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Forums / In game politics / Era 34: Zetamania Wars

Era 34: Zetamania Wars
09:00:17 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Hilario:

then, dont tell elves cant fight you head on. they need their magic to fight you head on.

18:23:55 Aug 3rd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

Update on Zeta

Odyssey have been betrayed by Last Samurai and his multiaccount Master Samurai.
He was a viceroy in the KD and he kicked all out.
And formed another KD called Samurais.

The Samurais

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Samurais
Members: 3
Created: 8/3/2008 5:11:53 PM
Leader: Mr. Last Samurai


We Are Baby-Sitters, Joining Is Not Possible.
May The Samurai Spirit Be With You.


18:24:57 Aug 3rd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

what can I say... they are without honor.
we gave last samurai viceroy position and this is what he gives us.
I am speachlesss

You (8/3/2008 7:20:48 PM)
What did you do? :(
Mr. Last Samurai [TWINS] (8/3/2008 7:22:50 PM) GOOD BAD
some guys convinced me to create an own KD, so I kicked all the member to protect Master Samurai for a bit.. but it doesn't feel right.. :(

20:30:39 Aug 3rd 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

I'll support you Guys in this war in any way I can because I hate those kind of traitors!

20:32:50 Aug 3rd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

We have created the KD again, thank you Sir Lapudapu for your advices.

I still cant understand them. If they wanted their KD, we would let them create a KD, make some kind of alliance, but not this way....
They have an enemy till death now.

20:41:39 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

why did he did that on that way? little bit stupit. now the whole map will try to kill him!

20:51:50 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Zump:

I wouldn't have cared if he just created a kingdom, we would just MAP him and everything would be alright. But I don't know why he had to kick everyone and go to war with us......

20:53:45 Aug 3rd 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

I truly do not understand him...

You (8/3/2008 7:25:54 PM)
But why did you do this to Mia?
At least she was always great to you...
This is her KD... You kicked her out...
She trusted you, we all trusted you, gave you a viceroy position.

And what did you do.
Betrayed us all...
Mr. Last Samurai [TWINS] (8/3/2008 7:27:11 PM) GOOD BAD
that's how you can call that... maybe... but at least I did it for Master Samurai.
You (8/3/2008 7:28:29 PM)
you did what for him?
Haldimir will take all his cities now.
what is wrong with you.

you could told us you want that
we could be two KDs that are map
an we would work together
Mr. Last Samurai [TWINS] (8/3/2008 7:30:46 PM) GOOD BAD
you can let a member make a kingdom and change the leader..
and if Haldimir touches him, I will send all my troops to take the whole core down, I won't touch you all if you don't touch master samurai.. I promise it's rly wrong what I did..
You (8/3/2008 7:35:38 PM)
are you serious making threats to me?

good bye
die soon
Mr. Last Samurai [TWINS] (8/3/2008 7:36:41 PM) GOOD BAD
haha, okay maybe I do...
but I'm just trying to save master samurai in some way...
Mr. Last Samurai [TWINS] (8/3/2008 7:37:56 PM) GOOD BAD
well I bet you won't be able to stop 20k nazguls...
You (8/3/2008 7:38:17 PM)
by destroying the KD you were viceroy in?

there were 100 ways to stay friends
no, you decided to destroy a KD that Mia worked hard for

she will be crushed

i give you my word
master samurai will be destroyed by my troops
Mr. Last Samurai [TWINS] (8/3/2008 7:40:23 PM) GOOD BAD
not if haldimir is first ;)
Mr. Last Samurai [TWINS] (8/3/2008 7:42:57 PM) GOOD BAD
u angry.?
You (8/3/2008 7:44:25 PM)
my only goal in this game now is to destroy 3 members of your KD.
and last 5 days i was only making nazguls
you will see them soon tooo
Mr. Last Samurai [TWINS] (8/3/2008 7:47:41 PM) GOOD BAD
If that is your wish...
I will not raise my sword to the ones who have trown his down...
ODC just got defeated by MAD, you're not that strong anymore, but I hope you all will get together again..

22:01:23 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Patas:

Samurais is not so strong either and remember no other kingdoms will set a peaceful relations with Samurais :)

22:10:33 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

ya ill make sure TDS tells them to Fuk off if they send a message to us

22:13:41 Aug 3rd 08 - Lord Slade:

Well just Kill him Jas i will Make a multi account and come help you kill him on Zeta :P

22:30:23 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Anonymous:

AoA will support ODC when our armies get done with AA and PHX.

The Samurais will receive no mercy for doing this to Lady Mia.

22:33:39 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha oh sh*t AoA getting in on it thats going to be messy :P

06:13:44 Aug 4th 08 - Lord Random:

im gonna kill them.
they killed 16k of my axers while i was offline.

06:40:01 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol no offense random but the dwarfs military units suk even with lvl 10 military and anything can kill them :P

07:31:05 Aug 4th 08 - Lord Random:

yeah justin.....

but its not quality, its quantity =P

15:49:43 Aug 4th 08 - Lord Random:

wait are you ragging on my warring skillz -_-

17:29:14 Aug 4th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


hmmm things seem to be mellowing out now.

19:25:01 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol no random im ragging on dwarfs military units. I love the income you get for dwarves but when it comes to fighting youll need like almost 500k axies to do any main damage against humans, elves, orcs or trolls.

10:44:38 Aug 5th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Sorry for ODC.. As others say,expect the unexpected.. ^_^

Sorry for me.. Can't kill ODC as I remembered.. T_T    <^^>

Sorry for Samurai's.. They made the almost the whole map angry at them..

Sorry for dwarfs.. They have weak troops..


12:46:16 Aug 5th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

AoAArmy of Anubis25Mr. Anonymous112
MADMad Against Drugs12Mr. Hilario100
DharaDharan Empire16Mr. Deadordying88
PHXPheonix11Mr. Bruiant36
BloodKnights Of The BloodStained Sword11Mr. Rootsday The Animal34
TDSThe Devastators6Mr. Bloody Sabbath26
ODCOdyssey9Ms. Jasmina23
PFPendragon Federation14Lord Uther Pendragon19
BLSBlack Label Society6Mr. Death Proof9
AAThe Amazing Aces2Mr. One Man Army7
POFFPaladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame17Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin5
EDElemental Dragons7Mr. Monastory4
TWINSThe Samurais3Mr. Last Samurai3
RebelsThe Rebel Alliance5Mr. Rodonna2

15:16:41 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

I accept my defeat with AoA. They have done a great deal of fighting. I will make a guess that the top two kds will be MAD and Dhara. I dont see AoA winning the era seeing how their lack of exp against the two kds i have named. I wish you all good luck in your battles!


16:03:57 Aug 5th 08 - Mr. Bigsmellyfeet:

well its  hard to get in top whit a 12 player kdm  (vs 25 players) but wel try to do our best:)
we  found some new rich farms :) and hope to harwest them before era end:)

05:34:11 Aug 6th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Nothing will change because of NAPs.. Hahahaha..

Nap here.. Nap there.. Boring!

18:12:23 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Hmm, i guess Pheonix is facing its end too.
MAD to the north and east, AoA to the south and west.

03:56:30 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Lapulapu The Chief:

War Updates!

MAD vs Blood

We are currently in ceasefire with the ODC atleast after we annihilate Samurais.

08:31:18 Aug 7th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

PHX nearing its end.. How? I can't see any reason for you to end..

09:44:54 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

Justin you nub.  You didnt plundered my city even once.  I can show you my recents news page if you want :P

I've been away from vu. 

2008-07-19 - 19 days ago

  • 02:51:38: We received a message from Dark Lord Osiris of Retribution.
  • 03:19:43: We received a message from Mr. Zakk of Black Label Society.
  • 05:49:34: Cleaners lost a battle against Brick lifeguards from Mr. Brick. The army escaped to Hydraland. We lost 1 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 267 Riders, 0 Spellweavers, 0 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 12:44:58: You have received one bonus turns for voting on Visual Utopia!
  • 23:08:30: Brick lifeguards lead by Mr. Brick attacked and took over Ghostland. We lost 0 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 0 Archmages in the battle.
  • 23:08:30: Our Defense failed to defend Ghostland. Brick lifeguards lead by Mr. Brick attacked and took over Ghostland. We lost 1 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 825 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 0 Archmages in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 23:08:30: All troops in Defense have died
I think around 22 days or more.  Im glad most of you liked my city. Unlike most of you nubs, I know how to build one :P

You guys are funny :P more like nubs. 

09:47:41 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

oh btw, im not yet back.  i just logged in to see how things have been.  I'll come back next era.  Though i doubt ill see any of you in Fantasia :P

09:55:35 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

asdfg ii

choose army commander morale exp. located upkeep
mr. twamao 99% 57 on mission   112


10:30:07 Aug 7th 08 - Sir Chucky:

nub =]

10:35:58 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

I know that hate chucky.  Its the kind of hate that says "why cant i be like him?"  Its the kind that says "I suck, why cant i be like twamao?"

I get it chucky, you want to be me, do what i do.  That's a huge task you put upon your malnourished shoulders.  You're frustrated because you cant get anywhere near where i am.  Go on Chucky, release the anger inside  while i listen to Stevie Wonder.

Twamao sings.
I dont want to bore you with it
Oh but I love you, I love you, I love you

10:47:04 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Last Samurai:


12:20:08 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Master Samurai:



12:29:08 Aug 7th 08 - Ms. Jasmina:

You two are still alive?
Damn I have more work to do then...

12:35:49 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Last Samurai:

haha... 100,000-200,000 comming on our way..

13:47:22 Aug 7th 08 - Lord Random:


13:51:27 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Last Samurai:

good luck mate :P

14:28:43 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Ms. Macarodge


8/7/2008 7:31:18 AM

PHX nearing its end.. How? I can't see any reason for you to end..

It dosent mean we are disbanding, it means we are going to fall to two kingdoms who are both 3 times our power.

16:16:17 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Bigsmellyfeet:

:)  yeah this is real life .. big fisch eat the small fisch ..:P

17:39:45 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Twamao


8/7/2008 1:44:54 AM
Justin you nub.  You didnt plundered my city even once.  I can show you my recents news page if you want :P

I've been away from vu. 

2008-07-19 - 19 days ago
  • 02:51:38: We received a message from Dark Lord Osiris of Retribution.
  • 03:19:43: We received a message from Mr. Zakk of Black Label Society.
  • 05:49:34: Cleaners lost a battle against Brick lifeguards from Mr. Brick. The army escaped to Hydraland. We lost 1 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 267 Riders, 0 Spellweavers, 0 Archmages and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 12:44:58: You have received one bonus turns for voting on Visual Utopia!
  • 23:08:30: Brick lifeguards lead by Mr. Brick attacked and took over Ghostland. We lost 0 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 0 Archmages in the battle.
  • 23:08:30: Our Defense failed to defend Ghostland. Brick lifeguards lead by Mr. Brick attacked and took over Ghostland. We lost 1 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 825 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 0 Archmages in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 23:08:30: All troops in Defense have died
I think around 22 days or more.  Im glad most of you liked my city. Unlike most of you nubs, I know how to build one :P

You guys are funny :P more like nubs. 

Ive got better things to do then plunder a nub right now!

20:24:01 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Last Samurai:

100,000-200,000 army down...

can't you leave us..?

23:33:11 Aug 7th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

LOL... After what you did? If I were you I would expect to be hunted by everyone on the map for atleast the rest of the era. Lmao... begging for mercy

06:38:04 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Justin:

TDS would help but when our members betrayed us a member named Brick attacked Dhara while wearing our kd banner so we are in the middle of a conflict with them.

06:43:42 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Snowman:



(AoA is teh awesome btw) :P

06:47:06 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

AoA sucks...


06:47:17 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:


06:48:00 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Snowman:

:O AoA were Trio allies some eras ago lol :P

06:51:01 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

so Trio is a good kd. AoA still sucks :p

The leader and like 2 players in AoA are the only ones that are decent, the rest are nubs :)

06:53:23 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Snowman:

Whats wrong with that? :P

Maybe they like being nubs? makes you feel innocent ya know??? lol :p

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