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Forums / In game politics / Latha era 40

Latha era 40
12:40:32 Jul 8th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

ur right :( but who cares :o

02:22:14 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Necromancer Necromancer


03:39:16 Jul 8th 09 barely seems worth it to have farms...

At the going rate of .09 gold a food, without science levels and a full farm bonus then each farm is producing .99 gold before you subtract building upkeep. After building upkeep, you are only getting like .36 gold per farm after you wait forever for it to all sell, and that's WITHOUT factoring the land/production inflation from this era. If you assume that your getting 50% production from inflation, then you are LOOSING .15 gold a tick from each farm.

Now, let's compare the same scenario to mines. A mine would make roughly 9 gold a tick after the stone is sold at the current going rate, which is like 8.35 gold a tick after building upkeep. At 50% inflation, you are still making 3.85 gold a mine.

Now, keep in mind that the scenarios above don't factor in taxes, but still I'm sure that I make my point clear. Farms aren't just "barely worth it", they aren't worth it. I'd imagine that Sandoran only sells food because he captures so many cities with farms that he has a surplus.

08:26:12 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

well, every mine city i capture gives me 5k gold a tick, and every food city i capture gives me like 30-35k, so i've got no choice but to sell it.

13:05:57 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Barny:


Mr. Barny.

We have plundered Argonia of all their resources. They had 7318738 gold, 4165693 stone, 3262410 tree, 438117 food and 0 slaves in the city. We also took 1356 of their peasants for slaves!

Why am I the only one attacking these guys? Oh well, lets hope I win ;)

14:27:34 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Aw, Sandoran I see you've been recruiting? I am surprised that you have a third member now. You need to update your kingdom info, it still says there are 2 of you in the description.

05:17:28 Barny lead by Mr. Legendary attacked and took over Alive. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to *Name Removed*
05:13:52 Barny lead by Mr. Legendary attacked and took over One Way. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Alive. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Alive. We lost 1 Swordsmen in the battle.
05:13:51 Barny lead by Mr. Legendary attacked and took over One Way. Due to their overwhelming power our army retreated to Alive.

Well there goes that little corner. I thought that the 1/2 land rule would keep me safe so I neglected to raze that 40k city; shit. Well, I kept the land small for a reason, it was more a StG base then a mine. I still have 60 million saved up with like 8 days in the era, how does that stack up against some of you guys?

14:57:27 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

well, i have 30mil stacked up and i have cities and armies.
we got him like a week ago or more, Spawn wanted him to join, he has very little land so... don't ask me why we still have him, he's pure's brother :)

16:25:12 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Trogdar Liech:

Mr. Spawn


13:24:27 Jun 20th 09
Latha shall belong to me.


This world, belongs to me, and always will.  Literally.
Don't ask me to explain why.

16:28:13 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:


16:28:39 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Trogdar Liech:

I made it.

16:31:42 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

God doesn't rule earth, does he?

16:39:27 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Trogdar Liech:

Why are you speaking in cyclic-unprooveable questions? seriously... um, yeah, you asked; "why?" and I gave you a direct answer.  What the heck is that supposed to mean anyways?  Why don't you make a logical thought and comment accordingly... sigh.

21:08:04 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Why am I on the HoH when I have less then 1k land and less then 10k troops, and I don't appear on the most fearsome rulers list? I am confused by this strange turn of events...

The hell with it, I have razed enough cities and done enough damage; I might as well try to win Latha then.

21:18:19 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Oh wow, nevermind. It just hit me after the edit option ran out; it's because I have so many resources that even though I have virtually nothing tangible to Latha in terms of troops, buildings, or resources that I can possibly loose; I can still hit the #6 spot. Weird.

22:04:39 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Wow barny, that little bitty town had 11 mill gold and 7887 slaves... thanks.

22:30:35 Jul 9th 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

The HoH list is very strange i pop in out on it.

22:32:20 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

the only one who's in it like forever is Explorer, and all i know is that he's a massive StGer :o

22:38:54 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Mr. Spud


13:04:39 Jul 9th 09 Wow barny, that little bitty town had 11 mill gold and 7887 slaves... thanks.

I know, right? 399 houses when I have other nearby holdings should not have given you all of those resources. Oh well, it was your gold an hour ago I suppose.

22:51:47 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

Plus I'm bad ass Sandoran... I see I've dropped from 1st though :)

Despite gaining 40k more land over the last few ticks I haven't gone up anymore.
You'll see me back at 1st in 10 minutes though :)

23:01:34 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Barny:

You have a high % on that 80k+ city then?

HoH now its based on current resources more then anything else it seems.

23:15:13 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

You spying on me Barny?
What would you like to know?

23:21:02 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Yeah, I just took all my gold back lol...

23:21:10 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Meh, I have over 300k+ land which I should have been razing but i am lazy, over 200k troops.. And well plenty of resources despite gold (negetive income for almost half the era of latha..).. And im not on the Hoh =/

23:24:08 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Let me change that, only 200k land now. Orc killer and leafblighter have been a pain in the ass to fight :p

23:35:50 Jul 9th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Well Spud, I have 17% on that city now and next tick I will have a % in the upper 60's for a plunder amount of over 10 million gold before your army reaches mine.

I need to leave for real life shit, so I wont get the joy of reclaiming my gold.

03:30:58 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Spawn:

still got 23 million tree on the market everyone, buy buy buy :D

14:14:22 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

All is well again!

Mr. Explorer
Member of: Fiters of honur.

Mr. Sandoran
Member of: De Vliegende Steentjes.

Mr. Deathknight
Member of: Shadows.

Mr. Gummiwor
Member of: Shadows.

Mr. Barny
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Pure Ftw
Member of: Rebirth.

Sir Grim Darkhammer
Member of: Peacekeepers.

Princess Rainbow Brite
Member of: Peacekeepers.

Mr. Emo
Member of: Roman Empire.

Mr. Overcome
Member of: Rebirth.

14:18:45 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

did some StGing? :) 1 or 2 it doesn't matter, cause it isn't gonna be 3 :O

14:36:26 Jul 11th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

wut a bunch of noobs.

14:53:16 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:


04:20:44 Jul 12th 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

says wierd guy

06:52:42 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

says weird guy that isn't getting owned by everyone like you do....

09:17:04 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Kingdoms in Latha
SKYDARKSKY2Ms. Darksky493
FWSTTWDe Vliegende Steentjes3Mr. Sandoran100
fohFiters of honur2Mr. Explorer91
SoulRebirth11Mr. Overcome89
ROMERoman Empire13Mr. Caesar68
SoulSRibirth Solo2Fire Lord Crazy28
PKSPeacekeepers3Sir Grim Darkhammer26
TZUTZU5Mr. Sexy Kool17
EAElite Army3Mr. Spud15
ETEternal Warriors3Mr. Plague12
PTLusitania2Mr. Shpedro The Lusitano3

Yes, all is well again :)

09:44:06 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Damn, I dropped from my #3 spot on the HoH.

16:39:31 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Spud:

The HoH is so messed up. It means nothing anymore...

17:27:28 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

It does mean something, its fairly obvious what it means to me.

I'll say once the era is up :)

20:06:29 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I think me and Explorer both have the right idea in terms of how to top the HoH this era.

On an unrelated note, am I the first person to attack Rebirth this era? They seem unprepared.

20:06:58 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

you're the second actually....

20:16:56 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Didn't you just walk a big army in and... ignore all of their cities?

20:58:23 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

yes i did, it was our core with 5 cities first, :O

21:01:40 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Well, I know how the HoH works too, I just dont agree with it, thats all.

09:04:26 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Mr. Barny.

We have plundered More Middle of all their resources. They had 4783508 gold, 6070080 stone, 2391850 tree, 28232179 food and 0 slaves in the city. We also took 3305 of their peasants for slaves!

We killed or injured total of 6380 troops.

Well fuck, that was lucky I guesse.

09:59:44 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Unkown:


10:01:04 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

lol, poor middle earth

10:01:43 Jul 13th 09 - Fire Lord Crazy:


10:05:48 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:


I'm terribly sorry Mr. Sandoran. But we have lost the battle.

We killed a total of 3196 enemy troops.

96% chance loss lol, not my lucky day.....

11:11:41 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Braggi:


Casting Teleport from *beep* upon Scout V with 42% chance of success... and Successful!
We succeeded with the spell, but The Scout V from Mr. Barny is so big we couldn't find any place to teleport it


11:28:40 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I remember that message! It was something like, "Scout V was confused by teleportation" then 1 RoF after it

I was DEEPLY confused as to why I was not frozen; or RoF'd again. Everyone knows teleporting NEVER works. Also, you guys killed like 60+ prep scouts!

11:31:35 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Braggi:

it shuldnt be hard to find space for one army! :@ i did that....few eras ago :( and your not worth my RoF :P

13:47:40 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

everyone is just having fun and experimenting^^

and i really loved killing those scouts =D

atelast i had something to do while i walked across the map:P

15:06:46 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Braggi:

ofcourse xD just one more magic lvl and ill make Gokks day....and run as far away from Rebirth as i can :P

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