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Zetamania Wars Dvsmasta
00:08:54 Jun 9th 09 - Sir Fever:

COPPPPPY CATTTTTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all are un sexxy now =.= (For coping me )

00:38:24 Jun 9th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

gotta say zeta.... whyd you change the attack forumla.... i had 20k op over slaugher % minumum....

01:12:12 Jun 9th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

He didn't.

02:54:02 Jun 9th 09 - Duke Pikachu:


because i had 100% moral.... i calculated from eits and  my own op.

plus i have a waaay higher mil sci which i didnt take into acc when calculating the percentages, so there was no way possible that I didn't have a slaughter..... yet, i get 99%

05:14:12 Jun 9th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Are you sure? The attack formula's been exact for me the whole time. But now I'm not sure, since you said you didn't even take in account "waaaaay" higher mil sci. I thought it was exp, but it can't make THAT much of a difference.

08:57:52 Jun 9th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

his army had minimal if no exp, he'd been reenforcing with fresh troops for days....

Im not the only one getting weird battle results either..... some fate players have been getting weird losses from high % battles etc...

I think zeta did something when he said he wanted smaller players attacking bigger ones..... :S

10:30:46 Jun 9th 09 - Mr. Hankypanky:

Battles won: 298
Battles lost: 175

Players: 21

i dont see any kingdom anywhere near us in number of battles lol


18:57:47 Jun 9th 09 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

how do you check that hanky

19:10:03 Jun 9th 09 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

19:13:12 Jun 9th 09 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

tyvm darkhammer

01:03:20 Jun 10th 09 - Sir Fever:

lets talk about JUICY.. :P

09:09:19 Jun 10th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

lets talk about how your gonna die :D

20:30:13 Jun 10th 09 - Mr. Kuwabu:

let's talk about how i'm sexier than qass :D

20:35:40 Jun 10th 09 - Sir Santa:

Lets talk about how Juicy is going to die as a result of Kuwabus sexyness!

06:55:53 Jun 11th 09 - Sir Fever:

lmao :P Qassim last time i checked u were getting ur a$$ pwned by us xD

10:40:06 Jun 11th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

lol you managed to kill 1 army? finally

and last i checked im the one training troops in your core :D

11:23:51 Jun 11th 09 - Mr. Pure:

Duke Pikachu


06:17:54 Jun 5th 09 wow for once i don't think justin is the most annoying person on the face of the earth... i kinda agree with him :O

lol same here

11:37:47 Jun 11th 09 - Mr. Pure:

fuk wrong page but i still agree

23:53:29 Jun 11th 09 - Sir Fever:

hahaha really :P ur such a ret@rd those kinda things should be kept secret now i cane come hunt u xD

00:03:45 Jun 12th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

lmao coming from a nub like you dosent mean much you can try all you like

00:16:17 Jun 12th 09 - Sir Fever:

hmm qassim what ur problem is that u think your all that but i think your a just nub who doesnt even know when to stop trying xD

00:49:47 Jun 12th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

i'd take qassim over you anyday of the week. no question.


02:16:06 Jun 12th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

I'd second the wolflord....

03:03:49 Jun 12th 09 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

3rd that one, but i might be biased

04:42:19 Jun 12th 09 - Sir Fever:

haha and i care why ? ;p anyway ur in his kd ifs hes an *beep* ur all *beep*s for me.Choc is my enemie this era and im just acting like an enemie XD

05:26:46 Jun 12th 09 - Mr. Kilroy Mcmurphy:


06:49:41 Jun 12th 09 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

if he is a nub isnt he your  bretheren?

07:08:48 Jun 12th 09 - Sir Water:

Wolflord Karac


01:49:47 Jun 12th 09

i'd take qassim over you anyday of the week. no question.


ROFL i heard that  before

07:11:30 Jun 12th 09 - Sir Fever:


1.He didnt join :(

2.Hes not a super nub and if i were u i wouldnt say that orcinas cause bran might mind xD

17:29:14 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

LOL @ fever want some advice... when someones training in your core dont train mu's if ur a dwarf try training troops it might actually help

17:53:46 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Qassim here is some advice for you. Kill my army next time and instead of bypassing it

18:11:11 Jun 13th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

Justin here is some advice for you. Shut up

18:12:57 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Random if i wanted any Sh1t from you i would scoop it out of your mouth so why dont you shut up

18:16:09 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

eww thats disgusting

20:20:21 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

justin nub next time dont leave 20k mu's undefended its kinda stupid but seeing as fevers your leader and he does the exact same thing i would expect nothing less from another *beep*

20:24:33 Jun 13th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

super *beep*

20:38:04 Jun 13th 09 - Sir Fever:

F@ck off *beep* :P Heres an advice for an inexperianced player like u .mages are used for magic whihc i was using to about to RoF ur army into little bits and the city wasnt undefedned with mages only it had something else in it next time when ur accusing me of that tell the whole truth not be a b!tch and lie about it!

21:01:35 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

fever, i always thought it was a good idea to have defense from armies before defense from magic...idk I am just always more worried about armies taking my cities then mages stealing them with magic

21:05:20 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

lol Rof my army into little bits? wow you really do live up to your kd's name you... your a *beep*ing dwarf with 20k mu's and your gonna Rof? i mean at least justin was an elf, but your just an *beep*, oh yea sry those 1.5k hammers really slowed me down, i think 99% with 1 days prep instead of a 100% dammit

so plz *beep* and stop posting your getting owned, just leave this thread with some dignity

21:27:59 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

kehehehehe......wait quassim what dignity

22:14:46 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Awww was wittle Qassim not strong enough to take my army on? Poor thing. Might wanna train something other then MUs and Warlords

23:11:16 Jun 13th 09 - Sir Fever:


Btw i accidently put ur name in it was suppose to be Brans xd

Next time bran put some mages in ur armies rather then getting frozen by a "Dwarf Elf " xD Leader like Kd. Btw Lazy my troops were training while i was sleeping and qassim just got lucky that he was there when only my mages were trained xD


23:23:48 Jun 13th 09 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

That does not mean he got lucky, means you were not prepared

23:33:40 Jun 13th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:

Sir Fever


22:11:16 Jun 13th 09


Btw i accidently put ur name in it was suppose to be Brans xd

Next time bran put some mages in ur armies rather then getting frozen by a "Dwarf Elf " xD Leader like Kd. Btw Lazy my troops were training while i was sleeping and qassim just got lucky that he was there when only my mages were trained xD

accidently put who's name in?

unless you mean

Mr. Justin


21:14:46 Jun 13th 09 Awww was wittle Qassim not strong enough to take my army on? Poor thing. Might wanna train something other then MUs and Warlords


23:38:00 Jun 13th 09 - Sir Fever:

how is that a multi u *beep*... =.= when i said i forgot to put ur name i meant about this post :

Sir Fever

12:38:04 Jun 13th 09
F@ck off *beep* :P Heres an advice for an inexperianced player like u .mages are used for magic whihc i was using to about to RoF ur army into little bits and the city wasnt undefedned with mages only it had something else in it next time when ur accusing me of that tell the whole truth not be a b!tch and lie about it!


i meant bran =.=

really the *beep*s these days :D dont even have a life ... =.=

00:00:41 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

LOL justin im not the one with ghosts and archers in my army... so plz dont tell me how to train and really if you think that you can beat my army i'll be waiting :D

fever plz dont talk about bran your the nub you have an enemy armory 3-4 ticks from your own and all your doing is training mu's... lol and trying to insult bran? i mean 1- hes a much better player then you'll every be
2- hes doing a much better job then you at leading a kd
 so i dont really see how you can come in here and call him inexperienced and a nub... like i said earlier just leave and dont post here again you'll be doing yourself a favour

00:05:54 Jun 14th 09 - Sir Fever:

hmm qassim why dont u do us a favor and go suck a D!ck ... U horny b@stard i never said i was doing better then bran and btw just for ur info im doing an ok job as a leading a kd and every kd has its ups and downs just like choc when they got there a$$ kicked by Rvl and went to Valhalla last era and the same thing applies to us but we havnet fallen yet u !diot so talk when the enemies down... =.=

00:51:57 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

lol ur still here.... seriously get a clue *beep* off i never said you were doing a bad or good job with super*beep*s just saying you'll never do as well as bran and seriously if you got nothing better to say then go suck a d1ck then dont post if thats only way you know how to respond then you really are an *beep*

01:11:53 Jun 14th 09 - Sir Santa:

Thank you.
And now on to the more pressing matter at hand here;
Do we, or do we not, have a multi in our midst?!
Divine Vampiric Lord already said it, so I will quote him:

Divine Vampiric Lord


23:33:40 Jun 13th 09 Sir Fever


22:11:16 Jun 13th 09


Btw i accidently put ur name in it was suppose to be Brans xd

Next time bran put some mages in ur armies rather then getting frozen by a "Dwarf Elf " xD Leader like Kd. Btw Lazy my troops were training while i was sleeping and qassim just got lucky that he was there when only my mages were trained xD

accidently put who's name in?

unless you mean

Mr. Justin


21:14:46 Jun 13th 09 Awww was wittle Qassim not strong enough to take my army on? Poor thing. Might wanna train something other then MUs and Warlords



As we can all read here, Fever (accidently) put someone's name in while meaning someone else. His response, however, states when i said i forgot to put ur name i meant about this post that he forgot to put a name in.
His response clearly lacks any sense so whats going on here? A simple mix up followed by a stupid lie, or do we have a multi in our midst?! Decide for yourself!

02:09:41 Jun 14th 09 - Sir Diablo:

2- hes doing a much better job then you at leading a kd
 so i dont really see how you can come in here and call him inexperienced and a nub... like i said earlier just leave and dont post here again you'll be doing yourself a favour

Qassim that is directly telling him thats hes not a good leader U id!ot why dont u Choc Members use common Sense for once. And also u dont own the forums so next time if u want someone to leave then it would be better if u leave rather then telling others to leave.

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