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Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
00:59:09 Dec 28th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

nazir pm me

01:00:37 Dec 28th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

If you're my sex slave for the era, yes.

I also may kick and feed on you.

02:21:41 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Horus III:

Black Flag

Kingdom Banner

Name: Black Flag
Members: 3
Created: 12/24/2009 9:03:04 PM
Leader: Mr. Hamish


Small but effective... we are no more than 5 members.

Ps. if you join and you are useless, you will be kicked and fed to the kingdom members. If you are good you get to run the kingdom next era.



We have 2 open slots, its gonna be a wide open era... please consider it!

02:29:27 Dec 28th 09 - Ice Prince Nazir:

I put myself in bid to the highest bider.

02:34:14 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

Planet Hollywood

Kingdom Banner

Name: Planet Hollywood
Members: 5
Created: 12/27/2009 12:53:55 AM
Leader: Mr. Bruce Willis


Bling Time Productions in Association with Hanky Panky Spanky Studios is proud to bring you... Planet Hollywood.

We are bringing the A listers to VU. Starring Mr Johnny Depp as Hanky Panky, Bruce Willis as Bling, we will be bringing you the most exciting action packed thriller for the next era.

We dont want to know your past names or history, because if we dont know you, you cant be that important.

02:36:01 Dec 28th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid:

Fallen Angels

Kingdom Banner

Name: Fallen Angels
Members: 4
Created: 12/24/2009 7:22:56 PM
Leader: Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid


We are an army of Angels rightly exiled from the gates of Heaven for our sins. We now roam the plains of Purgatory slaying all that stand against our GOD. And maybe one day we will once again be accepted throught the beautiful gates of Heaven. Until than our only goal is to once again show our GOD that we are worth Angels and till we prove that our rightful home is Purgatory.

All who wish to join our ranks and once again serve GOD in the gates heaven please send in the following information:

1. Previous Names

2. Era"s Played

3. Why you choose to join us

-Prince Bartimaeus-

**Second in Command**

-Currently Open-

Any discussion dealing with the overall kingdom please contact BOTH **Bartimaeus and Bones** Any discussion dealing with Relations contact.......... (for now contact Bartimaeus)





1. more spot to make 5!!!

03:02:11 Dec 28th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:


i like the actual idea of the kingdom

damn if i didnt run my own kingdom i'd be all over this

03:02:36 Dec 28th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

but now i guess i am Fallen Angels spokes person!


03:09:45 Dec 28th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid:

Haha thnx uther :)

03:10:56 Dec 28th 09 - Ice Prince Nazir:

Wow I just said who wants me and I receive 5 pms and suddenly a lot of people start posting they kingdoms here.

people just loves me?

03:14:53 Dec 28th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid:

Ha Nazir your an old friend and would love to play with you again thats all i have to say

21:23:38 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Drakon Ismenios:

Mr. Drakon Ismenios

Edit post

15:21:28 Dec 28th 09

Hi, I am new to visual-utopia and I am looking for a kingdom to join.  I am in the world of Starta.  If there is any kingdom willing to accept me please let me know.

Drakon Ismenios

22:03:18 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Douchetoyou:

Electric Monkeys

Kingdom Banner

Name: Electric Monkeys
Members: 3
Created: 12/9/2009 9:21:19 PM
Leader: Mr. Douchetoyou


A determined soul will do more with a rusty monkey wrench than a loafer will accomplish with all the tools in a machine shop.
Robert Hughes

It is not so important to be serious as it is to be serious about the important things. The monkey wears an expression of seriousness which would do credit to any college student, but the monkey is serious because he itches.
Robert M. Hutchins

The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him.
Robert Benchley

If you desire to join us please tell us what race you play, how long you have played, former names if any.



We are on Starta and could use a few more players  :)

21:58:05 Dec 29th 09 - Sir Loin:

Fight Club- Recruiting now

Council: Loin, Flame Lord Phoenix, Cadmus, Knightenwood, Vvooiidd, Jesus Left Toe

Members: 21

If you wish to join please PM myself or Cadmus stating the following...

How long have you been playing?
What are your past names and kingdoms?
Your race?
How active are you in-game? In the forums? Chat?

Other rules for joining Fight Club...

# 1 - The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club.

#2 - The second rule of Fight Club is, you DO NOT talk about Fight Club.

#3 - If someone says stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is not over.

#4 - Two or more guys to a fight.

#5 - One or more fight at a time.

#6 - No shirts, no shoes.

#7 - Fights will go on as long as they have to.

#8 - If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight.

13:00:42 Jan 1st 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Gladiators
Members: 16
Created: 12/5/2009 11:56:01 PM
Leader: Mr. Gladiatorul


We are still accepting new members. You can be a Gladiator if you have honor, experience and you are willing to listen and learn.

Interested players message Mr. Sackett with the following information

1. Why do you want to be a Gladiator;
2. What experience do you have;
3. What race you play best, and what race you planning to play this era;
4. Have you ever moved from one KD to another before the era finished / If Yes, then why?

For diplomacy / relations please contact Mr. Gladiatorul


02:59:22 Jan 5th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

The Federation

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Federation
Members: 14
Created: 12/25/2009 5:05:18 AM
Leader: Lord Uther Pendragon


A tight order of War Chiefs and a fierce following is what makes our federation and to all lengths the Royal Guard will vow to protect those who form together within our ranks. With hope we carry on and through hope we find our strength and salvation. It is this salvation that binds us and it is these binds that eradicate our foes. The question to ask oneself is not of what you gain but to what end you wish to follow; for if you are not in our ranks there are only three moves. Run, hide, or die.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”

Take my warnings to heart and join us. Send messenger with this information to join The Federation.

1) Past names and eras of experience
2) Past kingdoms and rulers of reference
3) Are you best on offense or defense?
4) Any other information that you may find useful to us.


22:04:15 Jan 9th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

The Federation

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Federation
Members: 16
Created: 12/25/2009 5:05:18 AM
Leader: Lord Uther Nonsense


A tight order of War Chiefs and a fierce following is what makes our federation and to all lengths the Royal Guard will vow to protect those who form together within our ranks. With hope we carry on and through hope we find our strength and salvation. It is this salvation that binds us and it is these binds that eradicate our foes. The question to ask oneself is not of what you gain but to what end you wish to follow; for if you are not in our ranks there are only three moves. Run, hide, or betray.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”

Take my warnings to heart and join us, traitors. Send messenger with this information to join The Federation.

1) Past names you have used when betraying.
2) Past kingdoms you have betrayed
3) Are you best betray with or without cause?
4) Do you betray offensively or defensively?
5) Have you justified your betrayal in your own reality? If so we'll believe you. And no one else.

This is the Federation, TRAITORS WELCOME ^_^


If there are any more people debating on betraying your kingdoms but don't have another kingdom warring your kingdom to join. We will glad wage war on your kingdom so that you will join us and become part of the Federation. ^_^

02:02:08 Jan 10th 10 - Ms. Paradise:

When some talents kingdoms are interested in a new player or if someone wants to make a new kingdom please contact me. Ive played for 2 era's total. Not experienced but i know what im doing at least. I admit however i do not know this map at all so youll have to forgive me if i do not know the little nicks and tricks of it. I am playing halfing, though after reading the forums i see elves are the way to go.

Name: Paradise

Race: Halfings

Eras: this is my 3rd, though the other two i started late. Purposely to be placed on lower worlds because im not experienced enough to fight the larger kingdoms.

04:05:35 Jan 10th 10 - Mr. Fafnir:

To see how the Link VU Rewards work, Click here

04:07:47 Jan 10th 10 - Mr. Fafnir:

Find a place to link VU to then goto VU help and insert the location of the link and there you have it.

18:12:51 Jan 11th 10 - Duke Slade:

i ned a kindom foor next era, RVL int realy wokn for me

20:01:19 Jan 11th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



21:16:28 Jan 11th 10 - Duke Slade:

nah to many KD jumps in your KD plus your in your kingdom so i aint coming :P :P :P
Jokes <3 Uther

22:43:41 Jan 11th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Uther runs a great kingdom

23:21:25 Jan 11th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Hey, so do I! ^_^

07:49:15 Jan 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

The why did your kingdom phase out Sable?  :P

02:00:30 Jan 16th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Well... Because. You're fat. And you were all "Hey, come be a vice in my KD, holmes." And I was all like.... "....Aight"

sooooo...anything interesting happened as of late?!

03:48:26 Jan 19th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

What do you mean by as of late?  Cause it's kind-of boring right now.

04:15:42 Jan 19th 10 - Mr. Jusan:

Royal Prestige

Kingdom Banner

Name: Royal Prestige
Members: 3
Created: 1/15/2010 3:03:05 PM
Leader: Mr. Jusan


In every era, we will strive to survive through the era. we are a friendly kingdom and willing to teach those which are new to the kingdom.

Members of this kingdom are to be loyal and active.

Currently opened for all old or new players.


00:58:28 Jan 21st 10 - Mr. Anonymous:

Kingdom Banner

Name: Army of Anubis
Members: 1
Created: 5/15/2008 6:19:56 PM <- its been a min =P
Leader: Mr. Anonymous


Army of Anubis is for the new and old alike. We will accept new players who learn fast, fight hard, and very active. If you do not meet all 3 of those than don't waste our time.

What AoA offers:

- Active leadership
- Friendly environment
- Endless War
- Victory ( not always b/c no KD can win them all)
- VU AoA Career/Honor Rankings
- Future aggressive expansion


- 3 or more eras of full game play.
- Follow the chain of command.
- ACTIVE --- sign on at least 10 times a day and when needed.
- Active in KD forums.
- MUST read all KD forums.
- Must answer all application questions to be accepted.

Application Questions
1. Why do you want to join us?
2. How active are you?
3. How many full eras have you played and how long do you plan to stay with AoA?
4. Previous names and kingdoms.
5. What can you do for AoA?

If you have been personally invited please say so in the app.


Now AoA isn't been made yet and will not be remade until the 25+ member goal is met. I refuse to remake AoA until the goal is met....

AoA has 10 possible members now and looking for alot more, so if your looking for a KD that will stay around for 8-10+ eras then you can call AoA your home.

To all you hardcore Vets who been in the same group/KD for years, give me a chance and i will give you something that VU has not seen in ages.

Some in sight of how AoA works:

  • I work for AoA it does not work for me.
  • I plan ahead and have a real taste for war as my ambitions for AoA has no limit.
  • AoA uses strategy and tactics to achieve its goals.
  • Members are free to play as they wish as long as they follow normal KD rules.
  • We value team work above all else.

There is a lot that defines AoA and what it will be, so give us a chance and you will not regret it.

03:52:44 Jan 21st 10 - Mr. Seniorchickenfries:

I am back been in and out of eraz but I am looking for a place right now since I am in a more stable situation in the Marine Corps.

don't I just read it's boring out there in VU-land :P

17:05:51 Jan 28th 10 - Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Agenda
Members: 4
Created: 1/28/2010 2:20:35 AM
Leader: Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum


Agenda Born era 44.

Agenda is basically a training ground for those newer players wishing to be active and learn. We have several strong catches and old VU community members among our ranks. These people not only offer solid advice but actually know and understand the game mechanics as a whole.

Any political agenda and organization which doesn"t begin with personal responsibility is just half the argument. It"s just not going to succeed.
Peter Coyote

We have to set our own agenda, we have to set our own standards, we have to be very strong about what we want, we have to be very strong about our passion and if it"s not right for you, you shouldn"t do it just because you"re advised by so-called geniuses.
Jackie DeShannon

Action is the foundational key to all success.
Pablo Picasso

An educated person is one who has learned that information almost always turns out to be at best incomplete and very often false, misleading, fictitious, mendacious - just dead wrong.
Russell Baker

Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress.
Bruce Barton

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.
Ellen Glasgow

Ignorance is no excuse, it"s the real thing.
Irene Peter

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

If you are new and wish an environment which nurtures your strengths and encourages your growth or a vet looking for a comfortable home, we welcome you.


22:03:13 Jan 28th 10 - Mr. Orrises:

Sure i'll train for just this last time ,, *yawn i hate repeating myself lol

22:06:50 Jan 28th 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

Why not just call yourself  'ROC Part II'


Or better yet, the 'ROC Elder's Elders'

05:11:32 Jan 29th 10 - Mr. The War Monger:

well cause were not that were a different kd cause i'm leading and kev is playing vice and he was just getting everything set up while i died

22:32:23 Jan 31st 10 - Sir Mcmax The Knight:

Mr. Horus IV


22:06:50 Jan 28th 10

Why not just call yourself  'ROC Part II'


Or better yet, the 'ROC Elder's Elders'

Would be better with "Young RoCs" as we are going to draw Kevin back for next age........ We have a job for him.

12:07:27 Feb 2nd 10 - Duke Salad:

i needs a home :(

02:44:05 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Kev is and will always be RoC kd leader to me. Though youll be stuck with me as well next era Mcmax so lets get along i spose.

06:53:01 Feb 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Salad i have told you that you are welcome in my kingdom

you are a friend

07:04:22 Feb 4th 10 - Sir Burninglegion:


Kingdom Banner

Name: AntiFederation
Members: 3
Created: 1/31/2010 11:30:02 PM
Leader: Sir Burninglegion


The Anti Federation stands for everything the Federation does not, Equality , Honor, Respect

Accepting all types of players, please do not send an application if you intend on being inactive.

Application details*
-Prefered race
-First name or nickname
-Kingdoms you have been with in the past

We the anti federation will acheive peace and justice through any means available. May the God of war give no mercy to our enemys




Join the anti federation <3

01:54:37 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

*cough cough

02:04:36 Feb 6th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

I might be soon leaving BoW.

so any nice outstanding kd out there?

03:18:26 Feb 6th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Why of course Ice Prince  :P

03:51:43 Feb 6th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

well bit inactive kd.

04:08:25 Feb 6th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Ah we are not inactive we need active players :P

21:24:58 Feb 6th 10 - Sir Kathandarion:


06:49:26 Feb 8th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

Mr. Dwarfnub


00:16:00 Feb 8th 10
Alright, i'm looking for a new kingdom. Most of you won't know who I am (new era = new name), but i've been playing on and off since era 11. But this is my second era since 2007 (not counting that one era in 2008). I'm actually not that great of a player anymore, had to pretty much relearn the whole game again last era and kinda this era too lol.

Previous Kingdoms: Mirror, Soldier, Saiyan Empire, DE, DR, abydos, retributon, No Pulse, FA, Carnage and probably more that I don't remember right now.

All I ask of is an active kingdom forum and at least semi competent leadership.

So, any takers? :)
Might as well...

14:51:50 Feb 8th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Charley your a good man somewhat,

 Dwarf if you wish send in an application to agenda. We are always looking for players that are active and our in game chat is always blaring with something.

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