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Forums / In game politics / Mantrax Era of Magneto

Mantrax Era of Magneto
20:50:20 Aug 27th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

I hate it when that happens Arthur...  I got banned for 3 days and then PKS move in on us, never got to our core though lol.  Was scarrrreeed!

20:52:15 Aug 27th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

haha, why did ya get banned?

21:37:53 Aug 27th 09 - Mr. Venithen:

Our armies ended up beating each other to death either way Arthur lol.  Two 50% chance losses by me, and then a siege by you, and then a solid 70% chance win by me.  A good exchange, but it left both armies hurting =P

21:39:16 Aug 27th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

yeah, but I had 1,600,000 OP against your 1,400,000 DP, if I hadn't lost the internet, I would have most likely killed your army, but that would have just prolonged the inevitable defeat, good war.

00:04:16 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Haha. The CW was inevitable guys.. We had literally hundreds of thousands of MU's in that army protected by hundreds of thousands of AM's and archers and riders.. it was amazing. :D

I am chillin' around on purpose Poly, not because I don't want plunder.. but because every time I try to get some it's stolen from meh! >:O

00:17:49 Aug 28th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Got accused for multi-ing because I have a brother who started playing this era.

00:21:25 Aug 28th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

ah, sucks

02:29:45 Aug 28th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

I have three brothers playing.  They don't talk much though. :|

09:06:53 Aug 28th 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper III:

Polydeuce, i had the same problem, except i was banned for about 3 hours, because i sent the admin a very angry e-mail, explaining the fact i'd already informed him my brother plays...

12:35:05 Aug 28th 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

my sister played once, she quit because every creep in the game was hitting on her, sick one...

17:19:35 Aug 28th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

I talked to your sister when she was in Slade's KD.  At least I wasn't one of the creeps ^^ I didn't hit on her :p

18:23:47 Aug 28th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Random u got a sister? OMG! when? where? how? lol

18:56:55 Aug 28th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

shes hot, ive seen her

19:15:19 Aug 28th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Yeah, well I didn't know I had to send him an e-mail so I had people send him messages and I made a new account to send him a message.  Then he messaged back Vuggy I think it was, maybe it was Sausage Mcmuffin telling them that I needed to e-mail him.  Lol, so 3 days gone xD

19:02:01 Sep 1st 09 - Sir Serene:

so quiet now :(

16:03:56 Sep 3rd 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Well Phi is gone, so nothing else left worth to talk about =P

18:30:28 Sep 3rd 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

Congratulations and much respect to Revelation.

21:01:29 Sep 3rd 09 - Mr. Ezzy Teh Elven Warrior:

thanks :D gg everyone on mant

22:14:52 Sep 3rd 09 - Lord Mac:

gg guys. Awesome comeback Rev,

22:17:16 Sep 3rd 09 - Mr. Piece Maker:

Yeah well done, ya big jerks.

Also I'd give more congrats to Phi, who had a stunning era until they got multiple kingdoms up the ass.

22:26:57 Sep 3rd 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

well played PKS and PHI you guys gave us a good era, RVL thanks you and wishes you good luck.

23:16:35 Sep 3rd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Ouch, my ass hurts :(

23:21:23 Sep 3rd 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

Yeah was a fun era, and I'm uber excited for next era :)

00:21:38 Sep 4th 09 - Ms. Jilllian:

Great job pks and phi was a fun war good luck next era.

05:15:26 Sep 4th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:

Who cast the plague?

11:39:24 Sep 4th 09 - Mr. Jet:

Mr. Dargoth


02:30:28 Sep 4th 09 Congratulations and much respect to Revelation.

Your big army kept us out for the most part, so kudos to you.

14:44:16 Sep 4th 09 - Lady Jade:

Hats off to PKS and PHI

15:32:53 Sep 4th 09 - Sir Struddle:

Much Respect to PKS, PHI and to you Dargoth it took us forever to bring that big army of yours down to a killable size. Mad props for holding us out for such a long time!!!!!!!

@Dargoth: someone cast plague? kinda pointless with this little time left. again awesome time fighting against that big army of yours. *hands Dargoth some cookies*

15:42:46 Sep 4th 09 - Lady Jade:

Yes someone cast plague. It hit the south of Mant first and quickly spread north

16:31:45 Sep 4th 09 - Sir Jondrus Dah Clamps:

Yay another plague!  Thanks to the dichead who casted!

16:55:51 Sep 4th 09 - Sir Marius:

I always love a good war, and this was one of my favs... So as always gotta love PKS and great job PHI.

04:26:19 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Thank you RVL, this was a fun war. Most likely the most honorable war this era. Great comeback and great working with PKS, twas fun. I also have to give congrats to Shadows, they gave us a run for our money, despite their newness.

05:34:54 Sep 5th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

GG RVL, Great fight

05:37:13 Sep 5th 09 - Duke Loren Soth:

Congrats to PKS and PHI. It was one helluva fight!


05:59:08 Sep 5th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Definitely... definitely caught me off guard many of times PKS and PHI.

09:00:23 Sep 5th 09 - Lord Mac:

Awesome job Rvl. Great comeback guys. Phi, hats off. You guys did great really enjoyed playing this era with you all.

13:52:11 Sep 5th 09 - Swedish chef Brashen:

One of the funniest wars ever.

Thanks for playing with us pks and phi

06:39:15 Sep 6th 09 - Lord Grim Darkhammer:

It was a great war. I had fun. Great comeback Revelation, excellent teamwork. Considering that Rev was at 18% of PKS power at one point and came back to beat us in our own core... kick ass.

Hagar cast plague. We were leaving for work and Brashen was a tick from his magic city. He burned all his MU in one cast. Since he is not playing next era and there was only a few ticks left he said WTH. :)

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