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starta era of magneto
03:33:24 Aug 8th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

heh, The only problem CRAZY had with BOOM was Penguin.  He left so no wonder you aren't dead.  oh and at the time we also fought Hellbunnies.  Anyway maybe next era we will drop near you.

03:34:40 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Big And Tasty:

Who're these "Crazy" people I keep reading about?

03:53:19 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

nah your problem is you just dont understand diplomacy and make enemies so that's why everyone wants to kill you.

03:59:28 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Brain:

Crazy is a good kd and just cause your in a better situation than them at the moment doesn't mean your better than them. Nor does you bieng on a "higher world" mean sh!t.
And yes we do, diplomacy isn't hard to understand. Are you so proud of yourself for Mass napping everyone near you but your one little enemy?

04:02:13 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

lol@ mass napping


04:05:21 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

we were invited into the starta alliance, we declined. So who is mass napping who?


04:07:48 Aug 8th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

thanks Mr. Brain.  And no, not everyone wants to kill us.  We want to kill you though.  I love the hypocracy.  It is okay to target us because you don't like one of our members but we are the bad guys if we target you becasue we know you from another game.

the pot calling the kettle back.  and yeah come back after you 've played a few more eras and lets compare our enemies list.  Right now I think our rep is fine.

04:09:55 Aug 8th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

who invited you to the starta alliance?  We would have dropped out if you were involved.  Actually TSA snowballed out of control.  our plan was to MAP LD only.

04:24:16 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Valtar:

lol wow lmao ur right trans who invitwd you lol u wouldnt last a tick against what were fighting well not even that u wouldnt again found for a tick or any of these kds were fighting

04:25:34 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

i dont like one of your members? i had several of your members last era wanting to hunt me down. So we dont need mr lithium to dislike crazy though.

the point is made though, starta alliance teamed up with a big map and later tried to get further naps or whatever so calling us "mass nappers" is laughable.

there is only one member of crazy who seems at all diplomatic. if i had so many alliances against me i would stop and ask why.

this is our first era as an alliance...perhaps having so many eras behind you creates baggage and nothing more.

we are quick learners and i laugh everytime people go on about veterans vs noobs. we arent in the least bit cocky, we are doing a lot better than we expected. but that's it.

i dont say crazy are bad players in the least, but as i said, if you got so many enemies fighting you its a failure in diplomacy and good will. the exception could be argued that a kingdom in fanta maybe an exception but guys teamed up and attacked MAD afterall so its really karma anyway

04:30:53 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse


13:09:55 Aug 8th 09
who invited you to the starta alliance?  We would have dropped out if you were involved.  Actually TSA snowballed out of control.  our plan was to MAP LD only.


um lol CRAZY were MAP with me last era.

04:35:39 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Valtar:

actually from what i know mad chose not to join i think so not karma...just b

04:35:40 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Valtar:

actually from what i know mad chose not to join i think so not karma...

04:40:38 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

LOL actually you quit on hell bunnies and joined someone who was Map with us, that doesnt mean you were invited into the starta alliance, your failure at spinning is epic.

We have enemies because this is a war game, if we wnated to mass nap everyone we would do so but this is much more fun.

I would rather war people who know what they are doing than play Model Un anyway. We are warring Fate (who is going to win this era), rebirth, DE, and Madd, we had the opportunity to nap mad early on and we do like and respect them but we decided that napping a whole world is lame.

BTW the whole Idea of "higher worlds" went out the window once they connected the worlds, other than the 50% worlds all the worlds are pretty much equal.

and Alterax, until you make the top 50 in an era or lead an alliance like Dark was (succsessful) then you have nothing to say to me. I am penned in atm because we are defending our core but even so my income is over 1mil per tick and i have a few solid armies, this world is crowded but dont worry one day we will drop close.

04:40:41 Aug 8th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

CRAZY had 2 MAPs last era.  GODLIKE and LD.  They were both signed before you joined them.  Actually we objected to a member RoC accepted but once the era long agreement is done there isn't anything we can do.  We don't go back on our word.

04:52:41 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

Mr. Lithium



13:40:38 Aug 8th 09  LOL actually you quit on hell bunnies and joined someone who was Map with us, that doesnt mean you were invited into the starta alliance, your failure at spinning is epic.


Your ignorance is epic

(7/31/2009 4:54:17 PM)   
Alright thats good, make things ALOT easier

Anyways, as you might know, All the big name KD's this era have NAP'd each other. Also, they have all reached there NAP limit as said by the spokesmen for each KD.

They go into smaller worlds and take out everything.

That means that they will be focusing on smaller KDs.

Thus, How do you think of joining the Starta Alliance? It's an alliance based on giving everyone else a fighting chance.

It comes with benifits such as

Being able to come build on Starta, which the alliance controls 100%. You may come build within our massive core to get your income up, then fight.

You will get help fighting your enemies

You will get assistance when fighting the bigger KD's that will eventually come to your world.

etc etc

04:55:20 Aug 8th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

heh,  who sent that?

05:01:01 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

as one of the leaders of Crazy I can say this, we are MAP with LD and with ROC until the end of this era, we did not agree to let everyone in to a MAP and we would have vetoed any asshats like you trying to join.

in case that wasnt clear we are honouring our MAP until the end of this era as we always keep our word even if we are a bit crazy.

05:08:29 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Valtar:

their no name on it how are supposed to know if its true even though it doesnt matter

05:08:41 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

someone from starta alliance. just because crazy dont particularly like me doesnt mean others dont.

i dont mind crazy tbh, some of our members(many being ex hellbunnies) were very keen to fight you guys. i do think, however, that you can be quite refreshing on the forums. I prefer to see more of throatslasher, his posts are valued and give a good laugh.

i have worked with crazy's allies and they are good people. They also valued the MAP with crazy but perhaps expected too much from Crazy last era.

last era we had several crazy players threaten my original kingdom , myself and my friends to take me out. then i had lithium go on for weeks before game start that he will come and destroy me etc.

its not really me hating on crazy, rather it's reversed. in this thread i was just pointing out that at the start the odds against crazy were not nearly as bad as they are now. crazy and ld were combined 400% of our strength( i dont include ROC coz i wasnt following them)...MAD were 275 and Fate were 300% plus...yes combined you had more strength than even fate.

because of this , i dare say, you were perceived as a threat. Given the history between the leadership of hellbunnies(which are now in Fate) and lithium's history with rebirth etc this meant war with these kingdoms was more likely than not at some point anyway.


05:32:49 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Valtar:

llol my post in kd are valued and funny i think everyone in ld likes my pic posts and sorra if ur reading this the war is still on(kd insider)

05:46:26 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart:

Epic fail...maybe next era when you got someone who can co-ordinate things.

05:56:23 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Valtar:

actually no this war is pretty fun im actually glad so no fail... it is funner than farming which ur probly doing no disrepect though and cool to see de and rebirthvs foundationvsmadvsthe coolest alliance(starta alliance)vs hamish and his kd sry hamish forgot what ur kd was called black flag or something

06:07:27 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Soundwave:

Ryan the God Bellerose blaming a bug... how funny is that lol

and for Boom they are hell fun and nice people we are all having a good time :D

06:14:51 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Brett The Hitmanhart: im looking for the farmers. i been fighting. farming would be fun for a day.

07:37:17 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

LOL soundwave, I reported it in a thread and sent a message to Zeta, when one gets 100% one should not lose ones army. so how many times you gonna cast locust on someone today? LOL

as for Alterax, you keep whining that I was threatening you and your "friends", what i said was if you were nearby Id kill you this isnt warbook you cant just attack people you dont like, sometimes borders dont allow it , given our history that shouldnt exactly come as a shock that I would attack you if able and given the disparity in our experience and skill levels you should have known i would destroy you if given the chance. sorry if that hurt your delicate feelings. I dont like you, I wont ally with you or any alliance you are in its that simple. that said if you are bringing players to the game more power to you, just make sure that the cheaters you brought from warbook dont fall back on their cheating ways here and all will be fine.

now as for Hell bunnies, I knwo carina is mad at some of the people from crazy,  but I hold no ill will towards hellbunnies at all and tbh the whole gong show last era was due to Crazy keeping their word and backing up a Map when hell bunnies attacked them despite being told by crazy that there would be war if they did, I wasnt there at the time (taking a Break) and frankly Crazy learned a very valuable lesson that I learned long ago NEVER MAKE THREATS THAT YOU ARE UNABLE OR UNWILLING TO CARRY OUT, if I had warned hell bunnies of war I would have also moved some armies and not left the border undefended, that was foolish, I think Crazy assumed that old friendships would take precedent and they were obviously wrong. I am still friends with Carina and some silly game isnt going to change that.

some of your other points...

I have always gotten along with Fate, since you are a noob you wouldnt know this but I have had great relations with Fate dating back to when several alliances tried to backstab Dark and Fate was one of the of the few who did not even though it would have been popular for them to do so. Since then I have held them in high esteem, however due to logistics and location we are at war this era, No matter, they are honourable and i have no doubt that had circumstances been different we could still trust them and i would not have any compunction at taking them at their word.

Rebirth? Overcome and I have buried the hatchet, I was sorely dissapointed in some of them in Darks last era especially as we had very good relations previous to the "incident" frankly I feel that I got my revenge that era and it wasnt neceassry to hold a multi era grudge. we are at war, this is a war game, nuff said.

07:46:42 Aug 8th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

Update on Starta wars :)

MAD is destoying ROC and LD defenses, taking their cities
Rebirth from north is attacking and taking over Crazy and LD cities
Fate is attacking ROC and LD

Fate is not attacking Crazy
Large armies passing by eachother, Fate going around Crazy cities

Therefore another NAP by Fate
Fate NAP Crazy
But still fighting LD and ROC

Fate and Rebirth have started the war too...
Looks like Fate wanted to have the victory easier so they NAPed another enemy lol...

Well dunno what to tell you about that, except to congratulate already on the win of the era...
Nobody will remember it as the era that Fate NAPed everyone, its gonna be remembered only by Fate's victory...

I would like to congratulate everyone on great play, and awesome wars, you made it interesting to everyone :)

ps. we have now encountered a new tactic... Machiavellian tactic
the goal justifies the means

By the way... my posts are just my point of view and do not represent the Kingdom of Rebirth. Official statements are made only by the leader and the viceroys.

07:51:14 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Justin:

woooo Cat fight in the starta wars :S

07:54:42 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Valtar:

i think it should be mad  but just my opinion

07:54:46 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

actually Jasmina you are wrong. Fate has taken several Crazy cities. You are just angry because in your rush to get into what you thought would be an easily cracked core you got stifled by our defences, just because LD didnt fill their blockers doesnt mean we wouldnt.  If it wasnt for fate attacking us on our east side and that glitch destroying my nazz army early on we would have easily beaten you back, so really you should be thanking Fate not insulting them.

You rushed the LD core and over extended and now you are paying because Fate took their time and has more troops there. If Fate wins the era its not because they napped everyone on starta, its because they out played you.

07:55:41 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Sorry, the thought of us and Ryan NAPping and the term "Cold day in h3ll" seemed to run in the same thought lol

You might wanna try that one by your own leader I'm pretty sure he can verify that one xD

07:58:28 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Tycose:

i am seeing a fair bit of posturing here.

Who does what and how, isent there an end-era score thinger?

08:04:25 Aug 8th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

Lithium, dont be silly, I could have taken whole Crazy myself, and yes, I am alone here cause I always rush into attack too soon, thats why I pulled back a little bit.
The reason why I pulled back is because my armies were not all merged, I will be back :)
I see lots of armies of Crazy and Fate just going over each other, so touching and none have engaged in battle. This is a common tactic by so called "fantasia" KDs, they stop all their wars when they get to a strong enemy.

08:04:26 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Lithium


22:54:46 Aug 7th 09
actually Jasmina you are wrong. Fate has taken several Crazy cities. You are just angry because in your rush to get into what you thought would be an easily cracked core you got stifled by our defences, just because LD didnt fill their blockers doesnt mean we wouldnt

Think you better get your facts straight before you speak again

08:05:07 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

I am not sure who big mac attack is but as far as I am aware there is no ill will between myself and Fate as an alliance although im sure there are some people there who may not like me LOL, as a matter of fact I have several friends in Fate but I dont try to use friendships touse as collateral in a game. Jasmina can rest easy however as No nap was offered by Fate as far as i know so no nap would have been accepted by Crazy and Vice versa.

08:10:34 Aug 8th 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Hehe, as I said Jasmine, talk to Overcome, I'm pretty sure he knows who I am, and can verify my statement :)

08:14:26 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

Jasmina, you have some strong armies, however im not overly concerned you wouldnt have even scratched our blockers, the fact that you walked through undermanned LD blockers and some outlying cities just made you overconfident, im certain a 7k nazz army would outclass anything you have in the field currently but unfortunately im defending atm.

Justin- perhaps you need to get your facts straight, well before (as in DAYS) the Fate invasion I sent several messages to your kingdom and some directly to the key blockers, I know fate is not a bunch of noobs and I knew that they would invade when they saw us busy with Mad and rebrith and DE because thats what I would do and i even predicted the path they would take. I watched as several ld armies suicided because people set path and didnt bother to watch over their armies and worse yet I warned them that if they let fate get past their primary blocker it would mean we would have to fill 4 rather than 2 blockers. I was told that " we have another blocker behind that one" and then I watched as they walked through it almost without hesitating. I also watched Rebirth walk through your northern blocker so dont tell me you guys filled your blockers. mostly you just complained because rather than suicide our armies we filled our blockers. LD had a poor ratio, too many elves is what i was told but either way Fate walked through you guys pretty quickly.

08:24:12 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Justin- perhaps you need to get your facts straight, well before (as in DAYS) the Fate invasion I sent several messages to your kingdom and some directly to the key blockers

You said LD blockers which implied all blockers. And for that matter of fact we had no place to put blockers for Fate as we got the sh1t end of the stick when we started the era because Crazy felt like farming. My blocker had over 60k fighting forces with more in training and had 20k MUs and was still broke by Rebirth and crazy go involved what after they saw THEIR cities in danger. You had no intention of helping until after the fact. You have got to be the most dumb person i have ever met in my entire VU career and i know Kath so that is saying a lot(sorry i had to use you as an example Kath but that was the old you. Seems youve changed bro good for you)

08:25:59 Aug 8th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

As leader of Insane Asylum I can verify that Sir Feanor and I have not arranged a NAP. Although Feanor and I are friendly as are most of the members of VU and I. This is a war game not a I have to hate you to fight you game.

I am sure there are some that dislike me since a number seem to whole heartedly refuse to believe I am not the person they want me to be. More importantly, I do not hold VU grudges more than a get even era. So far there is no kingdom this era I feel the need to get even with next era.

We are MAP with 3 kingdoms and NAP with one this era. Two are not anywhere near us and probably will not be near us. The arrangements with them were based on mutual respect.

Now back to killing and less posturing.

Dr Raving Lunatic

08:27:03 Aug 8th 09 - Duchess Jasmina:

Really Lithium do check your facts.

Crazy blocker:
Sheffield is defended by 71820 soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor.
LD blocker
Fort Kargon is defended by 132736 soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor.

Its not my problem that it was placed on a bad location so I was able to pass around it... Plus nobody did it before and prepped of the city untill I came and did the passage through the woods. Then others followed.
I take full credit for that and I call it the Jasmina Passage!

08:36:52 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

Justin-perhaps you just arent very bright, the only blockers that matter are those that are key, in case you didnt know we dropped here first and yes we took a good spot for our core. No we didnt "farm" as we were fighting right off the bat and only 2 people I am aware of in Crazy didnt have oop armies one was our mage. perhaps you are a noob and dont get it, ONE person shouldnt be in charge of building or filling blockers, in the old days you could use a halfer or dwarf because there was no upkeep, now you need EVERYONE to contribute. apparently LD didnt have everyone helping. btw of course we defend first, you need to go read some Sun Tzu if you wnat to play wargames.

Mark- I wouldn't bother, tbh no matter what anyone says people will believe what they want.

Jasmina, thats my point exactly, what is the point in defending a blocker that doesnt block and not defending a choke point that does? why even build a blocker that doesnt block? they should have defnded at the bridge but they didnt, and in the east they gave up a good blocker to defend a smaller less powerful one, not wise.  but congrats on the passage lol.

08:38:20 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

lol lol lol

actually it was a crazy vice(in fairness the crazy leader who actually appears sane at times knew nothing of it) threatened if bunnies didnt open a blocker she would take the blocker(when four tics was needed to go around). this person also stated there was no copy of a nap in the crazy forum.

a crazy leader then stated they didnt care if they war when bunnies had asked to have a blocker remove(asked not threatened in the least) that had just been built.

crazy opened a blocker to an enemy also, now they made amends for such action but the blood had turned quite bad and bunnies decided crazy(since they claimed no nap was in place) was likely to war decided to ceasefire with boom and prepare for the crazy assault. to probably everyone's surprise,including mine, when bunnies finished off TC and went for LD they were able to hit hard on both LD and bunnies. considering they were worried and possibly afraid of crazy's power this seemed a remarkable change in circumstance for both alliances when crazy attacked in defence of their map.

as for your statements about only stating you would war me if close, this isnt remotely correct. you stated to numerous people numerous times that you were coming back "especially" for me and anyone joining my alliance would be killed. you also boasted when your income was 300k that you were coming for us soon. then later, perhaps because it wasnt at all feasible, claim you wont be attacking me unless i come to you.

i wont stop you playing the game and sure a match up would be fun. but i aint in the habit of hunting anyone and i left a good alliance partly this era just to allow you your revenge lest i be accused of cowardice. so dont be shy i am sure with your 5 million a tic income and your 450,000 naz army that can kill everyone in game(or whatever you want to exaggerate it to) i am sure i will be easy pickings. why havent you killed them already singlehandely Ryan?


08:44:48 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Sun Tzu if you wnat to play wargames.

What makes you think i havent? His theroy on destroying your enemy from the inside is great in my opinion.

09:29:03 Aug 8th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

Once again. I am the leader of Insane Asylum. No one can disolve a MAP or NAP except me. I did have some computer problems in the time your talking about and when I came back talked with the leader of Hellbunnies and thought we had straightened out all the hysteria from when I was gone.

When I ordered the attack on Hellbunnies I was well aware we would die. One honors their MAPs, or I do anyway, even if it is inconvenient to do so.

If we had just been fighitng Boom we had a chance, but once the renegade Heaven player (no longer in heaven) attacked us in the north we could not hold Hellbunnies in the north. He took the most important armorys in the north. Then Phi and Hellbunnies as support for BOOM were effective. Most importantly Penguin had one nice army. Penguin just about single handedly took our south core. I even stated at the time I gave him props for that.

09:33:18 Aug 8th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

In case there is any misunderstanding Phi were attacked for attacking GODLIKE a MAP. As far as I know Phi and Hellbunnies had no agreement with Boom. OR so Hellbunnies told me they didnt.

09:35:25 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Aloysius:

I like Doctors! ;) They have access to drugs.. and can be busted easily. :))

09:37:51 Aug 8th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

Hi Mr. Aloysius. Want some pretty colored med... au um candy.

10:16:20 Aug 8th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

yeah it wasnt disolving a was your vice stating no nap existed and there was no evidence of one finalised in your forum. you rightly said at the time that had you known this you would of dealt with it and kudos for that. i was just giving context to someone's attempt of revisionist history that wasnt even playing at the time.

10:22:58 Aug 8th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

What appears to have happend at the time was the Vice (who is now gone) and the leader of Hellbunnies (at that time) were friendly off game and got into a disagreement and brought it to the game. That was unfortunate and something I would not have condoned. I saw writings from both that were none too flattering of the senders.

10:47:15 Aug 8th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bored:

I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood?

"MAD is destoying ROC and LD defenses, taking their cities"

Our core is still secure from MAD, apart from one army which somehow got around the blocker (?) and is under siege in a city and can't escape. Maybe you should get your facts straight before playing the dumbas you've always been, Jasmina.

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