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Forums / In game politics / Era 34: Zetamania Wars

Era 34: Zetamania Wars
07:36:22 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

OMA is just jealous :p

07:42:30 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Justin:

OMA kicked ass by himself for a LONG time :P

22:12:03 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

so you call us nubs?

than you lost against a KD of nubs.... good job OMA

22:16:52 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

who said im dead. all you guys did was just bounce my armies. im far from dead. your nubs because you cant even kill one person. ME! :)

22:19:54 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. Aragorn II:

i never said that you are death, and i only can see one army of you. 4,4K nazzies. the rest is invisible for me... and i cant see you in hoh! where are the rest of your troops/armies? then i can kill you!

22:30:08 Aug 8th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

lol. hoh doesnt matter you nub :p

hoh is nothing but farmers. im nothing but war. i will cleanse your core with fire and leave nothing behind. do you think im here to get on hoh of zeta? no, i came here to war all of zeta and thats what im doing. if you can kill me then why havent you?

00:04:25 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

It is very hard to kill a single person completely OMA. They could have a scout in each corner of the map, or they could be hiding in another KD's core. However for the most part, AoA has already defeated you, so your cleansing our core with fire won't work too well.

00:18:15 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

psh AoA hasnt defeated me. i dont see how you figure that. just because you killed a few of my armys youve defeated me? i dont think so. i dont hide.

00:46:21 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

these are silly words OMA - you let your main towns to Killstone, escaped with 5k nazzies and got some small towns somewhere; do you think is anyone interested to hunt you anywhere?
or you may be counting on Merger? it will die soon on my hand (this will be the revenge for 7k archers you killed earlier)

00:53:57 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha Gladiatorul man and elf v orc. OMA will beat your ass.

00:59:34 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Still a puppy Justin - learn to be a man;

01:02:11 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha this coming from a nub doesnt mean sh*t. Elves Archys against an orcs Nazzies are nothing. i would need a hored of archys to take down OMA. You on the other hand are a nub because you actually think you can take him on with archys.

01:04:54 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

Harsh words for a KD that your are NAPed against Justin, I suggest you watch your mouth. You don't even have any idea what you are talking about, blindly accusing him of being a nub.

01:07:30 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

against one player not a kd. And i do know what im talking about. He needs armings and marius nazzies to do any kinda damage to OMA. And dont threating me little boy with that nap sh*t.

01:10:31 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

Justin, you need to stop talking out of your ass and kissing up to OMA. I can see now why so many people on the forums hate you. If anybody is the little boy in this it is you because more mature people realise that sometimes it is just better to keep quiet. That kind of talk causes lots of problems.

01:12:42 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Toilet Paper you just told me to watch my mouth because i was dissing&nb*beep*ember of a kd that we are napped with so your the big mouth. Ppl hate me cuz i stopped taking their sh*t and started mouthing back at them. so toilet paper vamanos before you hurt urself

01:19:38 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Total Power:

Now you are making so sense whatsoever. You say people hate you because you stopped taking their sh*t? Tell me, what exactly did Glad say that could possibly cause a normal, mentally healthy individual to go on such a rant? And the whole Toilet Paper thing is just proving your immaturity. Me, I realise that your head is too far up your ass and you're not listening to a word I say, so I'm leaving now. I suggest you do the same.

01:22:03 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

Glad i would love to see you kill me. and you only know what you see. you dont know what i have, and will be getting. you underestimate me and thats your mistake. Justin is more of a player than most players in AoA. You guys think just because you are on hoh and your #1 that you are good. you guys are like a mini version of Preds. At least preds have more than 3 good players, and admit that most of them are nubs and whore most of the time. you dont know who your up against. i suggest you stop talking.

01:23:08 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

I just told glad he was a nub if he thought and you got in my face threating me with your "watch your mouth" sh*t which pissed me off just like that. And of course im immature all the old loser adults are mature. All the fun cool ppl are immature and are kids.

02:14:57 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

OMA, it is easy to start in one corner as Orc, backstabbing a KD (POFF) that had all armies the other side and using then all this cash to train troops. What is harder though - to be able to keep what you have so that you become more powerful. You have not proved that so far - the maximum power I remember you had was 5% of our KD, which was about our KD average (assuming 25 man). Then you got to 2% and then you dissap.
Our target is not to kill you unless it is wise to do so.
This is a team game - if you want to prove you are a GOD - try an 'one to one game'. And if you can't find a player that matches your skills - then tell me what you are best at and I can help you.

02:19:24 Aug 9th 08 - Sir Chucky:

all you are doing is arguing, take it to the battlefield you sooks!!!

02:20:47 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Haha glad your such a nub. the kd points are FARMING points. It just proves your better farmers now fighting is a different story. And no im not OMAs ass kisser. He is my friend and he is a good player and i know form experience from playing with him.

02:31:43 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

hmm - you know nothing Justin; wondering how many times have you played this game

03:22:15 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

Glad seriously  the hoh is nothing but farmers. the kd % is *beep*. i TAKE AND BURN! i dont want your mines, because i dont need them. this whole era my income has been in the negative! i dont rely on income like you do. id rather have troops. you are a nub thinking that you are better just because im 5% of a 25 man kd....that just makes you guys look pathetic seeing how you have trouble taking out a guy 5% of your power...and who said i backstabbed poff? ive wipped out alot of their armys its not my fault that they lost to me. I dont have a nap with any kd!

04:03:22 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Very surprised you think this way - with my income I build Merger in 1.5 day and Merger is probably 50% of your total army strength.
You are only lucky I don't have time to run after you (every tick) and I need to keep armies at Merger's size in more of my towns.
Time will tell anyway - good luck

04:06:19 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha see what i was talking about in chat OMA?how stupid he is?

04:10:57 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Justin - your mum must have been drunken at the time you were inoculated; as I think you are not guilty for the way you talk, I will ignore you this time; make sure it doesn't happen again

04:13:22 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Haha trash talk my stupid b*tch of a mom you want idc. And ignore it all you want idc what you say ur still dumb as hell and you keep proving it.

05:03:45 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

hmm - how can a nice guy like you talk so bad; obviously I was write; and further more, it seems she was drinking while giving your fist 7 years training, too; we may need our moderator intervene here;
is just you fault OMA - I wouldn't let my dogs alone in a public zone

05:05:09 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

you see I wrote 'write' instead of 'right' just to make you feel we are equals

05:51:51 Aug 9th 08 - Lord Random:

ok ill start by saying, im a nub.

 now ill give my opinion in point form, from a nubbish point of view

  • Why do you have to trash talk each other, why can't you accept that we are ALL nub's (in comparison to the better worlds)
  • Justin I wouldn't trash talk my NAP's maybe they might take offense to you enough to end that arrangement. i KNOW i would by now...
  • OMA who are you?
  • and save it for the battlefield guys....

06:05:35 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Thanks for the intervention Random; when I said 'a moderator to intervene', I meant to delete Justin's rubbish; anyone know who is the moderator here?

06:20:03 Aug 9th 08 - Lord Random:

hehe hopefully it'll stop this childish bickering =P

06:22:24 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

give me till i get up so im not tired so i can state clear FACTS you nubs can UNDERSTAND. if those words are to big for you im sorry i was to busy using my education

06:47:21 Aug 9th 08 - Sir Chucky:




18:12:43 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:

im endiing this conersation now because im the mature one.

get back on subject! :)

18:47:02 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Bloody Sabbath:

yea lets try and keep this on subjectt... justin come on dude just let it be... its not that big of a deal we were all nubs at once so who cares lol

19:17:37 Aug 9th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

i was never a nub though sabbath i started off as good as i am today, lol... jk ;)

02:39:37 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. One Man Army:


choose army commander morale exp. located upkeep
mr. one man army 100% 74



04:10:01 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

008-08-10 - Todays News

  • 11:04:07: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Bloody Sabbath at Rack all across our land.
  • 11:07:13: Mr. Justin attempted to cast a spell upon us.


04:35:12 Aug 10th 08 - Sir Marius:

wow you all have been very busy while i haven't been checking much have you... up to eight pages. as for who ever said something about my naz thx they always like the appreciation it helps them feel loved.

I completly agree with random just keep it on the field of battle and sort it all there.

04:36:07 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:


Casting Eye in the sky from XXXX upon Lol Army with 87% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Lol Army from Mr. Twamao:
Lol Army from Mr. Twamao

Mr. Justin

8/9/2008 8:10:25 PM


Casting Eye in the sky from XXXX upon Rack with 99% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about Rack, owned by Mr. Twamao:
Magic Towers:0

Armies in the city: 0(Total of 0 men)

Mr. Justin

8/9/2008 8:12:12 PM


Casting Eye in the sky from XXXXX upon Surprise with 96% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Surprise from Mr. Twamao:
Surprise from Mr. Twamao

Mr. Justin

8/9/2008 8:13:02 PM


Casting Eye in the sky fromXXXXX upon Hydraland with 99% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about Hydraland, owned by Mr. Twamao:
Magic Towers:0

Armies in the city: 1(Total of 82 men)

Mr. Justin

8/9/2008 8:13:50 PM


Casting Eye in the sky from XXXXX upon Archerland with 97% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about Archerland, owned by Mr. Twamao:
Magic Towers:0

Armies in the city: 0(Total of 0 men)

Dont be laughing cuz u just gave both of us attack rights on you so plan on restarting on a lower world tomorrow

04:58:48 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

what? eits wont hurt me. LoL

05:06:05 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

ya but 15k Archys more powerful then ur crappy ones will

05:07:11 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

my crappy archmages just took over another mine lol.  come get me justinub

05:09:37 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

then stay there little boy and fight me army to army or run like a nubtard you are. And taking over a mine with no military protection thank to a war with Dhara isnt a big accomplishment.

05:20:30 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

lol.  im running yes, but not away, im running towards your delicious cities :P
another 80k slaves are nice :P

05:25:56 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

  • 12:02:47: Demitrie[Dhara] bought 385000 tree for 385000 gold from you on the market.
  • 12:02:57: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Bloody Sabbath at True all across our land.
  • 12:03:28: Demitrie[Dhara] bought 200000 tree for 200000 gold from you on the market.
  • 12:08:04: Makedon[AoA] bought 600000 tree for 558000 gold from you on the market.
Thank you for supporting the Twamao Kicking Justin's Nub Ass Campaign.  Remember, buy more stuff from twamao, you kick Justin's ass.  BUY NOW!

05:28:19 Aug 10th 08 - Ms. Macarodge:

Finally,someone snatched the top spot from Mr. DoD.. ^_^

05:28:36 Aug 10th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha kick my ass?Man just cuz u have 15 eras experience doesnt mean your kicking my ass. Fine ill give people watching a slaughter of twamao.

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