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Detailed Fights
17:10:40 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

General Anubis, reporting from the field:
    My army had it's first taste of combat today. We engaged the enemy at the city of Madzio Kolonija. They had no trained troops, yet the orcish peasants were more than willing to defend their pathetic city with their lives. I however took all strategic precautions and instead of rushing in, had engineers build trebuchets and began to launch greek fire over the walls. Two times peasants came out to attempt to scout my army, and once some children playing war came to scout it as well. All of them were caught however and were also launched over the wall as a warning that such conduct was not only foolish but also not permitted. This action also served to further demoralize the defenders. Furthermore, I had my herald approach the city five times a day promising peace and prosperity to all who surrendered and the most nightmarish torture to those *beep*sisted. Three days into the battle, a small force attacked a picket line that I had set up on my right flank. Apparently they were peasants from the surrounding villages. My scout net however had spotted them preparing while they were still in their villages so I had reinforced that line and the peasants were all captured without any losses to my men. In retaliation I rounded up all of the men, women, and children from the villages to the east side (the side corresponding to my right flank). The older women and the children I put to work in my camp while I took the young women (women should never be in a military camp) and the men to an open area in plain site of the city, pulled their orcish flesh from their skin, then let them bake in the sun. My mages kept them alive so as to prolong their torturous agony. After they had finally died I fed their flesh to the wild beast (taboo for orcs) then built a tower from their bones which are remarkably tough. Upon the tower I built a catapult and used it to make sure no one in the city could cross the main square. After this display many orcs came to me swearing their undying loyalty. This I accepted most graciously and treat them as my own people. They responded well to this treatment, and now some of my most courageous and loyal troops are those orcs. The orcs that had stayed in the city; however, were by now completely frightened, and severely undermanned. I had been careful to not attack the strong points of the city nor one of the weak points. As a result all of these points were now unwatched practically. I therefor launched an assualt on the one weak point that I had not attacked up to now, while at the same time feinting an attack at the wall I had been bombarding. This tactic worked wonderfully. The true attackers came through the wall (dwarfs just don't get the concept of going over) without meeting any resistance and when the orcish defenders heard the screeches from that part of the city (it happened to be where the *beep* houses are) they immeadiately threw down their weapons and surrendered "en masse" and even began attacking each other. After my victory, I forced the survivors to build a small enclosed area using the bodies of those who had died in the short battle. After this had been done I secured all of the survivors in that area, told them that they should have surrendered before I attacked, set a watch over them, and left them there. As you know, orcs are the closest to mindless primates of all races except perhaps trolls. After only a day being penned without food or water, they began to slay each other and feast on the flesh and blood of their former fellow citizens. Two days later they were all dead except one who was the strongest and had now developed a taste for orcish flesh. I put him under intense torture for a day to ensure that he would remain an animal rather than regain his semi-rational intellect, then had him transported in a cage to a place near other orcish cities that have not yet fallen, and had him released there. Last that I heard he still haunts those cities preying on any orc he can. He even killed a prince and his retinue. The word of what I have done here will spread, both of my generosity to those who surrendered and my harshness to those *beep*sisted, and now other orcish cities will be easier to capture. I will now be leading the army south to the ally city of defend, and from there will launch an attack on our more cultured yet soft southern enemies. The trip will be slow though, with only half-a-day marches, because I will be performing training simutainiously. I was severely displeased with the team performance of my army. When they attacked it was as individuals, the way a mob fights, rather than as one person, the way an army should fight. By the time I reach the southern front however, this should be a thing of history, for I have many ideas of how to fix this.
Submitted and signed by:
General Anubis

17:12:11 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

General Anubis, reporting from the field:
   Our long march south has been further slowed by an incident which occured the other day.  During a break in the intensive team training which I now submit the men to each day, they wandered over to the tree line to sit in the shade and cool off.  Seeing berries they immeadiately began consuming all that they could find.  Overseeing the training session, I did not notice this development till it was much too late.  Upon observing there actions however, I immeadiately sent two messengers running; one to command the troops to cease their current actions (consuming the berries), and one to order all mages to come running.  After the mages had arrived they began putting spells on the berry consumers to reverse the work of the poison.  I would thank the gods that this kept them from death, but being the son of one myself, I know they had nothing to do with that.  The men did however become seriously ill and our march had to be halted for several days.  Normally a commander would have chafed at the delay, yet I saw this as an opportunity to finish the team training I had in mind, thus allowing the army to march faster and further each day.  Furthermore, I had been intending to use the gold gained from the plunder of orcish cities to buy abridged pamphlet versions of that wonderful book "The Art of War", yet since it would seem the dwarfs in my army are not accustomed to any earth save that which is below common turf, and the elves that joined me are accustomed only to lofty cities where even the dirt is magical, I decided it would be wiser to invest the gold into buying "A Halfling's Nature Survival Guide" and issuing copies to every soldier.  And I must say that I am glad to have encountered this problem now rather than when it would prove the destruction of my army, or the target my army was suppose to defend.

Submitted and signed by:

General Anubis

15:25:44 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Salaracen Frostspurn:

That, was probably a VERY detailed fight/s, sadly I could not bring myself to read a word of it due to the lack of paragraphing.

Next time, Paragraph my friend.

17:00:32 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


*runs towards sal


*gets blasted out of existence due to off-topic-ness

18:19:19 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Hmmm.  Thanks for the advice.  I will take that into account next time around.

19:11:00 Nov 24th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

It was not so much a detailed fight as it was a letter explaining combat tactics and brutal treatment of enemy orc peasants.  It was detailed in the sense that he wrote about the punishments and tortures of those peasants.  It was not detailed in the sense of 1v1 combat.

19:20:28 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Micheal:


01:06:39 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

It wasn't suppose to be 1v1 combat.  It was a battle report.  And if you have studied strategy, you should know that such tactics are effective, as opposed to the "kids gloves" containment policies that America uses today.

01:24:10 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

I never said they were not effective.  I was just stating it wasn't 1v1 combat like I thought the title implied.

03:53:45 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Evan:

wow a low blow to america when it wasn't even brought up :P

04:02:40 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

Ok.  And it wasn't a low blow to America.&nb*beep*erica is trying to do the right thing, trying to do the proper thing.  It just that when one tries to make war pretty or easy on the conscience, or politically correct then they make their methods ineffective.  Take Vietnam or Korea for example.&nb*beep*erica was trying to be correct and fair, and thus limited their strength.  No bombing across the border for example.  And because of that, even though they won those wars they lost a lot more people then necessary and the wars lasted much to long.  General Sherman's methods were effective however, and that is the way wars should be fought. 

04:06:28 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

What defines a war as good? I don't really think there is such a I guess there are only levels of "bad"  *shrug*

04:07:51 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Evan:

yeah true, lol idk about skinning orcs and letting them bake but your right. War's NOT something pretty. I like it better that way :)

04:12:46 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Let's just have friendly flame fights ;) 

04:14:09 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Morning:

IDK- I think war is pretty... The world could use a few less people... even if it does mean me too :)

04:48:22 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Evan:

oh i like war :) its just ugly lol

04:54:47 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

If it weren't ugly, then know one would lose.  The side that loses isn't the one with fewer resources, or the one with a smaller army, it's the one that just can't stand it anymore.  The death, the destruction, the pain, the loss and etc.  So if one can show to the enemy that if they engage in war it will be utterly gruesome and wearying, but if they surrender then it will be easy for them, the enemy is much more likely to quit fighting (surrender). 

15:01:49 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

Don't want to seem hypothetical Anubis, you could add on to that though,

If it weren't ugly, then know one would lose. The side that loses isn't the one with fewer resources, or the one with a smaller army, it's the one that just can't stand it anymore.

Well if that's what's right, then what happened to the Romans, the Greeks, Napoleon etc...

16:50:54 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

The Roman empire never fell technically.  Barbarians kept raiding Rome and it lost land and then just disappeared.  The Greeks were of course beaten by their own inability to unite.  But in the end they surrendered because they could not stand to see themselves slaughtered, their crops burned, and so on.  Same with Napoleon.  The French people could simply no longer stand war, so when he lost Waterloo, they gave up.  And I could go on.  And look at the Comanches, even though they were just a tribe of indians, and had nearly no resources, they continued fighting the U.S. for years and years.  It wasn't till Geronimo was captured that they lost their will to fight and thus the war.

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