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Forums / Roleplaying / Adventures Of Mielo And Effie

Adventures Of Mielo And Effie
23:53:39 May 2nd 07 - Duke Efrandor:

As Mielo and Efandor walked through the desert a huge spaceship came and picked them up.

- Cool, tought Mielo.

- Cool, tought Efrandor.

The spaceship was full with people from space(wow) and they started to do all kind of experiments on them(which is for a aolder audience then the one reading this.)

After some time, Mielo and Efrandor got angry over the obscure tests and said to the spacepeople.

- Leave us be.

- No, they answered.

Mielo got angry and said;

- Then you must die, a most horrific and painful death.

- Indeed, Efrandor filled in.

Both of them pulled up 100k small goblins and attacked the aliens(which btw looked like normal sized dogs.) The aliens got scared and ran of to the spaceship HQ to hide away.

Once Mielo and Efrandor came to the HQ everything wa silent, they brought back the goblins and found a fridge with fruit and beer.

- Cool, said Mielo.

- Cool, said Efrandor.

They began to eat some of the fruit just to discover as they ate the last one that it was the aliens.

- My bad, said Mielo and Efrandor in choir, we tought you were food, they continued and ate the last pineapple.

The spaceshippeoples families got mad and started to chase them and caught up with them at Magrathea, there their chasers got attacked by a giant whale and Mielo got hit by some flowers.

- Ouch, said Mielo.

- Pussy, said Efrandor.

As Mielo and Efrandor had stolen a old spaceship they had to land to be able to give Mielo first aid, so they landed on the surface of Magrathea where they found a depresesd robot, the robot spoke.

- Feck off, it said.

- Cool, said Mielo.

- Cool indeed, said Efrandor.

They kidnapped the robot, brought it to the ship and left the surface of Magrathea, both feeling very kewl in mind.

- What should we do with it. asked Mielo.

- I don't know, answered Efrandor.

As a result they threw the robot off at a distant planet where it had to wait for a couple of millioons year until the universe  ended for the millionth time and it got saved.
What happend to Mielo and Efrandor? That's another story.

00:51:20 May 3rd 07 - Lord Senturu:

hey. what about me? i feel left out

04:13:39 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

You're not important =P

06:43:00 May 3rd 07 - Duke Efrandor:

As the robot flew through the athmosphere it started thinking.

- Stupid humans...  oh, nice word, human, hehe, nice.  Oh, woot, who am I... Ste... Set... Sit... Sen... Stur... Senturu!  Yes yes!  Senturu is my na-*POFF*

Meanwhile Mielo and Efrandor has opened the fridge again, they found that the beer was not to be found.

- WTF, Mielo said.

- Totally, Efrandor filled in.

They started to search the closest vicinity of the fridge finding huge tracks in the spaceship sandfloor, they followed the tracks leading down to the basement, a huge door stopped their progress.

- We have to open it, said Mielo.

- Yes...  said Efrandor.

- Go ahead, said Mielo.

The silence in the spaceship for the following seconds is impossible to explain, it was like noone was speaking. And then!

- Wollawollawollawollololowolloloo! Sang Efrandor, the door didn't move a inch...  Bugger, he continued, Ceasar, show yourself!

The door opened up two eyes and looked down at Efrandor to comment his try.

- lolz

- Woot!? Said Mielo brought fourth a shotgun he found on the way there and threatened the door.


- lolz, it answered.

Mielo and Efrandor were puzzeled, what was this work of the devil!?

- Please let us in door..? Mielo said nice.

- lolz

- Gaah!

- ...  ... lolz...

Suddenly it comes up for Efrandor.

- It's a riddle! He screams out.

- What is? Mielo asks.

- "lolz" is, we have to found out what the "z" is there for!

- Oh right, of course!

Mielo faces the door and speaks.

- Zero!

From the back of Mielos stumick a piece of a pineapple is heard screaming..

- You suck!

- I think I understand now, Efranbdor said and moved up to the door once again.

- Nub!

They both stands silent for a few seconds, they wait they felt there is totally impossible to explain, it was like they were all alone.
Suddenly the door starts to open, out from the depths of the basement a terrible smell comes up, the way that smell smells is so nasty you can describe it.

07:05:28 May 3rd 07 - Lord Senturu:

and im the friggin robot :P

09:05:33 May 3rd 07 - Duke Sobek:

lol ... and you just died ^^

12:55:07 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Hemmer:


13:20:13 May 3rd 07 - Duke Efrandor:

- Wtf, said the door as the both companions past through the opening and put their first steps on the stairs.

- This is wicked, said Mielo.

They continued down the stairs for a long period of time, soon all light was gone and they were walking in darkness, they were feeling scared.

- I feel scared, said Efrandor.

Suddenly the stairs stops and so do Mielo and Efrandor, they are on plain surface again, they try to look around to see where they are but with no success, it still smells awfull.

- It still smells awfull, said Mielo.

Suddenly the both adventures sees a light comming towards them and soon they hear a laugh.

- hihihihihihihihhihihihihihihi!!!

Oh no, it is the wicked with of the west in supersize!

- OMG OMG OMG! screamed Efrandor.

- OMG OMG OMG! screamed Mielo.

The witch stop just in front of them and pointed at them with her big broom.

- This is my...  BROOOOMSTICK! She said/yelled.

- Cool, said Mielo.

- Cool, said Efrandor.

She looked at the two with suspicion in her eyes and then talked.

- What are the two of you doing in my cave?

- Cave? What cave, we haven't heard of any cave? they answered frightened.

- Oh nooo? The witch did a small gesture with her hand and light filled the whole place.

- Oh this cave.

Mielo and Efrandor suddenly realised that the wickd witch of the west is a really ugly wicked witch of the west and puked.

- rghfds, it sounded.

The witch got angry.

- I just got angry, she said, what are you doing in my cave!?

- We, we, we... We were just looking for our beer, we seem to have lost it.

- Oh really, you mean... THIS, beer!?

The witch brought forth small monkeys with wings that carried beer.

- OMG!!

13:30:59 May 3rd 07 - Lord Senturu:

nu uh. teach those little flying monkeys whos the boss and get the beer

19:33:28 May 3rd 07 - Duke Efrandor:

Previous episodes: Mielo and Efrandor has been kidnapped, chased, beer-stolen and finally ended up in a large cave where the wicked witch of the west is iterrigating them, we find them just as a couple of bewinged monkeys enters the story.

- OMG!! Mielo and Efrandor screams out.

- That is just nasty! Mielo continues

- It's against the law to sow wings to a monkeys back, animal-terror and so on dammit! Efrandor fini*beep*.

- woot? The witch says and looks on the monkeys, they didn't exactly say no..?

- Of course not, they are monkeys! Mielo says angrily.

Mielo and Efrandor steps forward to the monkeys examing them seeing a ironwire conecting the monkeys with the wings through the flesh.

- Jesus, it's blood here, Efrandor says opening his eyes a couple of inches more.

- You are a really really mean witch, Mielo continues, I have a good friend and the pet department that would just love to hear about this!

- Aha yea, and and, I know him to! Efrandor puts in.

- But but...  I'm a witch dammit!

- It doens't say anything about witches being allowed to tornment monkeys Mielo says.

- You are guilty as a betch! Efrandor puts in.

- Well...  what if I can make it worth your time not to tell this friend of yours then...?

Mielo and Efrandor looks upon eachother and then at the witch, Mielo opens his mouth again.

- And what would that be..?

- Well... I could put a spello n two of these monkeys giving them breasts, or penors if you like that kind of thing..?

- I want the penors, Efrandor says.

- The breasts will be just fine thank you, Mielo says and slaps Efrandor.

- Right, yea, mhm, breasts.

- Breasts it is!

The witch turns to two of the monkeys mummeling some strange formula and the two monkeys suddenly dissapears.

- Oops... she says, never done that one before.

- Cool, Mielo says.

- Yupp... Cool...   Efrandor says, well ok, give us some money and we're out of here, just point us in the right direction.

- It's just out there to the left, past the chickens and the large trout. Watch your steps on the way out, rather slippery here.

Mielo and Efrandor turns around and starts walking towards the exit, Efrandor stops, turns around and runs back to the monkeys and the witch, takes the beer and runs back.

- Byyyye! He yells at the way back, niiiice meeting youuuu.

Once they had past the chicken and the large trout the saw a small door at the far end of the cave, once there they opened it and looked out.

- Wow, it's a djungel out there! Mielo says, let's find us some amazons!

20:04:43 May 3rd 07 - Lord Senturu:

hahahaha. this is hilarous :P

20:39:35 May 3rd 07 - Prince Insomaniak:

you know what truly wonders me is...what is the name of the beer the monkehs carried about the place?! :P oh yeah...and I wants to be in it as well :D

21:07:10 May 3rd 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Looks at story* Dare I ask to be in it? No. I daren't.

BTW, it's absolutley hilarious. And I won't mind too much if you decide to throw me in anyway...

22:17:01 May 3rd 07 - Lord Senturu:

throw you into a pool of lava?

22:58:39 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Dos:

I like I like!

01:36:19 May 4th 07 - Ms. Erica Brahmins:

... Thats effie for you... Isnt he the multi of firendash? ^.^ hes so cool.

06:10:23 May 4th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

As they took their first smalll trembeling steps on the new green surface they started to feel warmer, they had forgotten about the cold inside the cave, but the warmth in the djungel couldn't be resisted.

- It's warm here, Mielo said.

- Damn right, Efrandor says.

They stopped and looked around to see if there was anything of interest, as they looked to the left they saw the djungel and beasts, as they looked straight ahead they saw the djungel and beasts, as they looked to the right they saw the djungel, a litle lake, a waterfall, and a sexay woman bathing.

- Aight, this way, Mielo said pointing right.

As they came closer to the water the sexay woman noticed them and started to swim towards them, Mielo and Efrandor started shaking.

- Hello boys, she said as she got out of the water.

- Far out! Efrandor said and fell to the ground.

- Uh hu!? Mielo asked and fell to the ground.

As they woke up they felt themselves being tied up to a big pole and hearing noices comming from the back.

- Today my girlfriends, I've found myself some men!

- Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

- They came running towards me with knifes and evil toughts at mind.

- Buuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

- I walked towards them with peace at mind, as we meet up I said, I will pwn you!

- Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

- But they said, no, die betch!

- Buuuuuuuuuuuuu!!

- So then I put them to sleep and tied them up over there so we can kill them.

- Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!

Mielo and Efrandor started to put together one and one, but it became seven for some reason, whatever the reason it couldn't be good they tought.

- Seven? Mielo said.

- Whatever the reason, that can't be good, Efrandor filled in.

But there was no more time to think, suddenly 100 very very hot and foxey ladies with very very little clothes started to carry them.

- Coooool, they said in choir.

- KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! The ladies started to sing, Mielo and Efrandor tought it was some custom they had when someone else talks in choir.

- This is hot, Efrandor said.

- Hell ya, I am so telling mom about this when we get back.

- For sure!

Suddenly The Amazons - Kill Kill Kill, stops and they are being put down to the ground, but it isn't grass anylonger, it's rock, and it's warm, very warm.
One of the amazons walks up to Mielo and Efrandor, it's the one form the lake, she speaks.

- My name, is Arien, I'm leader of the amazons, you're names, are scum!

Efrandor whispers to Mielo, I like it when they play it dirthey.

Wasn't so good said of him tought Mielo, cause in the following 5 seconds they kicked him in his scrotum, called him 15 bad words, stood on his foot for 7 seconds and slapped him in his head.

- Dude, I know why it became seven now! Mielo said to Efrandor as they carried him out to the cliff letting him see some lava far under him. Efrandor got scared.

- Wooooaaaah!!! What's this!?!?  Take me away, take me away!! Daah, I'm getting scared here!

- This, Arien says, is our volcano Erunion, he's good at melting and doesn't have a penor!

- Me neither, me neither! Efrandor yealls in fear looking own he sees himself being naked, oh right, yea ok, I only tried to fool you. He gets slapped.

- oooh, that must have hurt huh, Efrandor? Mielo says, noticing everyone turns to him, no no no, I'm just...  It's ok, you can start with him, I'm rather busy at the moment, Mielo starts playing with some stones pretending they are cars.

He gets picked up.

- Damn, he says.

- Does this mean I'm free to go, or...?

Arien looks on Efrandor, does a gesture with her hands and both Mielo and Efrandor are tied up to a large wooden structure leaning out towards the lava.

- Is that a no..? Efrandor asks.

Arien ignores him and turns her head down to face the lava and starts to speak.

- Erunion, great volcano!  We have new sacrifices for you!

- huh, eeh, uh? Is heard from the very bottom.

- We have new sacrifices for you, oh great volcano!

- Oh, oh ok, well... thanks, but no thanks.

- What?

- Oh, oh ok, well... thanks, but no thanks.

- But why?

- I ate pancakes earlier today and now my stumick is all messed up, can't eat a thing, but thanks for thinking about me.

- Ok then, I guess that means we are free, Mielo says.

Arien turns to him pointing with a spear.

- You, quiet! Please great volcano, melt them some, spit up some lava in a basket and we can burn their hands of or something.?

- It's rude to spit, Efrandor says, he gets slapped.

- He's right, the volcano says, it is rude to spit, can't help you there.

- This is madness! Arien speaks in anger

- This is sparta! hiihihi, Efrandor says and gets slapped again.

As a outcome of the last line the volcano starts to tremble.

- OH MY GOD! Arien screams, it's laughing, RUUUN!!

All the amazons ran away in a second, leaving Mielo and Efrandor alone with an laughing mountain.

- Oh that's just cold, Mielo says.

06:17:23 May 4th 07 - Lord Senturu:

oh i thought it was hot? :P

11:05:44 May 4th 07 - Ms. Erica Brahmins:

Oooooh... sexay! ^.^ It sure is nice when talented people try to entertain for free. So this is the arma syndrome for him... lol... XD

15:02:09 May 4th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

The volcano started to move more and more for every second, soon it would blow up lava, right in the faces of Mielo and Efrandor, tide up to a pole on the volcanos peak.

- This is just really bad, Mielo said.

- I want...  correction, I need my teddy, Efrandor said.

Far below they could see the lava start bubbeling and gettng closer, and even further down you could here the Erunion laugh.

- hohohoho, "this is sparta", hohohoho, fun guy, fun yes, hohoho.

Suddenly they heard a noice along the road up to the peak of the volcano, it came closer and closer.

"ploink... ploink....  ploink...   ploink...."

- wtf? Mielo and Efrandor said and looked down.

- OMG, the laaaava!!!  Efrandor screamed.

The lava was on the move, it was now close to 50 feet away from them and the warm was.....   hot.

"ploink... ploink....  ploink...   ploink...."

The sound came closer and closer.

- What is that? Mielo wondered, rather re*beep*ll considering he would beb urned in a few seconds..

Then the "ploink" got a face, it was shining and made of some metal.

- Hey look Mielo, it's our Douglas-robot friend!

- Oh yea!!  Hi Douglas!

- My name is Senturu, the robot said as he jumped up to the peak on one leg and tripped on a silly rock.

- silly silly silly silly silly silly, the silly rock went.

- Hey Douglas..

- Senturu.

- Aha... could you help us down here, Efrandor said.

- Yea, were in a tight spot here, a tight spot we can't enjoy.

- Alright, good one Mielo!! Efrandor says and does a high five with Mielo.

- Well... I guess I could, but I see no reason to..


That was the sound of Erunions erecti... eruption, the lava took the whole peak with it throwing Mielo, Efrandor and the robot up in the sky, they went higher, higher, higher and higher until...

- Hey Effie, we are in space again!

- Cool!

- You can't breath in space you know.. Senturu reminded them so kindly.

- Sheit! They answered.

18:20:26 May 4th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Insert random chatspeak for laughing here* 'Tis Hilarious my friends. Sorry bout the laughing at such a lame joke, but comeon, I'm the only mountain in a jungle full of insane amazons, it gets kinda boring....

22:15:45 May 4th 07 - Mr. Dos:

Is that the end? If they can't breathe any more...

23:11:48 May 4th 07 - Lord Senturu:

no. that cant be. it cant end like this

00:19:40 May 5th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

They'll probably find some beer with an overdose of oxygen in it floating in space...

00:21:57 May 5th 07 - Ms. Erica Brahmins:

Hes rushing the ending its already sunday tomorrow. ~.~

02:27:13 May 5th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

As they floated around in space, feeling the seconds tick away they started to feel abit woooooozey.

- I'm feeling abit wooooozey, Mielo said.

- I'm to am feeling abit wooooozey, Efrandor said.

The robot didn't feel a thing since he... well... he's a robot... he don't fell al to much, he did however miss his right leg, lying somwhere beneath them amongst the amazons working as some kind of... wel... yea... you know.
The only thing Mielo and Efrandor missed, besides air to breath was the coronna beer that had gone completly missing after the adventures with the amazons, oh those hot and misleading amazons they tought.

- Oh, those hot and mislead...  You get the picture, they tought it..

They had soon been out in space for 5 seconds and alot of toughts were going through their minds, something like.

"Did I turn off the oven before I left home?"

"Did I lock the door on my way out?"

"Did I end my conversation with my mom with a bad word?"

All very serious toughts but completly worthless out there in space where they would soon die if they didn't get any air. You would probably think they would have toughts like.



"This suxxor big time!"

"This suxxor 4-ever"

The last one was however very true, it would "suxxor 4-ever" seeing as they would die, unless...   unless they would be saved, which, I as an author can tell in secret to those who read is just about to happen. In about 14 seconds.

Now, you don't hear much in space seeing as you can't talk because you hold your breath, but a gigantic pizza is something that is heard no matter if it's down on earth or in space holding it's breath, the best way to describe it's sound is not to describe it, therefore it sounded something like a drunk mushroom, just horrible, but yet, a sound.

MIelo and Efrandor looked to their right, the robot didn't look at all, he was hoping his air would falter just as the two adventurers. But Senturu *Cough* Douglas *cough* was a robot.

The seconds flew by rather quick now, they watched this gigantic pizza comming closer and closer and they heard the time floating away, they started to feel abit woooooozey again.

- I'm feeling yada yada yada again, Mielo said(which can bee seen as strange considering they wouldn't want to talk, but....   they were drunk when they were walking in the desert and it hadn't passed yet, and drunk people do stupid stuff, like talking in space insted of saving their breath.

Finally the pizza arrived, they complaied at the delivery guy because it took so long time and then got omboard, good for them they didn't have to pay for it since it was beyond the wait-longer-then 10-seconds-and -you-don't-have-to -pay-pollisy.

05:32:33 May 5th 07 - Lord Senturu:


20:07:15 May 6th 07 - Princess Arien Vaire:

Awesome Effie!!!!!

07:21:29 May 7th 07 - Duke Dork:

Once inside the pizza they could relax and start breathing again, the robot refused to breath but it was no difference to him, he refused t orelax as well, and then his left arm fell of.

A big door opened and out came four dudes, one bigger then the other three, and he spoke.

- Ok...   So...  ...Yea, my name is Insomaniak, and I wonder, who are you...?

- We are adventurers! Mielo says proud.

- Mhm, ok...  I see...  Well, I see you have a robot with you, we don't allow droids on board the ship.

- Pizza, the first one of the other dudes corrects him.

- Yea...  right...  anyway, we don't allow robots here, we must throw him overboard.

- You can't throw someone overboard in space sire, you gotta launch him out or something, the second pizza dude says.

- Aha...  yes...  Anyway, are you two ok with this..?

- Yea, sure, Mielo says.

- We don't know him anyway, Efrandor says.

- Sure, feck me off! The robot says and gets launched of out in space again with a big ion cannon.

- Sad, but OH so cool, Mielo says.

Efrandor wipes away a tear and says.

- Very cool!

Insomaniak showed Mielo and Efrandor to a little pizza hut where they could sleep, eat, and if needed, poo-poo. Insomaniak had promised Mielo and Efrandor that they would take a little trip next to earth, they would finally get back home.

- Yeay, Mieo says.

- Yeay yeay, Efrandor says.

Then they went poo-pooing.

08:26:23 May 7th 07 - Lord Senturu:

i lost an arm a leg. what next?

and OMFG. Arien. i havent seen you post in the Forums in a long ol time

15:16:19 May 7th 07 - Prince Shezmu:

whahaha brilliant...I luv Insomaniak...he's my  hero...well actually my father...but my father is my hero as well...and guess what...I am my own I'm my own hero...does this make any sense?! sure it does, cuz I'm an evul demonic maddened madman...with nice green glowing eyes...kinda eerie, but waaaay then he went like shaa'haaa...

16:54:47 May 7th 07 - Mr. Draven The Naked:

Effie a.k.a. Dork, you rock man ;)

00:07:19 May 8th 07 - Duke Dork:

Mielo and Efrandor woke up as the door to their spacecabin opened up and Insomaniak came in.

- Ok... so... good morning, he says.

Mielo and Efrandor looks at the clock, 03.30.

- Euhm, we went to bed two hours ago, Mielo says.

- Mhm, and now it's time to get up, yea,  we are getting close to this earth.

The door opens again, in comes a slightly taller man then Insomaniak, he stops next to him and puts a plastic glove in Insomaniaks pocket and whispers to him.

- I expect to see you again in 5 minutes dad.

- Mhm, yea... eeh...   ok. He asnwers and touches the plastic glove inside his pocket.

Mielo and Efrandor looks at one another.

- Euhm, nice, can we go now..? Efrandor asks.

- Eeeh, yea, sure... or... Shezmu.. what do you say?

- You are the commander dad.

- Oh yea, that's true... well eeh, no, sta-

- Yes, you can go, we need the room alone for some time, Shezmu says and drags mielo and Efrandor out, as the door closes the adventurers can see Insomaniak do signs calling for help and trying to sound like a puppy, then the door closes and two pizza dudes comes to pick them up, Miel oand Efrandor walks in a long corridor and finally ends up in a big room with alot of capriccosa and computers.

- This is our headquarters, one of the dudes says.

- It's called HQ in space, the other dude says.

- Ok, Mielo and EFrandor says, but how far away are we from earth?

- Oh, about...   2 seconds...  Ok, we are there,  the second dude says.

- You say, "arrive" in space, the first dude says.

Mielo and Efrandor rushed to the window to look at their home planet, and indeed, it looked just like it, they could see Africa, America, Russia, the great wall and USA's garbage tip.

- Woow, I tought that was just a hoax, Mielo says.

- Look, there's my house, Efrandor says.

- Kewl, Mielo answers.

They turn around to the pizza dudes, noticing Insomaniak has returned alone.

- Hello, can we go to earth now? Mielo asks

- Well, euhm, I guess... yea, sure do..  insomaniak says as he tries to walk to the closest chair, he sits, realises it hurts and gets up again.

- Well... can we land then? Efrandor says.

- Yea sure...  Dudes, land this pizza on a plain somewhere...

The pizza moved with tremendous speed, in a matter of seconds it had passed the clouds and Mielo and Efrandor could see the land comming closer and closer... closer and closer.... closer and closer.

- Aren't we going abit fast, Mielo says abit scared.

- Euhm... We might, I havne't reallly thought abo-


The pizza "lands" and everything inside it becomes something of a warzone, everything is just messed up.
From the wreckage of the once so good looking pizza spaceship comes to figures crawling out, they get up and stops, they look at the crashed pizza, takes a big piece of cheese, eats it, and starts walking towards Madison Square Garden, they don't give a feck about the crowds and journalists gathering around them and the pizza, they have a plan, and it has to be done quickly, once inside they go to the nearest bar.

- Hello, the bartender says strangely looking at their harmed bodies.

- Hey, we would like to have...   170 beers with three coconuts and some honey please, Efrandor says.

- ...   ....  Ok, coming up... What have you guys been through anyway? The bartender asks.

Mielo ignores his question, he just wanna know one thing.

- You take Visa?

The End

Dear friends, you have been reading "Adventures Of Mielo And Effie", thanks for the posts and nice comments, hope you have enjoyed it. If you would like it I got a little something cooking about this, let me know if you would want to see it.
Once again, thanks.

00:27:04 May 8th 07 - Lord Senturu:

Eff. err dork. this is some good stuff

00:35:21 May 8th 07 - Mr. Stiltskin:

Yaaaay! One of the best stuff Ive seen in the forums. You should be princess by now...

00:40:43 May 8th 07 - Prince Shezmu:

<3 !!! :D

03:40:12 May 8th 07 - Sir Lithlego:

Good one, Effie. Maybe you can throw my name in on this one, or better yet, thrown in Stormcrow and Venomz: how their name got mixed up because of you and Mielo (and maybe Senturu can come back in at this point?).

05:13:09 May 8th 07 - Princess Nefarion:

*raises glass in toast

Good job!

02:29:39 May 9th 07 - Lord Senturu:

thats right Lithlego. i agree :P

06:30:18 May 9th 07 - Duke Dork:

                           Season 2
The backside of fame.


- What should we do today Efrandor... Shall we get drunk or high, or what should we do?

-  What do we got..?

- Nothing..

- Damn...  Have we got any money..?

- No...

- Damn...   Then what?

Mielo and Efrandor was lying in there beds, alot of things had happend since they got back from their travels two days ago, but what's important to say is that after the pizza crashed media was all over the place, Mielo and Efrandor got superstars over a minute. however, it went the other way just as quick when they had no beers left and started to harrass the president, he got mad and asked for ID, it turned out Mielo and Efrandor aint from U.S.A at all and got kicked out.

Now they have travelled to England by foot(!) and lives in some abandoned apartment somewhere in London, their fame is gone with the wind.
As soon as the american scientists found a living pizza dude, Mielo and Efrandor where of no value.
They now spend their time inside to avoid getting kicked out of the country, and hopefully they are drunk and/or high 24/7 if they are lucky.

- But there's gotta be something here we can take, Efrandor says.

- We got a rubber sole...  Mielo answers.

- Can you smoke it...?

- I guess....  But we haven't got a lighter..

- I got matches, just pass the sole.

Mielo gives Efrandor the sole which rolls it up and puts some real grass inside, just for the feeling.

- Just for the feeling, Efrandor says.

He then lights up...  He lights it up again...   And again....  Mielo falls asleep...  He lights it again....  And again... Efrandor falls asleep...  A fire is started.

The both crackwhores wakes up as the flames gets higher and higher.

- Efrandor, we gotta go!

- Mielo, I believe you!

They ran out of the "ruin" they call home and just as they ar eout the whole thing collapses.

- Cool, said Mielo.

- Cool, said Efrandor.

They started walking towards town.

- So what should we do now, Mielo?

- I don't know, Efrandor...   We will need another rubber sole and somewhere to live tough...

- Yea..  But... I doubt we can live there anylonger, Efrandor says and points on a large pile of rocks.

- No, you are probably right, Efrandor...  I guess we will just have to find a new spot, where do you suggest we go..?

- Well, I have always wanted to see Tortuga.

08:21:18 May 9th 07 - Lord Senturu:

hehehehe. a ruber sole. :p

09:00:23 May 9th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

  what happened to the "three kingdoms" rpg it wont let me post anymore?

20:34:56 May 9th 07 - Mr. Knight The Round Table:

Feel free to use my name, i won't copyright it :)

20:55:34 May 9th 07 - Duke Dork:

- Wooow, it's beautifual here, the sun is shining, the palms are great, it even got food on them, this is just great! Don't you think so Mielo!?

Efrandor looks with a smile on Mielo, however, Mielo doens't share the same smile.

- It's nice that you are trying to think positive Efrandor, but london in the middle of december wearing nothing but socks aint that beautiful!

Efrandor understands, Mielo is abit upset, it's best to be quiet for some time so he can calm down.

1 second passes...

2 seconds passes...

2.5 seconds passes...

- How about a icecream Mielo?

- Shut up, shut up, shut up!

- No you shut up!  You are not supposed to have your period for another two weeks, what is up with you man!?

Mielo stops and sits down on a bench, his feets are hurting and he's looking kinda blue.

- You are looking kinda blue Mielo, Efrandor says.

- I'm naked, so are you..

- Naked or blue..?

- Both you stupid baby!

- Woooow, what's up with the hostilites man!?

- I just....   We had it all man, for a couple of hours we had it all! Fame, money, chicks, chickens, food and beer, even the president came to see us!
Then that stupid incest-pizza guy came and took it all over! Stupid Insomaniak!

- There there Mielo, maybe in space it's hot with incest.

- You think?

- For sure!

- Oh Efrandor, you are a good buddy!

Mielo stands up and they both starts running towards the shipyard.

00:47:23 May 10th 07 - Lord Senturu:


18:16:53 May 10th 07 - Duke Dork:

- Look, there's our ride to Tortuga! Efrandor said and pointed to a flat-bottomed rowing boat.

- Ey, it's nice! Mielo answered.

- It's my brother-in-law that owns it.

- Nice..

 They walked up to the boat and knocked on it, lying under some roars and gasoline was a fat man, he woke up and tried to sit up, he failed, he tried to talk instead.

- ooooi, Efrandor, hellooo! He said as he tried to sit up again, he failed... again.

- Tally Ho Dakarius, wasted ey?

- oooooi, you bet! Tried to sit...   it goes well.

- So, we need you to help us.

- With what..?  H e fails sitting.

- We need a boatride, you got the time?

- Sure... but, I have this policy, I never go into a boat along with two naked guys, at least one of you need clothes.  He stops trying to sit up and lies down instead, he fails.

- Mielo, you feel like going naked, he only got one pair of jeans..?

- It's cool, Mielo answers.

- Cool, Efrandor answers.

Efrandor puts on the jeans and the three junkies leaves the harbor.

- This is great! Mielo says as they have been going for a while.

Dakarius suddenly turns right.

- No no, what are you doing? Mielo asks.

- Well, Manchester is that way, Dakarius answers.

- We are not going to Manchester.

- Oh, ok, well, where are you heading, I only got until tonight..

- Tortuga.

- Oh, nice, heard it's lovely this time of the year, ok, left it is!

Silent again, they leave England behind them when Dakarius suddenly stops using the roars and looks at Mielo And Efrandor.

- Woot!?  Tortu*beep*ou feckers!  Are you stupid!  It's.... it's...   it's waaaay over there dammit! Dakarius screams out and points in the direction of Tortuga, he fails pointing.

Mielo quikly brings up some sleeping pills and jumps on Dakarius, Efrandor holds his arms and legs and mielo opens his mouth putting the pills inside forcing him to swallow. The three of them sits silently and looks at eachother, after some time Dakarius tries to sleep, he succeeds, Mielo takes the roars and starts heading for Tortuga again.

- hehe, guess who else then Dakarius swallows..? Efrandor says.

- Who? Mielo asks.

- That stupid president, hemmer.

- ooh yea, hehehe...   hey, we got any booze?

- We can smoke Dakarius coat..?

- Cool.

- Cool indeed.

00:57:01 May 12th 07 - Lord Senturu:

hey. i rean for president of VU and i won. (cuz Fizzy cheated :D)

13:58:30 May 12th 07 - Duke Dork:

Then I know where to place you now.. ^^

22:06:47 May 12th 07 - Lord Senturu:

heheheheh :D

20:41:02 May 15th 07 - Duke Dork:

The rowing boat stopped, inside it two men is sleeping, one naked and one... almost not dressed, they had been out on sea for several weeks, they had left London in a total of three persons, unfortunetly one of them died out of cold as the other two had smoked up his coat. He fell over board and the other two fell asleep, they was to high from coat filth to notice he had left them.

Now, they started to wake up, they left the boat and stood for a while on the sand, they stepped ten feet forward and stopped again, they stood in water once more, they went back five feets, went left, stopped, it was water again, they turned around and waled another ten feet and stopped, there was the water again.

- Damn..

- Damn..

They hadn't arrived at Tortuga, they were on a tiny tiny tiny island with no trees and a hot sun some lightyears away, which by the way was trying to figure out the meaning of cheese, but that didn't Mielo and Efrandor know, and they didn't really care.

- Oooh, the sun is so hot, Mielo said.

- I wonder if the sun has any feelings, Efrandor said to himself.

- Of course not, it's just a... a big bowl of lava.

- But what if-

- No.

- But if-

- Nope.

- I'm just saying th-

- No.

- Now you're being stiff.

Silence spread around them, they realised they were in fact alone.

- I miss mom, Mielo said.

- I miss your mom to, Efrandor said.

Mielo punched Efrandor, Efrandor believed it hurt, but he wans't sure.

- Ouch, I think, he said after some time of thinking.

The only thing disturbing the silce was the pirateship closing in on their left side and then the cannons shooting at them, they fell in coma.

As they woke up they were surrounded by wooden legs and hooks.

- Yuu! Mielo said.

- Welcome aboard the "Fecked Up Boatsman", I'm your leader!

Mielo and Efrandor looked on a fellow with one wooden leg, one plate leg a plate belly, a wooden arm and a plate arm and as a fini*beep* had a plate head and a plastic pigeon on his left plate shoulder.

- wtf!? What are you doing here Douglas!? Mielo said.

Douglas did a gesture to two of the pirates and they kicked Mielo on his knees, that did hurt.

- My name is Senturu, and I'm your president.

- Captain, Efrandor corrected him, getting two kicks shortly after, sure sure, president!

- Well anyway, you two are just about to be executed, so, get up and follow us up to the bridge please, Senturu said.

- Wowowowo, hang on now, we need some asnwers, Mielo said, how the hell are you suddenly a pirate cap*kick*president!?

- Perhaps you remember the pizza and ion cannon!! I accidently landed here on earth, a dreadful place but easy targets to manipulate, can't tell you how glad I am to see you guys here. But come on, no more time for chitty-chatty, time to die, chop chop!

The former adventurers started walking up the stairs, this was going to be the end, they knew it. Once up on deck they saw several pirates drinking and shouting for the comming death of their leaders revenge.

- Yihaaa, they shouted.

- Siiiiiiilence! The robot said, now, walk towards the railing of the ship, you guys are gonna jump inside those lovely shark mouths, yeay yeay.

- Yeay yeay, Efrandor continues.

The two of them stepped up and looked down on the water, they saw several sharks swimming beneath them, waiting to taste some drugwhore-meat.

- Loooovely, the sharks probably tought.

There was no point in waiting, the end would come no matter what they did, Mielo and Efrandor looked at eachother, the water and the sharks and then at the pirates, they showed the finger to them all and then jumped down form the ship. The pirates stood still, no one had ever showed the finger to them before, they felt naked, abused, cold and lonely, after some time when they started to feel happy and merry again they went to the spot from which they had jumped and looked down.

As they looked they saw...

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