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Forums / Roleplaying / Highwayman Returns

Highwayman Returns
09:08:39 May 8th 12 - Prince Highwayman:

Your Majesties, your Highnesses, my Lords, Ladies and other rulers of these fair lands, please be advised that Prince Highwayman has returned.

I shall be receiving emissaries and other well wishers at my current residence, Arien's Palace in the land of Fantasia for treaty discussions and discussions regarding other matters of mutual interest.

11:25:07 May 8th 12 - Wilberforce (Ms. Darlings):

HWM! Does thou bring along Lady Spooky or Lady Arien?

12:33:23 May 8th 12 - Prince Highwayman:

It is Princess Arien's intent to return to these lands and I look forward to welcoming her when her party lands.

Alas Lady Spooky has affairs of state in a far off land called Pardus which require her constant attention so it may be some time before she can be persuaded to don her battle harness for some combat-sport here in Fantasia.  Nonetheless, I shall dispatch messengers in due course to attempt contact with her - it may take all the powers of our mages to scour the pages of the Book of Faces in order to secure a permanent communication channel though.

13:38:49 May 8th 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Hungriest Horse):

Excellent, a whole gang reunion would be a great thing to see! What about Cali, and the others?

Spooky still plays Pardus? Damn, what is that, 5 years now? I think I tried to email her a couple months ago but I never got a reply.

15:06:18 May 8th 12 - Stormy (Mr. Stormecrowe):

<It is Princess Arien's intent to return to these lands and I look forward to welcoming her when her party lands.>

lo, my sister doth return? Doth that mean I needst be on my bestest behavior or else she willeth tell mommy?:S

It is niceth to behold you again, fair Soroban:)

15:24:59 May 8th 12 - Mr. Farm Over Here Come Feed:

Mummy definitely needs to spank Stormy, he be very naughty recently.

Alternatively, he could always use Daddy to do the spanking, but the question would be, who is the Daddy? Since he kinda calls a couple of us (Sean, Kai, Pingu and my self among others) Daddy during our sessions.... :P

Oh and yeah, hi there Highwayman :P Sorry to slightly derail your thread :P

Best regards,


15:33:21 May 8th 12 - Prince Highwayman:

The Gods be praised, ye cronies of old still ride amongst us.  Greetings one and all, it is good to renew these acquaintances.

Dear Sir Stormecrowe, your sister is indeed amongst us again, nefariousness awaits for the brave of this land!

15:51:02 May 8th 12 - Stormy (Lord Dirty Sanchez):


i laugh at tbl's post because it sooo true:D

23:25:21 May 8th 12 - Sir Sorra:

Bad time to return id say. 

As it stands the game is all but dead

23:58:16 May 8th 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Hungriest Horse):

The game has been "all but dead" for about 3 years. Yet lately, more and more vets are returning. Devi, Swifty, Bane and Istar to name but a few who have returned over the last few eras.

I look forward to the return of the fabulous threesome, HWM. If you need to know what's new or anything, drop me a message. It's great to see you again and I look forward to seeing the old HWM humour on forums.

00:06:15 May 9th 12 - Sir Sorra:

No, its been pretty crappy in the past, and its gone through its phase of highs and lows, but the condition it is now, with all the glitches, errors, updates that need to be made etc etc ontop of the abandonment of Zeta (he's vanished on the game before, but always when it was in tolerable conditions or when Arma in Fant rest the whole game basically so it was just like a new shot at things for everyone, now we occasionally have whole swaths of players stuck on a world cause no one can cast arama ) really makes for a poor playing expirnece.

The player count has dropped so significantly that even with the 3 character system player participation and count is the lowest it's ever been in the last couple of years. I have some vet friends who've returned aswell but that does not mean the game is in any way shape or form healthy. It's the nostalgia effect that brought them back (as we know VU has on people) not the fact that the game has gotten any better (and may in fact have gotten worse).

You can only play off nostalgia for so long, and what will eventually result is people gradually phasing in and then back out of the game (as we seen in other periods of VU player returns except this time in a more rapid pace as the games in the worst state it's been in atleast the last 5 years)

02:50:11 May 9th 12 - Zond (Lord Pachyglossal Proreption):

Tbh seeing as how you dont play the worlds or anything, cant really comment on the game. Anyone can come in and bash a game without playing it or being active. Last few weeks Zeta has been active. Been doing things and planning things. You just have to pay attention and be active and PLAY to notice. 

And we usually never have players stuck because cant cast arma, we may for a few days. But it always gets casted by Zeta when the players cant. Last time it was requested, he did it twice on the world it was requested on and the players voted it down, so obviously they didnt want it. 

03:03:19 May 9th 12 - SWIFTRY (Mr. Ballroom Dancer):

wow wilb. that was really gay.

09:09:36 May 9th 12 - Prince Highwayman:

Dear friends, RP in the RP forum.  Humour in the other forums?  Moi?  I think you have me confused with some other dirty stinking flame warrior ;-)

The game always was in the forums for me, the only glitch in there is some of our opponents can't type when they are crying their eyes out.

11:46:04 May 9th 12 - Mr. Thick Rooster:

you will find a general lack of excitement in the forums nowadays l0l

21:56:42 May 9th 12 - Mr. Ballroom Dancer:

The game always was in the forums for me, the only glitch in there is some of our opponents can't type when they are crying their eyes out.


"I was so bad at the game, and our KD was so bad at backstabbing Legacy because they attacked our allies, I spent most of my time on the forums instead"

22:17:59 May 9th 12 - Prince Highwayman:

I rest my case.  How you doing you old reprobate?

05:47:55 May 10th 12 - Princess Arien:

Hello everyone.  :)  I guess some things, aka people, never change.  ;)

08:58:14 May 10th 12 - Wilberforce (Lady Hungriest Horse):

Arien! Just 1 left, for a full house... Being all nostalgia'd now.

15:02:51 May 10th 12 - Mr. Devi:

16:55:33 May 10th 12 - Prince Highwayman:

Devi!!!!!  <3<3<3

Takes one to know one ;-)

12:23:55 May 17th 12 - Senturu (Mr. Senturu):

my queen Arien returns?

i have not seen or heard much from her since i was a knight in Valar!

it will be a blessed day when i see her grace the forums once more.

and i still remain a loyal servant to the queen!

Lord Senturu,
High Priest of valar,
Lord of the spoon,
God of Evil Spam.

18:42:42 May 30th 12 - Emperor Tiberius Septimus Cidellus:

...huh, the (in)famous Arien returns! Too bad everything here is dead now. =(

22:14:51 May 30th 12 - Prince Highwayman:

Dead?  I say not Sir.  For as long as there shall be spoooooooooooooooons, death shall pass us by!

07:04:49 Jun 4th 12 - Senturu (Mr. Senturu):

Highwayman is correct.

Senturu returns every time VU gets a new member.

05:51:01 Jun 5th 12 - Senturu (Mr. Senturu):

no, i just never left, i dont post much, most topics recently are boring.

04:20:25 Jun 14th 12 - King Charley Who Deletes Dumb Posts:

Oh you definitely left...hence your accounts constantly being deleted ;D

Recently...I haven't been here.

10:41:42 Jun 14th 12 - Duke Pesterd:

Haha welcome back, i just decided to come back now as well. I guess you never leave VU, how are you buddy?

02:29:03 Jun 16th 12 - Senturu (Mr. Senturu):

my accounts only been deleted like twice. but ive had this one for a while now.

00:38:52 Jun 17th 12 - Mr. Ballroom Dancer:

do us a favour, go inactive and get your account deleted

09:03:10 Jun 17th 12 - Prince Highwayman:

Hi Pesterd, doing good.  Got bogged down with some difficult neighbours this era so not had a chance to test what's really different yet but a decent return at least.

06:23:58 Jun 26th 12 - Ms. Arien Vaire:

Hi everyone.  Thanks for the messages!  I did not realize people would remember me, or people I never knew knew me.  :)  CREEPS!  I shall fling my pink ninja chickens on you.  :)  I miss spam....

06:52:07 Jun 26th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

For once I feel new to this game.

07:54:49 Jun 26th 12 - King Charley Who Deletes Dumb Posts:

Septim is around here somewhere.  I text him every once and awhile when I am not working and he isn't working.

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