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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania era 42

Zetamania era 42
19:48:21 Oct 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

when did you smack me?

19:59:48 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

You were in Heaven or fuzzy something.

20:03:33 Oct 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

yup but i don't remember you, so you was either insignificant or are about to tell another amazing story on how you single handedly took out a whole kd with your awesome 300k naz army

20:11:25 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

well lets see next era.

20:16:11 Oct 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

you'll probably go into hiding again ^^

20:17:41 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

oi rvl members get out of our thread

and to Boom thx for a great war, was an honor fighting against you guys

20:40:03 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Era of Agent Smith:

Orc84.Dark Prince Stirlin of Revelation
Total land: 556692 Battles won: 81 Cities captured: 43
Total killed: 285254 Science lvls: 25 Total troops: 85238
F: 16% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 26% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 48% M: 0%

Orc2.Lord Primate Death of Dorian Empire
Total land: 2.3 Million Battles won: 623 Cities captured: 390
Total killed: 4.4 Million Science lvls: 34 Total troops: 780590
F: 2% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 21% N: 21% V: 38% A: 17% T: 0% M: 0%


Era of Magneto

Elf191.Dark Prince Stirlin of Revelation
Total land: 167321 Battles won: 11 Cities captured: 3
Total killed: 312813 Science lvls: 32 Total troops: 220423
F: 0% M: 76% Z: 19% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

Troll61.Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart of Sol Invictus
Total land: 467974 Battles won: 67 Cities captured: 79
Total killed: 672152 Science lvls: 27 Total troops: 478773
F: 17% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 57% V: 0% A: 24% T: 0% M: 0%



20:44:02 Oct 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

and this means?
silly rankings fool

20:50:20 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Not like you have accomplished much Stirlin. Being able to hide behind the likes of Roxbury, Fordius, Ezatious, etc. and pound your chest is no achievement.

20:51:51 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Finwe:

you bored today tbl? :P

20:54:25 Oct 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

tbl trying to flame again? man its getting boring with you, once again you show everyone how boring your life is that you have to come on a game forum (which you dont even participate in a i might add) to get kicks
well done

20:54:26 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Sort of DLO. Need something to distract me from the more serious parts of my life... :P

20:58:21 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Dark Prince Stirlin


02:54:25 Oct 8th 09
tbl trying to flame again? man its getting boring with you, once again you show everyone how boring your life is that you have to come on a game forum (which you dont even participate in a i might add) to get kicks
well done

The thing that really gives me the kicks is watching your indoctrination into the ranks of the stupid and foolish Stirlin. You had no business in this thread or with what happened between Bling and Dynamite, yet you still stuck your nose in here anyway. Well, no one is gonna stop you, but be prepared for your nose to get stuffed full of toilet paper if you lack substance or cannot back yourself up.

20:59:38 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Augh:

well done indeed. whats your excuse stirlin?

21:00:30 Oct 7th 09 - Prince Whiskers The Feline God:

Actually...most of us have no business in this thread tbh... :\  so trying to justify yourself really would be like me trying to justify my presence here.  Really cant unless I make the excuse that I know most of the people -_-;

21:07:44 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Finwe:

Mr. Pingvinai Daug


18:45:59 Oct 7th 09
They all got a smack. Same as you did nub


you err a little full of yourself now arnt you? i dont remember you smacking Abydos around at any point. unless it was that inactive version when lew was leader and no one was around :) maybe you should stop bragging about all your achievements  eh

21:13:35 Oct 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Well, no one is gonna stop you, but be prepared for your nose to get stuffed full of toilet paper if you lack substance or cannot back yourself up.

is this some kind of internet threat? are you an e-thug? should i be scared?

21:17:14 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

Silly Rankings... check the numbers inside the rankings. Look at battles, kills, wins. Look at troops and land. Then tell me who did shit all era...same as you do every era.

And Osi... I have faced your KD twice in recent era's.. and won both times. So enough with the inactive crap.. your KD been "inactive" for the last 8 era's... every time you get pawned you're "Inactive"

21:19:06 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

did i happen to be  in any of those kd's your talking about pingvinai?

21:23:17 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Dark Prince Stirlin


03:13:35 Oct 8th 09
is this some kind of internet threat? are you an e-thug? should i be scared?

In a metaphorical / analogical sense Stirlin, geeze. Do I need to add comprehension disability to your long list of weaknesses?

21:25:18 Oct 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

please do tbl, please do

21:26:43 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Dear oh dear.... what a shame....

21:29:38 Oct 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

its all good tbl, im happy to be part of your life, even if it includes bad parts about me!

21:47:37 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Finwe:

And Osi... I have faced your KD twice in recent era's.. and won both times. So enough with the inactive crap.. your KD been "inactive" for the last 8 era's... every time you get pawned you're "Inactive


Orly? what kds did i lead that you pwned in recent eras?

21:53:01 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Finwe:

anyway.. wernt you the guy who claimed that you made Preds a top vu kd that won 5 times?

22:58:01 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Scottology:

id just like to point out that the era you are quoting with your awesome stats should have been won by mr turnip, who actually ranked 5th due to the lame scoring system that rewards noob bashers!
p.s who cares about the plague, everyone needs to grow up with all this fucking whining people do every era when it gets cast.

23:30:20 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

lol Scotty. He achieved half of what DVS and I did, and spent 2 weeks farming troops. Thats easy to do when you doing nothing else.

Yes Osi. Im the one that revived Preds. It was my tactics that won its battles. And it was my fault the KD fell apart because its leader is in love with Lew and felt it necessary to feed her intel on a player who had done so much for the KD. And when I left, its players scattered.

And for the maps we were placed on and fought on, we did well. FF, Trio, Holy, Music and Elements were no nub KD's, though you seem to see them as such.
Osi.. you are a has been. Like a Sinatra. We keep you in the record collection for old time sake, for those occassions when we need the "remeber when"s mentioned.
When you reformed, I dumped your lame ass Retribution, and when you reformed Abydos, I dumped that too for good measure.
Now when you can keep up with the modern game and stop trolling the threads trying to rely on history 30 era's old, and win something more memorable than talents in the modern game, come talk.

23:44:00 Oct 7th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

LOL pimple is so tough. Ill bet he could beat up a whole class of second graders! I would bet there isnt a second grader in the entire WORLD that he couldnt take in a fight.

23:57:28 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Finwe:

i dont remember ret ever losing to you :P and as for the reformed abydos i think i was in it for half an era :D when you can lead and run Era winning kds, lead fights against kds like lgc and yes place multiple times in the top 10 come talk and play with the big boys. preds was a joke lol it was never a good or top kd :P


err i won mantrax? not talents :D

00:04:03 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Awesome war, thanks HIV, special mention to Bogdan, one tough bast*rd.

01:18:08 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

*Noddy badge to Osi for winning Mantrax

09:39:37 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Augh:

LoL Bling, funny thing is, Elements only lost to Preds becouse we had we where also fighting the rest of mantrax. 12 players versus ~50-60(not counting the countless noobs we bashed), hows that for odds?
In effect it was really TBL's fault we lost as he did more dmg to us than you did.

And Bling, Turnip should have won. As opposed to you he didnt townswap either.

12:57:01 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Master Mind:

ahh, elements i miss those days...

13:07:58 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

Augh... remeber the simple offer I made which the KD accepted? I would sacrifice myself to allow Turnip to win? Bit fuzzy on that part are nt we... in fact you hadnt even spotted the change in the scoring until I informed you.
 Or how you sat and farmed in Godlike while the rest of us worked our asses off fighting.. and no thanks at era end? And when Preds fought you, it was myself and Mars alone.. no one else... no mystery kingdoms... just me fighting Penguin aka Water.
You fought no one else... there was no one else to fight. And TBL was not to blame either. His activity alone ensured you lasted a week longer than you did.

14:02:42 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Augh:

You try to describe history but doesnt get a sentence right.

Sacrifice yourself to allow Turnip to win? You don't even know who Turnip is! I was monarch the last weeks of that era and I didn't recieve any such proposal, and if I had I would have declined. What are you talking about?

In Godlike Noobs I did farm after fighting for the first half of the era, back then thats what it took to win, Sloth did the same and we both worked very hard. I didnt do it for my own sake but for the sake of the kd just like Kobu the era before.

Just you and Mars? No mystery kds? You gotto be kidding! We killed Cao Cao's kd, SPQR who was marketfeeding and we would have killed you too if it wheren't for TBL and his friends. Have a look at the Mantrax scoring. Only reason Sound got #5 was by not logging in the last couple of weeks =)

14:59:51 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

Lets get the facts straight.
Sprout was leading the first part of the race for KD title. The original plan, agreed by the majority of the KD was that we would do what was needed for our leading player to win. Those contenders included Cao, Sprout and Turnip. Cao had RL issues come up with the banking crisis, and he ruled himself out. Bling stepped out of the KD, and sacrificed 2/3rds of his cities to the KD.

And for the record Augh.. I dont give a rats bollocks for the era title. Only reason I came into contention in one era, was because of a major change in the scoring, which made most fearsome also most powerful. THAT was the change. Rewarding players like DVS not for whoring troops, but for getting out on the frontline and fighting. I know because him and I stood toe to toe last week of the era on Val, holding off Choc to our East, who you allowed to escape from Fant via Sprouts territory on the North West fant side, and fighting Juicy's attempt to beat me. DVS knows because he had his main zerkers froze for best part of a week.
The win for that era never came on fant. The battles happened on every map EXCEPT fant. You were just to full of yourselves to even consider that their were greater wars happening on the "lower" maps.

I've got respect for the times you have battled. But dont come flame me because Kobus has seen the honourable side of me this era again. Shit, half of No Pulse wanted your asses for casting that plague. I stepped up to the plate and made myself patsy, to ensure Hanky's KD stays intact, because his wars have been honourable. So dont come in here with the bullshit about "it was not meant to effect you." Your KD new damn well what a plague does, to all KD's. But you never thought of consequence. Hell... a simple PM to us saying "we in the shit, we hitting the Nuke button, get your troops to safety" would have been a start. Thats called relations. Not o shit, its killing you too...sorry

18:02:40 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Procrastinating Skygod:

crybaby :-)

the plague this , the plague that , blablabla, all you want is a free target and looking for a 'reason'/excuse to break your nap, that's how honourable you are.

18:09:02 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Pingvinai Daug:

I havent profiteered from Booms collapse.
In fact im holding 3 members hostage, waiting for the rest of their friends to arrive so I can do a group lecture on the naughty plague button, before slapping them on their way.
And all the cities I took I burnt.

18:18:50 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Augh:

I don't even know what era you're talking about. I'm talking about era of Agent Smith in wich I started a few weeks in. Didnt play era of Messiah. I agree F&V strat on era of Agent Smith was faulty, noobbashing proved to be the way to the top. Not fighting quality kds on Fant. So either we are talking about different eras here or you're admitting to multying?

As already stated like a million times neither me or my vices intended the plague to be cast. One of the vices was joking about it in our chat and one of our mages took it seriously. I guess he was also curious of how it would work since he along with most of our players are only on their second era. Had I known it was coming I would have stopped it for reasons already mentioned. Besides, I promise you that I lost more than you in the plague so stfu.

18:19:28 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Augh:

You can have them. We're not interested.

18:22:23 Oct 8th 09 - Mr. Augh:

Besides, I find it funny how you can be against whoring but pro feeding. I guess thats where our views differ. Imo feeding and getting away with it is not kosher while whoring and getting away with it is good tactics.

00:06:42 Oct 12th 09 - Sir Guybrush Threepwood:

it is a little bit funny with the big ego of Pingwtf. he is practically making himself invisible currently. sitting in hes little converted armory wtf outside our blocker in another world. Hoping that we will entirely forget him. Hoping we will all leave the blockers not remembering he is there. So he can move in at the back door and kill a completely unprotected core of lesser relevance. And yet again post how he completely owned a kingdom by hes uberness.

01:51:05 Oct 12th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

fear the pimple, he is uberleet

17:09:55 Oct 14th 09 - Sir Guybrush Threepwood:

To take the Ego out of this fight we sent one of our second era players that probably dont read this thread. She needed someone to practice on.


Ms. Disney World II.

We have returned full command over Big Banana to Grand Ape Donkey Kong.

We killed all of the 51968 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

And yes. that was Maricel killing Brett for those who knows her.

17:25:51 Oct 14th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

 Go Mari!!!! Disney is DeaDLeH!!! <3

dats what happens when u try sneaking into disney land. xD ... PAY UP!

01:27:57 Oct 15th 09 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

He's been on holiday till Tuesday next week Nubs

01:38:27 Oct 15th 09 - Duke Nukem:


21:32:10 Oct 15th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

sweet, maricel is pretty badass for a girl who may not be 5 feet tall.

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