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Forums / Roleplaying / Magic runs thicker then blood

Magic runs thicker then blood
19:13:18 May 18th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

Its going to be a story about dark elves.  that you can probably tell.

Elveron - The Elvish Kingdom
Kor'slang - One of the many orcish lands. Smaller then elveron (approximately a tenth of its size and lieing to the east of it) but alot more agressive than its eastern neighbour.It has been drained of everysingle troop it posseses for the attack on Elvorean. Small groups of Gaia being left behind to defend.
Elvorean -The elvish capital and the last city left as the rampaging army of Kor'slang has destroyed all of the Other elven strongholds. 
'The Snow prince'- a title given to the heir of the elvish kingdom.

Corollin -
Age: 29
 The Snow prince currently.A man interested in the affiars of other nations who wishes to dig beneath the ground to sap the power of the trees using this to claim more land for elveron. Also causing with the taking of this lands areas where elves and others reside together causing racial impurity. He is incredibly young but incredibely knowledged in the use of offensive magic.

Nitral -
age : 329
 the Current king of Elveron and father to corollin. He believes that the elven society should stay closed to outsiders and only go as far as plundering border cities and only when elveron see's a threat from them or is in need of resources to survive. he has lived a long life as most elvs die at 300 on average.

Elveror -
Age: 26
 younger brother to corollin and a typical elven leader.  Similar beliefs to his father.

Before i put a new character into the story they will be introduced thus so.

it is written in diary form and will hence have missing parts on PURPOSE. gaps will be filled later.

The story will be told via many different diaries and from different views from different characters.

19:14:31 May 18th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

Chapter one

Day 1982921 of the Elveron Golden era
'Why' I , The snow prince Corollin, Shouted after my father , The king of the elf homeland Elveron.

To this the King , Nitral replied 'I have told you why not many a time my son. To dig beneath the trees and sap them of there power simply to power machines of war which will then destroy countless other forests. I have looked at your designs. were do you plan to get the lumber from them , God have mercy on the people of elveron if i die today and you suceed me. No. No i must not allow it. It is final. you and your bloodthirsty Elvish thugs , Yes i know of your Group of barons and lords. The Dark Empire,An interesting name, Shall never take the throne. Your brother Elveror Shall suceed me. He is a level headed elf and shall lead us to victory over those bloodthirsty orcs. And how would you tunnel down anyway. With the orcs laying siege to us. Leave me now Son ' he said as he entered his chambers ' I have much to think of'.

As he entered his dorm I walked away to report my failure to my 29 lords and barons of The Dark Empire. OF the 68 lords of Elveron 29 had sided with him in this arguement. But what they proposed was murderous. Wrong on so many levels. Treason to the King but beneficial to the people. It was a hard decision to make. But the king had forced my hand. The hand that would drain him of any blood he had left. We Sent our envoys to the Orcs. We knew we could not get the resources we wished to leave with off of the continent of fantasia without being seen. So we needed a distraction. We sent out Diplomats of our cause , posing as the diplomats of Elveron to speak with the orc army.

We Informed them of the 'Kings decision' to surrender the city. I would open the gates at 11 oclock for the orc army to enter. When the orcs moved in the king , knowing nothing of the messages sent to them , Would rush to defend his lands. Whilst the Kings army and Torslith's men battled it out We would escape into the night with the rices of the capital of elveron , Elvorean. The last elvish city left. The rest being burnt down by The orcish army of Kor'slang.

Day  1982922 of the Elveron Golden era

The orcish army swings in through the open gates. Butchering those closest to it. Hunger in there eyes. Hunger they have never felt before. A Great bloodlust. Pregnant women and strong soldiers alike put to the blade.

Terrible amounts of death. The King saw this and raced out. his army somehow overpowered the Orcs. All orcs destroyed. The orcish army killed. A leading baron of the Dark Empire , Borias or was it dorvan says we should take our men and head for the Orcish kingdom of kor'slang. we do so. Although those who have come with us are more of an angry mob now. All have left behind family that have died. We have seen this through the EiTs we casted to watch the battle. With out our rain of fire casting elvorean would of been lost. I have used much of my energy and must rest.

Day  1982933 of the Elveron Golden era

The orcish aia have found our camps and attacked early in the morning. I am still weakened and tired. We charged into battle. Destroying the gaia with ease.We are changing. all of us. No longer the peaceful Elves seeking power to cause racial equality but a bloodthirsty mob. And our skins have darkened. The more we kill the darker we become. It is unnatural.

I wish my father had been here for me to Console to. I AM SORRY FATHER. I BEG YOUR FORIVENESS. we have captured the whole of kor'slan and begun digging. We killed everyone we saw. Everythiing we saw. Kor'slang is now a barren wasteland. We dig. We dig. I am sorry father. We dig on.

(not the whole of chapter one so you know)

19:16:11 May 18th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

post if you think i should carry it on as i dont mind but if no one will read it no point :P

14:42:55 Jun 14th 09 - Mr. Blodgram:

YES CONTINUE!!!!!!!! :()

15:19:12 Jun 14th 09 - Divine Vampiric Lord:


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