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Forums / News and Updates / Possible email problems

Possible email problems
15:47:35 Jan 28th 14 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Yesterday we had huge problems with the Internet connection to the server. 

Besides poor hardware on the route to the server we get a shit-load of spam e-mails. Some days we can get 10 million spam mails. And when I checked the server yesterday there where more mail spammers connected then there were players.
I though that was kinda ridiculous so I decided to redirect the incoming mail traffic.

Incoming mails now go through 3:rd party servers before hitting my mail box. This means we get rid of 99,99% of the mail traffic. But it also means it will take a longer time for me to receive the e-mails. It's also possible that your mail might get classed as spam and never reach me.

I try to answer all e-mails, so if your mail do not get any answer, feel free to bug me on ICQ, AIM, MSN etc. 

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