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Forums / Roleplaying / The Crafter of Death

The Crafter of Death
22:52:42 Sep 30th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Quite simple really, you have an assortment of stuff with which to achieve a particular aim(You assume you're a fairly average person, with steady and careful hands, unless otherwise noted).

             For example(an easy example, it will be/get harder), your assortment of stuff is: A rope of 6m(metres) with a good grappling hook at the end; an axe; ten planks of wood 5m x 3m.; a hammer and an infinite supply of 0.05m(bit less than two inches) nails.(the sizes don't matter that much usually, just to give you an idea) Aim: To get over a solid(will hold your weight) wall of 5m height, 0.2m thick and infinite width. Some ways of doing this: (1) Throw the rope up, hooking the grappling hook to the top of the wall, and climbing up and over to the other side, (2) Cut the planks of wood to make a ladder(you don't even have to be too specific if it's fairly obvious by saying; Cut two planks of wood to make both sides of the ladder, with holes to allow other bits of wood to slot into them(you may assume that it is stong wood(unless otherwise noted)). Then cut the pieces of wood into small planks, and slot these into the ladder)(This may or (probably)not be how a ladder is made...) Put the ladder against the wall and climb up it.
There are many other solutions, I'm sure.

I know, I made a crappy example. Anyhow, sign-ups-

07:01:30 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

sounds fun, count me in!

15:01:39 Oct 1st 09 - Mr. Horus II:

1. Erunion Tecontar
2. Horus II

21:22:52 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Two people. Ok.
Just so you know, you can blather as much as you want about your dude(or girl) wandering doing stuff, just as long as you've stated fairly clearly how you're going to go about doing something. You can take a day or two to reply.

Looking about, you see you are in a smallish room of 2 1/2 metres cubed(2 /12 metres for width, length and depth). You ave vague recollections of what happened the day before. There are three buttons at one end of the room. However, there is a barrier in the way with only a narrow gap to see the buttons(1 1/2 m to the buttons from here). This barrier is made of steel, and you cannot fit into the gap. A sign on the barrier reads "Press the button on the left, and then press the other buttons at the same time(at any time afterward)." The button are half a metre from each other. Having nothing else to do, you decide to do as it says. Looking around, on your side of the barrier you see: A pillow, a rope of 3m length, two woodden blocks of 1 1/2m x 0.1m x 0.01m, a few 0.03m nails and an axe.

21:26:27 Oct 2nd 09 - Sir Santa:

Can I still join in? :D

22:15:07 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

How wide and how narrow is this gap?

22:32:04 Oct 2nd 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Sure you can join. The gap is the width of the room and 0.2m narrow, sorry.

00:12:47 Oct 3rd 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

I stick all the goods in the pillow case, rip two holes in the pillow case and slip my arms through them. I now have a crude knapsack. The pillow, nails and everything else are inside the pillow case.
I take one of the wooden sticks, push it through the hole and poke the button on the left.
After that I tie the rope to the ends of both sticks and drive a nail two nails through each of the sticks so that the rope can't slip off. I then hold the sticks 0.5 m apart with the rope wrapped around me until it is taut, walk forward and press the other two buttons. I maintain hold of the sticks and jump backwards rapidly, clearing the sticks out of the gap.

(I have to say, this seems really, really easy. I just tied the sticks together/around me so that I wouldn't lose them or drop them. I could have just grabbed the sticks and poked the buttons.)

21:44:35 Oct 3rd 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Yes, easy to start off. I suppose I'll have to make one for each, or would you prefer just to message how you did it, and then I'll post them up afterwards?

11:14:19 Oct 4th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

I'll join up.

20:38:03 Oct 5th 09 - Mr. Horus II:

This sucks, I wrote such a long answer it timed out on me and it got deleted. The short version is I put nails through the skinny side of one board about the distance the buttons are apart. I trim the rest. Then I attach what I just trimmed and the remaining board with the nails to make a lon T-shape with the nails sticking out of the top of the T, and hit the buttons with that. I don't use the pillow or the rope.

20:39:09 Oct 5th 09 - Mr. Horus II:

It was fun though, I'll take another please! (Above I did the trimming with the ax, and the nailing with the butt-end of the ax)

21:03:52 Oct 5th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Nah, why don't we post them here, but each person has to find a different way through. So once I've posted my way through, no one else can use that one. That way, the faster you post, the more likely you'll get through... :D

22:58:53 Oct 5th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Hmm... Right ok. Sorry for taking so long. Here's one a bit tougher. The rest needn't do the above one.

The barrier separates. You wander in. The barrier closes behind you, and the wall in front of you opens. You are now in a room of about 2 1/2 m width and height, and 4 m length. There is no opening, but the wall opposite you is cracked and there is brick missing(0.15m x 0.1m) in the centre of the wall. The wall is about 0.3m thick. You have all the stuff you had before(If you tore it or broke it up in someway, it magically repairs itself, if you want it to). There is also two iron bars of length 1m with a button which allows a rod thing to pop out at the end, which can connect to the other bar, and a piece of cheese. You can't lever the wall apart(with just one stick at any rate), the wooden sticks would snap and the iron ones bend.

19:59:25 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{How badly cracked is the wall, and does the crack connect to the hole?}

20:12:12 Oct 6th 09 - Sir Santa:

I will use the nails to nail the 2 wooden blocks together.
Then I will use some nails to nail the rope to the ceiling, at exactly the middle of the rope and(not going to calculate exactly) at about 1 m from the wall.. Then I will nail the 2 ends of the rope to the center of the 2 combined wooden blocks. I will no start swinging the blocks towards the weakened center of the wall, banging until it collapses. For safety, I will fill the pillowcase with the remaining nails, and pull it over my head :)

20:12:47 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Horus II:

First, I connecy my 2 rods into a 2 m length metal rod. I push one end through the rather thick half way through and bend the bar into an L-shape. I then push the short end of the L through the hole with some manipulation. The I make the rod perpendicular to the wall so that I can't put it back out. I try furiously to widen the crack by pulling on the rod.

it doesn't work

I grab the ax and start smashing at the brick. I chips away, though very slowly. The hole slowly widens, then I break my ax handle. I repair the ax with the wooden planks and nails and keep working. Next, I get hungry so I eat the cheese.

Eventually the hole is wide enough for me to climb though. Before I climb though I toss all my supplies into the next area.

I'm tired so after I climb though I take a nap on my pillow.

20:24:54 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Horus II:

I'm terribly sorry for the many typos I have just noticed, I'll try to remember to proof-read next time.

20:25:05 Oct 6th 09 - Sir Santa:

...You know you don't háve to use everything, right? :P

20:29:30 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Horus II:

I know, I just wanted to   : )

21:55:17 Oct 6th 09 - Sir Santa:

Well you've done a good job with that then :P

22:32:19 Oct 6th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Sorry Erunion, I was a bit unclear. I meant the wall in general was cracked, small cracks in the brickwork at various places, more to show to weakness of the wall than anything else. It's quite badly cracked.
The iron rods can be connected either horizontally or vertically(perpendicular) from each other, if you follow me.

Santa, that's fine, though you suffer some scrapes from the nails in the pillow(which also gets a bit torn). The wall doesn't collapse though, but you make a fairly big gap(which you can get through).
Horus, you can't bend the iron bars into an L shape, they would snap(if you were strong enough, more likely they would just be bent out of place but not quite at a right-angle). The connection thing is to weak to withstand against the wall as well. Also, it sounds like a fairly dangerous plan with that axe of yours. Besides which, I can't really see how it would work. You might widen it a bit, but not much.

22:37:50 Oct 6th 09 - Sir Santa:

Being injured, I take a small(tiny!) bite from the cheese, restoring hp :)

03:15:39 Oct 7th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion grabs the cheese, takes a bite, sits down and starts thinking.

He finds a section of the wall where the cracks form a rough circle, large enough for him to get through with all his stuff. (I'm assuming there is such an area. If not, please say so.)
He then grabs the nails, and starts hammering them into the gaps in the cracks. Once the circle is nailed, and therefore weakened (The nails will break holes, shattering the dried mortar and further cracking the area.)
He then puts an iron rod into one of the larger gaps. He hammers it through, cracking/shattering the damaged brick around it. He proceeds to use the nails and the iron rods, with the axe (or failing that, the second iron rod) as a hammer, to destroy a segment of wall. He then picks the chunks of wall up, throws them to the side, takes another bite of cheese and pushes all his stuff through.

14:12:59 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Won't be on until Monday. All of the methods are fineish. Feel free to make up one if you so wish.

16:45:55 Oct 19th 09 - Mr. Horus II:

Is this dead?

21:14:17 Oct 19th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

No, leastways I hope not. Sorry.

You manage to get through the wall. You are now standing on a 3m platform 20 metres above the ground. There is two people armed with loaded crossbows down below, and several unarmed corpses around them. You decide they probably aren't friendly. They seem to be on sentry duty, looking out onto the distance, 5m from the wall. You have to get down onto the ground, unnoticed by these dudes(you can kill them if you want, no one else around. They are looking the other way, but they aren't deaf). Your stuff vanishes. There is: Two strong ropes of 10 metres, a pillar up from the platform (which you could tie the ropes to...), six wooden sticks of length 4m, two steel rods of length 4m, a steel battleaxe 1 metre length, twenty loose bricks 0.2m x 0.1m x 0.1m. Now a few things; Killing one guard will alert the other, who will react speedily. Your accuracy by hand isn't great, but if you made a weapon it will be better. There is nowhere to hide from a crossbow bolt. They won't hear you on the platform unless you start shouting loudly.

22:17:13 Oct 19th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Are the guards within four meters of each other, and where are they in relation to the platform?
Further, are they directly between the pillar?

23:20:36 Oct 19th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

The guards are two metres from each other, 5m in front of the platform(sorry, instead of wall), standing one metre from the centre(both). Errr... There is two pillars holding the platform up against the building, and they are at either end of the platform.

17:37:25 Oct 20th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Good good...

Ok, I construct a simple platform using the two metal rods as horizontal supports, while the sticks are placed across the rods in two groups of two, close enough together to support bricks. I then tie the ropes to the pillars, than to the platform. The first rope is put at the front of the platform, leaving lots of slack. The second is put at the back but is considerable tighter.
I then load the bricks onto the homemade platform and push it off the edge. The shortened rope tightens at the edge of the pillared platform, while the longer rope remains slack until the brick platform is at an angle. The bricks pour off the platform and crush the guards.
I then pull the platform back, tie the ropes together then to the pillar and get down with the axe.
If either of the guards survived, I kill them with the axe.

23:06:43 Oct 26th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Sorry about the slowness. Erunion that's fine. One of the guards lived, but fortunately he was knocked unconscious and so you got down to kill him in time. Is anyone else planning on doing anything?

You kill the guards and find yourself at the bottom. There is nothing but miles of rocky landscape going on for a while, and a large building you are standing outside of, which you were just in. It is a huge building, all sorts of odd edges jutting out. You wander around it, but there are three guards(armed with crossbows and swords) at each side and you keep out of sight. You creep back to the front, and look in through a small window, too small for you to fit through. There is no one inside the room, which is huge and empty but for a few tables and chairs. The front door is a just a single small iron door, unlocked, but you have seen through the window that it is connected to a system of bells(which ring if you open it, presumably).You ponder as to what to do. You can either try to kill the guards at the side, get into the front room(preferably not ringing the bells) or wander out across the landscape in the hope of finding somewhere else. You have: Crossbow and bolts, a few canisters of water, as well as all the stuff you had; Two strong ropes of 10 metres, six wooden sticks of length 4m, two steel rods of length 4m, a steel battleaxe 1 metre length, twenty bricks 0.2m x 0.1m x 0.1m.

17:28:54 Oct 27th 09 - Sir Santa:

I would drop some water on the ground, in a way that it runs down to the side of the building to one of the guards. When he comes closer to investigate, he looses his head due to my axe.(I stand around the corner in ambush). Next I undress him and put on his uniform. I take my crossbow and approach one of the other guards. I waklk up to him with a friendly smile and, when I'm close enough, I fire the bolt. I pick up his crossbow, which is still loaded, and walk around the corner for guard number 3. He dies too. I pick up all the ammo, reload my weapon and enter the room, enjoying the sound of ringing  bells :)

18:41:52 Oct 27th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Sorry, the ground is fairly even, and the ground would soak up the water almost immediately. Also, the guards don't have any helmets, and they're not so unobservant as to not know what their colleagues look like. Still though, you managed to attract the attention of one guard with the water(he saw it trickling from the side of the building) and killed him. You could get close enough to the guards to fire one bolt, but unfortunately, the two guards are just a few metres apart, and one would notice if the other was shot, probably. I'm afraid you can't wield two crossbows at a time either.

20:11:41 Oct 27th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

He he he... Of course we can't dual wield crossbows... Unless we're really creative! :D

Question, do the guards look at the sides of the building and move around? Or do they stand still?

21:49:50 Oct 27th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

They pretty much stand still. After all, there are guards all around at the sides, they don't suspect they'll have been killed.

17:00:23 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

I'm formulating a plan here....

What kind of crossbows are these? Are they;

  1. Light crossbows, pretty much pathetic pea-shooters, 50-100 meter range, not too useful except at really close range
  2. Medium crossbows, half-decent weapon, 100-175 meter range, decent power.
  3. Heavy Crossbows, Standard military fare, very effective. 175-300 meter range.
  4. Arbalest, pretty much a hand held ballista, popular during the 14th-15th centuries in southern France and Italy. 300-500 meter range.
Also, do the guards have any armour?

17:33:03 Oct 28th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Do the crossbows shoot nuclear missiles?

See Erunion? I'm also formulating a plan...

20:09:49 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Medium crossbows. The guards have some light armour, which might stop a bolt aimed from quite a distance away. At least when puncturing through it, it wouldn't go very far. They only have it on the body, none on the arms, legs or head.

20:12:23 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Ok, how far is the corner where I am from the three guards? (I'm assuming 100-175 m means the armour will stop a bolt)

20:16:02 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

Ah damn, thought I'd said that. Keep fogetting these things. It is about 125 metres(and the building is fairly square, so 250 metres each side, and the guards are pretty much in the middle).

22:25:03 Oct 28th 09 - Sir Santa:

I'm a bit confused now. Can you make a small drawing of the building and guardpositions? :)

13:50:15 Oct 30th 09 - Mr. Lanoc:

A drawing was too difficult(I actually had a few lines up in paint, but I'm too lazy to upload it to something and all that). So here...

             |                                               |
             |                                               |
             |                                               | 
Guards  |                                               |Guards                                              
             |                                               |                                              
             |                                               |
             |                                               |

Each of the walls are 250 metres length. There are doors behind each set of guards by the way, but you don't know where they lead yet.

15:30:43 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Santa:

Hmm well, as the room appears empty except for some tables and chairs, I'm not going to take the effort to kill the guards, I simply walk away :)

16:39:51 Nov 2nd 09 - Sir Lanoc:

Walk away into the desert landscape of rock and sand? Anyway, you don't have to kill the guards to get into that particular room, that's the one in front of you. This one has the bells though, You don't know what is contained in the other rooms(behind the other sets of guards).

15:47:20 Nov 4th 09 - Sir Santa:

Ow well that changes things for me.
Then I will kill one of the guards, the one to my NW, with the drippling water+ crossbow technique and enter the room =D

Other people who played this! Get your asses back here :)

18:28:31 Nov 4th 09 - Sir Lanoc:

No... There are 3 guards at each door. You can kill one guard with the water technique, but I won't allow you any more than that.

18:01:22 Nov 5th 09 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

I use my axe to cut a hole in the belled front door, which I carefully crawl through, avoiding the bells. (I had an elaborate plan set up to kill the guards, but it was too risky...)

22:35:45 Nov 6th 09 - Sir Lanoc:

The bells jingle a little bit while you cut through the door, but not loudly enough so that the guards hear them. Santa, I'll give you 'til tomorrow. If you don't reply, you'll be going through the front door automatically.

18:39:01 Nov 7th 09 - Sir Santa:

He can cut through an iron door with an axe...?

Anyway, I kill one of guards with the watertechnique, take his ammo and walk out into the landscape, away from the building.

21:28:42 Nov 7th 09 - Sir Lanoc:

Ah yeah, sorry Erunion, I forgot it was an iron door. You can't cut through it.
Ok Santa. I'll do the next part tomorrow, hopefully Erunion will have figured out how to do something by then, the risky plan should be fine as long as it's not too risky.

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