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Forums / In game politics / starta era of magneto

starta era of magneto
13:23:18 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

is south from you core all you have to do is go around all those strong armies of MAD and then go to talant then build a good citie that will be taken you be me :P

16:30:23 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

TeamWork - Share Victory. Share Defeat. Demotivational Poster
Comment Pictures
Teamwork anyone?

16:40:05 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Edd:

Even if I go there with a 10k archmage army?

16:43:54 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Alone? No.

16:46:03 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Vuggy:

Ignis the War you need to either stop copying the real Ignis or stop multying. Whichever it is, it's really frustrating and easily pointed out...

LD.. You should try turning your belt to Wumbo before you use it on your armies. :P

17:01:05 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Edd:

ok talents or whatever world is south of fantasia here i come!

17:21:25 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Ignis The War:

is zetmania also i am not copying Ignis

22:50:34 Aug 5th 09 - Sir Overcome:

Overcomes Grandma lost a battle against Warglets from Murky Macabre Mind.

oh now its on!

RIP Grandma=/

03:19:49 Aug 6th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

we have her held hostage.  she is bakin us cookies.  and we are using them to get bonus turns.  if you want to see her again you will tell all your underlings to attack MAD and FATE and stay awya from CRAZIES.  oh and avoid LD too.  rumour is they are researching the plague and you wound't want that to brek out would you?

03:22:28 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Brain:

shhhh, no one heard that ok?!

05:11:08 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Theophilus XI:

so ANYWAY...

There once were 5 kingdoms of relative size and power, and a sixth that was larger and stronger. The three weaker joined together and offered the next weakest a peace but they turned down. The three larger team up with half of existence in an attempt to squash the three smaller.

All the while, LD's King's computer got shot, so Zond is out... Aye aye aye... Yeah, Hanibal Barca sucks on conducting dimplomacy.

Well, I say we've done a good job, 400 ticks against a collective enemy over 3 times the players and now 4 times the power. We didn't declare war but we did hold out this long.

And thats another thing, I, as filling in Leader, wasn't consulted on a single war. If I understand, we were the targets.

Well, Cheers, LD! Crazy, you can have a beer Too. RoC, get out of your rocker and on the Keg. Its time we party!

05:18:32 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Theophilus XI:

<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="

05:40:44 Aug 6th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

attention all CRAZIEs  **  beep  ***

warning warning...  do not take the filling in leader up on his suggestion!!!  drinking and taking medication is bad!  real bad. LD we want your beer we love your beer but not today.  our men are so hopped up on drugs right now we would just pass out or end up overdosing.  so hang on to the beer and let's drink it at era's end after we have killed all that stand against us.  until that time please refrain from celebrations.

Burp  burp  ..  okay just one beer.  but let's refrain from operating any heavy machinery alright folks?

12:35:46 Aug 6th 09 - Ms. Vera Linus:

my goodness these people are wrecking buildings of their own cities.

When you destroy buildings they will become Wreckages and will disappear over time.
Wrecked buildings: 20392

12:58:59 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Well, last time I checked the Bushido and every other damned honour book recommends that..... (sways a bit). Damn, (holds his head) What've you been putting in my bear Beer Nurse?"

13:01:44 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Well rather ironic considering that we won't survive. But who cares. (Smashes a beer keg) Cheers of war everyone.

22:39:03 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

LOL whats funny is that a small alliance (Crazy) is warring alliances much large and who had nobody to war on their own worlds. Fate (who I actually respect) napped damn near everyone who had any access to them and then farmed up some huge armies, there is nothing wrong with that BTW, its called being smart and playing for the win, its just irritating when Fant gets some sort of special treatment because in all honesty fant is nothing special anymore most of the time there arent even any major wars on fant so alliances there can simply farm with no danger and invade other worlds. It may be time to take out access to other worlds or make some sort of limit.


 Rebirth and DE napped everyone on their world and then invaded starta as well, we have been holding them out of our core but when fighting a war on 3 fronts its getting tough. LD didnt fortify their blockers and now we have to hold 4 key blockers to our core instead of 2.

 then we have MAD, another solid kingdom with some skilled players, they are doing a good job as well but its got to be easier with us fighting everyone else and unable to send out any armies.


someone will post that im "whining" but in all honesty I don't care if we die I am after all CRAZY, it sucks but given the climate in VU now im not surprised,  I will give kudos to some kingdoms for preventing kingdom hoppers, until this era I had never seen someone actually try to jump kingdoms to an enemy in order to prevent himself from losing a city. I was actually pretty disgusted by this persons actions, self preservation is fine but this guy hid behind our tag all era and then was willing to sell us out to an enemy. pretty sad.


anyway we will most likely die this era barring something strange but I am having fun warring with friends, this will be a Fate era I dont think anyone can stop them, they planned things very well and will deserve the win, next era I may rez my old alliance im not sure yet we have somepeeps com,ing back



23:50:37 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Santa:

I do want it to be clear that you're not fighting one big alliance, we just all want you dead :)

00:28:34 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Owain:

yawn   ohhhhh sorry guys santa sent me to sleep along with meds and his long speach ??? I do want it to be clear that you're not fighting one big alliance, we just all want you dead :) ??? oo00oo its not long just boring give us another santa i need a nap.

00:29:46 Aug 7th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bored:

Owain.... sounds familiar.... weren't you LD a few days ago?

00:48:21 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Owain:

yeah but i lost the plot and needed TLC so i am staying with crazy untill i can find some proper TLC lol and besides they got very nice stoking wearing nurses so i am there for now just to perv.

00:50:25 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Owain:

ms vera ??

my goodness these people are wrecking buildings of their own cities.

When you destroy buildings they will become Wreckages and will disappear over time.
Wrecked buildings: 20392

well think about it another way let rebirth take them build them back up then take them from rebirth :)

00:56:42 Aug 7th 09 - Sir Santa:

Owain it wasn't a speech, it was a simple statement as from some posts some people could think that all the "big" kingdoms have allied against the Starta Alliance, which simply isn't so. Just keeping things clear :)

03:10:18 Aug 7th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

the Starta Alliance has changed hands.  It refered to CRAZY, Blood something or other, and Lightning Dust.  It soon became CRAZY, LD, and RoC elders.  Now  LD is disappearing and RoC elders are by them selves.  CRAZY declares an end to our participation in the alliance.

We now pass on the gauntlet and you new arrivals can keep the stupid title.  the new Starta allance is MAD, DE, and Rebirth.  You can all fight off Fate and have this stinking world.  We are going to talents. bye.


04:35:16 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

lol. We have no relations with DE. correction!!!

05:54:16 Aug 7th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

I'm pretty sure DE are MAPed with rebirth so if you aren't fighting rebirth then by default you pretty much aren't fighting DE.

06:20:43 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Valtar:

correction to the ld is disappering um im not no time soon i still have 3 of my cities and well defended i should say

06:24:45 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Wait when did crazy start helping out? I thought it was only when we hassled them to actually get their asses into gear to help out.

06:53:14 Aug 7th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

Mr Justin,

I don't recall being hassled at all.  Or helping out much for that matter..

06:56:36 Aug 7th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

and mr valtar,

those cities would be great as blockers.  too bad no one sealed off a core.  individual cities in the middle of nowhere is selfish and doesn't help the kingdom.  that is a fundamental problem.  strong cities should protect teh rest from invasion.  LD have no core and will fall I'm sure. 

06:57:45 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Justin:

There is a leader of a kd. Thats who we were hassling. And when we finally did get support it was one lousy 5k army that died quick. THen when rebirth finally starts taking your cities from a place you cant place a blocker to keep them out then you guys started to actually fight. And yet you guys blamed us about not pilling troops in our blockers when we were fighting 3 fronts to your guys none

07:01:22 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Valtar:

lol that city was supposed to be a stg for me and all my allies trans so while ur saying it selfish check ur facts

07:16:54 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Alterax:


predictions for next era...


last era crazy and LD were tight

MAD and Fate were naps of LD

this era they are fighting LD

next era i think LD and Crazy will war eachother...


09:24:18 Aug 7th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

Mr. Alterax if General Zon is leading LD we will not fight. Insane Asylum and Lightning Dust will not fight each other as long as I and General Zon are in charge.

There are frustrated people in LD and Crazy who may well mouth off but we both have supported each other more than some realize.

Dr Raving Lunatic

09:34:58 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

General Zond is the awesomeness i happily agree with.

09:45:27 Aug 7th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

"Now LD is disappearing and RoC elders are by them selves. CRAZY declares an end to our participation in the alliance."

So basically, we will have the same support from crazy as we did before. I have yet to see a single Crazy army helping ROC in either war. It stepped in with one pitiful army ONCE as Justin said...

10:16:38 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Soundwave:

Sir Santa


18:50:37 Aug 6th 09 I do want it to be clear that you're not fighting one big alliance, we just all want you dead :)


10:17:20 Aug 7th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

I realize there is a lot of frustration going on currently. Wish the frustration had not caused allies to air it publicly between ROC, LD and Crazy but each of us has fought hard and well. And we all will continue to too the last man/woman. Just because we did not see ROC or LD fighting and ROC or LD did not see us fighting does not mean it did not happen. We are spread between a lot of fronts.

Let us not fall apart now.

10:18:39 Aug 7th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

Yes Mr. Soundwave my friend Sir Santa is quite funny :P

10:33:05 Aug 7th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bored:

Get Screwed, Crazy. You did jack all era, and now you just made it official that you were going to continue doing jack. Well done.

11:17:31 Aug 7th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

what the heck would you have us do?

Mad Against Drugs 40 Mr. Aloysius 358
The ROC Elders 26 Sir Erythnul 128
Insane Asylum 17 Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter 100
Lightning Dust 15 General Sweet Daddy 66

Foundation 36 Sir Feanor


Rebirth 30 Sir Overcome 332
Dorian Empire 17 Sir Santa 135


fight Rebirth, DE, MAD, foundation alone?  we are holding 5 blockers and losin cities to all of those above.  RoC elders did well against MAD but I only see you holding one blocker.  We are being attacked on all sides.  We are doing what we can.

anyway we were told by the LD "Warlord" you were taking care of MAD.  how's that working?

11:28:41 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

well that isnt so accurate

Kingdoms in Starta
Mad Against Drugs 40 Mr. Aloysius 275
The ROC Elders 26 Sir Erythnul 98
Insane Asylum 17 Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter 77
Lightning Dust 15 General Sweet Daddy 51
Black Flag 3 Mr. Hamish 24

is how it looks to us BUT at start of era LD and CRAZY were just over 200% of our strength each. then they spent a long time about 150-160. then they dropped like stones to be less in strength than us,

In contrast Fate , MAD, PKS,rebirth etc have stayed much the same strength all era...fate has now just grown a bit again(it slipped to 289 of us) but for the most part you were a lot stronger before....MAD was 275 and you were 200 respectively so the odds werent as bad in your favour as they are now.


11:49:51 Aug 7th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

You will note that the member numbers are shifting also in all those groups. It affects the strenght numbers also.

I agree with Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse the Warlord in charge of us 3 (LD, ROC, Crazy) did tell us in the plan fight Rebirth and DE - ROC is taking care of MAD.

That was when all but Murky pulled back to fight Rebirth and DE. Murky kept fighting MAD since they had a large number of troops there.

11:50:00 Aug 7th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

heh.  Dark has..  heh  I mean CRAZY has DE directly to the north.  Rebirth to the North EAST,  and Fate to the east.  MAD has now come up into the west.  and also Black Flag. 

It is not just the numbers.  it is where you are situated.  anyway  anyone who says we didn't do anythi doesn't know what they are talking about.  Murky fought a bunch of MAD and then Hammish.  Litium went up in DE and rebirth terrortory. throatslasher has been active.  Jamie has been a prince. 

anyway I already died this era by rebirth and DE's hand so I don't know what else an ally can expect. 

Total Income: +45,376

what do you want me to do with this?

11:56:35 Aug 7th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

Pats Transgender on the back and hands over meds. "Here take these" and remember you are in Insane Asylum.

12:26:26 Aug 7th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Dude I lost 6 of my original 7 cities but who gives a damn, I'm up and pumping already.

21:05:19 Aug 7th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

We would have been fine containing MAD if we didn't have to worry about Fate, which is where all of my efforts have been focused this era.

BTW, you claimed to have been taking care of rebirth...
How's that workin out for ya?

01:07:16 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:


1- we were told ROC had Mad well in hand, obviously they did not. I have yet to see ROC fight anywhere else.

2- LD were warned several times TO FILL THEIR FRIGGIN BLOCKERS, they decided to farm instead and instead of razing cities that fate took they left several at full capacity. they could easily have held a blocker had they done what they were told.

3- I went north to attack rebirth and DE with what at the time was the largest nazz army in the area, I lost it due to a bug despite having 100% on an attack, this not only gave rebirth time to fort up but also to consolidate their gains. this era would have been vastly different if not for that bug as I was in position to take several cities at the time.

4- alterax you are a crapdisturber even in this game, you have no idea what went on on starta and you really are a noob, simply put, there was a warlord who was supposedly planning our wars, I and others stepped back and let him do so, unfortunately it didnt work as his plans were flawed. a three alliance Map only works if you have one ruler and we did not. losing one of our largest players because he was a greedy traitor didnt help either. you were lucky enough to land on zeta where ONE alliance is hammering you out, we are fighting 4 alliances 3 of which are among the best in the game, come talk when you have done something in THIS game.

5- as for crazy, we are holding on at our core but we also know its a losing battle, the guys whining that we arent helping are obvioously noobs, if we take our armies out of the blockers we will immediately lose our core, why? because certain people lost key blockers without much of a fight.

02:47:09 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

awww poor mr lithium

i was merely stating that though the odds against you were bad, the post showing crazy/Ld strength as of now wasnt a fair comparison....and at the start of the war LD and Crazy combined were WAY stronger then MAD who they decided to war.

Boom and us are having a glorious fight. It is a hell of a lot of fun. Considering they kicked Crazy's ass last era but are going back and forth against us...i think we are doing ok for noobs.

We landed on Zeta, number 3 world, because our players were better than Crazy(who had many members not finish or score) last era.

Still waiting to see what you can do in THIS game.


03:03:39 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Penor The Overwhelming:

I love how everyone is still using the KD tags even though they got removed.
New guys must be so confused lol

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