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Forums / Roleplaying / Elemental Champion:Spike Arena

Elemental Champion:Spike Arena
02:57:37 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

It has been a long year since the last Elemental Championship, but the Championship Arena Complex did not show signs of age, but rather on the contrary - it grew, and along with it, just a hill and a spring with a weary wooden bridge over it away, grew the more of a city...of Bren. The vicinity of the Arena has done it much good - apart from the great crowds -- and thusly business -- it brought it during the Championship itself, just the presence of such a building carried the township's name far over the lands. There came adventurers of many sorts, and the burgeoning four inns of Bren were never short of business, there came priests of the Elemental Lords, building shrines and churches and granting it divine protection not from one, but from all the Lords, and there came many, many artisans to maintain the three offshoot Arenas around the old one, and craft yet a fourth offshoot that hung high in the sky above the lot.

The would-be combatants, either just arriving, or having taken a night's rest either at an inn or at the small camp of tents at the base of the Arena hill, would get to see the artisans' handiwork soon enough, right after the priests and mages within them finish their last checks on the protective barriers and image transportation enchantments for the gathered crowds.


The Spike Arena was rightfully so called, and one of the magicians now leaving it chuckled softly on how the protective spells were best cast upon to combatants rather than the crowd, at least to assure the former would live long enough to provide a spectacle for the latter.

The huge metal gate a - a trademark of the Arena Complex, no doubt - now open, the contenders could now peer through and see what sort of obstacles lied in wait for them within.

Of the three Arenas, the Spike one was the most gruesome to behold, with an interior, both floor and slightly tilted spike-covered walls made completely out of a cold blue metal, one which, as they've been instructed before, was non-breakable by either magic or force. There were miniature channels at where the floor connected to the spikey walls, with even smaller holes along them, leading to who knows where - a moment's thought would reveal that this was indeed a sewage system for nothing else but blood!

The plentiful spikes which lent the Arena its name were all made of the same metal, and each at five feets length, attached firmly to the walls they stood perpendicular to - thusly being at an upwards angle to the ground itself. The only four spikes not at the walls lied still at the bottom of a very large - yet again, metal - pillar, to it's top they were attached by a lengthy chain. There was an inscription on the pillar, which would reveal to anyone who bothered to circle it and read it all, would reveal that there was a featherweight enchantment on all the four spikes, which would make them weigh but a tenth of what they would normally, making them a very much usable, if a tad unwieldy, weapon. But there was more! If the spike's surface was to come in contact with bone of any sort, it's reduced weight effect would either be reversed, making the spike ten times as heavy instead of ten times as light, or would be turned into a levitation enchantment, which would then make ten times the spike's weight fly straight up into the sky at an instant. There was no way to know exactly what would happen, and there was even less to know for those who never did bother to read the warning - but for both of these, the massacre that was the Elemental Championship was about to begin.

The sun hovered above the metal pillar, making it look as some sort of an odd... altar? pedestal?


Worse abattoir?

1.Jonny Bacardi

...all would hope that it would not be theirs, but people -- people were known to make mistakes.

03:14:28 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

As Jonny stares inside the arena he might soon be calling home, he stared at his fellow competitors. "Which of us will die first? Who will hear get to hear the roar of the crowd agian, ad escape this metal deathtrap?"

03:48:25 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

"Death trap?" Dakarius inquires softly. "That is an apt description for this place for any but myself. For me, it is but a glorious battle ground upon which I can prove the superiority of my race!"

04:31:04 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Atreides:

" specialty" I said as a grin came to my face.

07:03:51 Oct 22nd 07 - Duke Salamon:

*walks into the Arena Complex and stares at the area in which he will be fightining in.*

"Hm.....its always nice to have the thought of something poking your butt if you even try to take a seat on the ground...." Salamon sighed...."no respect of the old people whose wary bones cant stand as much as they used too....o well guess itll be just you and me Ruzaki."

08:33:17 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc strutts into the area.*

"Of all the places"*sighs*"O well I can't see a path? surely you don't expect use to navigate the spikes!?"


12:33:10 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

"Glad to see you guys are all excited. I'm rather pissed. I hate things poking my butt."

17:50:45 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

"I must agree Jonny, well lets get this started shall we."

*Seloc run up to the spikes and starts clambering through them to get to the pillar.*

00:32:19 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

*walks into the arena, an gets to one side.*

"Thats right boyz, climb that pillar, I'll cheer you on from back here!"

"all the way back here"

00:52:42 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Suddenly a a man stepped through the gate  he was a tall man . He was dressed in all 8 Elemental Colors, obviously one of the referees of the tournament.

 He spoke in suprisingly froglike voice " All of you are the best of your respective element, you have come here because the gods have chosen you for your ability to fight and win."

He stared imperiously down at each of them. Finally he continued " Many millineums ago the gods chose this to be the way that they would decide who gained power from year to year. So remember this is not only a battle of glory but also a powerstruggle of the gods"

He paused again before finally continuing " This is a Battle Royale everything and anything goes. Finally this gate will teleport you to the next stadium where you shall battle there. It shall only open when  there is only 4 standing. Now then keep the fans happy"

At this you finally notice the thousands of fans.

With these final words the man turned around and walked out but not before sealing the area.

Lord Seloc: You quickly begin to run but get into a problem when you realize there's a wall of spikes around the tower.

Everyone Else: While talking to each other is interesting it doesn't do much to interest the crowds that are watching.

01:56:20 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

*Seeing Seloc being taken aback, Dakarius uses this opportunity to strike.*
*Before anyone had a chance to move anymore Dakarius was behind Seloc, drawing a knife across his throat...*

03:24:02 Oct 23rd 07 - Duke Salamon:

*Salamon steps near the door and waits for the others to join in so the games can begin*

*Salamon then takes a seat on the floor and begins to conjure up electric forces around him and absorbs it into his blade, Ruzaki*

08:34:38 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc ducks through Dakarius' arms and rams his shoulders into his chest, knocking him back, Seloc then drew his sword and leapt away from the action.*

"Now, Now, Dakarius thats hardly what I call sporting."

12:06:22 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

Jonny silently moves around the main battle, and pulls out hos own Sword of Lothon. He can feel the energy of the god, and knows that he is destined to be victorious. He slowly resheates the blade, and starts the weave a aura of electricity around himself, more of crowd pleaser for looking at then anything else, but it repelled some melee too.

13:29:56 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Dakarius quickly recovers and bounds away to a place where he can focus. upon reaching a spot he begins to conjur a deep fog that will obscure all but his (and the crowds) vision.

17:03:03 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc opens up a small void, that sucks in the fog around him. Alowing him and anyone near him perfect sight.*

"You'll have to do better than that!"

19:25:38 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Xiax:

(OOC: If it sucked out the fog Seloc, wouldn't it have sucked your air out as well?)

19:29:41 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

(OOC: Shhh I was hoping no one would notice.)

*Seloc ran for it once the ball had formed, dodging wildy, excepting an attack at any second. With his sword out in front of him to feel for spikes.*

19:53:07 Oct 23rd 07 - Duke Salamon:

*Salamon awakens from his meditation and absorbtion for his blade and stands up. Ruzaki now flows with a current of eletric spirit energy, ready to be unleashed at any moment.*

*Salamon looks up to see that Seloc, Dakarius were going at it and then sees Jonny doing some funny dance that Salamon found halarious.*

*Salamon then got into focus and concentrated his aim at Jonny.*

*"FORCED LIGHTNING WAVE!" Salamon cried out and moved Ruzaki in a slashing motion in Jonny's direction.*

A stream of electric waves came rushing toward Jonny at an extremely high speed.

*Salamon muttured "try to dodge this one.......heh....youll never know how it hit you."

*Salamon now changed position of Ruzaki so the blade part was pointing toward Jonny.*

23:43:17 Oct 23rd 07 - Sir Scientist:

*A robed character walks into the arena carrying a long old looking white staff. As he enters he watches in amazement at all the people battling it out for victory.
Dodging past peoples attacks he hobbles along to the centre of the arena. Once there he stands up and looks up into the sky at the sun beating down on the arena. Suddenly his arms spring out sidewards and his neck bends right back. The hood falls back and the robe flies off into the distance and Scientist is revealed with his staff glowing brightly powered by the intense rays from the sun. His eyes slowly scan the arena until they rest upon Salamon in the distance.*

00:03:54 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: Scientist, you're in the wrong Arena. You were added to Sky Arena...}

00:08:37 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

*I quickly look around the eyes fall on Scientist, standing in the center of the arena with light emanating from  him.*

"What's he thinking," I mutter. "Doesn't he realize what an obvious target he is...ah well, he deserves what's coming to him."

*Before he realizes, I stand behind him and even the great light of his staff cannot reach his eyes through the hex I placed upon him. At my touch, pain rips through Scientist's body, and he realizes that I am using his own energy too hurt him.*

00:31:42 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

(OOC: lol...the fact that Erunion posted that while I was slowly typing a reply makes me seem dumber o.O)

00:34:01 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

OOC: I switched his placement because the sky arena is best with the least amount of people.

00:48:38 Oct 24th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Suddenly feeling a burning pain from inside himself Scientist realises that Atreides has cast a hex on him. Scientist tries to free himself from the pain and torment that the intense light energy is causing him from the inside. Suddenly realising that he must now focus his attention to his attacker as he has a plan to strike Scientist turns to face Atriedes*

" isn't....n....n.....nice to hex someone.........j....j...just because you f......f....fear them!"

*With that Scientist bends forward and take a deep breath, suddenly he pushes his arms and hands forward aiming them directly at Atreides body. A wave of immense heat and pressure flow out of Scientists body, the hex that Atreides had cast caused Scientist to turn into a supernove inside and the sheer power of this was now heading right for Atreides at the speed of light*

01:09:04 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

Jonny feels and hears the electricity before he really sees it. Despite Salamon being a perfectly good user of this deadly force, Jonny too, is in his element. Ducking and leaning back to avoid getting hit by the gold colored light, he falls to the ground, his shoulder a little singed, barely missing one of the spikes, but falling agianst it.

Jonny scrambles back into a fighting stance, and sees Salamon advancing towards him.

"Do we really want to fight each other. We are of the same element, a common bond between us. We have the skills, together, we can destory this arena, and challenge the gods."

[OOC:Salamon, you do realize that you stated that you pointed your sword at me twice, did you do that on purpose, or are you going to attack some one else?]

01:21:16 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

[OOC: Notes on the fog: visibility is limited to 5ft. beyond that all you see is a thick haze and possibly some vauge shadows Careful not to accidentaly bump into the spiked wall :)]

Dakarius feels through the fog noticing details that would not appear just looking at them.

[OOC: Sig, this is your cue to supply any useful stage info]

02:09:44 Oct 24th 07 - Duke Salamon:

Salamon smiles as he knew that Jonny was of the Lightning element and that he would be over-confident in blocking Salamon's first phase of Forced Lightning Wave, and wouldn't even notice the second phase of the attack.

Salamon had pointed Ruzaki, not toward Jonny, but toward the spikes behind him after his attack. Ruzaki allowed him to control a slight movement of the waves even if they missed its target. The waves now bounce off the spikes and headed straight for Jonny's backside at an even higher speed then before.

*Salamon grins again....and mutters "Im always 2 steps ahead....."

*Salamon then starts to conjure up three spheres of electric currents in the size of baseball, but shaped as if they had electric spikes around them*

(OOC: I wasn't advancing toward you....merely pointing my sword...and now you know why ;) . )

02:22:17 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

As Jonny jumps from getting hit with the electic bolt right in his buttocks, he feels realived that he had not gotten rid of his shield, which obsorbed most of the blow.

"I guess that mean we're not friends eh?"

Jonny grabs pieces of lightning out of his shield (the aura thing) and starts lobbing them at Salamon, forcing him to start concentrating on with was going on around him.

Jonny took this time to make his away around the spikes, and toward the giant pillar in the middle, where the funky robed dude and the assassin boy where fighting


02:40:04 Oct 24th 07 - Duke Salamon:

Salamon uses two of his spiked electrical spheres in a rotating motion with ferocious speed to stop the lightning pieces from hitting them.

He then sends the third straight toward Jonny's position, ready to draw blunt damage from Jonny's torso.

Salamon then starts to conjure up hundreds of tiny little electric bead around him.

02:52:27 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

*Scientist catches me by surprise, but I refuse to go down that easily. Using ancient, forbidden magic, I summon power from death itself, sacrificing half my health to reflect the spell, at half power, back at Scientist. His magical energies, running low after my hex and the exertion of that spell, are tapped once again by another of my hexes that slowly drains his energy and heals me....Scientist watches nearly helplessly as his own spell, though much weakened, comes back at him.*

"Perhaps you are not as unprepared as I thought....still, the forces of darkness will overcome your light."

03:17:28 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Guderian:

{OOC} Sorry my mistake

03:23:06 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: I thought that Sigheart was updating all the arena's the same way. Looks like you guys are fighting it out amongst yourselves...}

03:50:23 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

OOC: I'll probablly update it the same way but they seem to be having to much fun. This was the kind of thing I was talking about.

05:08:01 Oct 24th 07 - Duke Salamon:


08:47:44 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc appears behind atreides swinging his sword in a downwards movement, Atreides dodged to the right at the last minute. A black C shaped light emittes from Seloc's blade, as it had missed Atrides it was now traveling in a strait line towards Scientist, following the same path as Atreides deflected spell but at a much faster speed.*

[As i'm mostly attack is suggest you dodge rather than block....]
[OOC: Yeh spike arena rules.]

12:14:03 Oct 24th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Scientist realises that he now has trouble coming his way and decides to up the ante. Since Atreides and Seloc are both now within striking distance he has a chance to hit with a most devastating move, but must act with the most accurate precision and timing in order for his gamble to pay off.*

"One, Two, Three, Four......."

*As he continues to count he stands there completely still watching the black light which is still hurtling straight for his head. When he finally gets to ten and the black light is near enough on top of him Scientist lifts a fist and slams it into the ground, sending him down to his knees. Suddenly a ball of what can only be described a an immense display of heat and light surrounds him, the black light cutting straight through and out the other side. Everyone in the arena can feel the heat and are blinded by the light for a momentary second until their eyes adjust to its brightness. Then the ball begins to shift and grow with Seloc and Atreides still in its blast radius and no time to get out of its way......*

12:28:24 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

As Jonny is blinded, he stumbles over a spike, flys side ways, accidently dodgeing Salamons spikey ball, which hits the spike that he tripped over, and goes hurtling straight at Scientist.

Jonny watches it for a bit, then turns his attention back to Salamon. He sees all the little light dots, and gets a little uneasy. Jonny takes his sword, and after casting a quick spell on it, lifts it above is head, and swings it down, in a high arc, lining up perfectly with Salamon. As the lightning bolts leap out of the blade, Jonny also casts another shield, and heals his hurt rear end, from where Salamon hit him earlier.

14:14:44 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

As Scientist begins to rise slowly with a pleased smile, a blade emerges from his chest. Dakarius quickly dissapears back into the fog with a satisfied smile

[Note: this is not neccesarily a death blow]

17:06:06 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[OOC: Scientist your a little to powerful, My charater is designed for attack, yours isn't, you should not of been able to block it, lets alone counter it.]

*Seloc opens another void, Sucking all the heat (and air) in to it. Seloc suddenly becomes very cold, Atreides who was within reach of the void must of been feeling the chill too. Seloc dug his sword into the ground and with a mighty heave launched himself clear of the blast area, his sword ripped out the earth behind him as he accelerated.
Seloc disappeared into the fog, as a result he had no idea where he was going....Then out of the blue a vertical spike appeared, Seloc missed by a hair. Assuming the position he contiuned to hurtal throught the spikes.
Until "THUMP" he had hit a large column, an unhealthy crack souned out as his left arm was bent back at an impossible angle, due to the impact.
He had broken it, and had no way of fixing it.*


20:29:16 Oct 24th 07 - Sir Scientist:

[[OOC: Seloc, if you noticed, my character didn't block it, he ducked while letting out his light energy which had been charged due to the hex. He did not block your attack at all, hence why he was counting.......]]

*Scientist falls down onto one knee with the blade still stuck out of his chest. Due to the injury he would now have to fight on with the blade remaining where it was to ensure that the bleeding does not get too severe. He looks around and just notices Seloc diving into the fog before hearing a rather painful crack and a yell from somewhere in the fog.*

"Hiding will not stop me from finding you."

*Scientist slowly stands with his face writing in pain from the blade which stills pertrudes from his chest. He raises his right arm and lifts the staff into the air, as he does so a bright light shines out and into the fog, creating shadows and sillouettes of people and objects. Then he notices someone standing near what look like a pillar holding his arm. Realising that Seloc is now a good target Scientist runs into the fog to cut off Selocs route*

20:36:32 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[OOC: My bad then.]

*Seeing Scientist once more coming for him, Seloc looked for some place to run, spikes.....spikes.......more spikes.*


*He swivalled until he faced the column, Drove his sword in, stepped on top of it, drew his saber, stabbed it in, stepped on top of that, pulling the sword from the wall he then drove that into the wall. He contiuned this slow climbing process as fast as he could. All the while Scientist was closing up on him.*

21:23:55 Oct 24th 07 - Duke Salamon:

OOC: Jonny you cant heal yourself lol...i think thats light magic...even so..nobody should be able to heal themselves....


As the hundreds of bead surround him, Salamon mutturs something and then the beads start to connect rapidly with each other. The beads quickly make a circle around Salamon.

Salamon watches as the lightning hurling Jonny does becomes utterly useless....

"What a weak attack to use on my shield...I hope that wasnt your best shot...." Salamon yelled at Jonny.

Salamon then mutters something as if he was casting a spell and then he threw Ruzaki straight at Jonny. Ruzaki looked like a blade with a huge electrical force field around it.

*The crowd wondered why Salamon would was his energy protecting his sword with a shield.*

21:33:25 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Scientist is eagerly making his way toward Seloc when from behind he hears a whisper "I'll be needing that". With a jerk, Dakarius unsheaths his dagger from Scientist's body. Quickly dissapearing again.

[OOC: hope you don't choose to take this against me oh leader of FF :)]

21:54:04 Oct 24th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Scientist feels a sudden burst of energy as the blade is removed leaving a hole straight through him. Then all of a sudden, he feels.......different............slightly more alive...........when he looks down he notices there is sheer light being emitted from the hole in his chest. He isn't bleeding, just emitting a bright white light.*

"Hmmmm.......this is definately different....."

*Looking up he sees Seloc on top of the pillar standing on his swords.*

"Hmmmmm, now let me see here, metal plus sheer focused light energy, otherwise known as heat makes molten metal. Lets test out our science shall we."

*With this Scientist smiles and walks over to the pillar, wrapping his arms around it he begins to glow with a white light. As he steps back a print is left on the pillar, only it begins to move upwards, leaving huge immense scorch marks as it slowly slides up the pillar towards Selocs blades which are still stuck in the stone.*

"Now, how to stop this......."

*Scientist looks down at the hole in his chest, he packs it full of dirt off the ground and wraps his robe around himself tightly to seal it inside.*

"Can't be losing all of my light energy just yet"

*Looking around he spots Dakarius lurking in the fog*

"Time for a little payback I think"

*Scientist begins to sneak up behind Dakarius without him even noticing.......*

22:01:16 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

OOC: Uhmm.....well, time to go back to the part with Scientist's light/heat attack lol ;)

*As this ball of energy grows, I quickly block the light allowing me to see, if slightly less clearly than before. Using more speed than Scientist suspected I had, I leaped backwards and upwards to land, perfectly balanced, on the top of a spike. As the ball of energy grew, I slid down the back side of the spike and escaped the blast.*

"That was too close...I don't understand how he was able to create such a powerful blast after I drained so much of his magical energies...."

22:11:57 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc suddenly felt the swords melt away underneath him jumped, for a nearby chain. Pain swept through him as he held on with one hand, it wasn't enought and he began to slip. Soon he was sliding down the chain, the friction burning his hand, and with a clumsy landed Seloc landed on top of a inverted spike.
The spike toppaled with the new weight and fell on top of Seloc. To his surprise it landed on his chest and rested there, it was immensly lighter than he had though, Seloc almost laughed aloud.*

"Well considering today I'ld say this is the best thing that happened yet."

*Seloc pushed the spike of him and examined it further. Upon further examination it turned out to be a weapon with a handle and ever-thing. Wrapping it round his good arm, Seloc stood with a new weapon.*

[OOC: I concidering this spike to be like a fat lance, slightly smaller than Seloc himself, even thought its got the feather weight charm it heavy as he's only using one arm. It's also still attached by chain to the top of the pillar.]

22:54:31 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Scientist prepares a spell and then lanches it at the unsuspecting Dakarius. At that moment, Salamon turns around, confronted with the Scientist who would dare atack him.
Dakarius watches the two figures from a distance, rather amused with the situation. He turns and goes to find annother unsuspecting opponent.

[OOC: Shadows can be vauge ^.^]

22:54:45 Oct 24th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Scientist looks back and notices Atreides who is sliding down the side of a spike*

"You can do that......"

*Scientist stood there looking slightly bewildered by the spectacle*

02:00:04 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

OOC: I was thinking of the spikes as like cone-like in that you mention it, if it's like a long stick with a pointy end I couldn't really do that..actually, I guess I could. It'd be like the pole thingy at the playground! :)

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