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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania wars III

Zetamania wars III
03:05:21 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

way to support your kingdom...

09:46:48 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Swan:

Mr. Zryike


3/3/2008 7:13:20 PMoh darn it im dead...

What do you expect when you put your cities undefended where we are attacking? :)

10:13:40 Mar 4th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

its amazing how easy DSY and Wolf cities BURN within their core...

3 cities down.

still no armies to compete... I dropped the 80,000 man orc army that was to stop me and lost <1% of my troops.



DSY > RoC... I think not.

start practicing whatever rituals you people do when you die, because I will spare no-one.

10:17:39 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Swan:

lol what makes you think you are burning cities in our core? Stop blabbing your nubtalk. And I wouldn't start to act so arrogant, you look like one of those players with a big mouth, when they still have armies, but once they get killed starts crying like, you cheated :'(

So shut up pls, you are humiliating yourself :)

11:12:31 Mar 4th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

you can't even spell please.

blah, tell me to shut up, there are three dead cities.

tell that to shut up.

11:49:35 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Trog Fuk up ypur a tool and Wolf and DSY are going to PWN you



11:50:42 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Swan


3/4/2008 10:17:39 AM
lol what makes you think you are burning cities in our core? Stop blabbing your nubtalk. And I wouldn't start to act so arrogant, you look like one of those players with a big mouth, when they still have armies, but once they get killed starts crying like, you cheated :'(

So shut up pls, you are humiliating yourself :)

Surely there are fewer cities in that specific area now, than there were 4 hours ago!

--> Swan: Yes, Trogdan is an arrogant warmonger. But he have the power and armies to be so. Better watch out........

14:46:51 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Swan:

Sir Trogdar Liech


3/4/2008 11:12:31 AM

you can't even spell please.

blah, tell me to shut up, there are three dead cities.

tell that to shut up.

lol you nub, my spelling is ok ...

15:45:34 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Mr. Deathstar


3/3/2008 11:02:10 PM

Skeipe told me we had a CF with with Destiny, and i just got word that it was over because you attacked me...honestly i have no clue if the CF was mutual with both kingdoms but at least we held up our end of the bargain :)


Show me where this was agreed upon because it was never in our forums.

17:21:16 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Deathstar:


Mr. Skiepe


3/1/2008 9:14:49 AM

We are mapped to both of the Wolfs kingdom

and have CF with ROC.
Please don't go pass their borders to keep up the peace!


but like i said i dont know if it was mutual :(

17:23:32 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

And that isnt our core guys...ha ha ha all this talk about burning cities in our core...that was alliance's core and we just took it over and then left...i had a 10k army there and thats it...yeah you really pwned us ROC lol

18:00:04 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I never said it was your core.... And For the record, we were never told about any CF so either someone is a liar or something isn't clicking.....

18:35:03 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

Wraith i didnt make that last post towards you...only the one before it

18:46:23 Mar 4th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

Its where General Wolfensteins major cities are.

I'm burning them, 1 by 1.

Hes the leader of Wolf. not DSY.


yer next.

19:16:49 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

you're funny lol

19:27:41 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

In that case, my mistake. I'd still like Skiepe to prove when we made a CF. If he's gonna call us dishonourable then he should grow the balls to back it up.

19:40:36 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

muuuhahaha i got a small city

Zryike - 1
Destiny - 3

lol they got all of my cities so  im going on a revenge streak : )

19:59:24 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

Lets put the CF behind us...its time to have an honourable war so we will start it: GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF ROC AND HAIL DESTINY!


20:01:26 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Hehe you're the ones who need the luck. ;)

Lol j/k good fight to everyone. Don't be too upset when I burn your cities down =P

21:54:15 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Deathstar:

highly unfortunate

14:00:54 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

time willl say who is wrong and who is right ... i'll stay silent for now .....

02:34:34 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Me too Bas.... let the bodie*beep* the floor....

05:19:40 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Good luck to both kingdoms. But i bet ROC's bodies are gonna be hitting the floor more then Destiny

06:08:15 Mar 6th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

keep an eye on KD stats.

Wolf cities are dropping like flies, and Destiny has been losing too...

(my count so far...)
Wolf cities burned: 12
Destiny Cities Burned: 9
RoC cities burned: 1

Roc cities conquered: 0
Wolf cities conquered: 3
Destiny Cities conquered: 2

Wolf conquered and then retaken: 5
Destiny Cities conquered and retaken: 2
Roc cities conquered and retaken: 1


hmm, looks like RoC is owning everyone out there...

need I say more?

06:26:51 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Justin:

just the start. in the end, ROC will burn

07:06:47 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Trog 1 mistake... I burnt a hell of a lot more than that. I just couldn't post it in the forums. ^^ I think there were 5 unposted.

16:25:41 Mar 6th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
DSYDestiny18Mr. Skiepe116
ROCRoyal Order of Claidhmore14Mr. Kevdwayne100
WolfKnights of the White Wolf25General Wolfenstien94
wolfNew White Wolfs generationDestinys ally12Mr. Asiana38
TAThe Alliance19Mr. Patriot31
EEngineers4Mr. Shin7
ArmorEphisians5Mr. Orrises1
FURYFury6Mr. Rameth The Furious0
SSSouthSide1Mr. Lord Reigner0
DLDark Legion1Mr. Dark Reigner0

I think ROC is winning... just a little... hehe

17:34:43 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Cool Guy Again:

DSY Destiny 18 Mr. Skiepe 100
ROC Royal Order of Claidhmore 14 Mr. Kevdwayne 87
Wolf Knights of the White Wolf 25 General Wolfenstien 82
wolf New White Wolfs generationDestinys ally 12 Mr. Asiana 34
TA The Alliance 19 Mr. Patriot 27
E Engineers 4 Mr. Shin 6
Armor Ephisians 5 Mr. Orrises 1
DL Dark Legion 1 Mr. Dark Reigner 0
FURY Fury 6 Mr. Rameth The Furious 0
SS SouthSide 1 Mr. Lord Reigner 0


Destiny is still way better- wait a couple more days and you'll see.

17:42:24 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Well, I don't think we will wait for you.........

17:59:12 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

stop it guys ... fight in silence . we have nothing to say , it aint over yet . all i could say is this war is only heading one way and its against what we in ROC want , we never wanted to be so hated but we wanted to have a clean play , u guys make it harder by makin plans against us and ally to kill ROC while we didnt do anything to offend YOU >


stupid message , i know . thats because i am stupid :D .

18:33:15 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

ok that was weird... you only attacking Wolf and Destiny...

18:57:44 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Swan:

u guys make it harder by makin plans against us and ally to kill ROC while we didnt do anything to offend YOU >

lol, shall I remind you that you guys started this war to begin with? You guys started allying together with the alliance vs us :) So don't shove this on our shoulders

19:08:42 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

You know even though i hate to agree with him i have to because hes right...

19:20:48 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Mittalmar:

Mr. Wraith


3/4/2008 6:00:04 PM
I never said it was your core.... And For the record, we were never told about any CF so either someone is a liar or something isn't clicking.....

I'm reading this forum now for the first time but this is not truth wraith! I got a message from you:

Mr. Wraith [ROC] (2/28/2008 8:15:51 PM) GOOD BAD
You leave me alone, I leave you alone. Sounds fair?
Also, I think our Kds have a CF. Thats what Mr. Swan told me.
Thanks and Good luck with whatever you're doing.
You (2/28/2008 9:32:41 PM)
no worries =)


That's not nice for your reputation wraith!

19:27:24 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Mittalmar:

and What are you guys talking about here? who is better? There are over 2 weeks left to fight so i think this will end with a win for one of both sides.

and here a wise advice, Dont say that you're winning untill you burned the last city of your enemy.

All i want to say, why acting like kids if we can solve this as adults too?

23:10:16 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Mr. Mittalmar


3/6/2008 7:20:48 PM
Mr. Wraith


3/4/2008 6:00:04 PM
I never said it was your core.... And For the record, we were never told about any CF so either someone is a liar or something isn't clicking.....

I'm reading this forum now for the first time but this is not truth wraith! I got a message from you:

Mr. Wraith [ROC] (2/28/2008 8:15:51 PM) GOOD BAD
You leave me alone, I leave you alone. Sounds fair?
Also, I think our Kds have a CF. Thats what Mr. Swan told me.
Thanks and Good luck with whatever you're doing.
You (2/28/2008 9:32:41 PM)
no worries =)


That's not nice for your reputation wraith!


I was referring to your army, not the whole Kd. Also, if you want to be finnicky, I still haven't attacked you (as far as I am aware). Besides that, like I said... I heard from Swan that we had a CF but after I talked with my Kd and was told that we had nothing of the sort.

So there is nothing wrong with my reputation. I keep my word and most of my enemies will vouch for that.

00:07:28 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Swan:

Mr. Wraith [ROC] (2/28/2008 8:15:51 PM) GOOD BAD
You leave me alone, I leave you alone. Sounds fair?
Also, I think our Kds have a CF. Thats what Mr. Swan told me.
Thanks and Good luck with whatever you're doing.
You (2/28/2008 9:32:41 PM)
no worries =)

Then you could've checked before you said that to him, that there 'Probably was a CF' it must have come from someone we did had one ... but then maybe your leader coward out of it  ... it's just a possibility, I'm not blaming anyone here :)

00:12:17 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

The higher power in my Kd is American and therefore in a different time zone. I did in fact message my leader but he was not available at the time and the big army was close to me and I took a risk. The worst, I thought could have happened, was that Mittalmar tells me to get screwed and attacks me. =P

And I have faith that my leader didn't chicken out of anything but then again, you'll have to ask him.

01:42:25 Mar 7th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

there never was a "war" between us, therefore NEVER was a CF.

end it there.

07:42:41 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Swan:

Omg trogdor, you really are one big douche bag aren't you? You always seem to look next to the point ... A cf can be used also as some kind of NAP but then the kingdoms are less bounded towards each other ...

So to make you understand it, a CF can be seen as a NAP with a minimum of terms, just the kingdoms won't attack each other.

I think I found the reason why people look down on ROC :)

07:48:09 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

well we neever had any type of alliance with dsY .or a nap , and for wolf we had a CF but then they took in our enemies (5 of them ) whom we were warring thus we broke all agreements with them ...


so stop throwing accusations swan .

07:48:10 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

well we neever had any type of alliance with dsY .or a nap , and for wolf we had a CF but then they took in our enemies (5 of them ) whom we were warring thus we broke all agreements with them ...


so stop throwing accusations swan .

08:25:56 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Swan
3/7/2008 7:42:41 AM

I think I found the reason why people look down on ROC :)


Pls tell if those "people" are on Zeta. If so, then we shall take care of that. We'll send them to h.ll, so they have to look up.....

15:31:57 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Swan:

so stop throwing accusations swan .

I'm slinging back what you guys started saying ... and I'm not accusing anyone for anything, (remember my previous post where I said, I'm not blaming anyone) I'm just correcting the unknowledge from Trogdar

Pls tell if those "people" are on Zeta. If so, then we shall take care of that. We'll send them to h.ll, so they have to look up.....

Being dishonorable has nothing to do with killing someone off ... :) but to tell you about those 'people', does FEAR rings any bell? You just blew off the nap or whatever you had with them also for nothing ...

17:42:19 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Now you are talking smack Swan..... you do not know the situation with FEAR.

19:01:37 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Swan:

No but I did heard how they experienced it here on the forum ... so once again ... don't try to shove this on me and make me look like the bad guy :) Instinctive I know you guys went wrong, and every time you guys try to defend yourselves on these ridiculous manners

21:05:16 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Though it's nice to keep the water boiling, I guess I should have added a :big grin: at then end of my post.......

And now serious:

I have read what leaders of various kingdoms have written and nowhere can I find proof, that ROC have acted dishonorable towards any other kingdom, that have showed a 100% perfect honorable attitude towards ROC.

So: To be or not to be (honorable or dishonorable).... that's the question.

Unclear/diffuse/not confirmed/supposed agreements….. that is – mostly - a matter for our dear leaders. Remember mis-information/lack of information this is actually part of the “Fine Act of War”. And this IS a war-game.

22:11:18 Mar 7th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

I am an aggressive brute. I will admit to that, and I may not know "every" political piece of information in this "world"... but there is one fact that EVERYONE will agree on...

I fight hard, and kill fast.

If you don't respect my ability to do that, I have no problem cutting you into pieces as well with my blade.  Anyone, and everyone who has doubted my ability has been met with death.  I expect to receive respect if you wish to negotiate with me, telling me that "I am dishonorable,.." or "I did it wrong..." or whatever the hell political mumbo jumbo you wish the babble on this forum, is only going to piss me off.

And believe me, pissing me off is a bad idea.

I don't throw tantrums, I don't flame, I don't go around whining.

I just burn your empire.

Look at wolf.
Ask them how they feel.

They pissed me off prodding me with armies, looking at my empire for a weak spot so they could attack.

DSY has done the same. I fought the DSY armies off, valiantly, and I still am.  Not to mention that I have been very successful in doing so.  I have only mildly begun an invasion of your "territory" the ex-TA land that I am re-claiming for them.  I have not pushed at the "defensive" cities you have made on our borders that are "staging points" for your armies... Understand this, If you continue to try to dirty our name, or refuse to show some respect to those that can, and will, overpower you, expect me to grow even more angry.  And in doing so, expect more death.

10:27:59 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Swan:

lol @ trogdar, you remind me of a 12 year old

15:16:21 Mar 8th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

well... sometimes you just have to dumb-down to a 12 year old level to level with some ignorant players.



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