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Forums / Roleplaying / From Earth to Heaven - Game

From Earth to Heaven - Game
00:21:07 Feb 8th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:


nanotech database 4.5 online///
Welcome.  How may I help you?///
Initializing hololog recording...///

Bzzt... Four month's after the departure from Earth, our captain detected the solar system Andierus, where our destination, Valymus, resided.  Scan's of the planet indicate a large source of water, one continent, and multiple signs of life.  We are closing in on the atmosphere of Valymus as the captain is speaking to everyone via intercom.
I am worried, however.  Severl factions, so to say, have formed up, with their plans for the planet.  Some worry, like me, that they might do something drastic.  Hopefully, ther won't be a-

RED ALERT! RED ALERT! Engines offline.  Power core destroyed.

God dammit, buckle up!

Captain just spoke, the engines are offline, we're gonna c-


New Command issued, opening video storage.///
Opening video footage.

*A screen crackles to life as you, one of the citizens of Earth, wake up.  You find yourself in the medical bay, as several people swarm to you, asking you multiple questions.  You need to find out where you are, what you are going to do on Valymus, and how.  Good luck, the game starts now...*

Name: Nathen Gregg
Class: Diplomat
Faction: The Peacekeepers
Description: Dark brown hair, cut relatively short, blue eyes, skinny build.
Short Bio:  A Senator for New York, Nathen hoped to establish himself onto a governmental seat in the new Solar System.  His interests match that of the Peacekeepers, so he joined them.

Footage of Johnathon Gregg opened.///

Wake up, Nathen.  It's a new day.  Wake up.

Nathen stirred out of his bed, waken up by the voice of someone.  He looked around, the accessories of a hostpital room all around him.  He staggered out of his cot and onto te floor, but only succeeded in falling over.  Luckily, someone outside the room heard him and came in.

"Good, you woke up!" the doctor said.  "Dr. Melinda Petrea, Ph. D... well, at least before the crash."
"W-where am I?" Nathen asked, and stumbled onto a metal chair and sat down.
"Easy there, fella," Melinda said, walking over to Nathen.  "It was one hell of a crash, but you got the worst of it.  You fell out of the restraints by the force of the collision, and hit your head hard against the metal ceiling.  It's been at least a week since you were awake.  Everyone else is already awake."
"Gahh," Nathen said, taking a deep breathe.  "Is there any food?"
Melinda grabbed a package of military-issued food and gave it to Nathen, who ravenously devoured the meager supply of food within a minutes.
"A little hungry?" Melinda said, smiling.  "I'll bring some clothes and what's left of your belongings up."

She stood up and walked away, leaving Nathen staring at the wall, thinking.

Damn, he thought. I'm lucky that 'bump' I got wasn't any worse, or else I might have had a coma, or possibly splattered brains.

Melinda walked back in, holding some clothing, a suit, and a wad of credits.

"Here you go, I'll go file some paperwork, and then you'll be on your way to the world of Valymus."

She walked out the door again, and Nathen slowly put his suit on.
I prefer these anyway, he thought.
Nathen sat onto his cot and dozed into sleep after 5 minutes.


The Senator was woken up by Melinda walking into his room with a man whom Nathen barely remembered.
"Kenneth?" Nathen muttered
"Yup," the old man replied.  "It's me, the leader of the Peacekeepers."
"So, why are you here?  Surely you have more important matters to attend to."
"Not really," Kenneth said, frowning.  "The only thing that is in action right now is building up this colony.  The crash sent dozens of fragments of our ship everywhere, which we are using right now.  I just was hoping that you might want to join the City Council.  There are many spots open, so I just thought you might like to have a job before they quickly run out."
"Sure... But not right now.  Now I want to rest."
"Very well, I don't blame you.  I think Melinda wants to have a word first."
Kenneth walked out of the room, as Melinda walked in holding a clipboard.
"Sign this and you are free to go," she said, handing the documents to Nathen.
Nathen took the pen and wrote his name, and stood up.
"Thank you, Melinda," he said, holding out his hand.  Melinda took the hand and shook it.
"If there are any other problems, this... hospital is open."
Nathen walked out the door, heading into the new world...

Money: 100 credits (Everyone starts out with this.)
Occupation: Councilor
Income: 75 credits.
Points: None.

03:04:44 Feb 9th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[OOC:  Should I just close this down now? O_O Jesus...]]

00:17:05 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

*Suddenly, the center of the Universe explodes, killing all life in the Universe.*

[[>_<  God damn you all...]]

06:34:04 Feb 14th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: Sorry, I had absolutely no idea where to start...=/]]

15:10:32 Feb 14th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[Well, now you are dead.  You can either start in hell or...  just hell for you. :-D]]

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