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Forums / In game politics / Latha era 40

Latha era 40
17:13:04 Jul 13th 09 - General Gokken:

i know where you live braggi.. remember that

19:17:14 Jul 13th 09 - Necromancer Necromancer:

i wuv you gokken

20:22:53 Jul 13th 09 - General Gokken:

i know you do =D i <3 you too :P

03:24:34 Jul 14th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Rebirth, You dont want this! Leave me be!


07:52:47 Jul 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

poor spud =(

14:40:52 Jul 14th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Eh, I killed the small army and the big one turned...

16:36:35 Jul 14th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

Soul got scared....

22:25:21 Jul 14th 09 - General Gokken:

We scared? Thats a lie spread by our enemys =D

22:29:01 Jul 14th 09 - Mr. Spud:

I win... Threat has been terminated.


In other words, bring it! Im bored.

22:31:15 Jul 14th 09 - General Gokken:

My armys are lazy so they cant walk that far. But if you bring your armys to me i will be happy to kill them for you :P

23:06:29 Jul 14th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

lol, you killed scouts from a inactive player xD

it was 4 k ogres and 5 k hammers with some shamans all together:P

so dont get your nose in the air^^

00:53:37 Jul 15th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Whoa Overcome, dont get so defensive... Im playing bro. Im sure you guys could take me out easily if you wanted...

13:01:58 Jul 15th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

sorry, just tired of people being so arrogant and cocky:P

i've had my share of dealing with people that think they are the bomb, that has limited my abillity to detect irony and seperating the cocky from the "just having some fun" people:P

13:10:27 Jul 15th 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Era is so close to the end :( It was a fun run everyone.

13:11:58 Jul 15th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

i'm not done yet lol....

13:19:38 Jul 15th 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Lol of course not, theres still nubs to be owned.;p Gotta be quick though.

15:13:47 Jul 15th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

An army gets to barney in 47 ticks :O scratching to surface lol I would only have 4 ticks to take 2 cities and unless he kills my prep scout I can kill him casue he has attacked me  in the past

15:14:46 Jul 15th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

ok, pure, let me tell you this 1 thing
He will kill your prep scout.

14:49:27 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Pure Ftw:

I know I have gone else were

14:52:37 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Spud:

I dont like the 50% rule. I want out of this world! Oh well, about a day left.

17:05:49 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

Someone plunder Barny, I'm a little worried at his hidding stone resources.

By the way, whos been buying all the stone lately?

17:48:16 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Spud:

I have 54 mill stone and dont know what to do with it... lol

19:11:11 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

Mmm stone. My crazed human barbarians eat stone for breakfast!

You can't let them starve can you? Do the right thing, sell it.

20:55:43 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

nobody can get to Barny in time to plunder, except for me and Pure lol...

13:20:53 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

Did I win? :P

13:49:40 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Barny:

You won, someone took second (Sandoran I think), I took third. The guy who took fourth switched placed on the HoH with me a lot up untill like the last 20 ticks, but I missed the last tick but I highly doubt the scores changed a lot in that time. I messed up too. I had 40 million gold and 30 million stone and fell asleep before I stg'd, I might have taken 2nd but I dont care. I think I did amazing for having such a late start and so many 50k armys on me, and my place doesnt reflect the massive amounts of land I razed either and I did it all solo. I am proud.

It sucks how we all got ranked in the lower 400's and such, separated realms should have a serperate score system but I doubt this will ever affect me again.

I finished the era with about 20k land, 20k MU, and the resources above.

What did you finish with Explorer? And you, Sandoran?

Even with the messed up scoring system that puts too much value on gold, I think that Me, Sandoran, Explorer, and Spawn all deserved top spots. This was a great era, especially for Latha, and it is probably the most fun I have had playing VU in years. Also, the most active I have been. I had to refresh the market once a minute to ninja the stone off the market from Sandoran and Explorer!

14:14:31 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

wow. you would have been such a good player, Barny, if you only could pipe down your arrogancy and stop bragging so damn much.

you are a skillfull player, but all you have done in here is blowing your own horn=/

14:19:30 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

Human409.Mr. Explorer of Fiters of honur
Total land: 247730 Battles won: 32 Cities captured: 22
Total killed: 430998 Science lvls: 25 Total troops: 62622
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Troll410.Mr. Spawn of De Vliegende Steentjes
Total land: 219142 Battles won: 80 Cities captured: 64
Total killed: 547818 Science lvls: 10 Total troops: 198492
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Halfling411.Mr. Sandoran of De Vliegende Steentjes
Total land: 151864 Battles won: 57 Cities captured: 51
Total killed: 136929 Science lvls: 25 Total troops: 451668
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Halfling412.Fire Lord Crazy of Ribirth Solo
Total land: 203023 Battles won: 3 Cities captured: 4
Total killed: 38397 Science lvls: 16 Total troops: 353496
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Troll413.Mr. Ajwasdere of Rebirth
Total land: 224105 Battles won: 32 Cities captured: 24
Total killed: 229214 Science lvls: 20 Total troops: 41327
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Dwarf414.Mr. Leafblighter
Total land: 193350 Battles won: 23 Cities captured: 15
Total killed: 83776 Science lvls: 33 Total troops: 102769
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Troll415.Mr. Spud
Total land: 142253 Battles won: 18 Cities captured: 1
Total killed: 30252 Science lvls: 14 Total troops: 102534
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Troll416.Mr. Legendary of De Vliegende Steentjes
Total land: 129508 Battles won: 9 Cities captured: 16
Total killed: 70744 Science lvls: 10 Total troops: 192952
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Human417.Mr. Orc Killer of Roman Empire
Total land: 209505 Battles won: 25 Cities captured: 23
Total killed: 89450 Science lvls: 27 Total troops: 42533
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Orc418.Mr. Overcome of Rebirth
Total land: 127313 Battles won: 13 Cities captured: 8
Total killed: 55191 Science lvls: 25 Total troops: 61155
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
Human419.Mr. Bongs of Rebirth
Total land: 138749 Battles won: 16 Cities captured: 20
Total killed: 25179 Science lvls: 22 Total troops: 85621
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%
this was top 10 on Letha. according to the Highscore now. Barny, im affraid u finished 450 on this one

15:12:12 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

also, the most active i have been. i had to refresh the market once a minute to ninja the stone off the market from sandoran and explorer!

manya time did i attempt to buy stone but just get pipped to the post.

total: +901,652 -47,266 +459,882 +71,403 247,730

army upkeep: -162,557

building upkeep: -177,288

total income: +561,807

my only real attacking army at the end (although i lost about 10k knights and whatever mus, idk):
  ready: 25
injured: 0
  ready: 0
injured: 0
  ready: 39732
injured: 357
  ready: 17310
injured: 186
  ready: 0
injured: 0

plus a few k knights here and there, and some mus.




there you go barny, thats all i had.

16:49:25 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

60mil gold, 35mil stone, 15mil tree and 2mil food, around the 3000 advents, 30k illusionists and 65k ponies and uhh, a LOT of farmers....

18:15:16 Jul 18th 09 - Mr. Spud:

I suppose 7th isnt bad...

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