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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era 47

Mantrax Era 47
18:38:22 May 26th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

Cao, I offered BoW a truce a while back, an offer they refused. By principle we won't offer it again this era.

19:11:42 May 26th 10 - Mr. Ignis Calibus:

i agree with them pride is everything

00:09:34 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

As for an update it is now:



Skulls vs Humans + Legion Of the Risen Dragon (Will Kellys Husband)

Apparently Skulls cant fight a two man kingdom and need some help.  Well we will take it in stride and I guess LORD will need to die also.  I guess this evens out the fight just a bit Skulls may stand a chance now.  So back to the battlefield and back to my newsroom.

00:30:03 May 27th 10 - Mr. Will Kellys Husband:

you are quite a drama queen aren't you? i mean your armies are obviously frozen but you are just doing so splendidly. Has anyone from LORDS attacked you?

Skullz business is there business as i said to you. If i decide to take some cities that have popped up next to mine and are from someone who is not a NAP-then somehow i am colluding with others for your demise. give me a break. 

00:32:02 May 27th 10 - Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill:

YEH you might stand a chance when your army defrosts,


Should I just keep burning your troops to death,


00:32:50 May 27th 10 - Sir Seleucis I Nicator:

Teirdel, I am very honored to give your men one hell of a training, I congratulate Mr. Exodus for busting Lilybaeum, that is clever, however like all wise men, I have my tricks up my sleeves. I'll shard bricks if you all bust my border blockers though. Teirdel, you got some good kingdom men though, I love fighting Syraxe and Evilgod especially!

01:28:35 May 27th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

"18:09:34 May 26th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

As for an update it is now:



Skulls vs Humans + Legion Of the Risen Dragon (Will Kellys Husband)

Apparently Skulls cant fight a two man kingdom and need some help.  Well we will take it in stride and I guess LORD will need to die also.  I guess this evens out the fight just a bit Skulls may stand a chance now.  So back to the battlefield and back to my newsroom."
You better go back your newsroom lol

01:30:41 May 27th 10 - Duke Drakos:

Offered a truce? "Abandon all your cities, head east with your armies and destroy your Gt's in the abandonded cities so we can take them quicker and we won't chase you" was the offer. 

 That wasn't a "truce", that was abject and total surrender on our part, something the wolves have never done. And never will....

01:31:25 May 27th 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

dam double post

01:32:29 May 27th 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

Well it was the last sympathetic thing we could do before we took your core

01:47:22 May 27th 10 - Duke Drakos:

Well, at least you admit it "was our core"...the "truce" message said for us to abandon "your" core. lol  Doesn't matter, we wouldn't have cf'd even if you had let us keep everything.

01:48:21 May 27th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I'm not sad that they kept warring us.  I don't really know why they offered that truce, only a coward would accept it.  I appreciated the thought though, lol.  It's dramatic. ;)

02:04:08 May 27th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Arthur, we thought that our proposal is a win- win for both KDs (and you have to admit it would have been for yours - you lost your last city 3-4 days after we made you the offer); it was not our intention to offend you in any way.

It is pointless now to discuss about it.

02:34:14 May 27th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Exactly, let's just keep going ;)

04:35:44 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Drama queen? are you kidding me your just a pest as we really wanted to fight Skulls and not have interference complaining maybe, as for casting rain of fire ask Liu Bei what it's like to be ROFed as he lost nearly 20k troops to my rain of fire alone and he also lost his super duper HOH army.  Who's army is next?

04:49:46 May 27th 10 - Mr. Survivor:

Mine, if you can get to me. Genocide still going at me. Getting no where.

04:54:29 May 27th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Well again Toaster you seem to forget I have mages just not in the army. A mistake that will not be made again so of course lucky and quick thinking was on your side i will give you credit for that.

04:58:33 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

lol again we've talked about this mages wouldnt have saved your army I had 95% on it before I casted ROF.  After two casts I had 100% so I killed it without remorse.

05:00:30 May 27th 10 - Mr. Alien God:

Blood hounds Vs Knights Of Claidmore

05:05:26 May 27th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Thats bs!! I have been relying on the highscores board. I have been cheated lol What do you have in that 60k army? Adventurers cuz if you do I have a system that can beat that.

05:19:40 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

you had 42kish slingers did you honestly believe I wouldnt be able to kill that this late in the era?

05:32:47 May 27th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

I asked you a question Toasty. Do you or do you not have you know what nevermind I will find a way to defeat you. I have always done so with others and i will do it again.

05:43:02 May 27th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

3x 20k ponys >> n 10k advents. I lost 30k troops earlier in this era on a 98 chance with only 4 out of 12 day prep. Apparently if u lose you lose EVERYTHING...... Ive been stging like a madman to catch back up but only second :(.


btw secl. Thanks for compliments. They are all good players and evil has makings of something special. As for now though i am looking for someone to war that is a) not a newb/late start or b) that i do not have an agreement with n is not being noobbashed too much.

Though if i get desperate enough ill attack the small kingdoms. I just dont want to feed etc.

08:10:15 May 27th 10 - Mr. Will Kellys Husband:

hey i can add pest to my title w00t for doing absolutely nothing lol.

16:29:43 May 27th 10 - Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth:

just thought id say  ,if liu bei of shu pm's you on behalf of Dragon riders about anything. Ignore him. He has no say in our diplomacy at all.

19:22:06 May 27th 10 - Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth:

My kingdom , as most people ive spoken to know is the brother kingdom of Skullz , We are thereforth obliged to help them in all of there wars. However after looking at the fact Struddles kingdom has only two members i decided going to war against them would be unfair , as from what i can see in the forum LORDS and SKULLZ already are. Because of this i attempted to gain relations with Struddles kingdom , which would exempt me from having to Attack them , unless of course i saw that SKULLZ did REALLY need help. This is his response.

You (5/27/2010 6:50:01 PM)
want relations?
Toaster Struddle (5/27/2010 7:01:40 PM)GOODBAD
why you plannin on attackin us to if I say no?
You (5/27/2010 7:08:09 PM)
Actually we would be forced to attack if we didnt come up with relations , as i am allied with SKULLZ , which is why id rather not join up in a random gang bang. Us getting relations means i am obligated to declare neutral.
Toaster Struddle (5/27/2010 7:10:58 PM)GOODBAD
your not obligated to do anything the fun part about it all is that you dont have to do jack *beep* and i'm not intimidated by your sorry ass besides if your allied with skulls i'll have to kill you after i kill them so i say stay out of the war or are you going to throw your hat in against a two man kingdom since were so big bad and scary.
You (5/27/2010 7:15:19 PM)
Im allied with them , the terms are that if they are attacked i have to declare war on the kingdom who attacked them. but ya know what your annoying me so war it is i guess

needless to say if youve read that , 

Renovatio2Toaster Struddle151


Dragon Riders5Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth100

19:27:56 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Contradiction much?

You (5/27/2010 1:22:53 PM)
im annoying you? That's twice this era that you've sent me a message asking me to do something I have no intention of doing. I didnt want anything to do with you and never will kath. Your a terrible player and I couldnt possibly want to be allied to you for the simple fact that well as soon as I started killing skullz you'd sweep in and take my cities. So I guess we'll have to kill you outright then.
Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth (5/27/2010 1:26:08 PM)GOODBAD
lol , go away struddle. 

i sent you two messages , you replied no , and then no more was said. the reason in your first was that you thought no one would join me , we then gained more members , so i thought id ask you again , but obv the reason you gave me was BS and you was to scared of a 'terrible' player like me to say what you really thought so you just talked out of your ass. 

The scenario you have described is something ive never been accused off , ive only ever been accused of taking cities in our core when NAP'd with the KD , or of disbanding my kd half way through era and by that letting them down , so if you was attempting to tie that to my past with that comment , you are obviously a retard ya know , but anyway ya know have a nice day ya know cause ya know if you have a nice day ya know then the day will be nice ya know.

19:38:05 May 27th 10 - Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth:

what , theres no idiot

19:42:44 May 27th 10 - Duke Random The Silver Buttrapeachu:

I can see one....

where you say that he's scared for not napping you....

19:45:53 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

kath you said that you tried to gain relations so you wouldnt have to fight me then as I said in my message that as soon as we kill them off you'd be forced to attack us as they are your allies therefore any allying we'd do would be pointless as you'd just attack me from behind anyways my point is dont even bother with your sorry ass.  Your whole thing was trying to intimidate me into allying you and then eventually getting myself killed off by you.  You know what screw you kath.  I'm not going for an era win so I dont have to bother your ass so stop messaging and bothering me.  I wont join your shit kingdoms and I have no idea why skullz would even ally with you.  Probably because their leader is relatively new and doesnt know any better but all you thrive on is intimidating new players and attacking players who are to busy fighting other kingdoms.  Also if you were going to attack me you should have been up front about it.  I declared openly and so did skullz yet you have to wait until the war is already going on to say oh btw ally me or i'll be forced to kill you.  Piss off you freakin bitch.

19:47:03 May 27th 10 - Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth:

No , youve misread. the two messages i sent him earlier were regarding a merge between our kingdoms , he said no because my kingdom didnt have any members but me , and that if i got more members he would consider it again , he has now made a claim he has never wanted anything to do with me and never will because of my past and who i am. 

Im saying he was to scared to give the real reason , not to scared to nap me.

So yeah no contradiction

19:51:27 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Your contradiction is in the fact that you want relations then clearly state that when skullz starts losing you'll be forced to attack me.  I have always been up front about what I'm doing.  I expect the same decency from those around me or those that want to do any kind of business with me.  You would be offering me peace in one hand while you arm yourself with a dagger to stab me in the back with your other hand.  Offer peace then state if they start to lose you'll be forced to attack what the hell kind of relations is that?

19:52:55 May 27th 10 - Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth:

Also could you give me one era where i attacked a new player kingdom? or one era were i attacked a KD already in war ? 

ALSO to the point of you saying ill try to kill you later on , i offered this relation to you as i pointed out in my post , because i know you wont kill either of them , meaning ill never have to fight you. It was simply me saying here you go , you can die in peace without interference as i had seen it annoyed you that people were joining in.

I am trying to get a clean start in VU so im not even going to post again on this arguement after this one , Also i wasnt trying to intimidate you. I just said do you want relations , YOU THEN brought up SKULLZ and me warring you if i didnt and stuff and i gave you an honest answer as i thought lieing and saying nope im gonna sit here twiddling my thumbs when i knew i wouldnt would be stupid , and get me flamed when i attacked you. 

However its fine , i see you have a low level of maturity as the whole era you haven't had a problem with me , and my kingdom had relations with yours 2/3 eras back but now you claim you would never and will never have relations with me. thats what i call a contradiction.

To sum this up , Skullz didnt ally with me , i was one of there members already and they asked me and liu to set up a brother kingdom , we did , liu couldnt get anyone to join so he left and went back to SKULLZ , but i wasnt active so obviously i was still in dragon riders. when i returned i said id give dragon riders a shot and i got a few guys to join. 

20:03:21 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

whatever I'm done with you kath we'll just add you to the wars and kill your sorry ass too.

20:05:09 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

As for my kingdom having relations to yours you threatened to attack us while we were fighting Revelation we had about 22 players that era and all were focused on fighting against them whereas your biggest thought on everything was threaten to attack us unless we allied you and if you lie and say that's untrue you better hope to god I didnt keep those messages.

20:12:32 May 27th 10 - Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth:

you was directly south of us and was passing cities under us daily , it was our weakened side as our front was north of us , we were actually in more wars then you , and fighting against larger numbers (39 or so against 5) as we were fighting pokemon AND genocide back then. 

So yes i told you the truth , we were weaker then you , if you managed to push Revelation back you could easily send troops into our core via the spaces which we didnt have the manpower to properly block off to take some cities and provide you a backdrop. 

Anyone who says they wouldn't of attacked you in that situation if they failed to get relations with you is a liar.  

20:25:36 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Really?  You sure about that?  Because I remember that era we had maybe three agreements with kingdoms that we would not attack them even though we had no official NAPs or anything.  The only person that has ever threatened me to get relations has been you.  Which is why I can take none of your offers seriously.  Your offers are never ones of peace as they always basically state you do what I want or I'll kill you.  And even if they are of peace they always have underlying tones of I'm going to attack you which you've stated in the forum that if skulls start losing you'll attack me.  So how can I take your offers seriously?

20:29:17 May 27th 10 - Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth:

well number one , when i sent the offer I hadn't made that post , so giving that post as a reason why you replied as you did does not make any sense to me. unless you can see into the future and know what I am about to say.

number two , As you know already as I told you in the PM i sent you. I do not think you'll start beating SKULLZ badly , You simply attacked with an element of suprise and done some damage.

20:37:09 May 27th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Kath I know what people think and do before they do it.  As for skullz the only thing they have is the sheer size and amount of forces spread across Mantrax which at this moment I am taking care of that.  As for surprise there was no real surprise there.  They knew quite ahead of time that we were warring and it was declared in the public forum and I never denied it.

22:32:18 May 27th 10 - Mr. Will Kellys Husband:

Struddles you ought tone it down a notch, you are much nicer in VU news(props to that) than what you are appearing here. Kath is Kath and if you don't like him, no need to explain why-most people have an opinion of him already from previous eras.

like to point out that thought the leader of Skullz didnt like your criticism of their lack of wars etc i should point out they did attack Anal, their nearest neighbour straight away but they were killed off too quick but skullz also let ANAL survive and called off the attacks too before ANAL could be wiped out. they did this on their own as they are not interested in killing off small kingdoms as most of skullz players are newbs themselves. infact i used to be the leader of their leader in another game, mind you since we have warred each other too(in another game and in VU). probably half their kingdom is from another game we played and are completely fresh and welcomingly new. one of the players is my sworn arch enemy from another game too. 

we actually spoke in general conversation about you when you first attacked the cities of some of the players away from their core. it was completely by surprise. so they didnt know it was coming at all. silly me, i thought there was some misunderstanding and messaging you or whatever would resolve it. anyway you are warring now so that is that.

Will Kellys Husband
aka Palpatine

Creator of the Struddle clause- is your NAP protected by a Struddle clause? Get one today!

22:39:25 May 27th 10 - Sir Seleucis I Nicator:

Teirdel, I would just like to extend my deepest thanks for honoring our agreement despite the probable backlash and taunts from any and all of these people, especially if it comes from Gladiators. I will be honest, I hope I never came off to be an arrogant new player and I am having a very good time and would have to extend my congratulations to those of Sanctum who are fighting me, they are really doing a swell job, I like the sneaky Exodus especially. Tell your kingdom I am having fun and let us continue this!

22:51:54 May 27th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

I hate to admit it but i tend to keep my agreements solid. I got along great with guild of the fallen a few era's back n i think i earned alot of their respect for the simple fact i kept all my promises and i tend to go out of my way to help ppl i like. *Shrug* though there are some ppl that are testing my patience.. Such as taking blockers when they want to discuss cf agreements. Trying not to bash on a small kd but if pushed i will.

23:35:18 May 27th 10 - Sir Seleucis I Nicator:

Wait.. Was taking Gate Hell what your referring too? If so, I will empty all troops out and keep the GTs up and let Sanctum retake it, Im very sorry mate.

23:40:51 May 27th 10 - Mr. Survivor:

not to be an ass or anything, but

Genocide11Prince Bartimaeus The Djinn18

wth, you get more and more members and well im still here and once again beat barts army and glad beat your army shaggy... :(( i thought we were going to party?

update! me, glad and his army and city, roheran (settling again) vs. all of you. woot woot!

00:45:40 May 28th 10 - Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill:

Struddles & Kath,

Can I ask that this debate/Argument stop please I know some people like spamming the forum but I dont You 2 I respect in the Game no matter the History - Its a GAME- lets move away from past times.

Struddles Thank you for this WAR I am not annoyed as it gives my new members a chance to shine this would not happen if you just reported News and didnt play so I salute you It creates some atmosphere in our kingdom forum and gets our newest members pumping troops to kill you.

I dont like seeing 2 members of VU having an Argybargy on the Forums so please put it into game play and not on the Forums.

00:53:36 May 28th 10 - Sir Ophiucus:


Kingdoms in Mantrax
Gladiators 13 Mr. Heimdall 100
Skullz Vrs Human 14 Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill 70
Seventh Sanctum 15 Sir Teirdel 58
Brotherhood of the Wolf 15 Duke Drakos 37
Legion Of the Risen Dragon 10 Dragon Prophet Theophilus XX 37
Dragon Riders 6 Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth 19
Genocide 11 Prince Bartimaeus The Djinn 18
Renovatio 2 Toaster Struddle 17
Bloody Hound Dogs 4 Mr. Ignis Calibus 17
Predators 3 Sir Darkmarsbar 9
Undercover 2 Mr. Serpico 7
Assassinate Neutralize Annihilate Liquidate 4 Mr. Die Kill Die 6
Knights Of Claidmore 3 Mr. Alien God 3

03:12:02 May 28th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

No Sel, you are fine. Keep it up im refering to trying to not noobbash Dragon riders but its not looking good. Going to retake blocker and wait a day to see if he contacts me. Otherwise ill just duke it out.

06:40:23 May 28th 10 - Mr. Die Kill Die:

Will Kellys Husband, ANAL would have been compleatly destroyed... eventually, if it were not for me using my super awesome powers of diplomacy on Fionn and Theo. Don't think for a second that Skullz stopped on their own. :P

07:10:45 May 28th 10 - Mr. Alien God:

Teirdel i am sending a new player your way he wants to learn how to play ... or he may join Preds ( i more so made him go to Teirdel though, no offense Marsbar i think he would last longer with T because he is close to BH's and he needs to learn )

hope you accept

07:21:33 May 28th 10 - Mr. Breeak:

thats why we are bhd

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