. I even don't know that Basio had those amount of Slaves at the market until I panic buying all resources that MAD has at the market. For the last time I saw slaves where sold to 125 at max. So haven't have an idea that there was around that price for slaves. Mr. Qassim
15:56:05 Feb 11th 10 | @ Ancient Basio "btw NIQ did that as she wont be online much in the coming days so she didnt want gold to be plundered by Path"
guess you better start stuck piling those slaves again, so that when
your b1tch is online you can buy up the market all over again and sell
those slaves :D:D
@ninques if your going offline for a while try
something along these lines, these days we call it training... its an
extremely efficient way of getting rid of your gold and you'll have a
new army ready by the time you get back.. amazing right? :D!!!!!
Sorry mate my armories are all at full capacities with MUs. That billion of golds was intended to create a Horde of Axers at Zetamania but unluckily due to my OJT haven't have time to fully build an armory there. Lord Deno Pan
07:26:34 Feb 11th 10 | So
your claim now is that Niques is gold feeding you out of fear that Path
would run from south east paert of Zeta to Starta or valhalla and start
plundering her tlike mad there ? It would take some time you know.
pretty much are claiming this reaction. "OMG HE IS 375 TICKS AWAY, ANT
comeon. Noone is that dumb. |
Ouch! It's sad to hear that from a friend. Maximum Profits form Mimimum Expenses. That's what my professors taught me as a Management student. I will not apologize for what I have done since you throwed your insolent words to this Sexy Priestess. For me it still in the moral level of marketers out there to control the market on their benefit. The Beautiful and Sexy Priestess of VUNiques the Mystical
You should consider backreading the entire thread and see how many Contradictions there is between the allready established truth and what you are posting here.
Your story here sounds very similar to the one that allready colapsed for Basio last night. Did you make it up together or something ?
I think thats the role of a dwarf in a kingdom ! to farm and help the others whit gold to build up armies ... i dont see other role for a dwarf in a kingdomn(mabi mage:P) no other good qualities(soldier) other then good gold a nd stone production even the race definition is a definition of a farmer ... or maby a defender but he can be a defender and farmer in the same time ...
if somemeon does not like it its his problem ... if you dont want the dwarfs to farm gold go and get it from them :) its simple like that ...
So a friend is telling me that I don't read first the forum before I posted? Also telling me that I just made and made it all up? LOL! Sorry, I already said at the beggining of my post, I might Brag sometimes but totally not a LIAR.
Not if you are surrounded by HoH Troll Armies.
That's what your elves are for...
Dwarf = Elf killer...
yeah forgot about the new dwarf features ..:) sorry for that
Well, if they are closed enough with you. Not if your just with another Dwarf player.
Aloy, it's not a matter of not being able to move on. It's a matter of MAD still being the same old dirty kingdom as it was 15 era's ago. You fed than (don't argue it, your guys were banned for multiing, after we asked for a multi sweep when we saw you all fed one person, than you guys came up with some lame excuse of playing in a cyber-café so all having the same IP) and you fed now.
Nothing different.
The problem doesn't actually lie with MAD or any kingdom. It's the competitivity pulled to a great extent that is causing gameplay like this.
'The problem doesn't actually lie with MAD or any kingdom. It's the
competitivity pulled to a great extent that is causing gameplay like
Yup the game is very competitive, still, I think its for us as players to 'play fair' because that's a good thing?
'I think thats the role of a dwarf in a kingdom ! to farm and help the others whit gold to build up armies'
Do you?
We have one Dwarf, who took out an enemy leader's HoH army, not to mention a whole host of other enemy armies, acting ceaslessly for the good of the alliance.
And according to your own statements, this great player's army was killed by an army that was aquired by feeding?
I hate you MAD, with a passion beyond words and the grave.
oh i palyed dwarf many timesand i kn ow thie ar egood ealry era and maby mid era but suck at late era ...its just mibelieve true
btw niques how does it feel being someones bitch? saving up gold 1 billion gold that must've taken what? 250-400hrs and then just buying a guys slave and saying your going inactive
Well, 250-400 hours of service, it's certainly not just a little 'favour'.
so yup rad she's a good little bitch :D
I just wanna say that Ms. Niques is Beeyyoottchhh .... :P
Ms Blue Light ... is also a Beeyyootchhh lololol :D
Ms. Bluelight has won 185 battles, captured 144 cities and killed a total of 2565988 men and women.
you guys can sai waht ever you want but BLUE got never fed from any of us ... we had all our roles in oop his was to get his magic level up and his am training on as soon as possible and he did his job wery well he got may good plunders and he never farmed only trained and trained youu all can see what his kiling ratio is .. so you all suck it up and stop flaming around like you never famred or never bought each other s resources to feed some meb er a little i will never believe that all kingdoms have farmers ...
You forget that Blue fed cities from your nap partner Musik. As far as my info source is telling me it even resulted in your kd getting a warning from Fate for nap breaking and were asked to stop the land swapping going on between your 2 kds Musik and Mad.
@Pirate...I never get deleted in my entire VU life. Eras back, we fed better than you guys. :) And eras back we played in the same internet shop. But you can ask Zeta why my members got deleted, Im sure its not because of cross logging alone. This game interface changed, walls removed, production tweaked, etc.. all because there were someone who can play the game in a different way. :D
This era, I never ordered my kingdom to do anything you think we did in the past. I never got my old members back into playing interest again, so it is impossible that we are doing it again. ;) It is sad to know you still consider this kingdom the rebellious kingdom of the past. but its ok. :)
Anyway! about all the accusations of feeding this era, we never do that in an extent just to get in the charts, we can do that anytime. City SWAPPING??? Come on! Is that the best thing someone can pull to degrade once kingdom?
We never city swapped with Music. Why not ask Music?
@Lord Deno and FATE, If FATE warned you that we are nap breaking because they suspect us of land swapping, why does FATE asked you (HIV) to stop us? FATE asking you to make us stop? Come on! FATE NAP breaks then! FATE should have raise this matter to me, before anything else. And you being a kingdom honorable enough not to do something bad, why dont your leaders approach me to discuss this matter to me?
You look at things but not in all aspects, mate. why not just tell me what you think and let's settle this to the admin. huh!
We didn't ask HIV to war you :p We also will honour our agreement with you, but as far as I'm concerned, it's the last time we'll have relations with MAD ever again. Every era we have a NAP, you find some sneaky, underhanded way to piss us off .. Whether it's intentional or not, I have no idea... But this has been the last time.
Mr. Aloysius
We never city swapped with Music. Why not ask Music?
Hilarious.... perhaps Bluelight should return Dropkick's city to Music then.
Mr. Aloysius
@Lord Deno and FATE, If
FATE warned you that we are nap breaking because they suspect us of
land swapping, why does FATE asked you (HIV) to stop us? FATE asking
you to make us stop? Come on! FATE NAP breaks then! FATE should have
raise this matter to me, before anything else. And you being a kingdom
honorable enough not to do something bad, why dont your leaders
approach me to discuss this matter to me?
You look at things but not in all aspects, mate. why not just tell me what you think and let's settle this to the admin. huh!
Fate does not need HIV to stop MAD. Fate would have no problems stopping MAD on its own.
MAD rules. Ancient Basio is the slave lord and should be jailed for trafficing. City swapping ain't a crime but we didn't anway. MAD is so dirty they should be in detention but MAD is innocent. MAD is good. MAD is a real fun kingdom. don't hating. :)
@ Landry
Mad should also get rid of retards like you, here's a suggestion go over what you posted and try translating it into English
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