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Hells Fury
21:13:16 Mar 31st 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     The United States of America had dealt with many things during its time.  It had fought off its mother country twice and established its independence, it had grown greatly in size, and it had even survived a large civil war within itself.  The great country had always had strong religious roots since its founding, but this religious ferver had seemingly faded as time went on.  People began turning to more secular lifestyles and turning their back on the God they had once worshipped.  Many ignored the silent warnings that had started in the 1600s.
     Then around the year 1890, something began to happen in the country.  Small villages in remote parts of the country had been burned to the ground and only skeletons had remained.  Bandits or other kinds of heartless outlaws were blamed for the massacres.  Then as the years continued to pass, more and more incidents began cropping up.  Sightings of shadowy creatures such as werewolves, vampires, and magical beings were reported.  Most of these were ignored because throughout time, there had always been crazy people reporting such things.  Scientists had been rejecting the existance of these beings and most people believed them.  That is, until the sightings continued with increased devastation. 
     Country towns and villages grew more afraid of what was going on.  Cities continued on with their normal routines as they were unaffected by crazy superstitions.  Other countries were experiencing similar happenings, and most were reacting in similar ways.  But there were some people who saw and believed.  There were some who knew that they were being punished for their lack of faith.  They were ignored by those with authority until they had no choice but to take matters into their own hands.  Three men met and founded an organization they called "Binyozi" or "Sons of God" with the hopes of striking back against the demons and unholy beasts that brought Lucifer's darkness into the world.  Their names were Joseph O'shannessy, Matthias Greenfield and Daniel Bonaden.  These three men gathered together men over a period of 5 years.  Then in 1895, they began to strike back.


***Binyozi Headquarters - New York - September 27th***

     In a small town called Bonsfield, that was in the central countryside of the state of New York, the men gathered.  The headquarters was a wooden lodge that was away from the unbelieving eyes of the majority of America.  It had two levels to it.  The top level was where most of the members had rooms.  There were only around fifteen members, but they were pure of heart and devout.  On the lower level of the lodge was a kitchen, a large dining hall that had several long wooden tables and a great fireplace to keep the inhabitants warm.  At these tables sat all of the members except Joseph O'shannessy.  He stood in front of the fireplace and remained silent.  Then he spoke.
     "Members of the Binyozi, after today we shall openingly take up arms against the servants of the underworld.  Every unclean being we see will be cast back into hell for eternity.  Every dark creature that we encounter shall be slain in the name of God and banished to the netherworld until Judgement Day.  Before you may be your last meal.  Eat it and thank those whose hands had prepared it for you.  In God's name...Amen," said Joseph.  He bowed his head in silence for a moment before taking his seat at the head of one of the tables.  Everyone ate silently and then they headed to the stables.  Each person had a horse and they then headed towards the nearby village of Chamberston, where the hunt would begin.

[[You can introduce your character, reiterate events that I have written about, and you can add some background info if you want.  Basically checking to see who is active and then the RP will 'officially' begin.  In Chamberston we will be hunting 1-2 things.  I will keep that to myself until tomorrow or so.]]

22:08:29 Mar 31st 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Marcel Charles sat in the food hall with the others. It was part of the ritual, and he was a member of this little band now. He had spent two months getting accepted into their ranks, pretty tough when he was naturally unlikable and inspired distrustful attitudes. He supposed it was his greater station, and possibly his hair. He did note that nobody particularly liked sitting next to him.
He ate his food quickly. One might have remarked that he ate it as if someone were going to take it as soon as he paused for breath, but not within earshot. Opposite him, a muscular man with a huge beard was eating. Next to him, a man with short cut black hair. Few enough members the group had that Marcel could recognize all their faces. He still knew hardly any names.

After the meal, Marcel went out to the stables with the rest of the Binyozi. He quickly learned that he had received a short gelding for his mount, a calm animal named Strider. Strange, it hardly suited the short beast. It would suffice, though. Marcel mounted and awaited the command.

22:35:07 Mar 31st 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Horatio Alexander ate ravenously. In his eyes, he was a soldier going on a campaign once again. Soldiers get their food when they can, for you never know when you'll next eat. He had suited up for combat, his dark leather and steel armour framing his strong face.
After the meal was done, he took a moment to pray silently that he and the others might be instruments of God's will this day. That done, he rose, tying his belt on, with it's three blades. He then slung his new bolt-action rifle over his shoulder, and trotted into the stables. He mounted his black gelding, "River", and rode out the stable door, waiting outside for the rest of the Binyazi.

23:29:58 Mar 31st 10 - Mr. Norathelon:

Frederick Bryce ate at a rather leisurely pace compared to the others around him, apparently refusing to let his nerves get the better of him. However, as he sat with his comrades, eating what could well be his last meal, he muttered prayers under his breath. Years of hunting down evil creatures wherever they were found had finally come to this, a final meal before he set off with his fellows to begin the war in earnest.

Once he had finished his meal, he let out a quiet sigh and stood up, reaching down to lift his pole-axe, which had been leant against his seat. He shouldered it before heading towards the stables, grabbing a belt full of stakes and a shotgun on the way. He went out before the horses, finding a large grey warhorse and mounting. A faint smile appeared on his lips as he rides out to join the rest of the group, the reins in one hand, his pole-axe in the other. 

02:44:33 Apr 1st 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

The forty-year-old Alexander Rookridge, son of Samuel Rookridge, and descendant of the great vampire and werewolf slayer Lawrence Rookridge, decided not to eat. He had eaten only two hours before, and was comfortable at the moment with just water. When the time came for them to mount their horses and go off to war, he rose from his seat, checked that his revolvers were loaded, and that his sword was properly buckled at his side. He checked his stakes and holy water as well, just in case they were going up against a vampire. He also had a vial of garlic extract at his disposal, but wouldn't pour it on himself until he was sure what he was up against. Werewolves, after all, loved the smell of garlic on their victims.

When the meal was over, they walked out to their horses. Godfrey, Alexander's horse, was a dark gray horse that possessed no remarkable qualities other than its courage. It could never be spooked, and it would never throw Alexander off. That, Alexander believed, would be quite useful going up against werewolves and other similar animals. He would follow O'shannessy, for he was a brave and skilled man. Alexander didn't trust him, he rarely trusted anybody, but his opinion of him was the closest thing to it.

Nate Tangier ate his food at a steady pace. He was very relaxed, and would have probably started cracking jokes, of Joseph hadn't given him the "I know what you're about to say, and don't you do it" look that he had. He looked down at the floor, before remembering the food, and he kept eating. The air all around him was tense, and he wanted desperatley to lighten the mood, but this really wasn't the time or place.

As he finished his meal, he noticed that, as usual, he was one of the last people out of the dining hall. Having eaten enough for two men, he slowly made his way over to the stables. There, he got onto his horse, and rode out to meet the rest of the group, who seemed to be impatiently waiting for him.

17:16:05 Apr 1st 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Joseph led the group to the village of Chamberston.  Two days before, he had visited the town and could just tell that something was haunting the people there.  No one spoke about it, but torches were lit around the borders of the village at night and men kept any kind of weapon in their hands that they could find.  Joseph rode into the town with the rest of the Binyozi following him.  The terrain was not helpful to them.  There was a dark thick forest and rolling hills in the area, which made any kind of evil creature right at home.  Two men approached Joseph and stopped him.
     "We suggest that you turn around and head back the way you came from stranger.  This area is not kind to those who are not native to it.  Wild animals are especially dangerous to travellers here," said one of the men. 
     "Do not let our appearance fool you.  We are more prepared than you will ever be at this time.  God watches over us and will keep us safe," said Joseph as he motioned to the men behind him.  The two villagers looked and saw the weapons that each Binyozi member carried and the attire that they wore before backing off and letting them pass.  Joseph stopped his horse in the middle of the village and dismounted.  He then stopped a passing villager to ask him a question.
     "Where can I find the man in charge of this village?" asked Joseph.
     "I am sorry sir, but he disappeared two nights ago while out hunting.  No one has seen him since.  You may talk to his wife, Frances, who lives in the house over there," said the villager, who pointed to where the house was.
     "Thank you for your time," said Joseph as he walked to the cottage.  He motioned for Matthias Greenfield to come closer and whispered in his ear.
     "Wait here while I talk to the wife.  We do not need so many men in her home.  Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious.  I sense that there might be one or more werewolves stalking this poor village," whispered Joseph.  Matthias nodded and rested his right hand on his sword hilt. 
     "God will be my sight and my strength," replied Matthias silently.  Joseph knocked on the door of the cottage and was let in after a short and polite conversation.  In the meantime, Matthias stood near the door and whispered to Daniel Bonaden.
     "Pass along the word to the others.  Keep your eyes open for one or more werewolves.  If they are out already, they can smell us and may already know what we are by how we are dressed and the weapons we have.  They will not make risky moves yet just," said Matthias.  Daniel then moved to Horatio Alexander and passed on the word. 
     "Keep your eyes open for one or more werewolves.  If they are out, they know what we are and will not make risky moves.  Pass on the word," said Daniel.  Joseph obviously did not want to scare the villagers because it would make their job more difficult.  They would have to be patient and maybe hide until one showed itself out of hunger. 

[[There is not combat just yet.  You may spot their eyes or see a shadow move at most, but none will reveal themselves.  Unknown number of werewolves.  1-3 most likely]]

18:26:11 Apr 1st 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Horatio Alexander quickly passed on the word to the others.
"One or more werewolves, be careful. They will know we are here."
Having done his duty, Horatio took the clip out of his rifle, and loaded one of his other four clips in.
This one had the glint of silver bullets.
Rifle held at the ready, Horatio advanced to a street corner, from where he could see outside the town. He slowly moved into a crouch, and began scanning the forest. There was nothing ahead of him. He turned his head from side to side. Again, nothing. Then he looked back out in front, and saw a shadow in the moonlight. Something... Glinted. Horatio bolted his rifle, took aim and then, nothing. It was gone.
Just... Gone.

18:54:14 Apr 1st 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Rookridge drew one of his Colt revolvers and pulled the hammer back, looking around carefully and ready to draw his other revolver at a moment's notice. His sword was also at his side, but he doubted he would have time to draw it if a werewolf lunged at him from the darkness. They were there, he was sure of it. He saw the eyes once, but didn't even bother aiming; werewolves preferred to stalk their pray, scare them, before striking. Before they struck, there was no chance he would hit them.

00:48:40 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Marcel finally dismounted at the mention of werewolves. Riding was only proper, but he was no fool; he knew the little horseback value of a dagger. Eyes trained to the shadows, he scanned the perimeter, almost subconsciously disappearing into the shadows cast by an outbuilding. The gleam of his knife was visible as he toyed with it in the darkness.
Marcel hated all monsters, foul beings not fit to walk the same earth as the living. But he feared them, too - it was only sanity. Who wouldn't fear the beasts that lurked in the shadows? He chuckled at the thought, for that was where he was leaning now. He saw no undead, but if the werewolves still retained any humanity during their changes, they would know how to hide. He only hoped he was good enough in stealth to match with their senses. One error, and he'd be an easy meal. But Marcel spent his life in the shadows, and he wasn't going to let some pitiful dogs kill him.

07:55:48 Apr 2nd 10 - Lord Gilth:

[OOC: Sorry, I entirely missed this thread. Have been looking at the Hunter RP idea thread the whole time, wondering why nothing was happening. Will make a post when I get back from class in 3-4 hours.]

08:20:28 Apr 2nd 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

[[OOC: That's alright.  Septim I believe is going to be inactive for awhile due to RL issues and stuff.  Sadly, we must continue after Gilth and whoever else has not posted has posted.]]

11:16:05 Apr 2nd 10 - Lord Gilth:

[OOC: I have only done a roleplay like this 2x before and they died pretty fast. So any remarks are very welcome ofc.]

During the ride to Chamberston, Sam and most others didn't say a word. They had all been together for what could be their last meal, earlier today. Some had eaten nervously, others seemed completely calm. He still couldn't tell if they were actually calm or just very good at hiding their thoughts. Sam himself was extremely nervous. Although he had prepared well for this, he was no soldier. And he had no idea what to expect, except for what he read in books.

The moment they all arrived in Chamberston, Sam became calm. It didn’t matter what would happen. He had faith in the Lord, it would all be planned by God. He decided to do his very best to help these poor villagers. When the notice came there were a few werewolves in the area, Sam got of his horse, Muse, and tied the reins to a small tree. Muse was a great horse, but she had never been in contact with werewolves before, and Sam had no idea what her reaction would be. After securing the knot, he checked his shotgun for the seventh time and mimicked the others by looking for a shadowy spot and staring to the surrounding area…

12:24:50 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Norathelon is going for a weeklong holiday shortly, so I don't know how that's going to affect his activity :\]]

[OOC: My bad guys. I thought i had already posted for this part, apparently my internet is worse then I thought...]

As Nate looked around the village, he noticed many of the subtle differences that marked this as an infected village. Usuaully, there would be people still out at this time, having a good time, talking and laughing. There was no such merriment in this town, and the few people who were out were almost running, constantly looking over their shoulders, watching out for any danger. Nate hated that, hated what these monsters did to poor, innocent people. He was a man who enjoyed to laugh, and the it was a very difficult task to laugh when faced with the idea of a vampire, or a werewolf or two. But somehow, Nate had forced himself to do it a few times, and now he almost looked forward to those times when he would once again get literally laugh in the face of danger. It always seemed to anger his opponents, who were very unused to seeing any kind of merriment on the faces of their victims, and caused them to be even more irrational.

21:22:48 Apr 2nd 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Matthias Greenfield saw some others moving into the shadows and shook his head silently.  Werewolves were nocturnal.  They could see anything in the darkness.  Maybe they might be careless and not see the threat, but the chances of that happening were slim.  He was not a fan of werewolves, but vampires were the creatures that made his blood boil.  Matthias gripped his double-barreled shotgun and then kept his guard up.
     "The Lord is my sword, with which I use to cut down those that would desecrate his name.  The Lord is my eyesight, which I use to spy the heathens hiding in the darkness.  The Lord is my shield, which I use to block the claws of those with the intent of taking my life.  The Lord watches over me and gives me strength," said Matthias as he walked slowly near the door until Joseph walked out.
     "It may be worse than I feared.  Her husband may be one of them now.  My guess is that there are around three or four werewolves, but that may be too large or small a number," said Joseph.  He loaded two silver bolts into his crossbow and also whispered a prayer.  Then he kept his knives ready to draw from his hip. 

     Eyes glinted in the darkness and watched on with hunger.  They smelled the silver weapons and the deadly intent of the men in the village, but their hunger grew with every passing minute.  Then a lone villager, one who had refused to believe the warnings and laughed at the thought of monsters, walked around the edge of the village.  A muffled scream is all that might have escaped from his lips as three shadows dove onto his body and tore the flesh from his bones.  Nothing was left except his skeleton within thirty seconds. 

     Joseph heard the noise and motioned for Matthias and another member to follow him.  They rounded the corner and saw what was left of the man with a werewolf still crouched over his body and with blood dripping from its jaws.  Joseph fired his crossbow bolts one after another but only one bolt struck its shoulder before it disappeared from sight.  Matthias did not have time to fire his shotgun, and the three men retreated back towards the rest of the members. 
     "I believe there are three werewolves.  One is wounded.  Do not attempt to fight them alone or your death is assured.  Split up into groups and attempt to force them towards the center of the village.  I will set a trap," said Joseph.  Then he began a clever trap of wires and his crossbow.

21:27:46 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Horatio was on the wrong side of the village.
He had his job though, and he would stick to it. He watched the forest in front of him, checking his flanks. Then he heard there were four of them.
"Four? Blast."
He quickly found Nate.
"Nate, there are four of them. Let's stick together, shall we?"

23:46:58 Apr 2nd 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Marcel was moving in a blink after the scream. He had watched, shaded by a tree, as Joseph had attacked the werewolf. He knew it wasn't going to be easy. up? That wasn't how he worked. He'd stick to the darkness, attack the unwary, put fear into the werewolves. If they could still comprehend fear.
For a long time, the front was dark. Marcel couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, there was a flicker of movement, and Marcel dodged to the other side of the tree as one of the werewolves charged. At a dead run, he fled between some buildings. Someone screamed as the werewolf gave chase, tracking his scent through the houses. Marcel knew he couldn't outrun it, so next time he dodged between some buildings, he took advantage of the werewolf overshooting and dashing past to unload two rounds from his revolver into it as it turned around, claws skidding on the cobbles. One bullet buried itself into a wall, and the other produced a yelp. Even so, the bullets were not silver, and would only temporarily slow the monster.
At a dead run for the village center, Marcel hoped that trap was ready. Otherwise, he wasn't going to last long...

"Alright Horatio, let's see if we can bag us an overgrown hairball tonight."

Despite his outward bravado, Nate was actually a bit worried. He pulled out both of his swords, and held them at the ready.

Slowly, Horatio and Nate made their way around the side of town that bordered the forest, checking all of the dark alley ways, the two were on a constant high alert.

All of a sudden, from the alley that the two were close to, a crashing noise came, and quick movemtn followed it. Nate dropped into a defensive position immediately, preparing himself to fend off any close range attck.

A cat bolted out of the alley and ran down the street. Nate and Horatio exchanged glances, and Nate smiled uneasily. The incident had really sent a rush of adrenaline through his body.

"Dam cat" he murmered, as he got up, and the two continued their cautious pace around the town.

11:14:51 Apr 3rd 10 - Lord Gilth:

Suddenly, one short muffled scream! And Sam knew someone had just fallen into the claws of these monsters. He saw how Mathias, Joseph and a third guy, he was sure he knew his name, but with all the adrenaline rushing through his body, he couldn’t recall it, headed in the direction of the scream. After what seemed to be ages, all three returned. “Three werewolves… Don’t fight them alone… Center of the village… TRAP”! Those orders were given by Joseph. Sam was scared, but he wouldn’t show it to the others. Together with a small muscular guy, armed with a silver sword, he started checking all streets and alleys close to him. When they turned around a corner, they saw Marcel rushing towards them as if he was chased by death himself. And that couldn’t be truer. Only a few feet behind him, a werewolf was charging at full speed. Sam and the short guy barely had time to respond. They turned around and started running faster than they ever did before. There was only one thing on their mind. “Trap in the center of the village.” 

16:37:13 Apr 3rd 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     [[There are only 3.  There were three with one wounded.  Two were at 100%, one was injured]]
[[OOC: Since it is the Easter weekend, I will not be online again until late sunday night.  Will be spending time with my grandparents since they have been having health problems and then the rest of my family.]]

     Joseph had barely finished setting his trap when he saw three men running towards the center of the village.
     "Damn, that was fast," he said as he began running ahead of the three men.  The werewolf continued to follow and Joseph made sure to jump a thin wire without making it seem obvious.  The other three saw this and jumped as well.  Seconds later, the werewolf's leg tripped the wire and a silver crossbow bolt struck it directly in the chest.
     "Gotcha you heathen slime," growled Matthias as he moved in from behind the werewolf.  It had fallen to the ground on all fours and howled in pain.  Matthias raised up his executioner sword and beheaded it.
     "Blessed be the Lord, my strength and the doom of all who refuses his Word," said Matthias as the head hit the ground.  The body of the werewolf then disintigrated, but the head had surprisingly remained solid.
     "Looks like a trophy for us," he murmured as he threw it into a burlap sack and put it in a safe corner until they had caught the other two werewolves.  As he was just about to yell to Joseph, he heard a howl over his head.
     "Oh shi-" Matthias started to saw as he spun and threw himself backwards as a werewolf pounced onto him.  He managed to deflect the claws from one of its hands, but the other claw raked his shoulder.  Matthias only had a split second and he drew his short blade from his crossguard in order to block the teeth of the beast before it bit him.  He barely managed to keep the teeth from his throat and could not utter any kind of cry for help.  Then a stream of bullets peppered the creature and it retreated off of him.  Alexander Rookridge charged forward at the wounded werewolf and was surprised to see it charge again, but he drew his Robur and sliced off the hand that was reaching to attack him.  It fell onto its side with a bellowing howl before he put a bullet through its chest with one of his silver bullets.  Rookridge pulled Matthias to his feet and checked his shoulder.  Matthias had already looked at it slightly and waved off the help.
     "It doesn't look bad.  Just cut off that monster's head," said Matthias.  Rookridge wasted no time slicing its head off and putting it into a sack as well.  The body, like the last one, disintigrated after being separated from the head.  Joseph then ran over after collecting his crossbow.
     "There is one left.  We can end this soon.  Everyone be careful.  Let us not have a casualty with victory so close," said the Binyozi leader. 
     "Agreed," said Matthias as he picked up his shotgun after dropped it earlier.


     The final werewolf bided its time.  It slipped through several unlit homes without a sound and waited for the chance to get one of the dangerous people searching for it.  It then saw two men near the outskirts of the village.  One was covered in a strange armor, but nothing would stop the crushing power of its jaws if it could get to him.  The other was carrying two silver swords.  They both looked dangerous, but it prepared to attack anyways.  It silently climbed up onto a rooftop and waited for them to pass by so that it could pounce onto the one with the swords.

20:04:31 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Horatio was walking down a street with Nate ahead of him, rifle held at the ready. He heard... Something from the rooftop. A scratching, a rustling.
He looked up, catching a flash of motion. With a roar, the werewolf launched itself towards Nate.
Horatio fired, hitting it in the arm as it fell, pushing off it's trajectory. He bolted back his rifle and fired again, firing five silver bullets into the beast, desperately trying to keep it off Nate. When his clip was empty, he threw his rifle aside, drew his sword and charged...

Nate, upon hearing Horatio fire, had spun around and crouched just in time for thje werewolf to sail over his head, he immediately rolled to one side as a small trickle of blood, probably the werewolfes, fell onto him. He knew Horatio would waste no time emptying the rest of his clip into the beast, and he did not want to get caught in the cross fire.

He counted. He knew there would only be five more shots, and then Horatio would have to take time to reload.

"Bang, Bang," Nate slowed his breathing.
"Bang, Bang," Nate tensed his body.
"BANG!" The final shot rang out. It seemed much louder then the first four, but that was all probably just in Nates head. Right as he heard the sound, he lunged. He had been watching the werewolf the whole time, and sprang forward like a runner leaving the blocks.

The werewolf, who had been distracted from Nate, barely even saw him coming. Having already been shot multiple times, his life was waning. He tried to throw his body out of the way of the sword that was arcing down, but managed to only get far enough away to avoid an immediate death.

The silver blade cut through flesh, bone, and sinew, cutting through one of the beasts legs. Bleeding and missing a limb, it tried to run, letting out its final howl of rage and pain. Before he knew it, Horatio was now on top of him, and with one quick stroke, beheaded the beast.

Both men immediately said a quick prayer, as they watched in puzzlement as the headless body disintegrated right before their eyes, while the head remained in tact, a scowl of anger and pain permenatly fixed upon the face of their would be attacker.

Horatio picked up the disembodied head, and the two of them cautiously made their way back to the center of the village. They had heard the death cries of the other two wolves, but still, the two took no unnecessary risks.

They arrived back in the center of the village to find the rest of their group more or less unharmed, and the danger, at least for the moment, seemed to have passed.

16:22:03 Apr 5th 10 - King Berkeley The Disheartened:

     Joseph looked at the head of the third dead werewolf and smiled.
     "It seems that this village has been spared the curse of Lucifer now.  Let us return home and celebrate our deeds, for God has been merciful to us tonight!" said Joseph as he thrust his fist into the air.  Everyone gathered their items and mounted their horses while Joseph spread the word that the village was now safe from any danger.  Life came back to the village as celebrating began and when they asked who saved them, Joseph replied. "God."

     Back at the lodge, some food and drinks were prepared shortly after they arrived by members with cooking abilities.  Songs were sang to praise God and Matthias displayed the head of the werewolf that he killed.  Rookridge also displayed the head of his kill since it seemed more like a trophy now.  The evening would be spent relaxing and telling of the events.  They had made their first strike against Hell and won.  Word would begin spreading from the small village of Chamberston that there was a group of men hunting down the evil beasts that stalked the night. 

[[Eat, drink, and be merry.  Do what you want basically...will think of tomorrow's event]]

18:52:26 Apr 5th 10 - Sir Mirror:

Horatio stumbled around the place with Nate in tow, a little the worse for drink. He bellowed out the words of an old song in a mighty voice;
"A mighty fortress is our GOD! A stronghold without... Without..."
Nate supplied the correction;
"Right, right. A Mighty For-or-tress is our God! A Bulwark ne-ver Fa-a-ai-ling!"
Content, and happy Horatio stumbled towards his rooms, and fell into a sound sleep.

21:06:42 Apr 5th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Once Alexander was finished displaying the werewolf's head, he put it back in the sack and ripped out the teeth and tore out its eyes. Once that was done, he threw the sack in the fire and watched as it burned.
"Why the hell did you do that?" asked a member, "It's a trophy!"
"It's not a damn trophy, it's the head of an unfortunate man who got mauled by a werewolf and wasn't lucky enough to die from his wounds," said Rookridge as he watched the fire. The member was about to protest the destruction of the werewolf's head further, but he was stopped.
"Let the man do what he wants, Michael!" exclaimed Joseph from across the room.
"Fine," muttered Michael as he walked away from where Rookridge was seated.

22:19:27 Apr 5th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Marcel merely ate and left. The werewolves were dead; that was enough celebration for anyone. Besides, he never did feel he fitted in with the rest of the group. His departure was noticed, but nobody gave it a second thought. Marcel would return tomorrow, and that was that.

Nate and Horatio were, as it seemed, the life of the party. The two of them led the rest of the group in sing, and drinking games from their respective places of birth.

Horatio retired early, and while Nate did support his slightly intoxicated friend up to his room, he soon returned to the celebration. Everyone was in high spirits, and although he didn't drink much, Nate was slightly high off of the jolly atmosphere.

It would be a few more hours before Nate too, retired to his room, where he almost immediately passed out onto his bed.

01:05:44 Apr 6th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Rookridge soon went to bed, saying goodbye as he left. He was not comfortable amongst the other members, for they were celebrating and happy. Rookridge had not been raised that way, he would never celebrate after an operation. There was nothing wrong with it in his eyes, but he would never take part in it. As he went to bed, his thoughts wandered over to what his brothers were doing in their respective parts of the United States. They had set up small chapter houses in Sacremento and Atlanta, and he hoped that both were being successful.

15:17:04 Apr 6th 10 - Lord Gilth:

Three werewolves had been killed or vanquished or slain or whatever the correct word was, but Sam wasn’t pleased with his part in this small victory. The only thing he had done was run away from the fight. If he had just fired his shotgun at the wolf… Or hid behind the corner to appear behind it when it ran by… Sam would never know if he would’ve been strong and courageous enough to kill the werewolf. He hoped he would get a second chance fast. He wanted to prove to himself that he was a capable Binyozi hunter. To ease his mind, he had a few drinks, and then a few more and after the last one, he had a few more. He became cheerful and talkative, completely opposite to how he was in a sober condition.

16:30:18 Apr 6th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

    ***September 28th***

     Joseph celebrated lightly, as was his fashion.  When he was in Ireland, great celebrations followed the death of any evil creature.  It meant peace for the soul of the person that was changed into the creature either forcefully or willingly.  That was something to celebrate about for the Irish.  They celebrated the life and death of anyone killed.  They did not mourn the passing of someone, as that person was probably celebrating in the next life.  Joseph refused to mourn for the death of someone unless it was a close friend, and even then it was followed by celebration. 

     As the celebration died down, Joseph helped any drunk men into their beds and then went to sleep himself.  The next morning, a man knocked on the door as Joseph was going out to check the outside of the building.  He opened the door and saw an elderly man standing there.
     "Good morning sir.  What brings you here?" asked Joseph.
     "God bless you sir.  I hope that you can help me.  The town I am from is in grave danger.  I feel it in my bones.  Some of the people have been disappearing for days on end and then reappearing all strange.  I cannot quite put my finger on it, but people have been disappearing and reappearing for around a week now.  I believe it might be a vampire casting his spell on the people.  I had to escape before I was next, but I am sure that I was not a worry since I was an old man," said the elderly man.
     "What you have described does sound like a vampire indeed.  Do you know if it might be one or more?" asked Joseph.
     "I believe it originally might have been one, but I am afraid that some of the younger people may have been turned into vampires.  The older townsfolk may have just been brainwashed and fed upon. must help us...I beg of you.  God have mercy on us," said the old man as tears began running down his face. 
     "Do not fear, for God will guide us.  Just lead us to this town and we will do what we must," said Joseph.  He led the old man into the lodge and made him some coffee and gave him a few biscuits that were on hand.  Then he found out that the man's name was Fredrick Turner.  Fredrick had been the mayor of the town until several years before when he wished to retire peacefully with his wife.  Joseph consoled the man as best as he could, and then he gathered everyone together.
     "Men of the Binyozi.  Once again, our presence is required to cleanse the land of darkness.  The servents of Lucifer have taken root in the town of Galaway.  They prey on the weak and drink of their blood to increase their own strength.  These are the creatures known as vampires.  Their lust for the lifeforce of others and desire to convert others to their side is well-known.  Gather together your weapons and ready your protection against these beings.  We shall eat our meal and then set out with all speed and determination.  God's Will be done," said Joseph with great energy in his voice.  Breakfast was made quickly and eaten quietly by most.  Then the group set out towards the town of Galaway to face the next threat of Lucifer.  It would take them several hours to reach there, and it would be getting later in the day.  Night would be their battleground only a few hours after they would arrive.

17:38:52 Apr 6th 10 - Sir Mirror:

After the announcement, Horatio went over to the armoury where he loaded up on vampire fighting equipment; stakes, holy water and blessed bullets.
These filth would not stand against Gods People!

18:08:40 Apr 6th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Alexander's bullets, on the other hand, were all blessed. He always carried stakes, holy water, and garlic extract with him as well. The hunters of the night would be hunted, and they would perish. Alexander Rookridge was sure of that.

Nate, whose weapons were more ideal for the fighting of werewolves, thought everything over. He finally decided that he would take a stake or two with him, for a stakes usefullness was not limited, and they could be beneficial in a number of diferent scenarios. He also grabbed some Holy Water, because this too, was usefull in a number of different ways. He decided he would just back Horatio up on this one, for not having any real ranged weapons, other then a few blessed throwing knives..... Well never mind then.

As Nate came out of his reverie, he realized that Horatio had been calling his name. The two made their way to the stalls, where they began to saddle up their horses and make other prepartions for their ride to the city of Galaway.

20:26:56 Apr 6th 10 - Sir Mirror:

Once mounted, Horatio bowed his head in prayer;
"Blessed be the lord my strength, who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight. Lord, guide my arms and my allies this day as we wipe this scourge from your good earth. Lord, I pray that we might not be overwhelmed in this fight; that we may in turn destroy these heathens. Nevertheless, as it has been so it shall be; let thy will be done in this matter. Amen."
Raising his head, he spoke to Nate;
"Are you with me today, friend? Do you have much experience fighting Vampires? I do not. My experience is with werewolves and the possessed, some with the living dead, but never against those who do not die."

12:07:39 Apr 7th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Marcel walked leisurely up to the group when the news reached his ears that they were setting out s early in the morning. He carried his usual anti-monster equipment, which contained several useful items for tackling various evils. He joined the group silently, and awaited the order to ride. No need to waste words, everyone knew why they were there...

12:22:55 Apr 7th 10 - Lord Gilth:

Galaway was stalked by vampires. The filthy parasites that Sam had heard about would not be harmed more by silver bullets than by normal bullets. He had studied these beings in literature. Though his studies didn’t give him one obvious answer on how to kill these creatures. Stakes were very commonly cited. They are used to pierce the heart, mouth or stomach either depending on location or religious background. Sam decided to take 2 stakes with him. He always carried a blessed crucifix round his neck. The small bags of crushed garlic were checked once more and he strapped the two daggers to his thighs. He finally decided to bring his shotgun anyway and made sure it was clean. He left his room for the stables and saddled Muse. Most others were ready to get underway…

16:43:36 Apr 7th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

    The ride into the town was uneventful.  It looked more like a city than a town, but that was only near the center.  Tall brick buildings with gas lanterns lining the streets were a familiar sight.  Outside of the dense inner areas were more cottages and houses with a more peaceful feel to them.  Joseph felt uneasy while on the streets because of the tall buildings around him at times.  There was a lot of ground to cover and it did not look like their job would be easy at all.  Especially if a number of the town were vampires or mindless servants of the vampires. 
     From what Joseph had researched and learned, vampires were made when a head vampire drinks the blood of a person, and then has that person drink some of the head vampire's blood.  Then a new vampire is born.  It is weaker until it drinks much more blood, but it is still formidable compared to a normal human.  More strength, resistant to normal weapons, increased speed, better reflexes, and a limitless lifespan were the results of becoming a vampire.  If there were many new vampires, then it would be difficult.  Joseph did not want to even imagine the vampire leader in this town. 
     "Just how many people did you believe had disappeared and then reappeared?" asked Joseph to Fredrick Turner.
     "I believed that it was about six, but there were more who were simply disappearing.  Also, the number of deaths has increased in the town, but the doctor said that they were heart attacks," replied the old man. 
     "I wish to speak to this doctor.  Maybe he can help us," said Joseph.  Fredrick then led the group to a cottage just outside of the dense part of town and dismounted.  He walked up to the door and knocked on it.
     "Gregory! There are some visitors here to speak to you," said the man.  The door opened and a pale man answered the door.  He saw the pack of people and frowned, but stepped outside.
     "May I help you gentlemen?" asked the doctor.  Joseph dismounted and stepped closer.
     "Yes, I wish to ask about the people who died in this town recently.  Did you notice any unusual marks on their bodies?" asked Joseph.
     "Hmm...I did not see anything out of the ordinary.  Most of the people had died in their sleep.  Very disturbing since a majority of them were supposedly healthy," replied the doctor.  Joseph began noticing that he was sweating slightly and then he began thinking to himself while continuing the conversation.
     "Nothing...? I was hoping for something, but it seems like those deaths may be nothing at all," mumbled Joseph.  He then moved away from the doctor and talked quietly with Matthias and Daniel.
     "I believe this doctor is a new vampire.  When I step near him, he becomes super nervous and begins sweating.  I believe the cross around my neck is hurting him.  We could kill him now, but I want to find some more of them.  I am going to announce to everyone that we are leaving, but then we are going to head back into town silently and watch for anything suspicious.  Matthias, I want you to watch the doctor if you can.  We need him to think that he is safe and he may go tell others that vampire hunters were here," whispered Joseph.  Matthias and Daniel nodded before passing the word on silently and casually.
     "Everyone, we are leaving this town.  I am afraid that Mr. Fredrick Turner may be mistaken about the events here and that we should be needed elsewhere.  Let's head home," said Joseph as he remounted his horse.  He saw out of the corner of his eye that the doctor seemed more relieved, but still looked very nervous with them still close.  As the group left with only a few men giving objections, most likely because the word had not reached them, the doctor headed back into his home.  Fredrick Turner followed them shortly, acting as if he was protesting their departure.  Joseph could not leave him alone in the town or it could be his death sentence.  As the group lost sight of the town, they quickly galloped around to another part as the sun began to set.  They dismounted and approached the town silently.  Matthias hid near the doctor's house and waited.  It took over an hour, but finally the doctor slipped out of his home and headed into the town.  Matthias followed while keeping the rest of the group near him.  The doctor then entered a nearby home and closed the door behind him.  Matthias moved near a window and listened.
     "Hugo, I need to speak with you! It is urgent!" said the doctor.
     "What is it Gregory? Are you ill?" asked another voice that must have been Hugo's.
     "Vampire hunters were just here in the town asking me questions.  Fred Turner brought them here!  I was so close to one of them.  His items burns at my body.  Look at the marks on my chest from just being near him!" said the doctor.
     "They will heal in time, but this news about vampire hunters is disturbing.  If they have left, there is nothing to worry about.  We will just have to keep our eyes open.  I will tell Francis and Benjamin tomorrow about these events.  For now, we need to prepare to hunt.  Turner is a likely target since he seems too suspicious," replied Hugo.  Matthias then moved away from the window.  He had heard enough and found the group and informed them of what he had heard.
     "Then we have no choice.  We cannot wait for them to find the others if lives are at stake.  We must surround the home and attack them," said Joseph. 

[[OOC: You can reiterate events, prepare yourselves, comment on events, and get into position around the house.  Sorry that it took such a long post and not get to the fighting.  I couldn't get myself to rush it since vampires are normally more intelligent than werewolves.  It would be too easy or illogical to just have things flying at us out of nowhere.]]

19:02:43 Apr 7th 10 - Sir Mirror:

{OOC: That's fine! A long post is a good read.}

Horatio Alexander had his rifle at the ready, blessed bullets loaded. Nate was behind him as he carefully advanced towards a window. Inside, people were talking, discussing... Something. One of them was the doctor. Horatio moved back slightly, so that he would not give away his position.
"Nate, cover my back. We'll wait for the signal."

13:59:30 Apr 8th 10 - Lord Gilth:

When they arrived at the town, the very first person they spoke was a vampire. The doctor had told the inhabitants that the deaths of the people were natural. And telling that was like putting a big bulls-eye on himself. At least that was what Sam thought. When he first heard the order of leaving town, he wanted to object. Did they not all see this was clearly a vampire? Luckily for the Binyozi, the word they were merely setting a trap to catch more vampires reached Sam just in time for him to swallow his objections. He was glad the leaders were smart enough to not just walk away. During the short retreat, Sam was thinking about the smart move of the vampires, converting the town doctor. As he was probably one of the most trusted men in town. Sam assumed that the other vampires would be influential people too. Maybe the mayor or the sheriff. Those were men the vampires could use. He went to see Joseph to tell him about his thoughts.

Nate waited tensely, just behind Horatio, ready to lunge through the window right after the order to attack was given. He would of course, let Horatio shoot at them first, because he did not want to get caught in the cross fire.

As he waitied, he thought back to their meeting with the first vampire, the doctor, who was a very shady character indeed. Nate had quickly heard of the retreat plan, and voiced mild complaints, to make the retreat seem more realistic. Now, almost looking their enemy in the face, Nate was ready. Vampires were a whole new level of evil, one that should be eradicated whenever possible.

16:14:38 Apr 12th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

    Joseph felt that enough time had passed as his followers surrounded the house, and then Matthias went to the front door.  He moved in front of it and then kicked down the door and emptied his shotgun into the darkness inside.  A scream of pain was heard and then lanterns were lit as people began flooding inside.  A wounded vampire on the ground was quickly staked before it could retaliate, and others went after the other vampire who had raced towards the back door of the cottage.  Hopefully someone was waiting there to stop its escape...

17:56:36 Apr 12th 10 - Sir Mirror:

Horatio was waiting. Joseph kicked in the door and opened fire, but Horatio saw that he wasn't needed. Then one of the Vamps took off for the back door. Horatio fired into it's back. Then it's leg. Then it's other leg, then two more blessed bullets into the creatures back. He then jumped through the now-shattered window, drew his dagger and threw it, impaling the now-desperate vampire. Horatio then ran up to the embattled creature, took out his short-sword and impaled the vampire, sword sticking through it's shoulder and into the wooden floor...

23:48:55 Apr 12th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Marcel was beside Horatio in a blink, only a faint rustle of cloth giving him away, and he immediately had a sharpened pole in hand and pushed it hard through the helpless vampire's torso. He turned to Horatio for a second and muttered "The only damn way to kill them," before straightening and walking away, leaving the wooden pole stuck through the ravaged vampire's torso.

11:37:10 Apr 13th 10 - Lord Gilth:

Sam was overwhelmed by the speed by which everything happened. The first vampire was slain before he had even entered. A second one had been shot several times and Sam tried to go ahead and kill him with one of his stakes, but he a small weasel-like man was faster then him and finished the vampire. The entire struggle, if you could call it like that, was over in less then a minute. But for some reason Sam wasn't at ease. Vampires were supposed to have superior senses next to their superior strength. How was it possible that a large group of mortal men were able to close in on them without them noticing. Maybe they were just too distracted by the sudden appearance of hunters anyway, too bother with their immediate surroundings. While thinking all these thoughts, he started searching the house for information about the possible identity of other vampires...

18:29:53 Apr 13th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

     The silence of the night returned shortly afterwards.  Joseph walked inside and knelt by the dead vampires.
     "These vampires are young ones.  Barely able to do anything superhuman it seems.  Looks like we didn't get any of the dangerous ones.  Damn," said Joseph after examining them.  The bodies were properly staked and beheaded.  Like the werewolves, their heads were all that remained because the bodies crumbled like dust in the wind. 
     "We must move on into the town.  Most likely our enemies are on alert.  No telling how many there might be.  Keep your eyes open and weapons ready.  We are going into a den of evil in this town," said Joseph.  The group left the cottage and then began moving into the dark town that towered over them.

21:57:52 Apr 14th 10 - Lord Gilth:

While the group was moving deeper into the center of the city, Sam wasn't at ease. Joseph had only confirmed his thoughts when he said that the dead vampires were young and probably unskilled. That means the strong ones are still waiting for them and Sam hadn’t found any useful information in the house about their identities. As the group slowly penetrated the city, it seemed as if Sam entered some supernatural state himself. He was so focused that he seemed to hear and see every movement, every sound. He could only hope that this was actually true, although it was more likely that his mind was playing tricks on him and that the vampires were somewhere out there, watching their movements, while remaining unspotted by the mortal hunters of the Binyozi. Time would tell what the truth was...

18:24:52 Apr 15th 10 - King Ernest Deallus The Wise:

[[OOC: Hmm...what does everyone think of this RP so far? Personally I think it could be good if we had some kind of overall objective besides run around and try to kill things.  It does tend to get old fast.  I just see things slowing down and I know personally that it is nearing the end of school for me, so things are getting harder.  Just curious.  I have some other ideas that might be better(with emphasis on "might be") and would have an overall objective.  I cannot think of an objective for this RP and I think throwing one together might not be good.  Opinions?]]

18:28:25 Apr 15th 10 - Sir Mirror:

{[OOC: I like the RP premise, but we definitely need a clearer objective than "Kill all that oppose". Perhaps have a specific baddy start coalescing, with these lads being his minions?]}

18:35:29 Apr 15th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: I wanted to point that out when you were starting this up, but I know how you get when I point stuff like that out. ;D]]

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