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Prominence IV
20:34:41 Feb 15th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Prominence IV


Great men have risen and fallen with the sands of time. Some were born royalty, some were born into nobility, but few were born into peasantry. The willpower and ambition to climb from rags to riches is often seen as impossible, and it nearly is. How prominent will your mark be on time?


Prominence points


Prominence points are a description of high you are in the nobility of Erus. The more points you have, the nobler your family is. Whether or not you aim for nobility is up to you.


5 PP  – Knight
Description: You are a professional soldier who has sworn fealty to a Lord, Count, Duke, or King.

10 PP – Lord

Description: You are in control of a single city, but you are a vassal of a Count.

30 PP – Count

Description: You are in control of a single city, and you have three Lords as vassals. You are the vassal of a Duke.

50 PP – Duke

Description: You are in charge of a single city, and you have five Counts as vassals. You are a vassal of the King.

75 PP – King/Emperor
Description: You are the master, a vassal of none. You control the capitol of your Kingdom, and your vassals are the Dukes.


Description of the World


There is only one nation on the continent of Ersos: the Serillian Grand Empire.


The reigning Emperor is Marcus IV, a great conqueror and tactician who, forty years ago, conquered the entirety of Ersos and formed the Grand Empire.


He is now nearly seventy, and is dying. His son, Aulus Serillus, is nowhere near his father in administrative or command ability.


As soon as Marcus dies, the continent will shatter into pieces as warlords and tyrants try to carve their own Empire from the ruins of the old one.


Who you will follow is up to you.


The Beginning


You start out at the age of twenty with a shack in a city of your choice, rags that you call clothes, and ten gold coins in your possession. Your parents are dead, how they died is up to you. You have no education, not even the ability to read and write. Good luck.




One real life day = Six months in Prominence


It’s pretty simple. Every time I say (a day) below, I obviously mean six months in Prominence. =D




Beginner jobs


Farm hand - 15 gold a day.
Barkeep - 20 gold a day.
Butler - 30 gold a day
Assistant - 10 gold a day, you will learn the skill of your master after two days of work. After obtaining the rank of Journeyman in the chosen skill you may not go higher.
Soldier – You sign up for a period of one year on active duty. After that, you are free to do what you want. You receive journeyman training in Tactics and Fighting, and you gain a free iron longsword, along with leather armor and an iron-rimmed shield. You will be called upon in the event of war to fight for your nation. You may also choose to stay a soldier, in which case you will earn 100 gold a day.


Advanced Careers (Day = Six months)

Class R - Skill required: Reading
Scholar - 400 gold a day.
Librarian – 250 gold a day.

Class F - Skill required: Fighting
Highwayman - Slays the weak and innocent (no chance of dying) and steals their valuables, however, your infamy will take away your chance to become a noble - 375 gold a day.
Bodyguard - 300 gold a day. 5% chance of dying on the job.
Protector - Defends the weak and innocent, 5% chance of dying on the job - 350 gold a day.

Class T- Skill required: Veteran tactics.
Military Officer - Depends on your rank.
You also get a free Journeyman level course at the academy upon becoming an officer.

Class M - Skill required: Mathematics
Scientist – 300 gold a day.
Engineer - 325 gold a day.

Class O - Skill required: Oration
Diplomat - 125 gold a day
Lawyer - 100 gold a day.
Herald – 100 gold a day.

Class S - Skill required: Smithing
Smith - 150 gold a day, you can make certain weapons for yourself instead of recieving pay, but you must buy the metal.
Armorer - 150 gold a day, you repair weapons for the army.

Class C - Skill required: Thieving or fighting – You can learn thieving for a hundred gold from a shadowy figure behind the academy.
Assassin - Fighting = 200 gold a day, F+T = 400 gold a day
Fighting required for minimal wage, thieving and fighting are both required for maximum wage.
Thief – 100 gold a day, requires the thieving skill.
Thug – 150 gold a day, requires the fighting skill.

Each skill rank gained in the required skill for a job doubles your pay in said job. So if you become a Diplomat, and you upgrade your oration from journeyman to veteran, you will gain 300 gold a day instead of 150. =D


Reading - 1000 gold

Fighting - 100 gold, free with becoming a soldier for two days.

Tactics - 1000 gold

Math - 1000 gold

Oration - 400 gold

Smithing - 500 gold

Thieving - 100 gold

Ranging - 300 gold.

Journeyman: 1000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be a journeyman of magic.

Veteran: 3000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be a veteran of magic.

Expert: 9000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be an expert of magic.

Master: 27,000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be a master of magic.

Courses are expensive...I have to make them that way or people becoming scholars will buy them all with their first paycheck, a course takes a day to complete and by the end of the day you will be a journeyman in that area. The ranks are:

Each rank costs triple the previous, so if you learn Journeyman fighting from your two days in the army, you will pay three hundred gold for veteran, nine hundred for Expert, and 2700 for Master.


You may also learn through books! The higher your reading level, the faster you’ll read the book. Books have to be copied by hand for the people who make them, so they are VERY expensive.

Length of time required to read:
Journeyman reading level - Four days
Veteran reading level - Three days
Expert reading level - Two days
Master reading level - One day

Book list

Basic Mathematics - 550 gold - Teaches Journeyman Mathematics.

Mid-Level Mathematics - 1100 gold - Teaches Veteran mathematics.

Advanced Mathematics: Volume I - 2200 gold - Teaches expert mathematics.

Advanced Mathematics: Volume II - 4400 gold - Teaches master mathematics.

Basic Strategies and Tactics - 600 gold - Teaches Journeyman tactics.

Intermediate Strategies and Tactics - 1200 gold - Teaches veteran tactics.

The Life of General Xarxes - 2400 gold - Teaches Expert tactics.

The Techniques of General Vordomor - 4800 gold - Teaches Master tactics.

The Art of the Blacksmith - 250 gold - Teaches Journeyman smithing.

Reading for Journeymen - 1200 gold - Teaches Veteran reading.

Reading for Veterans - 2400 gold - Teaches Expert reading.

Reading for Experts - 4800 gold - Teaches Master reading.

The Techniques of Avason - 1000 gold - Teaches Journeyman Oration.

The Techniques of Vorsumar - 2000 gold - Teaches Veteran Oration.

The Techniques of Telvodon - 4000 gold - Teaches Expert Oration.

The Techniques of Gorsovon - 5000 gold - Teaches Master Oration.


There are many ways to have fun, each costs a day, so if you have a lot of money and you want to have your character have fun for the roleplaying factor...some have a chance of giving money back...remember, all work and no play makes you a dull boy! (Not really...)

Go drinking: If you drink too much your liver goes to hell and death is the result.
Cost - 20 gold.

Play cards: You have a 20% chance of winning fairly, 90% with cheating, however you have a 50% chance of getting caught and thrown in jail for 3 real days. Cost - 50 gold, Possible winnings - 400 gold.

Go swimming: Do this three days in a row to gain an athletic build.

Vandalism: Considered fun to some people (I consider it annoying...). You have a 50% chance of getting caught, if you do you're in jail for 3 days.

Play chess: Intellectual game, 30% chance of giving you a journeyman tactics skill if you're a novice.

Horse racing: Costs 100 gold unless you own a horse, which reminds me, I need to add horses! Anyways, 10 gold if you have one. You always recieve a weak horse if you pay...

With age comes wisdom, but you also become senile. Upon reaching sixty years of age, your fighting and ranging skill drops automatically to veteran. Upon reaching seventy, they drop to journeyman. Upon reaching eighty, all of your skills drop to journeyman, and your fighting drops to novice. Upon reaching ninety (which is ancient for these guys!) you die of old age and your children (if you have any) take your holdings and hereditary titles. If you have no children, you must start over or...quit...>>

More will be introduced as this goes on, such as owning houses and operating your own farmland and businesses. However, I doubt anybody will be able to afford those for a while, so I'll just leave them out.

Beginning Character sheet format:

Hair color:
Eye color:

Post Description (you must post this every time you make a daily post)

Hair color:
Eye color:

And that's about it folks! Good luck! Sorry for all the information required Lanoc, but I don't want anybody to cheat or god-mod. :(

Game starts Wednesday! Post character sheets before then!!!

Oh yeah, and here's a map! Just send me a message asking the capitol cities of each Duchy, because I didn't have room to put them on the map. =D

21:34:55 Feb 15th 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

Beginning sheet:

Name: Horus the Humble
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 150 lb (68 kg)
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Skinny
Age: 20
Gold: 10 g
Bio: Horus’s parent were both professional beggars who died of a disease that was never diagnosed (but was most likely pnemonia). Horus did not want to beg and only ate what scraps his parents were able to bring home. He dreamed nightly of becoming a powerful ruler.
Description: Born in Certin


Post Description (I will be unavailable for most of Wednesday, plus I have questions)

Name: Horus the Humble
Titles/Ranks: None
Age: 20
Gold: 10 g
Pay: 0 g
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Certin
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 150 lb
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Skinny
Skills: Novice at everything unless otherwise noted
Equipment: iron longsword, leather armor, iron-rimmed shield

Is this appropriate?

22:05:57 Feb 15th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Name: Lanoc
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 9 stone/51 kilograms.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Skinny
Age: 20 years
Gold: 10
Bio: Lanoc was born in the Duchy of Resdyn, to a fisher-woman and an unknown father. He was abandoned by his mother who had little enough food for herself, at the age of seven. He picked his way among deserted streets, gathering scraps for food, that not even the pigeons would touch.
Description: A skinny young man, with brown hair and dull blue eyes. He wears a few rags as clothing, and keeps to himself.

Post Description (you must post this every time you make a daily post)

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 20 years
Gold: 10
Pay: 10
PP: 0
Assistant(to librarian(?))
Home: Duchy of Resdyn
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 51 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Skinny
Skills : Novice

00:33:20 Feb 16th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: The game hasn't started yet, so no need to put the second bit of information. They look good so far. Sorry for not listing the build types. Also, even though none of you did it, just letting everybody know that nobody gets surnames until they become a Knight. =D


Skin and bones

It's similar to a slider. If you eat lots of red meat and swim regularly, you'll gain an athletic and then a muscular build. If you eat doughnuts, don't exercise, and have an inactive type job, you'll become overweight, and then obese. XD

I think I forgot to explain foods, too. Dang.


Fattening foods- 10 gold per day - These include doughnuts, cakes, and other fatty foods. If you eat these, you'll get fat. Not much use for them, but some might want to eat them for RPing purposes. Or they might be out of money.

Bread/soup/fruit - 15 gold per day - If you eat these, you won't get fat, but you won't get muscular either.

Red meat - 25 gold per day - If you eat these, you'll get bigger. But be careful not to eat too much, or you might end up a lumbering, slow tank on the battlefield. Eat red meat three days in a row to obtain a muscular build.

You MUST eat once a day, or you will end up as skin and bones before starving to death. Then you have to start over. And you do start off as a novice at everything. While training as a soldier, the Army feeds you, so you don't need to worry about food. Military Officers also don't need to worry about food. =D

Also, you need to do a summary post every day. It doesn't have to be too long, just something that summarized your six months. =P]]

First post info

Name: Gaius
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10
Bio: Born to two serfs named Tiberius and Julia, Gaius spent his entire childhood working on the farm of a nobleman named Lord Redmarl. After sixteen years of harsh treatment, the serfs had enough. They rose up against Lord Redmarl and were slaughtered. Tiberius and Julia both died in the uprising.

Gaius managed to escape, and after two years of wandering, has ended up in Seris. He had thirty gold to his name, and with twenty of those pieces he built himself a crude shack on the outskirts of town.

Description: Gaius is of average height, lower than average weight, and often entertains thoughts of becoming a nobleman, and will do all in his power to reach that goal.

01:28:51 Feb 16th 10 - Mr. Falvion:

Name: Falvion
Height: 5'11
Weight:  164
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Age: 20
Gold: 10
Bio: Born to a fisherman's family in the Duchy of Wrindor, Falvion was destined for greater things. One day his father, Razios was called into service by the Emperor. He never returned.

Falvion, at the young age of thirteen, waited for his father's return for six years, often hiring off his father's precious fishing boat, simply to survive. After all hope was lost, Falvion headed towards Seris in hopes for a better and brighter future. Selling his father boat for 100 gold pieces, he began his year's long journey to Seris. He planned on living well for a while with those 100 gold pieces but that wasn't what destiny had planned for him. On his way there, he was mugged by a highwayman, who after stealing all of his gold, left him for dead.

Falvion, after living six years on his own, knew how to survive, and he recovered from that violent attack quickly. Upon arrive in Seris, he pick-pocketed a flashy nobleman for ten gold pieces. The very next day he assaulted a hobo for his shack.

Description: Falvion is of average height, of average weight, and often picks fights with other homeless people for entertainment. He carries a strong hatred towards noblemen and often daydreams about the riches they hold which (in his twisted mind) should be rightfully his.

02:21:09 Feb 16th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

Name: Charley
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Jet Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10

Bio: Charley is the son of Mathias who died of a fever along with his mother, Catherine, during a harsh winter.  He had been only 17 at the time and barely survived, but Charley held on until he turned 18 and sold the small property his family owned and went off towards the large cities with dreams of one day having a title to his name.

Description: Charley is an average young man until you see his eyes.  Within them is the look of a person who has fiery passion and the desire to do great things.  Most men fail to see this but those that do will realize that he is destined to go far in his life.

11:19:05 Feb 17th 10 - Lord Himanil IX:

Name: Tiberius
Height: 6ft 3in
Weight: 95kg

Hair color: Jet Black
Eye color: Black

Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Gold: 10

Bio: Adam is the son of Termainius, a fiercely pro emperor fanatic and valiant soldier who wished for Tiberius to follow in his footsteps but was unable to see that happen due to his death in an offensive against the barbaric hordes. Adam then was raised by his mother in the Duchy of Porus survivng year after year till her death to a plague on which he sold his family property and headed off to the capital of Porus where he was determined to make a name for himself.

Description: His extremely deep and heavy voice coupled with height is something that generally surprises people expecting something feebler to come from his gaunt face. Has burning eyes wishing to do his father proud and establish a name for himself.

16:25:21 Feb 17th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:


Sorry, forgot to mention that upon completing army training, you automatically have an athletic build. Slim soldiers aren't all the rage. =/

And Himanil, I'm guessing you picked Adam as your name instead of Tiberius?]]

Gaius woke up in his small shack and looked around. It had been a good dream, why had it stopped? Gaius got up, put on his "clothes", and walked outside. He knew what he had to do.

Gaius walked through town, passing by several shops along the way. He had just arrived in Seris the day before, so he noted their locations as he went. After about twenty minutes of walking, he reached his destination. The Citadel of Seris was an imposing military structure near the palace. It was built to withstand anything, and Gaius didn't doubt its strength as he entered through the massive open gates. There were around ten desks set up in the courtyard where recruiting officers had set up desks. Gaius walked forward to an empty one.
"Name?" asked the officer.
"Gaius," said Gaius.
"Any skills? Forging, reading, writing?" asked the officer.
"No," answered Gaius.
"Get in that line over there. I hope you're ready for a year of hell, recruit," smiled the officer.

Name: Gaius
Titles/Ranks: Recrut of the Serillian Army.
Age: 18.5
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: A small shack in Seris.
Height: 5'11" (sorry, made a mistake. A Septim's/Cidellus's height is always 5'11", not 5'10". XD)
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Tactics - Novice (Journeyman training - 1/2)
Fighting - Novice (Journeyman training - 1/2)

17:03:09 Feb 17th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Question: Can one repeatedly become an assistant to... every skill person type dude thing? For example, could one become an assistant to a Scholar then a Lawyer, etc? And can you just quit once you learn the skill?
Also, the books aren't altogether that expensive, considering courses triple in value.

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 20 years
Gold: 5(bought soup)
Pay: 10
PP: 0
Assistant(to librarian)
Home: Duchy of Resdyn, A small shack
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 51 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim
Skills : Novice (Journeyman training - 1/2)

Lanoc ambled through the winding streets on the outskirts of the capital of Resdyn. The streets were half-deserted, the majority of the people bartering in the centre of the city, or else training to become soldiers. Lanoc wandered down yet another side-street, he had lost himself an hour ago after all. He hastened towards a nearby building as a few raindrops fell from the sky. He had but a few rags on him after all.
             It was a library, old and dilapidated. A solitary figure was behind the desk, and a few others were hidden behind bookshelves. There were some guards there also, heavily armed. Books were expensive after all. He wondered why they were in such an old ramshackle building. He greeted the person behind the desk. It was an old skeletal man, with a grizzled beard and green eyes. There was a cap covering his head, proclaiming the name of the library, Lanoc guessed. Lanoc asked for work, in a half-hearted attempt. The man shoved some books at him, and gestured towards some empty shelves. They were completely destroyed, the cover hung loose on them, the pages were torn and tattered and the words were faded. Lanoc put them on the shelves anyway.
            Lanoc worked for six arduous months, filling shelves with worn books and the old man gave him a few coins and taught him the basics of reading in return.

17:27:29 Feb 17th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: They take a while if you don't have a good reading skill though. And to make it even, no, you can't go back and repeatedly learn different skills as an assistant. Getting free reading is good enough. Being a scholar is a well paying job, but you'll get basically NO prominence points from it. Being a soldier pays alright, but you have a chance to get a good amount of prominence points from it. It all depends on your goals. If you want to be rich, be a scholar and earn enough money to start your own business and strike it big. If you want to be powerful, join the army, become distinguished through war, and be granted a position of nobility. =P]]

19:48:47 Feb 17th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

[[OOC: Alright, I have written my post TWO times now and VU keeps logging me out...I am not goin to write as much this time because I am busy and this is pissing me off.]]
[[EDIT - F*ckin finally...jeez]]

     Charley woke up and took all of his belongings to Seris.  He was not interesting in apprenticeships and vendors by the streets and soon signed up for the army.  He was given an iron longsword, some basic leather armor, and an iron-rimmed shield.

Name: Charley
Titles/Ranks: Recruit
Age: 18 1/2
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: RadioShack
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Tactics - Novice (Journeyman training - 1/2)
Fighting - Novice (Journeyman training - 1/2)

09:46:56 Feb 18th 10 - Lord Himanil IX:

{OOC-Yeah that'd be it, never used a name besides that)

Tiberius wandered in amazement about the city of Mardem. It had towering buildings and more people in one place than he had ever seen in his life. All about people were hustling and bustling, people bargaining, shouting, animals yelling as the escorts of a noble flogged them to make way for a carriage. Taking it all in Tiberius caught sight of a poster for army recruitment. After much thinking Tiberius made his way to a splendid looking army recruitment centre having had talked himself into it by reassuring himself that it was only for a year.

Weary officers in uncharacteristically impressive looking uniforms shifted in their chairs, clearly uncomfortable in their creeky dresses as they took him in. He rushed ahead of the odd 10 man line as he was called.

"Height and weight?" asked one of the officers gruffly.

"6'3, 95 kilos."

"Any previous work experience?"


"Excellent. You're in. The rest of you, head back, try tomorrow."

"Welcome son, to the place where you'll spend a year regretting the biggest mistake of your life," smiled an officer after they made him sign a document. "Just do what you're told to do and do it to the best of your abilities and you'll survive."

An officer laughed in the distance as he was shepherded in with one saying, "I sure hope hope they don't take away these uniforms once we're done here."

Name: Tiberius 

Titles/Ranks: Recruit
Age: 18.5
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Dilapidated Shack
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 95kg.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Slim

Tactics - Novice (Journeyman training - 1/2)
Fighting - Novice (Journeyman training - 1/2)

16:31:09 Feb 18th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Gaius was six months into his training. The past six months of his life had been hell. The drill instructors didn't seem human. Gaius never saw them eat or sleep. All they seemed to do was yell at him. However, it was giving its rewards. He was getting tougher, stronger, and faster. He could fight with a sword, and was learning the basics of military strategy. He was halfway there, he could make it.

Name: Gaius
Titles/Ranks: Recrut of the Serillian Army.
Age: 19
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: A small shack in Seris.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Tactics - Novice (Journeyman training - 2/2)
Fighting - Novice (Journeyman training - 2/2)

17:07:28 Feb 18th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

"You start out at the age of twenty"... Hate to be pedantic, but you said this above :P

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 20.5 years
Gold: 0(bought fruit)
Pay: 10
PP: 0
Assistant(to librarian)
Home: Duchy of Resdyn, A small shack
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 51 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim
Skills : Journeyman reading.

Lanoc finally understood those intricate etchings on the old yellowed paper. He was far from being able to read at a rapid pace, but he was content with knowing what they meant. He sorted the books out, there were many after all, even if half-destroyed.

17:17:01 Feb 18th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Well, I guess I'll make an amendment. Anywhere from 18 to 25 is acceptable. =P

All three Prominence games before this one have started out at eighteen, probably why I did it. XD]]

17:25:27 Feb 18th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

[[OOC: Got a virus...can't be online without it shutting off the internet...dropping out for a bit I guess.  Sorry]]

16:41:31 Feb 19th 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

Name: Horus the Humble
Titles/Ranks: None
Age: 21
Gold: 10 g
Pay: 100 g
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Certin
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 150 lb
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Skills: Journeyman: Tactics, Journeyman: Fighting
Equipment: iron longsword, leather armor, iron-rimmed shield

Horus was very proud that he was now able to put money in his pocket without begging for it. He enlisted immediately as a full time soldier.

[OOC: sorry my last post didn't take, don't know why. What does one do next in this game, save money?]

17:22:55 Feb 19th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: It's your decision! =D

Going to expand on soldiers a bit. If you decide to become a professional soldier, you will sign a contract stating that you will stay in the Legion's service for twenty years. You will enter special training to become a Legionnaire that will last six months (one day). After that, you will be a veteran at fighting and will receive a legionnaire's uniform and weapons. A Serillian legionnaire differs from a Roman legionnaire. They use a type of light, cheap, yet protective platemail armor and wear barbute helmets. They use steel longswords and steel-reinforced wooden tower shields. The standard pay hasn't changed from one hundred gold, but if you go to war you will get to participate in the looting of enemy villages and cities (if you desire).

If you choose to become a Legionnaire, your leather armor, iron longsword, and iron-rimmed shield will be taken, obviously. =D

If you become a veteran of tactics, you will be promoted to Centurion, and your pay will be increased to three hundred gold a day. If you perform well as a Centurion, and upgrade your tactics to expert, you may become a legate (one of the higher ranking officers under the General). Legates have a pay of 1000 gold a day. Only nobles may become Generals, so unless you become nobility, Legate is where it stops.]]

"I, Gaius, son of Tiberius, swear to be loyal and honest to his majesty, Emperor Marcus IV, and all of his heirs and successors. I will obey all orders given by his majesty, his heirs, his generals, and his officers!" yelled Gaius along with several hundred other recruits at the Ceremony of the Oath. Marcus IV himself was presiding over the ceremony. Gaius had heard of him, heard of his strength, heard of his intelligence, but at the moment, Marcus looked weak. His hair was white, he was thin, and his face was covered in wrinkles and old scars. He looked in pain. He was dying, there was no doubt about it.

Gaius had decided before that he would become a professional soldier, and as such, he became a Legionnaire rather than an auxiliary. He began his training the next day, and realized that it would be an incredible challenge to survive it. Everything was way harder than it was in the basic auxiliary training, but he was sure that the rewards would be all the better.

Name: Gaius
Titles/Ranks: Recruit of the Serillian Army.
Age: 19
Gold: 10
Pay: 0 gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: A small shack in Seris.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Tactics - Journeyman
Fighting - Journeyman (Learning veteran - 1/1)

18:59:05 Feb 19th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: Hey Septim! I've been out of VU while waiting for the new era and missed the start of this! Can I join late?}

21:17:31 Feb 19th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

{You probably can, players have to restart(new character/heir) when they die anyway.}

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 21 years
Gold: 375(bought meat. How do I get to athletic from muscular?)
Pay: 400
PP: 0
Home: Duchy of Resdyn, A small shack
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 51 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim
Skills : Journeyman reading.

Lanoc had left his job as an assistant, as the librarian had no gold with which to pay him, having spent the majority on books. He had arranged for Lanoc to work as a scholar however, which was much better paying.

{Sorry Septim, will have to ask you: what exactly do these scholar dudes do/did?}

21:33:19 Feb 19th 10 - Mr. Falvion:

Stumbling out drunk from another pub, (stealing the beer of course) Falvion staggered his way through the streets of Seris. He remembered a certain sea shanty, one that his father told him about pirates. "Fifteen men on a dead man's chest! Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Drink and let the devil do the rest! Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum!"

Unfortunately, while singing this merry tune, he had wandered himself into the Seris Recruiting Centre. Unknowingly signing a stack of documents, poor Falvion, and his dreams of eternal glory was to take a six months detour through hell.

Name: Falvion
Titles/Ranks: Recruit in the Army
Age: 20
Gold: 10
Pay: 100
PP: 0
Occupation: Recruit
Home: House made of boxes outside nearby Pub
Height: 5'11
Weight: 164
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athetic
Skills: Tactics - Novice (Journeyman training - 1/2)
Fighting - Novice (Journeyman training - 1/2)

22:33:58 Feb 19th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Of course you can still join. Everybody can still join if they want to. You’ll be a few days behind, but no big deal! =D]]

03:46:40 Feb 20th 10 - Lord Himanil IX:

3 cracked bones, incredible bruising all over the body, 2 severely injured instructors and 1 year later Tiberius found himself working hard under the leering gaze of his new instructors. His initial 1 year training hadn't exactly been a joke but it was nowhere as tough as what his father had been preparing him for since childhood, the instructors had tried to push him around especially during the sparring sessions which had resulted in a couple of them getting injured seriously. Fortunately due to his little talent at fighting he wasn't pursued with charges, given a wrap on the knuckles and let off.

However now as he engaged in legionaire training the instructors were really pushing him and the others. Many had gotten injured with 2 getting killed and the drop out rate being high. Yet still he was enjoying it as everyday he learnt new skills and knew that however hard this might be, in the end this was going to be of great use to him.


Name: Tiberius 

Titles/Ranks: Recruit
Age: 19
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Dilapidated Shack (Presently Army training compound)
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 95kg.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Athletic

Tactics - Journeyman
Fighting - Journeyman (Learning Veteran - 1/2)

13:51:43 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

Name: Horus the Humble
Titles/Ranks: None
Age: 21.5
Gold: 110 g
Pay: 100 g
PP: 0
Occupation: Legionaire training
Home: Certin
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 160 lb
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Journeyman: Tactics
Journeyman: Fighting (Learning Veteran 1/1)
Equipment: iron longsword, leather armor, iron-rimmed shield

Horus had soaked in he training in becoming a soldier. He watched as his physique slowly evolved into that of a fighter. He so enjoyed this role in society that he decided to join the Legion. He signed a 20 year contract, sealing is fate until his 40's, but he did this unwaveringly. He knew now this was his future. All new legionaires are inducted in a ceremony. It was truly a gala of an event. Crowds swarmed the ceremony to get a glimpse of the oath reading.

Of the hundreds Horus noticed a fair skinned, red-haired woman. Her blue-green eyes stood out like a beacon. He was immediately transfixed. Suddenly the horns blaired and Horus knew he had to march, head forward with his new comrades. He couldn't keep his mind off the woman and twice stepped on othes' feet as he went through his motions.

17:43:28 Feb 20th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

In the same ceremony as Horus was Gaius, son of Tiberius. Holding the hilt of his sword with one hand, and his shield with the other, he realized with pride that he had been a survivor of the training to become a legionnaire. Now, he was ready to fight for the glory of Serillia, and for his beloved Emperor, Marcus IV. He would fight for his son, Aulus Serillus, in due time. It was all an honor for Gaius, and he would gladly die for any of his brothers in arms.

After the ceremony, Gaius returned to the barracks. He was assigned to the city garrison, and was given a hammock in the barracks, along with a chest to store his armor and weapons in. Gaius had a lot of free time that day, as his duties would start tomorrow so Gaius decided to travel to his old shack. It was inhabited by a beggar family, and Gaius decided to let them keep it. He had a new home now, and had simply been curious as to what had happened to it.

Gaius returned back to the barracks, ate dinner, and began socializing with his fellow legionnaires. He met three legionnaires that, by the end of that night, could call his friends: Antonis, Gorris, and Novus. They were all good fighters, and they were all in their very early twenties or late teens. After a long night of good times, Gaius went to sleep, ready for his duties in the morning, and for the next twenty years of his life.

Name: Gaius
Titles/Ranks: Legionnaire of the Serillian Army.
Age: 19.5
Gold: 110
Pay: 100 gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Seris Garrison Barracks
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Tactics - Journeyman
Fighting - Veteran

19:41:55 Feb 20th 10 - Sir Lanoc:

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 21.5 years
Gold: 750(bought meat.)
Pay: 400
PP: 0

Home: Duchy of Resdyn, A small shack
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 52 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim
Skills : Journeyman reading.

Lanoc continued in his work in an academy. He had to copy manuscripts, a tiring task. He learned little from it, the characters were strange and foreign. However, it was very well paid.

{Question: What can one actually do with Ranging and with Magic?}

20:11:11 Feb 20th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: They count as fighting in jobs that require fighting. Magic can also be used for a LOT of other purposes. But I doubt anybody will have the money for it anytime soon.]]

21:08:45 Feb 20th 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Thanks Septim! I'll be starting on Monday then.}

12:22:05 Feb 21st 10 - Lord Himanil IX:

Tiberius proudly marched by the rulers and noble houses of Mardem. Marching at the head of his company sized unit right behind the centurion (presuming you've modelled the legion after the Romans) Tiberius felt as though he was the master of the world. Holding up his spear as a sign of swearing allegiance whilst his large shield remained intact close to his body the 81 shining men lowered spears and continued marching accompanied by he cheers of the crowds.

At night Tiberius carefully out his uniform and weapons in place as he prepared to sleep after a night of great festivities. He had come to develop a close bond with the fellow members of his conterbernium ( 8 men units) and was restless to commence duty in the Maedem citadel. As he lay down his mind was filled with dreams for his upcoming 20 years and also determined to impress the ruling elite of the citadel.


Name: Tiberius 

Titles/Ranks: Recruit
Age: 19.5
Gold: 110
Pay: 100 Gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Mardem Citadel Barracks
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 95kg.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Athletic

Tactics - Journeyman
Fighting - Veteran 

16:57:26 Feb 21st 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: A lot of the ranks are different from that of the Romans. A Legate was only open to Patricians if I remember right, but you don't have to be noble to be a Legate in Prominence. The armor is also different, with us using a type of light platemail that protects most of our bodies rather than lorica segmentata or a similar Roman Imperial armor that only protects the torso and shoulders. We also don't use javelins.

The typical full-strength Serillian legion consists of 6,000 men. 5,000 soldiers and 1,000 auxiliaries. The men are organized into Cohorts (500 men each), those are organized into Centuries (100 men each), which are organized into Decums (10 men each).

Dectors command the Decums.

Centurions command the Centuries.

The General and his Legates command the Cohorts.

The auxiliary organization is the same, but auxiliaries are generally looked at as second-class soldiers by the legionnaires. =(

Hope that makes things easier.]]


"Wake up!" roared a Centurion as he marched into the barracks.
Gaius rolled out of his hammock and walked over to his chest. After putting on his armor, buckling his sword, and picking up his shield, he walked out to the mess hall. He had been a legionnaire for six months, and it had been an easy job so far. Gaius knew that would change as soon as Marcus died, but he didn't care. An hour of practice was required every morning, so after eating breakfast, Gaius spared with several other legionnaires, jogged, and exercised. He then went on guard duty, patrolling the city and guarding government buildings all day. After that, when it was almost dark, he returned to the fort, ate dinner, went to the bathroom, and began socializing with his fellow legionnaires. At nine o'clock, he went to bed as was required.

Name: Gaius
Titles/Ranks: Legionnaire of the Serillian Army.
Age: 20
Gold: 210
Pay: 100 gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Seris Garrison Barracks
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Tactics - Journeyman
Fighting - Veteran

18:34:47 Feb 21st 10 - Lord Himanil IX:

{OOC-Does the 1st cohort of every legion enjoy the exalted position and priviliges that it did under the Romans?} {Are you refering to the pilum when you talk of javelins?)

Tiberius loathingly got up from bed at 4 disliking to leave the comfort of his heated quarters in the citadel and go out in the biting cold. However once out fully dressed in his armour he went on an uncharacteristically harsh workout so as to punish himself for getting lax. The past 6 months had occured without much incident and the legionaire commanders were ordering them out with more regularity to the fields for war like manoeuvres fearing that these crack units would get softened by the comfortable existence being led in the heart if Marden.

More than once Tiberius had gotten occasion to be in the presence of noble lords, he had observed them closely during those periods, their way of speaking, moving, attitude towards those senior in rank and those who were junior. He came to know a lot of what was happening around the lands for some members of his Decum were posted at the diplomatic corps for security duty. He himself would keep getting rotated along with Maximus, Cyron, Niath and Vercingetorix for a variety of duties within the citadel. Whilst their physical levels of fitness had not improved much their warfighting skills grew exponentially each day for there in the citadel were also deployed a variety of experienced men, seasoned warriors who despite their seniority in rank were not excused fro mthe rigours of daily drill and fitness routines. It was a necessity to constantly keep the legions a ever ready, combat fit fighting unit. Tiberius's legions, large parts of which was composed of young men was utilising these sessions to their advantage, learning a great deal. Each night Tiberius would withdraw to bed at 9 exhausted unless it was his turn at night watch, each morning he would awake afresh, brimming with energetic enthusiasm and vigour. 6 months passed thus.


Name: Tiberius 

Titles/Ranks: Legionnaire Of The Serillian Army
Age: 20
Gold: 210
Pay: 100 Gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Mardem Citadel Barracks (Duchy Of Porus)
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 95kg.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Athletic

Tactics - Journeyman
Fighting - Veteran 

22:59:56 Feb 21st 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: The first cohort of every legion doesn't receive anything more than any other cohort in the legion. =P

And you know that I'm talking about the pilum. XD]]

03:47:19 Feb 22nd 10 - Lord Himanil IX:

{OOC-No double the numbers of a standard cohort? No best troops? No carrying of the aquila by the 1st?}

03:56:57 Feb 22nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Nope.]]

03:58:59 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

Name: Horus the Humble
Titles/Ranks: None
Age: 22
Gold: 210 g
Pay: 100 g
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Barracks, Certin
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 160 lb
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Tactics: Journeyman
Veteran: Fighting

[OOC: can you take courses while employed as a soldier? do you have time to read?]

Horus could not get the piercing eyes of the woman in the crowd out of his mind through his first 6 months of training with his Decum. Horus became particularly chummy with a stout and dark skinned named Nevo. Nevo was easily a foot taller that Horus and twice as heavy. Unkempt and long brown hair hid numerous facial modification (both from his previous occupation and intentional) and tattoos. Nevo was 27 years old and a fighter, for entertainment purposes, before he enlisted. He could earn 1 gold per night for masacring anyone that would please the crowd. To the loser, the spoils.

Horus drove Nevo insane with dribble of her eyes and her hair.

“If you don’t go find her, I will probably have to kill you” Nevo remarked casually.

The idea was one Horus, oddly, had not contemplated…

04:11:37 Feb 22nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: You have time to read, but you can take no courses. However, every five years after legionnaire training, you get six months of leave. (Every five days, you get a day of leave.)]]

05:29:29 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

[OOC: 5 days = 2.5 game years, 5 game years = 10 days.... ?]

06:31:27 Feb 22nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Sorry, had a brainfart. Every 2.5 years you get six months of leave. Unless, of course, it's wartime. Then you accumulate leave that can be used when the war you are fighting in is over.]]

15:27:52 Feb 22nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

It had been a year since he had become a Serillian legionnaire, and the feelings of pride and happiness he had felt earlier were wearing off. All he had now was a feeling of sorrow. Where would he get by fighting? Where would he get by spilling the blood of others? He could have left the legions with decent enough skills in tactics and fighting, he could have become a thug, saved his money up, and gotten a respectable job. But now he was a dog of the Emperor, his glorious Emperor, and he would be for the next nineteen years. It sounded a lot better than twenty, but it still made him sick. But he would never desert, never. His honor would never allow that.

Name: Gaius
Titles/Ranks: Legionnaire of the Serillian Army.
Age: 20
Gold: 310
Pay: 100 gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Seris Garrison Barracks
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Tactics - Journeyman
Fighting - Veteran

16:01:51 Feb 22nd 10 - Lord Himanil X:

{OOC-You didn't increase your age?}

16:14:40 Feb 22nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Thank you. It's a bit late to edit now, but I will up my age a year next post. I posted at 6:27 AM my time, two minutes after I got up, cut me some slack. XD ]]

Jonny walked into the city of Merdoch, one of the cities under the control of the Duke of Jaskol. He had no idea how he was going to make a living. He had always wanted to be a commander, leading great armies to victort, and so he decided to join the army. What else could he do.

He walked up to the garrison and enlisted. And that was that. No questions asked. he was in. Easy.

Name: Jonny
Titles/Ranks: Soldier
Age: 20
Gold: Broke
Pay: 100 (1/2)
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Shack in Merdoch (city is Ducky of Jaskol)
Height: 6/4
Weight: 185
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim
Fighting - Journeyman (1/2)
Tactics - Journeyman (1/2)

19:53:07 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Lanoc:

{You start off with 10 gold. Also, are any of you actually buying any food? :P}

Name: Lanoc
Titles/Ranks: None.
Age: 22 years
Gold: 1,125(bought meat.)
Pay: 400
PP: 0

Home: Duchy of Resdyn, A small shack
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 59 kg
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic(Or Muscular?)
Skills : Journeyman reading.

Lanoc strode through the vast expanse of the academy, his ragged cloak sweeping along behind him. A passing scholar tripped him up with a stray foot. Lanoc scrambled to his feet and marched onward, unperturbed. He was feeling confident, he had gold in his pocket, and was earning more. Soon he would be able to pay for a veteran course in reading.

20:44:11 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Horus V:

[OOC: I don't have to buy food in the military no?]

20:52:38 Feb 22nd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: As long as you are either in training, or on active duty, you don't have to buy food. =D]]

23:04:28 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Beginning Character sheet format:

Name: Jarnas
Height: 6'4
Weight: 170
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Dark Green
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10
Bio: Little is known about Jarnas. He just walked into town one day. No one knows where he came from, and no one asks.

Description: Jarnas is a striking figure, standing taller than most, with mid-length hair, striking eyes and well-crafted features. He is quiet, preferring to be by himself.


Name: Jarnas
Titles/Ranks: None
Age: 18
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Looking
Home: The street
Height: 6'4
Weight: 170
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Dark Green
Build: Slim

None, really.

Jarnas, by now a familiar figure on the streets of the Peninsularae Ducal capital, walks up to the army recruiting station.

"I'm hungry. Got room for me?"

"Uh, um... Sure Jarnas!" was the obviously surprised reply. After Jarnas signed up and headed to the barracks, the recruiter leaned over to his friend,

"He talks?"

{OOC: My official entry into the RP, looking forward to getting into it!}

00:55:51 Feb 23rd 10 - Mr. Zuall:

Beginning Character sheet format:

Name: Zuall
Height: 5'11
Weight: 145
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Ice Blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10
Bio: Zuall was born to a poor family, his parents were alcoholics that beat him regularly, until one day he snapped.  No one knows wat happened to his parents but him... but he will never tell you 

Description: Zuall is a mid-height skinny man, hehas short hair and deep blue eyes and a massive secret


Name: Zuall
Titles/Ranks: None
Age: 18
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: soldier
Home: somewhere in wednor
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Ice Blue
Build: Slim

01:41:43 Feb 23rd 10 - Lord Himanil X:

Tiberius still brimming with youthful exuberance wentr out about with his daily duties but now was beginnig to feel just a bit tired of the daily routine. A war was what he awaited. It was thinking of this that he retired to bed.


Name: Tiberius 

Titles/Ranks: Legionnaire Of The Serillian Army
Age: 20.5
Gold: 310
Pay: 100 Gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Mardem Citadel Barracks (Duchy Of Porus)
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 95kg.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Build: Athletic

Tactics - Journeyman
Fighting - Veteran 

03:55:23 Feb 23rd 10 - Mr. Horus V:

Name: Horus the Humble
Titles/Ranks: None
Age: 22.5
Gold: 310 g
Pay: 100 g
PP: 0
Occupation: Soldier
Home: Barracks, Certin
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 160 lb
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Tactics: Journeyman
Fighting: Veteran

Six more months of drills. Boring mindless drills, Horus thought. Stab this way, march that way, respond with this tone... it was getting old. Six more months of pining as well. Horus contemplated sneaking out of the barracks at night and looking for her. But where to look?

Nevo, Horus's comrade, was finding himself under close watch after severly injuring a fellow soldier in a drill on take downs. He was on watch duty every night, rationing his sleep. Nevo found himself frustrated with this punishment. Horus approached Nevo with the idea of leaving the barracks at night. Nevo was more than enthusiatic, however there was his post to deal with. Horus pushed and pushed until Nevo submitted and agreed with Horus. They would go and enjoy a night or two. Horus would look for his mistress, and Nevo would just let loose, they decided that Nevo could get away with abandoning his nightly watch.

So with only 1 and a half years until their first leave, Horus and Nevo hatched a plan...

07:02:18 Feb 23rd 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Nice job making a side-story, Horus. Everybody can feel free to add side-stories as long as they don't involve heavy crimes or making yourself wealthier. If I think that you're using a side-story as cheating...then something bad will happen. I can't allow people to abuse roleplaying.

Good example: A man falls in love and produces lovely children while on military leave, and has to send money to them to support them.

Bad example: A man is walking to the streets when a noble bumps into him, apologizes, and hands him a bag of gold.


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