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Forums / In game politics / Zetamania wars III

Zetamania wars III
01:46:31 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:


02:34:52 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Panic:

Congrats to everyone who made it to the end without losing interest! I had alot of fun this era, it was my first era back after a LONG hiatus. GJ to ROC for 'winning', GJ Destiny and Wolf for providing me someone to focus my offence/defence on. I hope everyone I worked with/against this era appreciated my competitiveness, openness and honesty. Next era I may be kingdom shopping so anyone looking to pick up a free agent that had a 5 million income by the end of this era (having no clue when I started), let me know. TA is pretty much dead, we had pretty bad leadership.

02:40:13 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Hey Panic,

It was great fighting alongside you. Your honesty was deeply appreciated and I hope we meet again. Good luck next era. Hope you find a good Kingdom. :)

19:52:58 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
ROC Royal Order of Claidhmore 14 Mr. Kevdwayne 100
Wolf Knights of the White Wolf 23 General Wolfenstien 49
DSY Destiny 13 Mr. Swan 44
wolf New White Wolfs generationDestinys ally 14 Mr. Asiana 33
TA The Alliance 12 Mr. Patriot 27
Armor Ephisians 5 Mr. Orrises 4
E Engineers 3 Mr. Shin 4
SS SouthSide 1 Mr. Lord Reigner 0
DL Dark Legion 1 Mr. Dark Reigner 0



22 ticks before the end of era .

20:32:47 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

ROC had 17 members... so now 16 without me...

23:35:45 Mar 20th 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

we've always had 13-15 members tops...

never 17.

00:00:18 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Royal Order of Claidhmore

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal Order of Claidhmore
Members: 16
Tag: ROC
Created: 1/30/2008 10:29:30 PM
Leader: Mr. Kevdwayne



Like I said, 16 without me.

10:32:07 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

well that is cuz i accepted several guys to join the KD before i threw u out ...

12:39:11 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Btw Bas. You had no authority or reason to throw me. I will not forget this easily.

For that matter, you have no authority to accept people in with consulting. You called me a "little brat" but then you go and do things as you wish....

Oh the irony.

13:28:17 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

well , pray that u never land in my same world cuz ill kill ya . btw i didnt let in former enemies . and i will not forget ur childish insults . . .


i hope ur mother and father might get more time to teach u manners

13:49:00 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Silverband:


You allowed someone in that was a former enemy without the consent of anybody else.
If that doesn't call for charges of expulsion, then what does?

Bottom Line: If you're going to do something irrational, then make sure the entire staff are wanting to do it. Otherwise, you're just SOFL!!!!

13:56:37 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

hmmm... people leaving and joining and leaving and attacking for no reason except to get more points ;( Zeta is in chaos :(

14:15:00 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Wraith:


And Bas you're the last person to talk about manners... You're hot-headed, irrational and a waste of time. Do you have any idea how many messes of yours I had to clean up??

Also, he was going to join us at the end of the era... letting him in 15 ticks before the end of the era hardly calls for expulsion... and if you're all so sensitive about it, least you could do was to talk about it first. And talk, not whine and swear like Bas.

15:23:26 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

ahh lol ok :D . i dont have manners and i was the one whinnin and swearin , lol ok ... end of discussion .. u really made me smile :P nice job :D .



15:55:40 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Heimdall:

there there

16:24:32 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

And today Trog, Bas, Z, Silverband and Heimdall all resign.....  LOL  I was not going to say this but I for one am damn glad to see you go.... all of you..

16:40:21 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Heimdall:

you dont even know me.

16:55:01 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Still glad to see you go.

17:39:30 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

Kev? you thanked me repeatedly for the service I provided to ROC before I left, inside the game and outside...


now we are leaving and you are:  "damn glad to see you go?" ... whatever.
You really are two faced if you feel so.

I told you after this era ended, I planned to form a new kingdom, and I kept you informed for days...  I told you my friends who I brought with me into your KD would follow me out, Silver and Daisy... Basio, followed on his own accord.  I never once asked him to join us, never once "stole" a member from you... he WANTED to leave and follow me when he got word I was leaving...  And Hemidall, we were in discussion to have him follow us after wolf before he jumped in ROC for 1 day...

I've even tried to help recruit you some members to "fill my place" within your Kingdom.

I may be a bit, anamilistic on the field, or arrogant, and definately without a doubt, relentless... but I'm never "hateful."  I'm true to my word.

I can't understand why you are "angry" with me, or happy to "be rid of" me...  I can't say I've done anything to dirty the ROC name, hell, I worked to earn you a name of warriors who fight as an organized team, I taught you men everything I know, helped you organize, and showed you confidence... and the "bad part of war"... the hate other KD's have to another for losing, I'm taking with me to my new kingdom.  Other kingdoms did not hate "ROC" for defeating them, they hated "Trogdar"...  but the smarter, larger, powerful kingdoms, hopefully, realized that ROC is not a kingdom of 7 farmers, 4 inactives, and 2 fighters... it is a kingdom of ALL fighters, and they all fight well.

I can't tell you that you can or can't be happy to watch me go, frankly, that is your opinion... but I would like some respect.  I did wait until the era was less than 12 ticks from ending before I left.  You even gave me a green light to go.



17:46:33 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

You are gone and I am glad.... what else is there to say?

18:13:08 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Jones:

Kev, you did the same thing last era... except you took most of the members I wanted to keep in Silk, with you to ROC. I can't say I'm surprised it happened to you too, but I am surprised about how cordial Trogdar appears to be after leaving.

18:27:54 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Trogdar Liech:

whatever...  good friday to you too then...

/me chalks another ignorant despising person up on the board...

18:28:14 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Trog is a good player, he knows the game.... he just has a very harsh way of dealing with ppl.  If you knew more about the last 48 hours of play you would understand that my frustration is not centered on Trog.

21:36:39 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Anger:


Well i missed like the last 72hrs due to work commitments , but was surprised to log in & see how much had changed.

Trog  whether u like him for his personality is up to each individual , but for  skill & organizational skills not to mention focus on the job he would be hard to beat. He taught me alot about positioning ones armies , & setting a goal & achieving it (didnt get that point done this era but will next :-) ) Even though he was gruff & at times arrogant , he could be because everything he said he would do ...he acheived , i personally found it quite refreshing meeting someone like him & wish him all the best in the future.

Daisy also was a player who i am glad to have rubbed shoilkders with , as many of the fundementals of the game where explained to me by "her", espicially city buildings a& troops set-ups. Also the income boosting that was provided by her was extremely helpful in getting me to where i finished this era , so thank-you also Daisy & best wishes 4 the future as well.

Silverband didnt get to know u much but u where just as  instrumental in the downfall of Wolf & destiny so no more needs to be said .. good luck in the future as well

Bas u where mister consistent pumped out tremendous numbers of troops , & tried to fight & help on many fronts , that i was invovled in i may not of agree sometimes with some of the descions that u made but this is how u played and 9 times out of ten they worked . I hope u to have a great future & hope to catch up on another world in the future.

This is a war game and as such emotions run high things get said , what we all  should focus on is enjoying a game which we all like playing , & try & better ourselves each and every era we play

As for the rest of my ROC family i will not mention anything about u guys/gals as we will see each other as soon as game resets Till then enjoy the break with family & Friends so we will be ready to defend the ROC name & each other next era... :-)


22:11:18 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

jones , im sorry to say that , but plz stay out of this . u have no bussiness in here .

first thing i joined silk cuz it was my first era and i was surrounded with silkians and i got to know most of silk , but im sorry to say i could trust only the guys that joined with us to roc , add to that smizy(tonganboii) . i never like ur tactics jones but neverthe less i respected u and admired ur strategy .


KEv didnt take us away actually it was me and wraith and him that planned this due to the bad KD silk turned out to be in the end . JONEs u helped me alooooooot and i will never forget that , but kev did more and more he gave me the most important thing (trust ) thus im loyal for him forever .


and what is happening here is not fracture in roc due to problems in the adminstration of KD , for me im goin out cuz i dont like or respect wraith nomore , due to some of his decisions and some words he say and never go by them .

. We joined roc we did our job and owned the ERA really good , now its time for another harder taks and target to do . for THE guys still in roc , anger and  kev and mcmax and madonna . u could do better and own wut ever world u land on but u need only one thing to help u do that . trust each other and beleive in urself . I KNOW I MAKE THIS LOOK LIKE A LIL MOVIE . but im not tryin too .

GO KEV < ROC > u guys are the best . and we all know that :D

17:53:37 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Orrises:

woot woot 6th place not bad for an unexperianced player :)

19:07:18 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

43. Mr. Orrises Ephisians Elf 389924


6th place :S .

02:29:05 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Max Power:

i was not talking about me !! lol

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