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Forums / In game politics / Talents Era of Magneto

Talents Era of Magneto
16:33:58 Aug 11th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Could one of the grown-ups please explain to Haya what the 50% rule is.

I would but, to quote Haya, "The lack of intelligence shown here is quite something."

16:37:54 Aug 11th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

hahahaha i think is better if he figuers it out himself

03:17:04 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Nero:

this war is annoying me. lets just all be friends and fight somewhere else.

12:42:11 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

well is you guys who started it so you better finish it or get finished

12:53:38 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

lol u tell em ignis

14:35:07 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

stopp running now

14:41:30 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

ok i had no fight with you at the start but then you attacked me after you were asking for a NAP and thats the reason why i fight you now only reason and really Ignis The War is the only one im really wanting to kill off

14:56:28 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Nero:

exactly... Ignis started on our world, we have the same resources and are fighting as a talents war. it becomes ridiculous when you have 4 sizeable armies coming down from starta trying to take revenge? especially when we have no way to see them coming before they arrive, it's like we picked a fight with the tip of an iceberg.

which don't get me wrong, will be fun. I can't wait to bump your armies :)

14:56:46 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

are you sure that you can handel me and why did you go after īJesus and wizzi

14:59:08 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

Cuz i took your little thought in this game why should i care about worthless KDs?

15:00:24 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

as far as i know every KD i have been in you have NAPed and then without warning borke that NAP so i see your KD as worthless not even worth the time people send on you

15:04:21 Aug 12th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Daemon, that is class 1 bs.

I arrived in Talents, captured a small Native Peoples city and was immediately set upon by Exodus.  Even after I warned him that by attacking me he would lose the protection of the 50% rule, he still went ahead.

If we ever had a NAP.  If we had even been discussing the NAP.  If we never had and never would have had a NAP.  Or a MAP or a marriage proposal between our eldest children.

None of that would have mattered one bit - WE COULD NOT HAVE ATTACKED YOU UNTIL YOU ATTACKED US!

I'm sorry, but those are the game mechanics, no amount of posturing on the forums will change that simple fact.  You struck.  We responded.

15:08:31 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

you attacked me first i know he was already fighting you and i wasnt going to step in till you came and took one of my cities and then tried to take another so all im hearing from you is Class 1 BS

15:08:54 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

let him talk we will strike him down

15:11:40 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

i would love to see you try

15:14:18 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

the funny thing is i made this KD to go after Fate then maybe you but hey if you would love to go first be my guest

15:16:39 Aug 12th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Daemon, what part of the 50% rule don't you understand?  You are as bad as Haya. 

And Exodus is listed as one of your Kd Leaders so I'm afraid you cannot avoid responsibility for his actions.

15:18:51 Aug 12th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

15:11:40 Aug 12th 09 i would love to see you try
Mr. Daemon III


15:14:18 Aug 12th 09
the funny thing is i made this KD to go after Fate then maybe you but hey if you would love to go first be my guest

I am sure they are scared to log off in case you destroy them while they are offline :P

15:23:36 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

i could careless about them this era my goal is MAD and thats it and dumbass as i said he attacked me first so i took my city back im not just going to let him keep it when its right by my core thats the just stupid wow and i thought you would have some idea as to why i took the city back but i guess your just as dumb as the rest of MAD

15:25:41 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Nero:

ignis- we had a good fight going, unfortunately I had to send all my men back since I don't think the 50% rule will protect me.

I would love to continue our fight but it looks like there won't be a way for that to happen, unless your teammates decide to back off.

otherwise, I can only speculate on the awesome battles we'd have had.

and by the way you're the only MAD member I've attacked.

15:27:14 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

still the same :P also i would have finished you of if Dynimates didnit killed me 25k archers that were send after the first 500 archers that i send to take over agentsnuggles

15:27:55 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

you would have needed more then that

15:29:11 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Nero:

wow lol you think archers would kill me? I have that many rockthrowers left from right after I came oop. going to have to do better than that.

15:32:21 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

and are you trying to scare me or somthing? cuz all i see from those are you have more poeple thats is

15:33:02 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

i dont archers anymore :p i have something else

15:40:39 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Nero:

well lets see it! you know where I am. lets see who's got the stronger army.

15:44:11 Aug 12th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

If you have just joined us the story so far:

Various KDs attack MAD cities and armies.

MAD fight back.

Various KDs say MAD are stupid.

Various KDs say MAD are NAP-breakers

Various KDs say that's not what we said when we said what we said that you said we said what you said we said so there.

Various KDs say MAD are stupid again, how could they not understand that.

Various KDs then say, please would you stop attacking us we want to be left alone so we can fight FATE.

....meanwhile Exodus is away camping again with all his VU-playing pals in a one-man tent....

Everyone caught up with the story so far?  Good.

Daemon, the floor is yours, please astonish us with your wit and wisdom...

15:47:59 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

well nero i could have killed you armie if duke angelus didnīt freeze me armie i had 67% on it when i send reinforment to viridis hell

15:51:07 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

ok wait for it wait for it... YOU SUCK

15:56:32 Aug 12th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

Mr. Daemon III


15:51:07 Aug 12th 09 ok wait for it wait for it... YOU SUCK
I suppose we must do.  Fingers crossed for you that FATE suck even worse or you will be whining about them in the forums too...

15:58:37 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Daemon III:

wow you have to start bringing up other people when im only talking about you

16:04:24 Aug 12th 09 - Prince Highwayman:

I apologise, I didn't realise that you were moving onto the personal and using "you" in the singular.  All your comments until now appeared to me to have been aimed at MAD collectively.

So if it is just me who sucks, I take it the rest of MAD are perfectly good players then?

And just for the avoidance of doubt would you like to take the opportunity of telling FATE that you think they are okay as well?

Obviously if you chose not to, that must be your decision, I just wouldn't like you not to have all the excuses you need for catastrophic failure.

16:26:05 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

is it me or has this forum been a b it childish trhrough out the hole era

16:28:56 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ashwin:

yeah, it has been very childish ranging from cupcakes to this stupid discussion o.0

It's like the little children do....

(this post is not meant to spark any flame wars or discussions o.o)

16:29:55 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Haya:

For all those that aren't aware, i decided to quit the game yesterday which is why i've dropped a few places down the list and left dynamite, my main colonies are to be handed to Nero and the rest of Dynamite to be utilised whatever way they choose.


Good luck to all for the rest of the era.

16:58:34 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:


20:07:10 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

well nero deservs it :P

20:08:39 Aug 12th 09 - Duke Angelus:


this is funny, MaD is kicking our asses, i mean we could of had Ignis if those big armys didnt show, that really help you out, i wish we had that.

Hey, didnt the KoA war with Boom finish.... Mmmmmm.... instesting :)

20:17:27 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:



20:20:01 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Nero:

i want to see talents a wasteland full of huge cities with no peasants in them from the constant changing of hands and hordes roaming around pillaging the very rocks on the mountains with armies streaming in from zeta and starta like aliens coming down to help the warring earthlings in their petty wars.

soon the map tiles will be red with blood and the name of Nero whispered from decrepit hut to decrepit hut, wondering when their hero wearing the hardened skins of his enemies is coming to save them from the tyranny of MAD

then, when the countless bodies have wasted from the land, talents shall be rebuilt fresh and beautiful; free of those annoyingly bright yellow banners that taint the landscape even now.

20:31:13 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

haha you wish the only thing that will happen is that you guys will be gone and thx Nero because of you i can take wich every citie i want and i dont need to be worried of nothing

20:35:45 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

Duke Angelus


21:08:39 Aug 12th 09

this is funny, MaD is kicking our asses, i mean we could of had Ignis if those big armys didnt show, that really help you out, i wish we had that.

Hey, didnt the KoA war with Boom finish.... Mmmmmm.... instesting :)
is not faire 5 guys against 1also some of you member did only train and train and farm and nothing else while i fought the hole time :P

20:35:56 Aug 12th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

well i see MAD as traitors anyway. Or atleast just hilario. he signed a NAP with IoK. 2 ticks later we lost 9 cities to ignis.

20:50:02 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

I didnīt know also it was Ishidor that was going to attack me so it was better to attack you guys than to  be killed and Handrem said also that you guys would come at me too and he was in you kd

20:50:19 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

Divine Elldorian


03:35:56 Aug 13th 09 well i see MAD as traitors anyway. Or atleast just hilario. he signed a NAP with IoK. 2 ticks later we lost 9 cities to ignis.

can you post your convo where Hilario agrees to your NAP? or can you prove it here?

Cause if I still read that kind of message accusations. I will make sure you will have no room for Talents.

21:00:17 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Nero:

Ignis, please stop trying to make it sound like you could have beaten me if the rest of your kd hadn't shown up.

firstly, you can't complain about your armies being frozen. that's your own fault, should have added MUs. no point in talking about what could have happened.

also, it hasn't been 5v1. in the skull, void, the area it's been me vs you and you still haven't liberated all your cities even though I've been gone for about 20 ticks.

lastly, I don't think you had 67% on my army (it had 350k raw OP), unless your talking about one of the small ones I sent to reinforce and then didn't wake up early enough to merge ><

no hard feelings, just telling it how it is. I've been enjoying this fight and you're a good opponent.

22:43:19 Aug 12th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

You (8/3/2009 3:49:49 PM)
I was writing this message to offer MAD a MAP against talents defense force, the Dynamite members about to attack you and forgotten ones on talents.

My Kingdom and ignis the war have been warring for a few days now but with those armies coming from the south it would be in both of our best interests to join forces and attempt to repel them together.

Divine Elldarion
Leader of The Imperium Of Knights
Mr. Hilario (8/3/2009 3:59:58 PM) GOOD BAD
I can only agree in NAP. Aloy is not yet around.
You (8/3/2009 4:01:56 PM)
Okay. a NAP will be fine.

and ignis handrem was in purgatory and never in any other KD...

22:47:20 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:


22:52:45 Aug 12th 09 - Divine Elldorian:

Prince Highwayman


14:04:21 Aug 12th 09 Daemon, that is class 1 bs.

I arrived in Talents, captured a small Native Peoples city and was immediately set upon by Exodus.  Even after I warned him that by attacking me he would lose the protection of the 50% rule, he still went ahead.

If we ever had a NAP.  If we had even been discussing the NAP.  If we never had and never would have had a NAP.  Or a MAP or a marriage proposal between our eldest children.

None of that would have mattered one bit - WE COULD NOT HAVE ATTACKED YOU UNTIL YOU ATTACKED US!

I'm sorry, but those are the game mechanics, no amount of posturing on the forums will change that simple fact.  You struck.  We responded.

thats not true some of IoK had 50 % or more then some of your members as they attacked and we had never seen them before so.... and the people your talking about are ahead of us HoH

23:15:01 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

well anyway but you took me citie before me 20k knights could be trained and you killed me mu at purgatory :P

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