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Official GvE Signups
19:40:16 Nov 29th 19 - Lord Jellybean (Lord Jellybean Angel):

I wanna see a timelapse of this era! :)

19:54:26 Nov 29th 19 - McMax (Mr. Darkminded):

That would be fine Endless. Just..... then nobody should be able to settle on any of the smaller isolated areas.

If the map is modified so to this special world then all is good.

20:03:10 Nov 29th 19 - McMax (Mr. Grumpy Old Wild Boar):

Also, I'm not quite sure what to think about this:

We are still under protection for 866 more days (one day = 60 minutes).

Current date: 2019-11-29 20:00:28 (VU Day 82488)

There are currently 57 players online.

20:36:19 Nov 29th 19 - Endless (Ms. Alita Battle Angel):

I think it should be bigger too, was being sarcastic about the one city 

bug? or maybe it'll change when the world actually opens?

20:36:49 Nov 29th 19 - Bran (Mr. Boris Trump):

you wont get this many players playing a GvE map anytime soon. change the map to a bigger one and do it properly!

make both sides of the map identical, and create the spawn points for each kd at equal distances.

we need chokepoints running down the centre of the map

23:01:24 Nov 29th 19 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

I may be in the minority and I acknowledge that you cannot please everyone but I do think that a 1000x1000 or 1500x1500 map would be preferable to a very large 2400x2400 one. It seems most players prefer the larger map, however.

Great turnout and thank you to the Admin and organizing players.

23:06:29 Nov 29th 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Thrawn):

Thanks for giving us more room to play @Zeta

23:31:14 Nov 29th 19 - Mr. Saint Laurent:


The southernmost wooden bridge on the current GvE map is impassable. I really like the new map but could we get it changed to another map just for this iteration of GvE? We can revisit this one at a later time after a couple fixes. 

A vote by the players could be a fitting way to decide the map we'll use. I think most players would rather wait a bit longer so you could properly set up the era and have an enjoyable experience rather than rush it. I appreciate your efforts!

23:34:13 Nov 29th 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Good Boy):

Has this map never been tested? We may have impassable bridges/

00:08:38 Nov 30th 19 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

The bridge is now repaired.

(You might have to refresh your browser cache!)

00:11:34 Nov 30th 19 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Noble):

Oh dang! It appears another struck the South Eastern most bridge, as the entire SE corner of the map still is not accessible. Thanks for fixing that other cave master's doing, its appreciated!

02:37:58 Nov 30th 19 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Noble):

Hearing more reports that “Good” is not visible to send an application. 

02:39:59 Nov 30th 19 - Major Pain (Mr. Majorpain):

I’m trying to drop but I’m not given the option for the ‘good’ kingdom. Anyone have a suggestion ?

03:06:36 Nov 30th 19 - Mr. Saint Laurent:

Also the map is bugged on mobile. All you see are the icons for armies. You don't see the terrain or anything, just a green background. This is a problem for multiple people. Is my image pack bugged? 

03:17:54 Nov 30th 19 - The Real Josh (Peasant Estarossa):

Kath disband your KD and stop being annoying wait till your drafted.

Saint clear your cache, What are you using to play VU?

03:41:00 Nov 30th 19 - Mr. Caligula:

I have no issues on mobile, android safari

03:55:59 Nov 30th 19 - Mr. Saint Laurent:

Maybe its an iphone issue? I've tried both chrome and safari on my iphone and both of them just load a blank green background when looking at the map. 

05:38:22 Nov 30th 19 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Inactive Pirate):

I am having similar issues as well, even though all other worlds work perfectly.

06:25:22 Nov 30th 19 - Xerxes The Great (High King Xerxes):

Laptop went down and I don’t have a way to stay active. Right when I was getting back into it...

18:32:14 Nov 30th 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Phat):

Man. This is all sorts of bugged. 

Kingdoms in GvE Qua
Evil22Lord Herman Webster Mudgett3
House Of Keros1Prince Kumason The Lwa0

19:20:05 Nov 30th 19 - Mr. Saint Laurent:


A couple more instances of players not being able to see the map on mobile have been brought to my attention. Are there any updates on the issue? It seems to be happening on iphones in particular. Is there any way we can put the countdown on standby while we try to fix the problem?

19:53:02 Nov 30th 19 - Percy (Sir Inception):

I for one will not be able to play GvE until this is resolved. I play 95% on mobile, and without the ability to move armies, I’ll be severely limited at best.

19:56:18 Nov 30th 19 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

I tried a new image format (webp) didn't know it wasn't supported on Safari ... I've now changed it to jpeg.

20:01:08 Nov 30th 19 - McMax (Mr. Grumpy Old Wild Boar):


Please use my original whole map. As it is now, we have "half" bridges and small areas with no access to the rest of the playground (actual we (the evils) have a player on an isolated place).

20:24:26 Nov 30th 19 - Mr. Saint Laurent:


Thank you! Issue is resolved for me.

23:17:58 Nov 30th 19 - Percy (Sir Inception):

Thanks for patching the map!! Full functionality restored :)

There still is an issue with sending applications to Good, we have several members spawned on the map who are unable to send a request to the KD

00:25:15 Dec 1st 19 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

We are still under protection for 866 more days (one day = 60 minutes).

ok see you guys in a months time

01:11:13 Dec 1st 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Phat):


I'm starting to feel like this is a product launch at my office (:

01:19:37 Dec 1st 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Good Boy):

Yeaaaah. People on this map not in KD

Lol wat

05:05:49 Dec 1st 19 - HorusPanic (Mr. Good Guy):


Battles won: 0
Battles lost: 0

Players: 19
Pirate Lewatha
Duke Darkfaith
Mr. Majorpain
Mr. Aussie
Mr. Von Darkmor
Prince Dakarta
Lord Jellybean Angel
Mr. Aloysius
Mr. Bran
Chief Mattis
Grand Moff Good Boy
Mr. Igniz Baby Boo
Mr. Gimme Feedback
Mr. Dwagon Kill Yoo
Mr. Good Guy
Mr. Saint Laurent
Mr. Sethos Amos
Mr. Silvathing
Mr. Percy The Noble

Battles won: 0
Battles lost: 0

Players: 22
Mr. Evil Don Kichotas
Prince Chadevil
Mr. Snook
Lord Herman Webster Mudgett
Mr. Archblade The Incubus
Mr. Mielo
Lord Jehovah
Peasant Estarossa
Mr. Bane
Mr. Tok
Ms. Madusa Magina Carina
Mr. Jeremy Corbyn
Mr. Caligula
Mr. Sam Greybeard
Mr. Grumpy Old Wild Boar
Mr. Kob
Mr. Crybaby
Mr. Mikhail Popkov
Mr. Evil Joe
Mr. Maviches
Ms. Zetian
Mr. Evilmotherfrucker

05:29:58 Dec 1st 19 - Phat (Grand Moff Phat):


14:28:50 Dec 13th 19 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

shall we get started with next rounds sign up?

17:40:30 Dec 13th 19 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Dark Knight):

I'm out for next round.

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