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The Jester Embassy!
05:19:35 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Ajax:

no way i'll be the first to join even if im not the first ill still join :P

but yeah Soc remake jester

05:48:47 Jul 31st 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

So is this KD being reborn?  If so when and where?

17:42:53 Jul 31st 08 - Mr. Millenium:

wow man look at this guy.... so eager to kill us :(, poor jesters, us

05:51:20 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

lol, legacy fears Jester...............before we disbanded swifty begged me to let him in. i even almost said yes..............;)

06:13:04 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

soc likes it from behind ;)

14:18:34 Aug 1st 08 - Prince Butthurt:

what a waste of embassy

17:30:33 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

What a waste of a player..............mielo. :)

18:03:47 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Deadpool:

Can I come back to Soc? ;-)

18:04:25 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Black:

i will join  too!

18:58:42 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Alban:

Where's Hanky? :P

21:42:05 Aug 1st 08 - Sir Odissius:

No matter if Jester is reborn it will never be the same as it once was due to the loss of 2 of its 3 original founders. I think we all know the 3 if im correct. The sad part is, is that even of the Jester Empire was reborn the chance of me joining would be slim to none due to certain players. I am most sure that those players know exactly who they are and why i hate them. Another thing is will the Jester empire be made for what it was made for before. The chance of that is also slim to none. From what i read so far people are already doing some things that we would not have liked. I was there for th kingdoms birth and i was there for it's final true hour and i hate to see the certain people that are going to control it. I'll make sure that I am here to answer these questions so people will remember the old jester kingdom in all it's glory and not the watered down wannabe kingdom it may and most likely will become.

22:05:55 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Care to go into any more detail for those of us that don't know the history surrounding Jesters so well?

22:34:32 Aug 1st 08 - Prince Butthurt:

Sir Soc Innewyork


8/1/2008 5:30:33 PMWhat a waste of a player..............mielo. :)

... says ... you!

14:40:04 Aug 2nd 08 - Sir Odissius:

I would rather the people that know what im talking about to speak up. that way you don't just see one side but rather the others side so that i can shed some light on matters ;)

21:47:26 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

was I supposed to say something? and do I get the distinction of founding member?

22:39:24 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Black:

who were the founding members? if soc was one of them. i thought it was mif, odi and alex

02:50:55 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

I should get dibs for bringing them all together ^^

05:11:28 Aug 3rd 08 - Sir Odissius:

Mr. Black gets a point on the founders. The Triumverant (for those that know ceaser). But yes dak u were right on one thing. U are one of the people to speak up but nay on you bringing us together. We knew each other in real life before that. I was actually the one to get them into the game. That why we created the kingdom. Because we 3 knew each other so we could actually talk to one another. Our first era ever we 3 made a kingdom called Exiled Force which we started on Fantasia and we got to fight Legacy and BoW and NA*beep* all at the same time. We were of course wiped out and thats when we met the rest of the people that were initiated into the Jester kingdom.

06:42:02 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

I have a question.. does Jesters have any connection what so ever to Trio? o.0

I remember vaguely playing at the same time as Jesters, I think they were beaten once, but could never quite be finished off properly, they won a ton of smaller battles and caused a great deal of pain to everyone workign against them xD

I don't remember any other KD's that were involved though o.0

Where does Hanky fit into all of this? :P

15:26:35 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Black:

he doesnt

15:27:56 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Black:

hanky was never in jesters, well not while i was there.


odi, does mif have any intentions of returning to vu? i know shes busy..

16:23:11 Aug 3rd 08 - Prince Butthurt:

Mr. Squiddy


8/3/2008 6:42:02 AMI have a question.. does Jesters have any connection what so ever to Trio? o.0

I remember vaguely playing at the same time as Jesters, I think they were beaten once, but could never quite be finished off properly, they won a ton of smaller battles and caused a great deal of pain to everyone workign against them xD

I don't remember any other KD's that were involved though o.0

Where does Hanky fit into all of this? :P

LOL, nice one squiddy and obviously you didn't played at the same time as jesters :)

17:50:19 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Jesters was from era 22-29ish

18:27:44 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Black:

and will start again, era 35 onwards i hope

22:40:32 Aug 3rd 08 - Sir Odissius:

I'm afraid Mif or love will be joining again anytime soon. They are bith very busy with jobs and such. Yes Jesters were very stubborn to eradicate from any one map. I am just surprised that the people i think that should be mentioning themselves are making themselves rarely seen

23:53:26 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Black:

well i was in jesters too, thats why i PMd you, i just dont wanna say my name on forums

03:04:54 Aug 4th 08 - Sir Odissius:

I am afraid i have no PM's at all

03:54:35 Aug 5th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

odi, i am afraid as a reigning Jester king, I will have to step in and correct you. I, clearly, was a founding member, and you, I'm afraid, were not. If Jester did come back, there would have to be at least 2 founding members...........which is not a high possibility. also, Jester would retain the core values it once had................ FUN!!!!!

14:36:56 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

hell if you get to count yourself, then I get to count myself

14:57:24 Aug 5th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

alex and i started the idea! then mifune hopped on and made it a reality! dak, all u did was piss off ford that first era! :P

00:44:02 Aug 6th 08 - Sir Odissius:

Soc... your wrong as usual. like i said. me mif and alex (love) started all together. we THEN met up with you guys. Us three THEN decided to make another kingdom together which we invited you all to join. SO no one that exists on this game brought us together. Like I said also. Dak nor Soc were founding memeber no matter how much they want and or say they were. The 3 originals were Alex as leader Me (Odi or Shum) and Lady Mifune were the vices of the kingdom. See when u add those number up you get the number 3... the same number of sides in a triangle or in History of leadership (Ceaser and romans) the Triumverant meaning three leaders. Also I would like to point out to you soc that you are not the leader Jesters would want. You proved that when u stuck on Fantasia and the whole kingdom went to another world while YOU were SUPPOSED to lead. Just so the council here also knows... Alex and Mifune have gotten wind of this... via me when i see them. So none of these facts are specifically one sided neither. The idea of Jesters started actually with Alex's personal taste in the Jester (not from the Dark Knight, before that) and the fact we three wanted to make a kingdom together since us three knew each other in real life so it made it easier to do alot of things since actual communication was very easy.

EDIT: So in reality you were never a founding member of the kingdom soc and you never even gave the idea. Plus the only reason you became the leader was because Alex and mifune had a job and i had alot of stuff on my plate at the time... Just wanted to clerify that.

04:54:15 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

ooh I could so put you down now but I promised mif a while back that I wouldn't

why are we getting worked up over a defunct kd?

04:59:51 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Black:

i dont see the problam in reforming jesters, last time i wanted to do it a just asked mif through email and she said she didnt have a problam with it! it didnt go through in the end tho, cant remember why.

the thing is alot of former jesters who actually still play would like to play as one again, and i think as long as we have some former jesters it can still be the same as it was before. the founders can return as leaders when they decide to play vu again

05:41:04 Aug 6th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

osi, ur illusions humor me...

09:38:26 Aug 6th 08 - Sir Odissius:

"MY" illusions eh soc. It's reality. If you want the whole history soc a friend at school told me about this game which got me playing it. I then got my good friend into it (Alex). after that me and him got our friend (mifune to join) We crated the kingdom Exiled Force on fantasia and got beat. We all still wanted to play. We then all got into another kingdom (when we met all of you). After an era or two we decided to make a new kingdom. Alex said he wanted to lead it. Me and Mifune did nt have a problem with him leading but we all agreed to us two vices of the kingdom. We also like ppl from daks kingdom so we invited them to join. That was the birth of Jester right from the very beginning. No illusions there.

Now. The era we decided to make Soc the leader due to Alex not being quite available due to his job and Mifune rather not wanting to be leader we decided for Soc (I was also pretty busy at the time so inactivity was my little downfall). We got beat so we decided to move to another world. At this time Soc decided he wanted to stay on Fantasia and see how long he could last and made Mifune lead in his absence... which was almost the whole era.

Now to show the 2 ppl that i have a problem with and exactly why (not the only one who shares this opinion ; )) Dak and Soc. I'll start with Dakarius. You were almost NEVER a team player in Jesters so no room to talk. Yes you might have been able to beat me (including the sucker punch the era i wanted to solo a bit). You always start then decided to go oof to no mans land on the map and settle. When we needed help if the core was attacked we would look for help and Dak's response was simple "You guys are to far away. If you get wiped out make a core up by me". People from the kingdom should remember this. However if Dak needed help we got this, "Hey I am getting attacked up here, please send reinforcments immediantly". Next time Dak be a team player and actually staying with the group. I actually am willing to bet you still do this. Now Soc... yours is more simple. You need to actually fight. You always wanted NAPs and MAPs with EVERYONE on the map. It gets really annoying. True the occasional NAP is good but what is the point of a war game if you are not going to actually go and fight some one!? One good thing you have Soc is you do stay true to one of the Jesters motto... joke around, have fun. You also don't start things on forums (like Dak clearly does). Now that I have said what has been said (I left a few people out in here) you people may say what you need to say. The thing of matter is that this is all truth. No lies or "illusions". There is credibility from other Jester members from the past and from other players. Also remember that I am not the only one who thinks these things (I think you all know the people im mentioning) so also take that into regard those that wish to try and disclaim these things. (and yes i have some spare time to do this lmao)

09:47:55 Aug 6th 08 - Sir Odissius:

Also wanted to add that you may go ahead and make Jesters. I have nothing against that. I just wanted to tell all that if it was made that it would not be the same. Or if people would be true to it's name and so far no. I stayed quiet to keep the kingdom peaceful. I'll be here to answer and watch the forums now and again.

00:07:16 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

my goodness odi, such a tirade. I don't suppose the word irony has any meaning to you?

00:29:29 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Venom:

About the founding members of jesters, I though t it was:

-Alex-Left game So far

-Mif-Left Game So far

-Oddissus-Still playing

-Soccerguy-Still playing

-Radier- Had a falling out with Alex Still playing (I think)

-Drakarius-Still playing

01:50:02 Aug 7th 08 - Prince Butthurt:

Sir Soc Innewyork


8/5/2008 2:57:24 PM

alex and i started the idea! then mifune hopped on and made it a reality! dak, all u did was piss off ford that first era! :P

You guys were *beep*y as hell and you didn't got anything to brag about ... it was just randomly pathetic

03:25:46 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Odissius:

Venom plz read giant post. Also please explain the Irony Dak.

03:46:36 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

You also don't start things on forums (like Dak clearly does).
^this is ironic, because it is exactly what you did. I did not start anything. hell, I usually try to avoid conflict, but hypocrite's irritate me to no end.

04:18:57 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

and people who have no idea what they're talking about.... if odi was a founding member, we will have to include falazar too............AH! ANOTHER BLACK MARK!

06:42:11 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Odissius:

A) You did all the time Dak. I just wanted to get that off my chest. I said what was said and I (and the other 2 original). feel the same.

B) Soc must be a little illiterate. So I will put it in bold for you soc so you might be able to understand.... me, Mifune and Alex all know each other in the real world. I believe i ave never seen you, Falazar, Dak or any other player for that matter. So if we decided to make a kingdom and call it Jesters then that would make the people in the conversation the founders. Plus the fact when Alex made it me and Mifune were the ones who made the minimum 2 for a kingdom rule attainable. WE THEN ADDED PEOPLE FROM THE LAST KINGDOM. Now soc, even an elementry school kid would have gotten that by the second post and not the fourth. As much as you want to be a founder you weren't you were just there.

06:47:42 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Odissius:

Wait... I think Soc is thinking of the Centurion Empire that lasted for like a week until the era ended. I believe you got a little confused buddy

15:42:52 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

Such pent up rage, hardly what one would expect of a Jester.

00:13:29 Aug 8th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

no wonder he is bitter about not being a founder :/

00:22:50 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Black:

right, so is jesters actually 100% definately coming back next era? and whos leading?

00:42:03 Aug 8th 08 - General Zondervan:

how many players are ya'll looking at?

01:51:12 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

lol there hasn't even been a firm descision on whether Jester is coming back or not.

04:49:23 Aug 9th 08 - Lady Mifune:

Well since I was asked so nicely to come back and make a post in this forum, I will do so...

If you all are looking for my blessings to re-start have them.  It's great that the kingdom would go on.  All you ex-Jesters go right ahead.  But you really didn't need me to say anything, I'm no longer involved.

And now I will comment on the origins of Jester.  I put this at the end so those of you that don't care (and I'm sure that is most of you) can just ignore it. 

Odi and Alex (or Love as some of you remember him) started playing VU.  They had a kingdom called Exiled Force.  We know each other in real life so when they told me about this game, I joined too.  We were on Fantasia and, being only 3 people, we were quickly defeated.  Alex was the first to die.  He then went and joined Dak's kingdom on Starta (and I am so sorry Dak, I cannot remember the name of the kingdom right now).  Odi and I soon joined him in Dak's kingdom.  Toward the end of the era, we had some internal issues which caused many of us to split off.  We had already been talking about starting a new kingdom for the next era.  As the era was about to end, we formed a new temporary kingdom called Centurian Empire.  I was the leader and many of the people in Dak's kingdom ended up coming with us.  As the next era started, Alex was king.  THAT was when Jester was formed.  It was something that Alex, Odi and I had been discussing for awhile.  I'm sure Alex spoke to other people about it as well.  We were very open about starting a new kingdom...that kingdom turned out to be Jester. 

...and everyone lived happily ever after.  The End.

All that being said, I miss all of you terribly.  I miss playing.  I wish I had alot more time.  I'm hoping that someday I will be able to return.  I DO check in from time to time to see how you all are.  Please feel free to send me an e-mail.

If Jester of luck to you!  Make me proud!  <3

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