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Forums / In game politics / Eternity

22:44:22 Dec 9th 07 - Ms. Selkirka:

The old banner is getting a makeover and may look like a new... thing... afterwards.  Be wary, the otherworldly nipples are just in disguise!

(If you can not wait till next era to see it again, I suggest you visit the nearest freezer!)

23:19:56 Dec 9th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

The ones that get refused can try to apply for us instead, we are a friendly kd, go check   Dacii in Politics section  (this section)

00:11:39 Dec 10th 07 - Sir Verll:

Dangit, Gladiator is a persistent recruiter :P

01:44:37 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Chaos:

Well...Waiting to see if Eternity reforms =O

01:52:02 Dec 10th 07 - Ms. Selkirka:

Don't worry.  We will.  Gladiator, please go elsewhere for recruiting.

03:17:29 Dec 10th 07 - Ms. Selkirka:

Reformed!  Any who wish to apply, please fill out an application.

07:23:26 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Ok sorry... just saying that those that get refused here can apply to me, otherwise join eternity ... once you're in youre stuck there for... ETERNITY!

13:25:28 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Acheron:

Since I'm a vice now I supose it is my duty to keep the embassy running. currently we have 5 people, but we would like more. So if you are interested sign up.

Mr. Gladiator I must ask you to stop advertising in our embassy.

21:36:58 Dec 10th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

ooooooooooo your in trouble :O

21:47:21 Dec 10th 07 - Mr. Soc:


22:35:20 Dec 10th 07 - Ms. Selkirka:

Heh.  No, that is not him, but DoD is with us.

05:03:45 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Acheron:

Finally, the aplications are starting to come in.

05:39:59 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Soc:

what is DoD's new nick?


05:42:31 Dec 11th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

I like your picture.

03:18:02 Dec 12th 07 - Ms. Selkirka:

Thank you very much, Trogdor.  DoD is Deadordying now.

11:52:50 Dec 12th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

he always has been called that!

13:37:39 Dec 12th 07 - Mr. Acheron:

except now there are no spaces ;)

23:51:56 Dec 15th 07 - Ms. Selkirka:

Wow.  I guess no one likes to spit at Eternity anymore...  Ah well.  If anyone wants to join Eternity, please be certain to fill out the necessary criteria:

1. Why you wish to apply
2. How often do you plan to be active
3. Previous names and kingdoms
4. How many eras have you played

Oh, and before I forget...

ROFLMAO. You are all going to die. <3

01:19:14 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

*hides in a corner*

dont kill me

05:09:39 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Acheron:

We wont neccesarily kill you (though that is the most cause way of death) We will just outlast you.

03:13:42 Dec 17th 07 - Ms. Selkirka:

No more applications will be accepted.  I wish you all a good day.  :P

06:06:48 Dec 22nd 07 - Mr. Acheron:

Because we are awsome and need a bump :)

21:54:59 Dec 22nd 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

We also allow *beep* - no random censoring or changes (sorry, improvements) to what you type.  If you want to play then come to our new open Embassy at

We've even got a dedicated *beep* board with three different types on offer!

22:05:19 Dec 22nd 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their are threads named after SPAM!!!!!!!

22:18:06 Dec 22nd 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Glad you like it Sir D :-)

02:33:44 Jan 6th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

Bump were awsome :)

21:34:34 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

Bump bump bump it up. One more time ya'll. Were so awsome yeah!

23:22:31 Jan 7th 08 - Mr. Acheron:

ppl are trying to kill us and are suprised we don't die. What part of Eternity do you not get?!

23:29:00 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

ooooo i dont get the E what does E stand for????

23:51:30 Jan 7th 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Mr A, the problem is that the people we're fighting are quitters themselves - the sort who, if they get knocked down, crawl away to die and restart on a new world where they can pick on newer players to big themselves up.

The idea of a Kingdom with stamina and determination is so alien to them that they'd be less surprised if we all started wearing shiny green suits and had antennae on our heads.

00:10:14 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

not alien to me, I am enjoying fighting you guys, giving a challange to me to see if i can do something, and for the record, i have never restarted on a new world, or restarted for that matter....I like challanges, plus it is keeping it fun.., seeing if i can get to your scouts before they get out of reach

00:13:13 Jan 8th 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Did I mention DR, Mr L, or did it just ring a bell? :P

Still, you've got to admit it's more entertaining than sitting in a blocker stalemate on Fantasia :-)

03:09:50 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

thats no fun, chasing around scouts and prepping for people to get oop is fun

03:18:13 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Soc:

there is a blocker stalemate on fantasia?!?!?!? where?

18:55:14 Jan 8th 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Mr L, prepping on people to come oop isn't fun - it's just lazy.  Those troops of yours will end up so unfit that they'll never catch us ;-)

Can't see Fant this era, Mr Soc, got bored with the stalemates in the last one, but you've got to admit they've been a pretty regular feature of life there recently :-)

22:36:39 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Caius:

I'm back...almost next era =P

23:05:56 Jan 8th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

Who are you!?

23:10:20 Jan 8th 08 - Mr. Lazydragoon:

well it may be lazy but i don't think my name is anything saying i'm not....and proactive dragoon doesn't sound that to see how many ticks i can stay away from selk's scary army

00:30:45 Jan 9th 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

How about LaidBackButReadyToSpringIntoActionDragoon, Mr L?  And it's not Selk's army you want to worry about ;-)

*** goes off to check with the space lizards when their invasion is planned ***

01:35:29 Jan 9th 08 - Mr. Acheron:

I'm the the laid back and ready to strike Dragon.

05:27:36 Jan 14th 08 - Mr. Acheron:

Still alive and regaining power :)
Sadly, I don't think there is enough time to kill our enemies and take #1, but that wont stop us from trying :)
wow, I'm starting to look like ford with all of these smilies :)
cheers :)

04:43:34 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Acheron:

Time to prep for next era. Applications are once again open!

20:01:57 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Acheron:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Eternity
Members: 12
Tag: E
Created: 12/10/2007 2:01:17 AM
Leader: Ms. Selkirka


Eternity wishes for war and fun. Anything else received is just a side product.

Applications are being accepted again. If you wish to apply, write:

1.Why do you wish to join Eternity
2.How many eras have you played
3.How many times do you log on during the day
4.Previous names and kingdoms

Oh, and PS:
ROFLMAO. You are all going to die. <3


20:51:45 Jan 27th 08 - Ms. Selkirka:

Yes, as you all have obviously seen, our hooks are out, and we are accepting applicants again.

22:41:25 Jan 29th 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Meanwhile, a message from our sponsors, Sir DoA.  With thanks to Lord Seloc for the underline :P

23:20:26 Jan 29th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Lol of all the army names you could of highlighted ^_^.

00:22:12 Jan 30th 08 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Went through every one until I found the most suitable, Lord S ;-)

08:28:16 Jan 30th 08 - Mr. Rocketbro:

08:59:25 Jan 30th 08 - Lord Verll:

Seloc.....You're dead >-<

20:22:02 Feb 1st 08 - Lady Tnega Spmalc:


The kingdom that never gives up and always comes out fighting. 

Recruiting NOW!!!!!!

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