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03:54:12 Aug 30th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:


A Deallus-Cidellus RP

Corporal Daniel H. Baker was seated in a Mark V Light Assault Dropship, his Landre M2068 Carbine ready. His face was serious, and he was quite nervous, he was always nervous before a mission, even the bravest men felt it. The fear of losing your men, hell, one of your men, was always there. However, somebody had to scout out the planet, and if it wasn’t the job of a Ranger, he didn’t know what was. War had been declared a week before, after Karus’s government had finished mobilizing and were entirely prepared for an invasion. Karlios had done the same, both sides had known that war was coming. President Richard McClure had made it clear that Karlios would pay with blood. What had happened was nobody’s fault, a Karliosian soldier’s gun had malfunctioned during a Karusian Ambassador’s visit, the Ambassador’s bodyguards had fired back, and a firefight had broken out, resulting in the deaths of four Karusian guards, one Karusian Ambassador, and the imprisonment of the surviving eight guards.

The result had been increased hostilities between the two planets, and a great many Karusian citizens killed Karliosians on sight. Each murder was treated as a murder of a Karusian, however, that did not stop them. Eventually, Karlios transported her citizens back, and Karus did the same. A month later, a terrorist attack in Karus claimed the life of Vice President Ian Hamilton, along with most of his family. A Karliosian terrorist cell claimed responsibility, and President Richard McClure demanded that Karlios capture and deliver the terrorists. Karlios refused, and communications were cut between the two planets.

Corporal Baker looked up at his fireteam, all of them his friends, all of them his brothers. Private First Class Bruce Green, the medic, was twenty-seven years old. His black hair was still, and somewhat dirty, and his brown eyes stared down at the carbine in his hands. He then looked over at George Mason, the fireteam’s youngest member at nineteen.
"Want to hear a joke?" asked Green.
"Sure, Bruce," said Mason.
"Alright, so an officer walks up to a soldier, and says, ‘Soldier, do you have change for a dollar?’," said Green.
"Yeah…" said Mason.

"The soldier replies, ‘Sure, buddy’. The officer replies ‘That's no way to address an officer! Now let's try it again. Do you have change for a dollar?’ and the soldier replies ‘No, SIR!’," narrated Green.
Mason let out a short laugh, and Green sat back with a grin. He then saw Baker looking at him and leaned across the small dropship.
"Dan, you alright?" asked Green.
"I’ll be fine," replied Corporal Baker as he sat back and took a deep breath.

[[OOC: We start on the dropship heading towards our mission, Deallus and I are the only ones allowed to command a fireteam at this time. Good luck.]]

19:37:13 Aug 30th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

     Corporal Nicholas Matthew Bannon sat in his seat quietly.  He was nervous.  Everyone was nervous.  Someone would have to be crazy not to be nervous.  It was like the air in the dropship was pressing in on him, and then Private Andrew Hawkins elbowed Nick in the side a little. 
     "Hey sir, how long until we touch down?" asked the young soldier.
     "Not sure Hawkins, lemme ask Bull," replied Nick as he snapped out of his tense state and looked towards the front of the light dropship.  First Lieutenant Richard "Bull" Hendrickson was their senior commanding officer for their platoon.  He was a shorter but tough man who had grown up doing manual labor until he decided to go to the Karusian Military Academy to become an officer.  Since then, he had become a Ranger and a damned fine one from Nick's experience with him. 
     "Sir, how long until we reach the LZ?" shouted Nick over the roar of the engines.  Bull Hendrickson looked up from where he was looking and saw who was shouting at him.
     "About five minutes corporal.  Start getting your men ready for a quick drop so we can secure the zone!" replied Bull.  Next to Bull was Sergeant Edgar G. "Wolf" Wofford, a shaggy haired man who seemed rather skinny for a Ranger, but he was a quick thinker under pressure and had proven himself in order to reach his rank. 
     "Everyone do inter-team equipment checks before we land!" shouted Sergeant Wolf as the men liked to call him.  Nick turned to the men in his squad.  He was checking the equipment on Private Hawkins.  Hawkins was checking the gear on Specialist Matthew Ray, the engineer and radioman.  Ray was checking Private Jeremy Grimm's equipment.  Grimm was checking Private First Class Anthony Wilson's gear.  As they finished, they each shouted off a grade of "Good" as everyman had checked their equipment the previous night.  After everyone had done the equipment check, Private Hawkins checked Nick's own gear before they finally were noted as being in perfect team condition. 
     "Thirty seconds!" suddenly shouted Lieutenant Hendrickson over the roar of the engine and each man held his weapon firmly in his hands, careful to keep the safety of their weapons on.  Then the dropship suddenly lurched and came to a halt.
     "Alright, let's clear the LZ!" shouted Bull Hendrickson as Rangers started moving out of the dropship quickly and moving to their assigned positions.  Nick's team was one of the last off, but they moved cohesively and quickly to their position and would stay in their formation until they were ordered to regroup.

20:20:17 Aug 30th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Private Adam Dragstorm's tight set face with a firm jaw surprised many of the new team members who really hadn't been expecting to see one of the oldest serving Rangers in their squad that tense. They however shuffled away as Adam's keen and piercing eyes took in every one of his teammates engaged in final preparations in the dropship.

Private "Eagle" Wilson was busily re-packing his bergen after having had stripped down all the bag to locate a missing sniper bullet of his. Private "Tumbley" Huxley their newest rifleman was rapidly muttering prayers with his eyes closed and jittery hand wet with sweat clutching his gun. Corporal Jones was examining his face in a mirror apparently shaving his seemingly speckless face over the shouts of Sergeant Terry who was in his booming voice commanding a nearby squad to present their already thrice checked weapons for inspection.

There were a total of 5 squads in the Mark V Assault Dropship that had a capacity for 30 men along with a vehicle covered by camouflaged covers which from it's shape Adam suspected to be a RRV.
Most of the squads consisted of experienced seasoned troops, then again there were exceptions thought Adam as a soldier near him got a sharp reprimand from his corporal for being unable to load, aim and fire the empty magazine in 3 seconds.

As the engines started to squeal loudly, they saw steam siphon from the side of their craft as they started to land. Adam wondered which squad his own would be working with considering that they knew several companies of Karusian Rangers were being deployed to the area.

As the entrance pads of their craft opened most of the Rangers systematically moved out swiftly getting behind cover as some squads started to bring down the supplies and set up temporary tents. Swinging around his own machine gun Adam rapidly disembarked and hit the dust behind a large boulder a short way off with the rest of his squad as he awaited further orders.

02:39:33 Sep 2nd 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

[[OOC: Alright, I have been suffering from internet problems that are still a pain atm, but will make things fast.  I see that nothing has happened(Windscar) so I will kick him from the RP.  There has been no excuse given, so no excuse will be taken.]]

     Nick hopped out of the dropship and crouched low to the ground due to the weight of his pack.  He aimed his rifle around quickly before moving forward a few steps and his men hopped out after him and they got into formation.  Nick's fireteam was to be near the front side of the defensive perimeter.  That was the side that enemy contact would most likely come from, and it was the side that was focused on more but not completely.  It was foolish to put all of the strength on one side and leave the rear open to a flanking maneuver.  Nick ordered PFC Wilson to move his machine gun to their front and he set it up as swiftly as he was trained.  Then he was to be aided by Private Hawkins while Specialist Ray and Nick positioned themselves behind the machine gun for additional supporting fire.  Private Grimm was to cover their flank in case of any infiltrating units.  They waited patiently for about fifteen minutes when Bull Hendrickson came into view.
     "Area secure! Preparing vehicles for scouting procedure!" said Bull over the radio COM channel.  As he gave the all-clear, another dropship appeared over the tree canopy of the forest and descended after the previous one had cleared.  Within minutes, there were three fully functional Ranger Reconnaissance Vehicles on the ground along with any supplies needed for a command outpost.  Then the task of building a temporary camp began.  A defensive perimeter was kept by several key points around the camp.  Then the team leaders were called together by Lieutenant Hendrickson.

     "Alright, we have our position set up as best as we will do it.  I want two scouting vehicles sent together and see if we can make contact with the enemy already.  Try not to engage if they have superior numbers because we are merely the scouting units and not the regular armed forces.  Let them take care of the enemy grunts.  If headquarters wants us to take a key position, then let them order us first instead of expecting us to read their minds.  Corporal Bannon and Corporal Baker, I want you two to be on this scouting mission.  The vehicles can fit up to six men, so you have the option of having an extra soldier or two tag along.  The option is up to you.  Everyone else will be on the defensive here as a fallback position in case things get dicey," said Bull Hendrickson before ending the discussion with a salute.  Nick saluted back and turned to Corporal Baker.
     "So, looks like we get thrown into the fire first huh?" he asked.

07:43:47 Sep 2nd 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

"It seems that way, but hopefully, if luck is on our side, we'll avoid the fire part until necessary," said Baker before frowning slightly, "Mark my words now, this'll be a long, bloody war. I'm not taking any extra men, my men are used to each other, taking an extra would be more of a liability than an asset. Good luck...fireteam, mount up!"
Baker's fireteam ran to an empty RRV and got in, with the Engineer getting in the Driver's seat. Baker got into the passenger seat and the Engineer steered the RRV out of the clearing.

05:35:41 Sep 4th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Himanil, the officer said two squads, not three. Those squads are under the command of Corporal Baker and Corporal Bannon, not "Sergeant Terry", whoever the hell he is. We have Lieutenant "Bull" and Sergeant "Wolf"'ll forget about Sergeant Terry, he no longer exists. You will stay at the camp and help set it up, we will do the scouting...understood?]]

06:01:24 Sep 4th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

[[OOC: Just chill...everyone will get in on action, but it just takes randomly started attacks please.]]

     After Corporal Baker finished talking, Nick waved for his men to hop into the RRV and then walked by Baker's passenger window.  He knocked on it several times and then flashed the thumbs up before hopping into his RRV.  Specialist Ray was in the driver's seat.
     "Alright Ray, let's head out.  Follow the coordinates on the map," ordered Nick as he leaned back in his seat.
     "Yes sir," replied the engineer as he pressed the gas pedal and the RRV sped off northwards, just in front of Corporal Baker's vehicle. 

     The two vehicles moved northwards into the unknown territory and after about thirty minutes, they stopped at a rocky outcropping.  Corporal Bannon stepped out of his RRV and crouched on some rocks.  Below him was a shallow valley and a clearing that had several temporary structures setup.
     "Looks like it was a good thing we stopped," mumbled Nick to himself.  He moved quickly back to the RRVs and tapped on Corporal Baker's window.
     "It looks like there is a small scouting camp just up ahead.  I am not sure if they have scouts hiding around, but we need to act fast.  What do you think? We have a good advantage it seems right now, but they could have spotted us and are acting casual while silently preparing," said Nick.

06:19:43 Sep 4th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Baker stepped out of the RRV, and leaned against it.
"The Lieutenant's orders were pretty clear. We don't attack if they have superior numbers," said Baker, "How many tents, how many vehicles?"
"Three tents, I saw two vehicles," said Bannon.
"I'm guessing around ten to fifteen men, they're either close to us, or superior to us. We'll pull back, and use a runner to inform Bull of what we found. We'll wait for orders after that," said Baker
"Sounds perfect, but who are we going to use as a runner?" asked Nick.
"Private Mason!" exclaimed Baker.
"Yes, Corporal?" asked Mason as he jumped out of the RRV.
"You will go back to HQ and deliver news to either Lieutenant Hendrickson or Sergeant Wofford," ordered Baker.
"What did we find?" asked Mason.
"A camp consisting of three tents and two visible vehicles. I estimate around ten to fifteen men in the camp," reported Baker.
Mason took a few seconds to memorize the information.
"Is that all?" asked Mason.
"Yes, Private, move!" said Baker.
Mason ran off, and Baker made a hand gesture that meant "get out of sight". The RRVs drove in two different directions, and were soon covered in a camo net. The soldiers then hid, and the two fireteams awaited Mason's return.

02:24:12 Sep 5th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

This RP is now cancelled due to Deallus's schedule and lack of motivation. He's quite busy with a lot of things in real life, and he might be quitting VU. However, out of respect for what this RP could have been, I am going to begin writing a new story: Operation: Aries. It will not take place in this universe, it will take place in Earth's distant future. This world was created by Deallus and I, mostly Deallus, and I don't want to use it without him.


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