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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania wars III

Zetamania wars III
16:17:23 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

lol , nice reply :D , and true one :D

18:31:23 Mar 8th 08 - Mr. Swan:

01:52:40 Mar 9th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

ok, woffies beated from 114% to 83%  (loss of 3 players and total 27% production power)

DSY beated from 124% to 108% (loss 1 player and total of 13% production power)


our gain, +10% production power.


I think this war is going well personally...

I am still laughing at the New White Wolf Generation bla bla bla, and Engineers... they are trying sooo hard to claim territory in the middle of a warzone.. hehe its amusing... they earn the Darwin award....


23:46:36 Mar 9th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:


15:28:22 Mar 10th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:


Kingdoms in Zetamania
DSY Destiny 17 Mr. Skiepe 106
ROC Royal Order of Claidhmore 13 Mr. Kevdwayne 100
Wolf Knights of the White Wolf 23 General Wolfenstien 81
wolf New White Wolfs generationDestinys ally 12 Mr. Asiana 42
TA The Alliance 18 Mr. Patriot 34
E Engineers 4 Mr. Shin 7
Armor Ephisians 4 Mr. Orrises 1
SS SouthSide 1 Mr. Lord Reigner 0
DL Dark Legion 1 Mr. Dark Reigner 0

20:32:04 Mar 10th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
ROC Royal Order of Claidhmore 13 Mr. Kevdwayne 100
DSY Destiny 16 Mr. Skiepe 98
Wolf Knights of the White Wolf 23 General Wolfenstien 83
wolf New White Wolfs generationDestinys ally 12 Mr. Asiana 43
TA The Alliance 18 Mr. Patriot 35
E Engineers 4 Mr. Shin 7
Armor Ephisians 4 Mr. Orrises 1
SS SouthSide 1 Mr. Lord Reigner 0
DL Dark Legion 1 Mr. Dark Reigner 0

congrats gentlemen, celebrate, drink a beer, chase the wife around naked, whatever...




and finish killing them fools off!



20:40:53 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Well I guess I'm much too old to chase my wife..... But to take a beer or three..... THAT's LIFE! And BTW,  we still have something called sunday mornings.......



20:57:10 Mar 10th 08 - Mr. Solomon Augustus:


15:27:06 Mar 11th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

Its amazing how quiet our opponets get as they dwindle away...

Kingdoms in Zetamania
ROC Royal Order of Claidhmore 13 Mr. Kevdwayne 100
DSY Destiny 16 Mr. Swan 90
Wolf Knights of the White Wolf 24 General Wolfenstien 86
wolf New White Wolfs generationDestinys ally 12 Mr. Asiana 43
TA The Alliance 18 Mr. Patriot 35
E Engineers 4 Mr. Shin 7
Armor Ephisians 4 Mr. Orrises 2
SS SouthSide 1 Mr. Lord Reigner 0
DL Dark Legion 1 Mr. Dark Reigner 0

15:30:20 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

16:10:48 Mar 11th 08 - Mr. Silverband:

Just to give people an understanding of one of my armies (Not #1 HoH)....

Attacking War Factory

Army command center

Get Some with 28626 soldiers awaiting your orders, Mr. Silverband...

War Factory is defended by 154704 soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. The city is also defended by 200 peasants.
Our strategists say that we currently have around 91% chance for a successful attack. The city is already under siege.
We have prepared 20 days for this attack and are ready to engage in battle!

They have no resources in the city so there is no point in plundering it.

This city has no food.


Mr. Silverband. We have burned and destroyed War Factory.
We killed all of the 154704 troops.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Get Some (your army)
Gaia 2 0 0
Hammerthrowers 0 0 0
Ogres 0 0 0
Shamans 11438 350 35
Nazguls 16255 497 49

yea... he should quit after he stops crying anytime now.... ROFLMAO!!!

I'm singing the Warcraft 3 Orc battle hymm...

16:12:37 Mar 11th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:


just win.


pure, orchestrated, win.


LAWL! 150,000 kills at a cost of 850 HAH!


02:12:59 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

dang! 15k nazis! omg that is like...

02:13:18 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

last era 5 k nazis was a miracle...

06:35:28 Mar 12th 08 - Mr. Money:

Well its a nice army, but i can beat it with 20k archmages.

Right after i RoF it to the ground =P

07:35:27 Mar 12th 08 - Ms. Geneva:

lol... so true. :P

08:55:29 Mar 12th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

I've had prolly 18,000 nazzies in the field for the last 6 RL days... consistantly...

Silver now, has, much, much, much, more.... I'm lovin it.

16:12:17 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Don't forget to put some MUs :P 10 for every 1 Nazzy ^^

22:25:45 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
ROC Royal Order of Claidhmore 13 Mr. Kevdwayne 100
Wolf Knights of the White Wolf 24 General Wolfenstien 85
DSY Destiny 16 Mr. Swan 81
wolf New White Wolfs generationDestinys ally 13 Mr. Asiana 47
TA The Alliance 17 Mr. Patriot 41
E Engineers 4 Mr. Shin 3
Armor Ephisians 4 Mr. Orrises 2
SS SouthSide 1 Mr. Lord Reigner 0
DL Dark Legion 1 Mr. Dark Reigner 0

22:29:24 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

well i think we are doing pretty good in the war with 2 of the biggest and experienced kingdoms (that were gonna own this era ,like some guys were sure in the begining of this era) .

i would like to point our somthing , ROC will win (isa, hoping that this will happen) cuz of one thing , we dont depend on 2 or 3 good players , but we depend on the team playing .

22:43:59 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

hmmm TA went from high to low...

04:45:12 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Justin:

well at least TA is on the HoH list. last era on starta they were like 3 to last kingdom while there were still a bunch on, but then a bunch left and they were 5th place out of 6 kingdoms

05:14:32 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Panic:

Its because of me, lol


05:47:39 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Anubis:


well RoC really only has a ffew people attack from what i can see on the HoH

and that would be Trog Daisy Anger and Ancient Basio

so how do you not Depend on a few good player

???????? that looks like only four playerd from RoC attacking and you have 13 members what are there other nine doing

05:49:36 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Justin:

planing teh great suprise attack of that world

06:20:22 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Anubis


3/14/2008 5:47:39 AM


well RoC really only has a ffew people attack from what i can see on the HoH

and that would be Trog Daisy Anger and Ancient Basio

so how do you not Depend on a few good player

???????? that looks like only four playerd from RoC attacking and you have 13 members what are there other nine doing

Keeping the other wanna-be-HOH-players from other kingdoms busy :D.

Out of 32 cities, that I control now, I have only founded the 4.

12:40:07 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

Mr. Anubis


3/14/2008 6:47:39 AM


well RoC really only has a ffew people attack from what i can see on the HoH

and that would be Trog Daisy Anger and Ancient Basio

so how do you not Depend on a few good player

???????? that looks like only four playerd from RoC attacking and you have 13 members what are there other nine doing


hehehe , u dont know what is happenening on field so please dont comment :D .

silver is attacking with almost 50k nazzies , wraith has over 80k archs , mcmax has almost 100k cats , daisy hell lots of advents and anger looooooooots of cats, add to that the huge armies that KEV has on the dsy areas :D .

if u really want to post a reply next time ask someone from the world to tell u the truth :D ...

12:41:16 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

all the stats i just posted are of the troops on field on attacking so i guess i kinda showed u how wrong u are ;) . lol

15:19:02 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I have more Archmages that Wraith!!!1111!

140k......ooohhhhh yeah :P

15:48:50 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

well , which world are u in ?

15:53:37 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Mantrax, In Music.

15:58:31 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

ahh , then ur not in the same world fighting the same wars that wraith is , you could only compare urself with him only then . :D no offence , but the dude has been fighting his @ss of since the first tick of this era , so even if he has no archs then he is doin a great job :D >.. that also relates to every person in ROC , but me cuz i havent been fightin as hard as they did in the begining .

16:04:35 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

We are at war with Gauls....and have been the whole era. We are outnumber :P

16:07:47 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

Music Music 18 Mr. Kobuskan 74


no offence again , but i think ur doin somthing wrong , we killed 4 KDs so far , and fighting 3 in the moment with total 53 players and we are 13 :D .. and guess what :D we are winning :D.

16:14:45 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

4 Kds full of first-timers and a lot of rainbows.

17:03:22 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

huh ? , yet again another comment that ur not sure about , dude check ur source of information . or just keeep out from zeta's topic

17:28:00 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Cry about it while you can.....

17:50:27 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Duke Corrilin:

hehehehehe.zeta.(p.s i know this has nothing to do with anything.)

19:23:41 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

lol, how did u know ???? are u stockin me :D lol

00:16:38 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

/me starts passing out beers...

I think we've broken them... its just putting the nails in the caskets now...



18:02:42 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
ROC Royal Order of Claidhmore 13 Mr. Kevdwayne 100
Wolf Knights of the White Wolf 24 General Wolfenstien 81
DSY Destiny 14 Mr. Swan 61
wolf New White Wolfs generationDestinys ally 12 Mr. Asiana 45
TA The Alliance 17 Mr. Patriot 39
E Engineers 3 Mr. Shin 3
Armor Ephisians 4 Mr. Orrises 2
SS SouthSide 1 Mr. Lord Reigner 0
DL Dark Legion 1 Mr. Dark Reigner 0



just so that there is no confusion as to who is winning...



20:42:51 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

well as u can all see , both us and TA are owning DSY and wolf . so i think we both did pretty well job :D ... keeping in mind that we had to travel 80ticks to fight and be offensive on DSy and wolf where they never took offensive stance .

i say next era , TA AND roc should merge into the ROC alliance :D . TROCA :D lol

22:01:35 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:


22:26:30 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Kunga:

DSY has fallen, and we have lost alot to ROC, but its not to you guys we have lost the score. We had a traitor (Mittalmar) who left the KD and took major parts of our core. The point of having a core is that you only have to defend the borders, so he took big parts from whitin fast. After that more players have left and there is only a couple of us left who is actually trying.

I must say that ROC seems to be a good KD, as you have alot of players who are active and are taking part in the offence. That was what we were missing. Three players can never hold against a whole kingdom, and your strength is that you actually seems to be a whole kingdom whitout traitors and wars between players. I can only congratulate you guys for having a good teamwork, even though you are very childish and have a bad attitude when you are sending messeges.

05:19:09 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Panic:


06:25:40 Mar 16th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

I talk some trash yes, its a game, yer supposed to... heh

But yes, I understood your plight with Mittalmar, and I'm sorry for you.. I truly am.

And Kunga, just fyi, we have our internal rants too, as does any other KD alive. ;-)

And true honor goes out to the rest of you who continue the fight! Semper Fi!

15:34:19 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Silverband:


DSY has fallen, and we have lost alot to ROC, but its not to you guys we have lost the score. We had a traitor (Mittalmar) who left the KD and took major parts of our core. The point of having a core is that you only have to defend the borders, so he took big parts from whitin fast. After that more players have left and there is only a couple of us left who is actually trying.

I must say that ROC seems to be a good KD, as you have alot of players who are active and are taking part in the offence. That was what we were missing. Three players can never hold against a whole kingdom, and your strength is that you actually seems to be a whole kingdom whitout traitors and wars between players. I can only congratulate you guys for having a good teamwork, even though you are very childish and have a bad attitude when you are sending messeges.

You had a VERY respectable post up until that last part. It's almost that you congratulate us in having a bad attitude?

You gave a good fight, although we would have secured 1st place without Mittalmar stabbing you guys in the back. We respect the active players who haven't given up. You know who you few are.

To all of you: A very good game!

To DSY whole: When you provoke hostile action, be sure you can walk the walk before you talk the talk.

02:41:54 Mar 19th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Mr. Com


2/22/2008 8:56:52 PM

haha yes RoC kill Mafia


i told you jay you should of Napped me


 i thought i might say this

Mr. Com a member of Carnage and now Leader Of Kingdom Hearts

how the *beep* Can Jay(remember) Nap him when he was on Fant Now Mant

OOOOo thats Right his Multi Ms. Madonna is in RoC

and whats evan funnier the Kingdom Remember should of Napped was SMITE

but is He was in Fant the Mant and he is in RoC


oooo thats right hes other Multi is the Leader of Smite

Dan you shouldnt of Fuked Mafia over

13:21:41 Mar 19th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Prince Mielo

3/17/2008 10:18:31 AMMr. Remenber


3/17/2008 2:55:09 AM

Yeah aC is a Great Game

Good Luck Plague

Lord Zucox II


3/17/2008 3:02:51 AMhey.. where are you playing now Remenber???

Mr. Anubis


3/17/2008 7:09:40 AMim in Zeta PLaying as a Viceroy under the Genarl Wolf

Not sure if you are the right person to talk about multies :)

17:36:58 Mar 19th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Anubis (aka Slade) is not a multi.... he has Multiple Personality Disorder and each personality is not aware the others are playing.... he even declares war on his other personalities and posts Flames on them in the forum.... :p

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