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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax 47

Mantrax 47
23:45:32 Oct 28th 16 - Mr. Fecker:

Not far short

23:46:12 Oct 28th 16 - Mr. Aishas Cuddlebunny:

She completes me <3

12:40:28 Oct 31st 16 - Mr. Richard Lionheart:

It is cool that we are 36 days in the era and the end is nowhere close, there is still lots of fighting to do, thumbs up for everyone this era, its fun so far!

21:05:39 Oct 31st 16 - Mr. Ghostface:

That moment when you click on a city you took in beginning of the war, and it happened to be an armory, you trained some troops several times there, and then about 4 days later you forgot about the town completelly, you been training in the original one in the core, you click on that new city and you find a sh1t load of troops in there and you're like

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

Where Did These Come From
Mr. Ghostface

22:31:25 Nov 7th 16 - Sir Scimitar:

It got quiet on Mantrax, so lets speed things up

Vote yes so people that died can return and we can have more great wars...
This became a little bit annoying to everyone...

23:22:34 Nov 7th 16 - Sir Hill:

After the strange things happening on Zetamania, and Fantasia, regarding the confusing endings of the world, we thought lets test things out, to see what information we can gather about the arma casting.

We noticed that at least half people in the world need to vote for it to end instantly, and this era we had 17 votes for yes, and 2 votes for no, and it ended instantly. Votes for no came last, we first had those 17 yes which pretty much determined the outcome because those 2 votes for no really did not play any part in the decision. 

Someone might question the reason for arma in such position cause it seemed we have it all under control, have the numbers and good position, but due to several of us going semi active or inactive, and RoC falling so quickly to FW giving them huge income boost, we thought it would be good to keep the win in hands of the Collective.

In the end, only the result will remain

04:06:30 Nov 8th 16 - Swedish chef Brashen:

What the frack did the era end? I was still busy kickin behinds

04:35:43 Nov 8th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Someone might question the reason for arma in such position"

nono. It's quite clear. You looked at your armies (more pure naz/zerk armies than FW had people playing), decided you were still going to lose, said oh crap can't have that and hit the I quit button.

Congrats on locking your HoH text...

This is bull crap, Mormont was having a major comeback... this era would have been great for a ten day count down

07:05:03 Nov 8th 16 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

While all other kingdoms were fighting FW were farming away, couple of them had 200k cities even back when we started our Ferox war, so their income was significantly higher than ours. No surprise than when we attacked with our 20k-ish Naz armies, we enountered 35k Naz from Blah. With so much land that you took with zero to no resistance from RoC   Had 1,105,771 land, I would not be surprised you were close to 50k Naz when we ended it. 

I hope this will teach you guys that farming does not pay in the long run :) And every time all kingdoms fight and only one farms, I advice everyone to do this to prevent them from winning :) Fight, don't farm :)

08:35:26 Nov 8th 16 - Soth (Ms. Drana):

Haha well I guess congratulations are in order. Elsin single-handedly defeats Collective without striking a blow. Brilliant.

11:44:49 Nov 8th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"While all other kingdoms were fighting FW were farming away"
Are you trying to say with a straight face that Collective didn't spend this era farming their assens off, or are you just being facetious?

"I hope this will teach you guys"
I think it has.
Last era Collective NAP Ferox to double the number of players of the kingdoms they were fighting.
This era they Arma'd out of a war they spent a month farming for.

It teaches me that Collective will avoid war with anyone they don't have a massive player/relations/income head start on, and that if I want a war on Mant with someone who isn't terrified of dieing, I should talk to RoC.

11:55:50 Nov 8th 16 - Sir Justanius Fontanius XXX:

last era we split into farmers and attackers while we had gains up north and pushed roc back. The farmers in our kingdom including myself got caught slipping since we didnt really prepare for collective. The players up north gave up all their gains and headed back to the core to defend but by then it was too late and the war was beyond winnable. With our gains however i dont think collective has much of an excuse by claiming that forgotten warriors had an upper hand. I actually would have prefered to be in collectives shoes, they gained more resources by taking our core then Fw actually had. 

12:10:39 Nov 8th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"i dont think collective has much of an excuse by claiming that forgotten warriors had an upper hand"

Until FW did something to change things they had the player/army/op advantage, the land/income advantage, they even had the benefit of dedicated mage/s. When a few of our players overtook them in the land/income department they tapped out :(

"Elsin single-handedly defeats Collective without striking a blow."

Apparently :)

02:51:50 Nov 9th 16 - Swedish chef Brashen:

Mormonts comeback mr king burninglegion? 

I think I was doing a fair jobb killing or bouncing you all though I was very defencive since I missed the era was about to end so that was greatly timed of you guys.
I must say it is darn hard manouvering on a tablet with bad wifi but my current trip is the last for a long wile since ill get my puppy so I promise to be more active,
And now when I played my first age for a couple of years I rememberd alot  and made lots of scientific miistakes so I hope ill putt up a better fight in the future.
GG and thanks for fun fightin Roc and game of thrones fans

That was a very impressive nazgul army Swedish 

But as I recall we had 5 XXXX or greater armies on the offensive while you were on the defensive ? if the era had counted down then many of your plundered cities would have become Mormont cities.

It was a good era but ended too abruptly

09:58:18 Nov 9th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"then many of your plundered cities would have become Mormont cities."
not many and not for long ;)

"I rememberd alot  and made lots of scientific miistakes"

A lot of scientific mistakes? Intriguing.

" I think i'm cool and use italics and bold to quote people "

02:10:53 Nov 10th 16 - Swedish chef Brashen:

What bigger armies did I miss enyone? I had thrown almost all of them back? yours where a quarter of my strenght and era ended before I could chase it back, the there was one I only bounced though with 87% but the rest felt under control

09:45:26 Nov 10th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

" I think i'm cool and use italics and bold to quote people "


12:46:45 Nov 10th 16 - Swedish chef Brashen:

 You guys got it wrong I think i´m cool and use italics and bold to quote people using italic and bold to quote people who use italic and bold to quote people.

20:58:02 Nov 10th 16 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Dark):

Using italic or bold either alone or in combination is rather good to show headlines in a post I say - even though you sometime have to use the underline too to make it clear......

An alternative reply could be this: :slap: :bash: :idiot:...........

Brilliant Mcmax!

14:17:20 Nov 11th 16 - Swedish chef Brashen:

It works even better in bold and italic
"An alternative reply could be this: 
:slap: :bash: :idiot:..........."

16:28:13 Nov 11th 16 - Princess Aisha:

I would like to congratulate Sir Hills for the era win :-) thumbs up for the entire team, you all had important parts in the victory.

Thanx to Ferox as well for giving us a nice fight, it was fun and intetesting. Regarding arma, we did the same thing Gentlemen did on Fanta and nobody btched about it there like FW did here. 

Obvioisly rl is the main reason why we ended it, almost half the kd went or was going inactive. Therefore Collective will not return next era, I do not have time for 3 chatacters either, will play Fanta and Valhalla for a while. 

Good luck to you all that will play next era!

07:05:28 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"we did the same thing Gentlemen did on Fanta and nobody btched about it there like FW did here."

Yes. Doesn't surprise me. Fant does have lower standards. Choose to Arma out of a war that had barely started to avoid a loss and there's a chance you might get bitched about (shock/horror)

Unfortunately naming and shaming is the only weapon available to fight the spread of Fantitis. Maybe Mant needs to build a wall... We can make Fant pay for it!

07:48:27 Nov 12th 16 - Princess Aisha:

Next time don't sit in your corner of the map for over a month and actually do more than just taking undefended RoC cities while they were rebuilding and recovering from plague spell casted on them. 

If there is a kingdom capable of arma casting and that holds HoH 1st position, make sure you don't allow them the chance for that. Don't btch now, do something about it on the map. 

08:32:42 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Next time you farm for a month in preperation for a war, show some backbone and go through with it rather than running away when you start to lose your income advantage.

08:35:19 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Bling:

I'm touching myself right now 0_o

08:37:12 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

I'm touching you too

08:42:01 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Bling:

You make me so wet in the nostrils

09:00:39 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:


*Pulls fingers out of Blings nose*

09:06:06 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Bling:

dont forget to wipe your chin when u done... remember you gagged last time I had you in this position

12:47:46 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Troll Bridge:

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

12:57:43 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Bogdan II:

"we did the same thing Gentlemen did on Fanta and nobody btched about it there like FW did here."

I don't really understand why you are comparing the situations. On fant mad was dead and alba almost dead, just something small remaining so basically no more wars (as far as I knew IG and SF were napped), on mant the war was still going.

20:09:41 Nov 12th 16 - Endless (Lady Tinuviel):

not napped 

22:50:23 Nov 12th 16 - Sir Justanius Fontanius XXX:

"we did the same thing Gentlemen did on Fanta and nobody btched about it there like FW did here."

Im sorry i dont think you can draw a comparison, we napped sf because we had a 1:4 ratio fighting our enemies after taking 7 players down. The rest of what was left, they did NO FIGHTING, mad and albatross had almost 30 players combined naped after oop. Yet still non of the 40 other players took a war to their nearest rival except us. We did it from day one and if sf turned around and said lets fight I would have happily done it. But it seemed overkill and would just prolonge the era. We took everything the other two kingdoms had already and the only other competition sf had 51% of our power barely any of the hoh armies. Collective first fought a Ferox already engaged in two wars with two other kingdoms after no wars. Like I said its still not the same case. Either way congrats because you guys won and I wont try to discredit your fair and square victory. But I think the situations your comparing even start differently. 

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