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Zetamania 5
18:53:18 Mar 6th 11 - Mr. Ford Prefect:

you could have always left after arma was casted.... thats not helpful to your kd's score

19:58:48 Mar 6th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Score? When in the hell did I give a damn about score? lol

If I did, I would never have went full support mage.

I went pure mage and hardly battled. So my land count was low, my kill count nonexistent, and arma meant that most of my mu were burned out at the end. 

So really, how is that even adding to the score? 

The hoh is a joke anyway, boyo.

00:46:15 Mar 7th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

wait........ wait........ Dragon time? :P

03:45:51 Mar 7th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

cast in mafia core please :)

Mr. James Bond


03:46:42 Mar 7th 11

lol like playstation would take over us.

I was joking. I might not even survive.

05:56:20 Mar 7th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

I'd just cast it in the middle of nowhere, by my mc, and see where it goes. lol......

dunno if that's mean though.

16:20:42 Mar 7th 11 - Mr. Samual:

Dude, you can not leave a kingdom, claim that you can't be attacked and then cast spells, with intension to cause them havoc, such as the "Summon Dragon" spell. Otherwise the spell can be cast again by someone else, so don't be a dick about things, otherwise you will get yourself wiped of the map.

19:35:13 Mar 7th 11 - Mr. Caocao:

Samual I think Puppy is kidding about casting Dragon, considering all that is left on the map is allies.

If you aren't kidding Puppy, that would be very mean.

22:19:14 Mar 7th 11 - Mr. James Bond:

Actually I would enjoy that. See who is mighty enough to face the dragon made by a Puppy XD

22:49:00 Mar 7th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Twas a joke. 

I wouldn't do that unless a kingdom I was in was losing. lol :P

and the attacking me was a joke as well...... people are free to attack me, as long as they feel like going to magic 9 and recasting arma. ;)

Why so serious?

I have to say, I like james' response to it most, by far. LOL

23:00:01 Mar 7th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Though, I *may* cast dragon on the last few ticks, before arma goes off. So that a friend can see how summon dragon works, but nothing more. No way is can cause any true harm within 5-10 ticks. :P

I left to keep myself neutral and to let the ole kingdom I was in plan a little easier. I mentioned I was leaving a short while back anyhow. 

I'm staying neutral, for now. lol - So no reason for either side to destroy me and my towns. :P

20:39:04 Mar 8th 11 - Mr. Grim Darkhammer:

I rarely post in the forum but I have to address a couple of things.

Crowley, in no way is our loss your fault. Death came to us asking for a CF then decided to work with Cease against us. With them to the north and HM to the south we were just outnumbered.

Hillbilly Mafia, great job ruling the map. You played honorably and deserve the win.

Puppy, I'm looking for a good mage for next era. Let me know.

22:10:04 Mar 8th 11 - Mr. Caocao:

Agreed, Hillbilly had a great era. I'm curious to see what happens on Zet next era, especially with Puppy doing something else.

Hopefully everyone comes back for another round. I'm itching for a rematch. 

22:59:55 Mar 8th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

I think the only kingdom that didn't do well at all was DEATH........ violated one of the basic components of a NAP, avoided any real fight to try picking on kingdoms that had been warring and battered all era.... and all they did was farm for 800 ticks.. I can understand farming, but c'mon.. O.o

All the others fought like hell most of the era. 

03:40:44 Mar 9th 11 - Mr. Inception:

I agree. I just dont know how well us Hillbillies will do now, considering our loss of players. Guess well have to make up for it in some major skill :D Get ready for the Hillbilly Mafian elite :P

10:10:28 Mar 9th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

I guess Skyer doesn't want arma to go through. lol........

12:47:04 Mar 10th 11 - Sir Horus XIII:

you guys are jerks:


We have no cities nor armies left. Our foes have defeated us!

13:50:37 Mar 10th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

hrum? O.o

16:32:33 Mar 10th 11 - Sir Ghost of Horus:


17:21:15 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Samual:

Well having fought Playstation Dude and the rest of Medieval Warriors earlier this era, by myself at some points, along with causing some trouble I thought for them, I was hoping to have got a few more cities and kills. Though capturing "Safety" and killing the 450k odd troops in that city is still a good result which I am pleased about. However this is a team game, and I am very much pleased for my allies Hillbilly Mafia and my fellow kingdom mates in being able to come out on top in this war.

17:43:32 Mar 10th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Hoping I can catch a break on the other worlds I'm on before Zeta opens up. lol .......... need sleep!

18:12:26 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Spook:

@Ghost of Horus, don't even think about it mate. That's my line



*Mr Spook Cackles and floats away

22:21:02 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Playstation Dude:

Well, when I lost my cities i basicly gave up and went inactive and just left my army in safety. Although there should have been over 500k, but i guess no income means loss of troops :P

22:59:56 Mar 10th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

......... someone gimme a screenie, I have no clue how the rest of the map looks. lol 

23:34:30 Mar 10th 11 - Mr. Mmaakedon:

Playstation Dude you could have still been alive and kicking but you made one mistake. You took your 500k army and tried to make an advance in the wrong direction, lucky for me I took your cities with a relatively small army killed your income and the 500k troops were without pay leaving your army and morale going lower by the hour.

Would like to get the info on your last army, if you wish to share, OP/DP.

00:19:47 Mar 11th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

although I can't win the era, being a mage and not giving a damn..... at least I can haz power!

We have 1035322 magic power from this range.

16:56:22 Mar 11th 11 - Mr. Ghost of Playstation Dude:


17:54:47 Mar 11th 11 - Mr. Spook:


Seriously, I'ma come to Zet and Kick all of your asses.

05:43:04 Mar 13th 11 - Mr. Ghost of Playstation Dude:

Can't touch me. I'm a ghost :)

14:38:58 Mar 13th 11 - Mr. Tyrin:

Post fail on my part :X

02:30:39 Mar 14th 11 - Mr. Binh The Hunter:

Hi all, I'll be joining this world next era :d Starta is no longer fun. Not a lot of people :d

03:28:57 Mar 14th 11 - Mr. Caocao:

Awesome, the more the merrier
Zetamania is where its at, easily the most fun of all three maps I'm on.

07:34:42 Mar 14th 11 - Mr. Ghost of Playstation Dude:

yeaaaaah... until I became a ghost :o

Comming back to haunt you next era btw :P

14:51:18 Mar 15th 11 - Mr. Tyrin:

10:55:28 Someone attempted to teleport The Meat!
10:54:55 Someone attempted to teleport The Meat! XD

00:44:30 Mar 16th 11 - Puppy Smurf:

Screw that spell!

04:50:35 Mar 16th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Three dragons!

08:17:40 Mar 16th 11 - Puppy Bunny Guard:

Damnit, they betrayed me!

00:00:24 - A dragon attacked Puppy Diggers We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists, 0 Adventurers and 166650 peasants in the battle. The dragon stole 24583 of our gold!

21:28:51 Mar 16th 11 - Mr. James Bond:


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